Речевая зарядка
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Речевая зарядка на уроках английского языка
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Учебно-практическое пособие по английскому языку
Речевая зарядка на уроках английского языка как вид речевой деятельности и важное средство развития интереса к изучению иностранного языка
Работа выполнена преподавателем английского языка Панковой И.М.
Пояснительная записка
Цель данного пособия-развитие коммуникативной, информационной и социокультурной компетенций.
Начало урока иностранного языка с речевой зарядки настраивает учащихся на новый вид учебной деятельности, помогающий им психологически перестроится. Обычно элементы речевой зарядки (упражнения, беседы, ответы на вопросы) не зависят от изучаемого материала, темы данного урока. Но ведь такие вводные минуты – это минуты учебного времени и материал, используемый во время речевой зарядки, можно объединить общей тематикой с нужной повторяемостью с последовательным усложнением языковых средств.
Тематика может быть самой разнообразной: события в городе, которые горячо обсуждаются, внутри школьные темы, новости последних дней, проблемы молодежи и т.д. Все это является прекрасным материалом, служит одним из важных средств развития интереса к изучению иностранного языка и делает урок более увлекательным, а работу ребят более активной. При этом не следует забывать, что речевая зарядка – это подготовка к основной работе на уроке. Материал не может не опираться на лексику учебника, на фонетические навыки и грамматические умения, на тот материал, который требуется программой. Речевая зарядка планируется на весь год и занимает не более пяти минут в начале урока. Ее видами могут быть следующие: можно предложить кому-то из учеников задавать вопросы классу, таким образом, работой будут охвачены все учащиеся и это дает возможность каждому услышать речь на английском и самому высказаться. Кроме того можно заранее поручить ученику рассказать содержание газетной заметки и обсудить всем классом. Такие индивидуальные задания можно давать любым учащимся, в том числе и слабым.
Речевую зарядку можно начать с прослушивания небольшого текста, с обсуждения предложенной иллюстрации, вида из окна и т. д. Предварительно на доске можно написать слова, речевые образцы. Зарядка проводится в быстром темпе. Учитель жестом просит помочь отвечающему студенту, подсказать нужное слово и т.д. Главная цель - вызвать желание говорить по-английски и уверенность в своих силах. Также речевой зарядкой может служить политинформация. Очень важно, чтобы предметом обсуждения были темы, близкие учащимся: дела учебные, новости экономической, политической и спортивной жизни города, страны, мира. На речевой зарядке мы говорим о праздниках, олимпиадах, спортивных состязаниях, экскурсиях и т.д. Кроме того программа предусматривает включение новых тем. Желательно подготовить несколько вариантов речевой зарядки. Избранный вариант будет зависеть от обстоятельств, с которыми учитель сталкивается, входя в класс. Учащиеся могут быть усталыми, пассивными или, наоборот, излишне возбужденными.
На протяжении учебного года можно повторять тему несколько раз, расширяя лексическое наполнение. Цель пособия -развитие коммуникативной, информационной и социокультурной компетенций.
Вот примерная тематика проводимых речевых зарядок:
- О себе
- Внешность
- Моя семья
- Мои друзья
- Мои рабочие дни
- Мои выходные дни
7. Путешествие
8. Место, в котором я живу
8. Отпуск
9. Средства связи
10. Сравнение жизни в городе и в сельской местности
11. Музыка. Литература
12. Покупки
13. Магазины
14. Питание вне дома
15. Спорт
16. Современные изобретения
17. Великобритания
18. Лондон
19. Почему необходимо изучать английский?
