Урок - экскурсия "Лондонский зоопарк"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Урок-экскурсия "Лондонский зоопарк" разработан по материалам учебника М.З.Биболетова " Enjoy English" в 6 классе. Дети проведут заочную экскурсии по Лондонскому зоопарку, Разыграют диалог по данной теме, выскажут своё отношение к зоопаркам, различным видам животных.Урок насыщен материалом, требует предварительной подготовки, дополнительной информации о зоопарках других стран. К уроку прилагается презентация.
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Предварительный просмотр:
London Zoo |
Урок-экскурсия в 6 классе по УМК М.З. Биболетовой “Enjoy English 5-6” |
Составила: Головко О.С. |
Урок № 31
Тема урока:“LondonZoo”.
Цель урока: развитие языковой компетентности.
1. Образовательные: развивать навыки говорения, аудирования, чтения по теме “LondonZoo”, повторить пройденный лексический материал, единственное и множественное число имён существительных, конструкции "Thereis/are… wouldlike…, I’dlike…, I don’tlike…"
2. Развивающие: развивать мотивацию к изучению языка, навыки языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, внимание.
3. Воспитательные: воспитывать у учащихся активную жизненную позицию.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, магнитофон.
Ход урока.
- Оргмомент. (Слайд 1)
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!Nice to meet you!
Pupils: Nice to meet you too!
- Фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд 2)
Teacher: Today we will speak about London Zoo, read text, answer the questions, discuss on different problems. First of all, let’s read the words of exercise 2 on page 103.
[æ] natural, catch, activities, habit, hamster
[eɪ] cage, endangered, nature
[ɜ:] world, burn, turn, word, work
[ɒ] watch, watchdog, project, conversation
[ɔ:] all, already, warm, north, more
[aɪ] fight, rhino, kind, wild, right, Lifewatch
[aɪə] society, scientific, scientists, giant
[ŋ] wing, fighting, swinging, jumping, chattering, joining, chasing, feeding
[dʒ] cage, project, join, enjoyable, endangered, giant, just
- Речевая зарядка. (Слайд 3)
Teacher:Well, let’s talk about the animals. We’ll see how many animals you know. Look at the board, please. Here you can see the pictures of the animals and their descriptions. You also have the same task on your desks. You should look at the picture first, name the animal and find its description. Let’s start.
Pupils:Number 1 – it’s a bird, it’s a pet, it lives in a cage, it can fly. Number 2 – it’s a duck, it’s small, it has wings, it loves to be in the water. Number 3 – it’s a beaver, it lives in the forest, it has a fat tail. Number 4 – it’s a cat, it’s a pet, it loves to chase mice. Number 5 – it’s a toad, it’s green, it lives in a pond. Number 6 – it’s a dog, it’s a pet, it’s a man’s best friend. Number 7 – it’s a squirrel, it’s small, it loves to eat nuts. Number 8 – it’s a fish, it’s a pet, it lives in an aquarium. Number 9 – it’s a hamster, it’s a pet, it lives in a cage. Number10 – it’s a mouse, it’s small, it loves to eat cheese. Number 11 – it’s an elephant, it is grey, it loves peanuts. Number 12 – it’s a gorilla, it is big and strong, it lives in the jungle. Number 13 –it’s a kangaroo, it has a long tail, it has a pouch.Number 14 – it’s a koala, it is a wild animal it eats leaves. Number 15 – it’s a panda, it is fat, it eats bamboo.Number 16 – it’s a leopard, it’s a jungle animal, it is yellowish with black pots. Number 17 – it is a wolf, it lives in the forest, it howls at night. Number 18 – it’s a rabbit, it’s a pet, it loves carrots. Number 19 – it’s a raccoon, it is small, it jumps in a garbage cans. Number 20 – it’s a fox, it is reddish, it lives in the forest.
Teacher: Thanks. Now tell me, please, what animal can you see at the zoo? (Слайд4)
Pupils: We can see penguins, kangaroos, lions, rabbits, monkeys, camels, bears and others.
- Основная часть. (Слайд 5)
- Чтение, перевод текста
Teacher: Well boys and girls, let’s read the text and answer the questions. Open your books on page 106, exercise 10.
Pupil1 reads the first two passages.
Pupil2 reads the third passage.
Pupil3 reads the last passage.
- Контроль понимания прочитанного.
Teacher: Now let’s answer a few questions.
Teacher: When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time?
Pupil:Exotic animals appeared in Great Britain in the thirteenth century.
Teacher: Where did the animals live first?
