British writers. W.Shakespeare and the Globe.
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British writers There are many British writers well-known all over the world. Such as William Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Beatrix Potter, sisters Bronte, Lewis Carroll, Charles Dickens, John Mortimer and many others.
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is an English writer of plays, one of the most famous ever. Among of the most famous of his plays are the tragedies « Romeo and Juliet » , « Julius Caesar », « Hamlet », « King Lear », and the historical plays « Richard ΙΙΙ » and « Henry V »
The Globe Theatre. Many well-known expression come from Shakespeare. He also wrote some very good poetry especially the sonnets, and worked as an actor at the G lobe Theatre in London.
Shakespeare Memorial Theatre – is a theatre in Stratford –upon-Avon. That was opened in 1879 for annual summer seasons of Shakespeare`s plays. It was destroyed by fire in 1926, and the new theatre was built in its place in 1932. It was renamed in 1932 as « The Royal Shakespeare Theater »
One of the most popular and famous modern writers of G.B. is Joan Rowling. « Harry Potter » is the favorite book of the great number of children and adults.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe One more famous book of B ritish writers is « The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe » is a high fantasy novel for children by C. S. Lewis, published by Geoffrey Bles in 1950. It was the first published of seven novels in « The Chronicles of Narnia » (1950–1956) and the best known; among all the author's books it is the most widely held in libraries .
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British Writers
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