20. Образование в Великобритании
21. Английская литература
22. США
23. Вашингтон
24. Праздники в США
25. Россия
26. Москва
27. Санкт-Петербург
The Content
1. About Myself
2. Appearance
3. My family
4. My friends
5. My weekdays
- Travelling
7. The place I live in
8. Holiday
9. Means of communication
10. Living in the city or in the country
11. Music. Literature
12. Shopping
13. Department stores
14. Eating out
15. Sport
16. Modern inventions in everyday life
17. The United Kingdom of Great Britain
18. London
19. Why should we learn English?
20. Education in Great Britain
21. English Literature
22. The United States of America
23. Washington
24. Holidays in the USA
25. The Russian Federation
26. Moscow
27. Saint-Petersburg
1. About Myself
1. What is your name (surname)?
2. How old are you?
3. Where and when were you born?
4. Where are you from?
5. Where do you live?
6. What do you do?
7. Where do you study?
8. When did your course start?
9. What year are you in?
10. At what age did you begin learning English?
11. Why are you learning English?
12. What kind of school do you study at?
13. What do you like doing at the weekend?
14. How many departments are there at your college? What are they?
15. What department do you study at?
16. Did you take any examinations for entering the college?
17. What was your favourite subject at school?
18. Do you remember who your first teacher was?
19. What subjects do you study at college?
20. What subject are you good at?
21. Do you sometimes miss your classes?
22. Do you get a scholarship? How much is it?
23. How many students are there in your group?
24. Who is the monitor in your group?
25. Where is he (she) from?
26. What’s your teacher’s name?
27. Where is she from?
28. What’s your favourite subject?
29. Do you go through practice training?
30. Do you go in for sports? What kind is it?
31. Do you take part in the parties and contests?
32. Do you like reading? What books do you like?
33. Are you married?
34. What’s your address?
35. What’s your phone number?
36. Are you a student?
37. What do you want to be?
38. Do you know exactly what you are going to do after finishing your college?
39. What would you like to do?
40. Do you want to go on in a higher education?
41. Would you go on in a higher education abroad if you had such an opportunity?
42. What country might it be?
43. Would you like to have your own business?
44. What kind of business might it be?
45. Do you have any duties about the house? What are they?
2. Appearance
- How tall are you?
- How much do you weigh?
- How would you describe your build?
- What kind of hair have you got?
- Do you think you have any special features?
- Are there any special features you would like to have?
- Do you like beards?
- How do you look like?
- Do you like wearing jeans? Why do you like it?
10. What do you prefer –jeans or trousers?
11. What do you wear when it is cold?
12. What do you wear when it rains?
13. What do you put on your hands when it is cold?
14. What do you wear if you go to the party?
15. Do you like wearing joggers?
16. When do you wear them?
17. What do you like best – classical or modern style in wearing?
3. My Family
- Have you got a family?
- How large is your family?
- Who do you live with?
- Who are the members of your family?
- When were your parents born?
- What’s your mother’s name?
- How old is your mother?
- Where does your mother work?
- Who looks after your house?
- Who takes care of you?
11. Have you got any sisters or brothers?
12. How old is he (she)?
13. What is his (her) name?
14. What do you usually do when you come together in the evening?
15. Does anybody in your family speak English?
16. Are you friendly with the members of your family?
17. Do you spend your free time with your family?
18. Can anybody in your family speak English or another foreign language?
4. My friends
- How important is friendship in your life?
- When do people usually make friends?
- What does true friendship depend on?
- Is it easy for you to make friends?
- Have you got many friends?
- Who is your best friend?
- How did you make friends?
- Where does your friend study?
- How does your friend look like?
10. Do you think that the appearance of your friend plays an important role in your friendship?
10. What kind of sport does your friend like?
11. Do you like to spend your free time with your friend?
12. What do you do in your free time?
13. Can you call your friend faithful?
14. Is the sense of humor important in friendship?
15. What is your friend’s hobby?
16. Do you have much in common? What do you both like?
17. Do you have any classmates whom you consider to be your friends?
18. Have you got a girlfriend/boyfriend?
19. How did you meet?
20. When did you meet?
21. Did you chat on the Internet?
22. Did you send a message to each other?
23. What did you usually write your messages about?
24. Is your friend the same as5 years ago?
25. How often do you meet now?
26. Do you spend much time with your friend?
27. How do you usually spend your time?
28. Do you celebrate the holidays together?
29. How do you choose your friends?
30. Does your boyfriend/girlfriend have the sense of humor?
31. Do you think that it is important?
32. Can you fully rely on your friend?
33. Does he trust everything to you?
34. What do you feel if your friend has played a joke on you?
35. Do you give an advice if your friend has problems? Does he follow your advice?
36. What advice could you give your friend if he is going to get married?
37. Do you often argue with your friend?
38. What do you usually argue about?
5. My weekdays
- When do you usually get up?
- Is it easy for you to get up early?
- Does your alarm clock wake you up or do you wake up yourself?
- Who usually makes breakfast for you?
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- When do you usually leave your house?
- How long does it take you to get to your college?
- Do you go there by bus/trolley-bus /metro or walk?
- How many lessons a day do you usually have?
10. Where do you usually have lunch (dinner)?
11. Do you have dinner at home or at college canteen?
12. What do you have for dinner?
13. Do you sometimes go to the library?
14. What books do you take there?
15. When do your lessons end?
16. When do your lessons end?
17. What time do you come back home?
18. How long does it take you to get home?
19. Do you always do your homework?
20. How long does it take you to do your homework?
21. How do you usually spend your evenings?
22. Do you have much free time on weekdays?
23. What time do you usually go to bed?
6. Travelling
- Do you think modern life is impossible without travelling?
