Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе "Western Democracies. How do they work?"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Урок рассчитан на 2 часа, разработан по УМК Кузовлев В.П. "English 10-11". На уроке предусмотрено использование ИКТ.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Класс: 10
УМК: Кузовлев В. П. “English 10-11”
Учитель: Литвинова Е.Н.
г. Тула
10 класс (2 часа)
Тема: Western Democracies. How do they work?
познавательный аспект:
- Расширить знания учащихся об основах парламентского государства, конституционной монархии и президентской республики.
- Познакомить с политическим устройством Российской Федерации.
учебный аспект:
- Формировать лексические навыки говорения, чтения с целью поиска специфической информации.
- Учить осуществлять диалог-обмен мнениями, воспринимать на слух информацию и включать ее в речевую деятельность.
- Совершенствовать речевые навыки.
- Контроль уровня сформированности лексических навыков по теме.
развивающий аспект:
- Развивать умение работать со схемами, сравнивать и делать выводы из схем; развивать догадку по аналогии.
воспитательный аспект:
- Учить сопоставлять реалии разных культур.
- Формировать потребность и способность к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в группах.
Оснащение урока: фотографии с изображением зданий Парламента Британии и Конгрессса в США, флаги данных стран, кроссворд, 2 микрофона, схемы политических систем Британии, США, России, 2 магнитофона, 2 аудиозаписи ( Британия и США), заголовки статей, задание к аудированию, 2 текста из Интернета, анкеты, компьютерный тест по теме. ТСО: 2 магнитофона, компьютеры
ИКТ: Интернет
Ход урока
I. Preliminaries of the lesson.
T: Good morning, girls and boys. Sit down, please. How are you? You look a bit excited, don’t you? Don’t worry, be yourselves. Ready? Let’s start.
T: Could you tell me what topic we study?
P: We study the topic “Western Democracies. How do they work?” (на доске записана тема и висят фотографии зданий Парламента и Конгресса)
T: Yes, you are right. At the previous lessons we spoke about the political systems of the UK and the USA. Today we’ll review previously learned material on the topic and continue discussing British and American problems in politics, advantages and disadvantages of these two systems and also get some new information which can be rather interesting for you.
II. Crossword puzzle.
T: I’d like to start by testing your knowledge of the words on our topic. Look at the blackboard. Your task is to do the crossword and find the key-word. Listen to the definitions very attentively.
2 m
r a
e j
p 6 o
1 r s r
j e 4 e 7 i
u s 3 h 5 c l 8 t
d e m o c r a c y
i n o u a e w o
c t n s b t n
i a a e i a s
a t r s n r t
l I c e y i
v h t t
e u
1.This branch of power is represented by the Supreme Court.
2. A person who represents somebody.
3. A king or a queen.
4. The synonym to the word “chambers” of Parliament.
5. A group of the most important ministers.
6. Ministers in the USA are called …
7. After the royal assent a bill becomes … in the UK.
8. The main law of the country.
9. The number of seats the leading party has.
T: What is the key-word?
P: Democracy
T: Do you know from what language it was borrowed and what it meant?
P: It was borrowed from Ancient Greek and it meant “power of people”
T: How do you understand this word?
P1: People rule the country (directly or indirectly).
P2: People elect the head of state directly; etc.
T: What democratic countries do you know? (The UK, the USA, the Russian Federation)
T: You are absolutely right. But the US and British democracies are not the same. The governmental systems of these countries are quite different, they have some different features. What are they? What advantages and disadvantages of each system can you name? Let’s discuss these questions in the role play.
III. Role play “TV Bridge”.
(Разделить класс на 2 группы и предложить им на выбор карточку с названием страны, которую они будут представлять.)
T: Imagine that you are British students and you are American students. You are having a TV Bridge. Its theme is “Western Democracies. How do they work?”
Try and tell your foreign friends how the political system of your country works.
Let’s start.
T: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are glad to see you on our talk show. We have invited the students from the UK and the USA to share their opinion how well the governmental systems in their countries work. You can ask your opponents different questions.
Gr1: Hi, friends from the USA. We’d like to discuss this interesting topic with you. May be you know that our country is a constitutional monarchy.
