"Western Democracies:are they democratic?" - The Portrait of the Ideal President"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Данный материал является мастер-классом для преподавателей, работающих по УМК В.П.Кузовлева в 10-11 классах. Он позволяет подготовить и провести урок по теме "Western Democracies: are they democratic?" в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС с использованием раздаточного материала, смарт-доски, материалов для послеурочной рефлексии и т.д. Урок был проведен в моем классе и апробирован в рамках курсов ПОИПКРО в группе учителей английского языка Пермского региона.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Выделение проблемы
В условиях реализации ФГОС особое внимание уделяется формированию УУД. Инструментом для реализации этих задач являются современные технологии: технология учебного проектирования и ИКТ. Использование данных технологий помогает нам выявить творческие способности детей, смотивировать их к дальнейшему саморазвитию и стремлению к получению новых знаний.
В соответствии с данными требованиями и был выстроен данный мастер-класс, созданный на основе материала УМК 10-11 (В.П.Кузовлева) и личного педагогического опыта. При прохождении программного материала по теме «Must a politician be kind?», у учащихся возникли трудности в использовании в речи изученной лексики, в связи с отсутствием реальных условий для применения данных знаний. Так и возникла идея обсудить и создать образ будущего президента России.
- Цель.
Развитие языковой компетенции и создание условий для развития успешной личности.
- Задачи.
Проблемные ситуации, поставленные на уроке, помогают решить следующие задачи:
- повторить и закрепить изученную лексику по теме;
- применить данную лексику при описании образа идеального президента;
- развить творческие способности в процессе моделирования образа;
- сформировать гражданскую позицию при обсуждении данной проблемы
4. Имитационная игра
Тренинговые упражнения.
Создание идеального образа.
6.Оценивание, рефлексия.
Рефлексивные карты: карта самооценивания работы в группе, карта-бюллетень для выявления гражданской позиции.
Предварительный просмотр:
The topic: “The portrait of the ideal president”.
Trainers: Rylova G.L, Filippova N.V., Gulyaeva T.V. and Kulikova I.
Equipment: a computer, a smart- board, paper, envelopes with cards, scissors, felt-tip pens
Time; 45 minutes.
Participants ; teachers( students of the 10-th form).
The Aim is the development of skills and abilities of oral speech using the target language.
The stages .
- The problem-reason.(5 min)
We are teachers from different schools, so we use different teaching aids (text-books and manuals). But we use the similar methods of teaching English. They are popular nowadays .We are sure that all of you use them. We mean” The Technology of the Educational Project’’ and ‘’The Informative Technology OF Communication”. ”They are important according to the “FEDERAL STATE of EDUCATIONAL STANDARD”.
These technologies are means of the development of our students. The students are able to show their creative abilities, to reveal the level of their knowledge and understand what they want to know. These technologies help us to develop the universal education activities of our students and help us to reason them for learning. The main problems are the students can’t use the target language while speaking, can’t make a choice of the vocabulary and a choice in a real life’s situation .So, we’ll help our students to train the vocabulary on the topic and make a right choice in the lesson and in reality.
We’d like to ask you some questions.
Do you know when the next elections of the president will be? [We imagine the answers: “YES”, in 2018].
As far as we know, you’ll be 20-21 years old. According to the RUSSIAN CONSTITUTION every person over 18 has right to elect the president directly. Will you take part in the election? [We imagine the answers; ‘YES”, “NO”,”WE DON’T NO”]
We want to divide you into 3 groups according to the answers. [They will get the envelops with the instruction how to work in the group].
So, the main task for today’s lesson is to create the portrait of an ideal president. [The teacher repeats the topic “THE PORTRAIT OF THE IDEAL PRESIDENT”.] (СЛАЙД 1)
- Task 1 (5 min)
What must we do before the elections? Where can we get the information about the candidate for the presidency? Please discuss the task in groups and write your versions on the lists.
[The students discuss in groups and write their versions on the lists. The answers may be; to look through the program of the candidate, to get information from MASS-MEDIA, take into account people’s opinions, the opinion of the representative of the president in our Region, from the Global Nets etc].
[A person from the group should comment].
(СЛАЙД 2) You are absolutely right. But now there is no preparation work at the moment, but you must remember about it in 2018.
- Task (5 min)
In order to be ready to make the right decisions, let’s imagine the traits of the president and his/her activities.
Look at the board. You see the appropriate candidates for the post of President of Russia in 2018.
(СЛАЙД 3) You see the photos of the famous political people who Mpretend to the post of the President. Look at them, name them and define their activity. Every group should define two persons. (Приложение №1)
- Task (5 min)
(СЛАЙД 3) You know that all the people are different, so each of these politicians has their own political nature. Now try to find adjectives which
can characterize necessary political qualities of these people. What person the politician should be?
Please, fill the 1st and the 2nd columns in the tables.
[Students have to remember the last lessons material. A person from each group should comment]
Now let’s check. You are absolutely right.
- Task (5 min)
(СЛАЙД 4) You’ve called their qualities, but now look at the board try to match the adjectives and the descriptions of activities. And what are the main activities for the future president?
Please, fill the 1st column in the tables. (Приложение №2)
[A person from each group should comment]
Now let’s check. You are absolutely right.
- Task (5 min)
You have got the shadow figure of the future president. Chose one of the figures and write necessary qualities which can help you to create the portrait of an ideal president. Summarize all the information from the tables and chose the best characteristics for the appropriate candidates (for your opinion).
[A person from each group should comment]
- Task. (5 min)
(СЛАЙД 5)Let’s summarize the information and find the similarities. Call the main characteristics and I will write the similar.
Now we have the complex portrait of the future president. We hope that our expectations will come true and most of you will take part in the president elections.
- Reflection. (2 min)
Let’s make a conclusion.
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