- Why do people travel?
- What are the means of travelling?
- Do you like travelling?
- How do you prefer to travel and why?
- What is the fastest kind of travelling?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car, train and ship?
- Why do many people prefer to travel by car?
- What are the advantages of travelling by plane?
10. Do you agree that holidays mean different things for different people?
11. Do you prefer package tours to camping holidays? Why?
12. Why are package tours very convenient?
13. Why do young people like hitch-hiking and walking tours?
14. Do you have a holiday every year?
15. Where do you usually go on holiday?
16. Who do you usually spend your holiday with?
17. Where would you like to go on holiday next summer?
18. Have you ever been to foreign countries? What countries have you visited?
19. Where do you usually buy tickets for a train?
20. Do you usually buy tickets on the day of departure or in advance?
21. Do you reserve a ticket by phone or Internet?
22. Do you usually have the ticket delivered?
23. Do you usually buy one way ticket or return?
24. Where do you usually get the information?
25. Why is it more convenient to buy ticket in advance?
26. Do you usually call a porter if your luggage is too heavy?
27. When did you last travel by train?
28. Where did you go?
29. Did you travel there on business or for pleasure?
30. How did you get to the station?
31. Did you buy a ticket in advance or in the booking office?
32. Why is it more convenient to buy tickets in advance?
33. Did you buy a single or a return ticket?
34. Did you have much or little luggage?
35. Did you have to call a porter or not?
36. How did you get to the station?
37. Was the train convenient for you?
38. Where did you find out the number of the platform from
which the train was to start?
39. Why are through trains the most convenient ones?
40. Did you last travel by a through train?
41. Did you have to change the train?
42. How did you like your travelling by train?
43. When and where did you last go by plane?
44. When did you arrive at the airport?
45. What did you do when you arrived there?
46. Did the plane leave on time?
47. Did you hear the announcement about the flight?
48. Was your luggage heavy?
49. Did you have to pay an extra charge?
50. Did your plane arrive on time?
51. Are you afraid of going by plane?
52. Did you make a reservation for flight in advance?
53. Did you enjoy the flight?
54. How long did you flight last?
55. What airport did your plane land at?
56. Did you go to a duty-free shop and what did you buy?
57. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
58. What foreign country have you ever been?
59. Have you seen anything interesting?
60. What language did you speak there?
61. How many countries have you ever visited?
62. What country would you like to visit?
63. Who do you usually go abroad with?
64. Where do you usually stay when you go abroad?
65. Do you usually spend time on a beach or visit places of
interest when you go abroad?
7. The place I live in
- Do you live in a house or in a flat?
- Which floor do you live оn?
- How many floors are there in your house?
- How many flats are there in your house?
- How many rooms are there in your flat?
- Name the rooms in your flat.
- What conveniences have you got?
- Have you got built-in furniture in your kitchen?
- What furniture have you got in your sitting room?
10. Is your flat comfortable?
11. What makes it comfortable?
12. Who cleans your flat?
13. Describe your kitchen? Please.
14. What room do you sleep in/ wash/eat?
15. What gadgets have you got?
16. How do we call the machine which washes plates?
17. What is the most important thing in your home?
18. What inventions are less important for you in your home?
19. Which things do you think you need?
20. Which of the inventions have become so common place, that it’s difficult to imagine them as inventions?
21. Say which inventions have become common place for you?
22. What electrical and electronic goods would you never like to have in at your home?
23. Why do people like to have modern inventions in everyday life?
24. Is there anything that you would like to have but it hasn’t been invented yet?
25. Guess what it is?
a) - This is often in the living room. You can watch it and use it to watch a video.
b) -If you look in it you can see yourself.
c) -We keep food in it to have it cold.
26. What technics have you got in your flat?
27. Have you got a gas or electric cooker?
28. What model is your fridge?
29. What can you do in the kitchen?
30. What is there in your cupboard?
31. Is there a garden in front of your house?
32. What are there in your district?
33. How do you like your district?
34. Is your house in a new district?
35. Is your house of modern design?
36. In what street is your house?
37. Do you know your neighbours?
38. What’s the largest room in your flat?
39. Are there any pictures on the walls?
40. Where is the clock?
41. What room do you like best and why?
42. How many windows are there in your living room?
43. What furniture have you got in your sitting room?
44. What are your duties about the house?
45. Do you know the neighbours in your house?
46. Have you ever spoken to the neighbours of your house?
47. Does your neighbour say hello when he sees you?
48. Does he ay sorry when he has a noisy party?
49. Do you sometimes visit him?
50. Do you invite your neighbour when you have a holiday?
51. What do you think about an ideal neighbour?
8. Holiday
- Do you have a holiday every year?
