Тема Travelling
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
A lot of people are fond of travelling. There are different means of travelling. Some people like to travel by airplane, others – by train. Many people prefer to get this or that place by car or by bus.
In July I spent 2 weeks at the seaside. We got _________ by _______. It took us __ hours to get there.
We stayed at the hotel. It was cheap, but very beautiful. The weather was fine. The water was blue, clear and warm. We spend a lot of time on the beach ([bi:tS] пляж). I enjoyed swimming and bathing in the sea. That was great!
There were many children there. I made a lot of new friends. We played badminton, built castles and jumped on the hot yellow sand. We had a lot of fun at the seaside!
So, two weeks ran so quickly. I liked our travelling. When I returned I looked brown and healthy.
A lot of people are fond of travelling. There are different means of travelling. Some people like to travel by airplane, others – by train. Many people prefer to get this or that place by car or by bus.
In July I spent 2 weeks at the seaside. We got _________ by _______. It took us __ hours to get there.
We stayed at the hotel. It was cheap, but very beautiful. The weather was fine. The water was blue, clear and warm. We spend a lot of time on the beach ([bi:tS] пляж). I enjoyed swimming and bathing in the sea. That was great!
There were many children there. I made a lot of new friends. We played badminton, built castles and jumped on the hot yellow sand. We had a lot of fun at the seaside!
So, two weeks ran so quickly. I liked our travelling. When I returned I looked brown and healthy.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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