Gr2: What does it mean? Etc. (Варианты данной ролевой игры могут быть различны. Все зависит от уровня ЗУН и подготовленности учащихся по этой теме.)
T: Thank you very much for talk show. So you, British and American students, have learnt some new facts about 2 western political systems. Now I’ll give your groups a sheet of paper to check up how well you were listening to your opponents. Work in your groups, please and complete the schemes of the UK and the US political systems. (Группы заполняют схемы политической системы своих оппонентов)
T: What can you say briefly about the political system of your foreign friends’ country?
P1: In the UK the head of state is the monarch. The executive branch is represented by the Government, which includes the Prime Minister, the Cabinet and Non-Cabinet Ministers. The legislature is represented by Parliament, which consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The people in the UK elect members of the House of Commons.
P2: In the USA the head of state is the President. The executive branch is represented by the Administration, which includes the President, the Vice President and the Cabinet. The legislature is represented by Congress, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The people elect members of Congress and the President.
T: Well done!
IV. Listening comprehension.
T: As you can see, there is a lot of information about politics. We get information from different sources. Can you give the examples?
P: Radio, television, the Press, the Internet.
T: How can we call them all?
P: Mass media.
T: What is its function in politics?
P: to control the activity of all branches of power.
T: So, can we name it the 4th branch of power in the country?
P: Yes, we can, if it is a democratic country.
T: Now you will listen to some new information in your groups, given on the radio. American students will listen to some facts about the peculiarities of British politics and British students - about the peculiarities of American politics. You should understand the main idea of the text and share this information with your classmates. (Each group has a tape- recorder.)
Tasks for listening comprehension.
- T: There are 8 newspaper headlines on the walls referring either to the US system or to the UK system. Find your headlines and explain your choice.
The headlines:
For the UK For the USA
1. The leader of the winning party – the Prime Minister 1. Democrats and Republicans
2. Shadow Cabinet 2. The right to bear arms for citizens
3. The Labour Party and the Conservative Party 3.Elected officials don’t have to support
their party’s program obligatory
4. The first past post system 4. Laws concerning sales taxes, education,
etc – the function of states
2. Agree or disagree. If a statement is false, correct it, please.
About the UK
- Every 4 years British people vote in a general election.
- The candidate who wins becomes the MP in the House of Lords.
- The first past the post system means that the candidate wins even he or she gets only 1 vote more than the candidate who is the second.
- There are a lot of powerful parties in the UK.
- The Liberal Democrats, a center party, doesn’t win many seats in Parliament.
About the USA
- There is 1 national party in the USA.
- Labour Party plays an important role in national politics.
- The USA is such a large and diverse country that it is difficult to label parties as conservative or liberal.
- Republicans are thought of as more progressive than Democrats.
- The major political parties in the USA have less power than in some other countries.
(Each pupil should take part in this discussion)
T: We’ll start listening to American students how they understood information about the UK political system.
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
T: And what about you, British students?
P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
T: There is one more fact, which you should know. In the USA the President’s party is not necessarily the majority party because presidential election and election in Congress are held independently from each other. Is it clear? (Yes, it is.)
V. Reading comprehension.
T: Today we have a possibility to be connected with the Internet, which is also one of the information resources. It offers us some facts about US presidential elections 2012 and agendas of their candidates. British students should find information about the Democratic Party and its candidate. American students – about the Republican Party. You should not only read the text but also complete the form about your party. Start reading, please. (Тексты для чтения www.GOP.com, www.democrats.org )
T: Have you finished reading?
Ps: Yes, we have.
T: Now you should form pairs with your opponents to exchange your information and make the form complete. Ask your partners questions to complete it.
The Democratic Party The Republican Party
1.The representatives in the 2012
presidential race
2. Their characteristics
3. The main feature of their programs
4. Education
5. Health Care
6. Budget and Taxes
T: Are you ready? So, what candidates were in presidential election 2012? What can you tell me about them? What were the main features of their programs? What is special about education? Health Care? Economy?