Pupil: They lived in the Tower of London.
Teacher: What animal did go fishing in the Thames?
Pupil: A polar bear did.
Teacher: When did the giraffes appear in London Zoo?
Pupil: Giraffes arrived in 1839.
- Аудирование (экскурсия по Лондонскому зоопарку).
Teacher: Well friends, let’s meet our guides. They’ll tell us a few words about London Zoo.
(Слайд 6)
Guide: Ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to meet you at London Zoo! I’d like to show you our zoo.London Zoo is one of the most famous of all London attractions. It is situated in Regent’s Park and was opened in 1828 by the Zoological Society of London.
(Слайд 7)
Guide: Here you can see the way to our zoo. If you are in London you can get here by bus 274 and C2.
(Слайд 8)
Guide:London Zoo is the oldest scientific zoo. Here you can see the map of our zoo.
(Слайд 9)
Guide:We are at the entrance of London Zoo
(Слайд 10)
Guide:A lot of tourists come to our Zoo. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning till 7 o’clock in the evening.
(Слайд 11)
Guide:Here you can see a lot of unusual statues.
(Слайд 12)
Guide:London Zoo has almost 750 species of animals, from the smallest monkey to the tall giraffe. Over 12,000 animals live in the Zoo today; many of them are rare and endangered. Let’s see them.
Guide:In different exhibits you can find out facts about the animals, including where they live and what they eat.
Guide:Penguins are fond of swimming and very cute.Zebras are strong and beautiful.
(Слайд 15)
Guide:The reptiles are beautiful, aren’t they?
(Слайд 16)
Guide:The polar bear is a good swimmer. But this one is a bit tired.
Guide:Here you can see the lion’s family: a father, a mother and their cubs. They are strong and clever. And their babies are small and friendly.
(Слайд 18)
Guide:Big cats are so lovely! It’s interesting to watch them.
(Слайд 19)
Guide:You can also see rhinos, elephants and hippos.
(Слайд 20)
Guide:The giraffes live in their own house. They can walk, eat and watch the people who come to watch them.
(Слайд 21)
Guide:Here are a lot of animals who are endangered. For example, a giant panda and a tiger.
(Слайд 22)
Guide:There is a big aquarium at the Zoo with a lot of beautiful fish.
(Слайд 23)
Guide:Don’t forget to attend our Butterfly Paradise, B.U.G.S. and Snowdon Aviary.
(Слайд 24)
Guide:In our zoo you can find a lot of funny animals. Koala and the owl are among them.
(Слайд 25)
Guide:But the funniest animals at London Zoo are monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. They are not afraid of people and can come very close to them.
(Слайд 26)
Guide:You can also have a trip on Regent’s channel.
Guide:Look at the map of London Zoo once more. You can attend other exhibits yourself. Thank you for your attention! Welcome to London Zoo!
Teacher: Thank you very much for your excursion. We are very pleased! Let’s thank our guide!
Pupils: Thank you!
Guide: You are welcome!
- Развитие устной речи учащихся (обучение работы в группе).
Teacher:Say what animal you would like to see. Why?
Pupil: I’d like to see a kangaroo, because it’s smart, it has a long tail and a porch.
Pupil: I’d like to see a koala, because it’s nice and funny.
Pupil: I’d like to see a leopard, because it’s a beautiful animal, it’s strong and smart.
Pupil: I’d like to see an elephant, because it’s very large and it has very big ears and a long trunk.
Pupil: I’d like to see a lion, because it’s a beautiful, strong and very smart.
(Слайд 28)
Teacher:Now, friends, we’ll discuss a few problems on zoo keeping. Open your books on page 107, exercise 11. Let’s read the task.
Pupils discuss a few problems on zoo keeping.
- Закрепление.(Слайд 29)
Teacher: Well, let’s recollect a few facts. Check yourself.
- London Zoo was opened in(1828).
- London Zoo is open from (9 o’clock in the morning) till (7 o’clock in the evening) every day.
- Over (12000) animals live in the zoo today.
- The funniest animals in London Zoo are (monkeys).
- London Zoo is situated in (Regent’s Park).
- Подведение итога. Домашнее задание. (Слайд 30), (Слайд 31)
Teacher: Well boys and girls! Open your diaries, please! Write in your hometask. Ex. 14, 18, pp. 107-108.Read and translate the texts. Learn poem by heart.
Teacher: Now, let’s put marks for your answers yourself. Just say how you work during our lesson.
- Чтение, аудирование упр.14, стр.107.
- Работа по заучиванию стихотворения.
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