Environmental Problems in Saratov
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Разговорная тема о проблемах экологии в Саратове поможет учащимся в подготовке к ОГЭ И ЕГЭ
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Environmental Problems in Saratov
Saratov is located in the steppes which makes the landscape there mostly flat with a few small hills here and there. The main natural attraction of this area is the Volga River with its picturesque high riverbanks.
Unfortunately, much of this natural beauty is threatened by pollution from various factories of Saratov, Balakovo and other industrial cities in this region. The air in the city is polluted by car fumes as well.
Moreover, dumping of chemicals and other poisonous waste on the land damages our environment. Personally, I must say that the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers also causes environmental pollution. The local TV often shows footage from different parts of Saratov and the outlying areas where a lot of litter is scattered all over the streets and parks. The thing is that people don’t consider environmental problems as vital ones.
But it should be said that today local politicians pay much attention to ‘’green policies’’. Environmental problems have become of major social importance.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Презентация "Environmental Problems"
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