T: Whose agenda is closer to you? What would be your choice if you were US citizens? Who would vote for Barack Obama? Mitt Romney? The choice of Americans was the same in November 2012.
VI. Testing and evaluating pupils’ progress.
T: I think you’ve learnt a lot of information today. I have a test for you to check up your knowledge on the topic. You know how to work on the computers. Take your seats, please. Choose the correct answer.
Your score 16-15 14-13 12-11
Your mark 5 4 3
(Тест см. в Приложении)
T: I’m glad you’ve coped with your test.
VII. Presentation of the new material.
T: I hope you have enough information how Western Democracies work. But we all live in the Russian Federation and of course we should know the political system of our country. It adopted its Constitution in 1993. Is the Russian Federation a constitutional monarchy as the UK or a federal republic as the USA?
P: It is a federal republic.
T: Right you are. It is also written in the Constitution that the Russian Federation is a democratic state. But of course the political system of our country differs from others. Let’s sum up all that we know and make up the scheme of Russian political system.
T: Who is the head of state in Russia?
P: The President is.
T: The political system of the Russian Federation also includes 3 branches of power. What are they?
P: The executive, the legislature, the judiciary.
T: The legislature is represented by the Federal Assembly. How can you translate it?
P: Федеральное Собрание
T: That’s right. As US Congress it also consists of 2 chambers. They are the Federation Council and the Duma. Will you repeat them. Who can translate them?
P: Совет Федерации и Дума.
T: You are absolutely right. The executive is represented by the Federal Government, which includes the Chairman of the Government (it means “Председатель Правительства”) and Ministers.
T: And who represents the judiciary? You should know this.
P: The Supreme Court
T: But the Supreme Court is not the only one in the Russian Federation. There are some other kinds of courts in our country.
T: And what is the last part of the system?
P: The people
T: What’s the main function of this part?
P: to elect the members of the Federal Assembly and the President.
T: Quite right.
(На доске должна получиться схема)
The President
The Federal Assembly The Federal Government
The Federation Council The Duma The Chairman Ministers
The Supreme Court
The People
T: Let’ s repeat the words.
T: To know how these branches of power interact we should do ex.1.4 on page 49 in your textbooks
VIII. Summing up
T: And with that we come to the end of our lesson. Today you’ve learnt a lot of information about three political systems. In summing up I would like to ask you some questions:
- What democratic states do you know?
- Are their political systems different or not?
- What are the same features of Russian and US political systems?
- What political system works better? What’s your opinion?
IX. Home task
You know that the USA consists of 50 states and the Russian Federation consists of subjects. And your home task will be Unit 2, ex. 5 in your activity books where you should write down what you know about the subjects of the Russian Federation. Don’t forget to learn the new words on p.48 in your textbooks. Is the task clear?
T: Our time is up, the lesson is over. Good-bye.
What do you know about the British and US political systems
Choose the correct answer.
In the UK
1. The head of state is …
a) the Prime Minister b) the monarch
2. The Queen …
a) plays a symbolic role in the country b) rules the country in fact
3. The Prime Minister is the head of …
a) the legislature b) the judiciary c) the executive
4. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party with the majority seats in …
a) the House of Commons b) the House of Lords
5. Life peers are appointed by …
a) the Queen b) the Prime Minister c) the members of the House of Commons
6. Parliament represents the … branch of power.
a) legislative b) executive c) judicial
7. … makes laws.
- the House of Lords b) the Cabinet c) the House of Commons
8) The members of … are permanent.
a) the House of Commons b) the House of Lords
In the USA
9. the head of state is …
- the President b) the Queen c) the Prime Minister
10. The USA is a …
- republic b) constitutional monarchy c) federal republic
11. The US political system consists of … branches.
a) 2 b) 4 c) 3
12. … represents the legislative branch.
- the Administration b) Congress
13. Congress has … members.
- only elected b) only non-elected c) both elected and non-elected
14. The two national leading parties are … .
- the Democratic Party and the Republican Party
- the Democratic Party and the Labor Party
15. Which branch of government makes sure that laws follow the Constitution
- the executive b) the legislature c) the judiciary
16. The President’s party is … the majority party.
- not necessarily b) necessarily
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