- When do you usually have a holiday?
- Where do you usually go on holiday?
- With whom do you usually spend your holiday?
- Have you been on holiday lately?
- When did you go on holiday?
- Where did you go on holiday?
- With whom did you go there?
- How did you spend your holiday?
- Where would you like to go on holiday next summer?
- What kind of holiday do you enjoy?
- Do you always stay at a hotel when you go on holiday?
- When and where did you stay at a hotel?
- What do you write in a form when you arrive at a hotel?
- What hotel facilities can people have when they stay at a hotel?
- Do people usually reserve accommodation a hotel in advance? Why?
- When do hotels usually full? Why?
- What’s the price at a 5-star hotel?
- What is cheaper a 3-star or a 5-star hotel?
- Would you like to work at a hotel?
- At what hotel would you like to work?
9. Means of communication
1. Do you think that you are communicative?
2. How can people communicate?
3. How many different ways can people communicate?
4. How do you like to communicate?
5. What is mass media today?
6. How does mass media influence people?
7. Are you interested in the news about famous people?
8. Who are your favourite celebrities?
9. Do you like seeing photos of celebrities in glossy magazines?
10. What do you prefer: to read about celebrities in Russian or foreign magazines?
11. Do you often read news about celebrities?
12. Who do you prefer to read about?
13. What celebrities did you last read about? What was the news?
14. Have you ever read news about celebrities in boulevard press?
15. Do you agree that boulevard press tells terrible stories, a lie about celebrities?
16. Are there any popular glossy magazines which feature friendly and glamorous photographs of the rich and famous?
17. Do you have any glossy magazines at home?
18. What is the difference between radio TV programmes?
19. Does the audience of TV and radio differ?
20. Do you think that advertising is useful?
21. Do you often use a computer?
22. How much time a day do you use it?
23. Do you think that you can’t live without a computer?
24. Do you think that you depend on the computer?
25. What do you usually use the computer for?
26. Do you agree that it’s not clever to believe all facts stored on the Internet?
27. Do you like speaking on the phone?
28. Do you speak much?
29. Who do you usually speak with?
30. How many phones have you got?
31. Does everybody in your family have a mobile phone?
32. What phones do you prefer: expensive or cheap?
33. Who has got an expensive phone in your family?
34. Do you use the internet on your phone?
35. What do you use the internet for on your phone?
36. Do you express your opinion on the Internet?
37. What would you write in support or against something?
38. What is your attitude towards the members of different subcultures?
39. What do you do to express yourself?
40. What do you do to change the world to the best?
41. What music do teens choose now?
42. What music do you choose?
43. How are teens in Russia and in other countries alike now?
10. Living in the city or in the country
- Do you like nature?
- Would you like to live in the wild? Why?
- When do people want to live in the wild?
- Are you sometimes tired of living in the city?
- What do you usually do when you are tired of the noisy and crowded city?
- Why do young people feel the need to break away from their parents?
- Do you know any people who want to be free and to live far from the society?
- Where would you prefer to live - in the city or in the country?
- What is easier - to live in the city or in the country?
- Where is more entertainment - in the city or in the country?
- Where is life more convenient?
- Is it difficult to find a job in the countryside?
- Do you like staying in the countryside in summer?
- Are there any disadvantages of living in the city? What are they?
- Are there any disadvantages of living in the country? What are they?
- What is cheaper and safer - the city or the country?
10. What is more exciting – life in the city or in the country?
11. Music. Literature
- Do you like music?
- What kind of music do you like?
- What do you prefer – serious or pop music?
- Do you think that people who listen to classical music are intelligent, kind and well-educated?
- Do you go to concerts halls or listen to music on CDs?
- Do you think that only middle-aged and old people usually listen to classical music?
- Do you agree that music by Tchaikovsky, Beethoven and other great composers unite people of the world?
- What do you enjoy listening: rock’n roll, blues, pop, rap or techno music?
- Do you collect CDs and videos of your favourite musicians?
10. Do you like listening to Elvis Presley, the Beetles, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Elton John?
11. Do you agree that they are symbols of subcultures of the 60-th,70-th, 80-th?
12.Do you like jazz?
13.What city is the home of jazz?
14.Who started to play jazz in the late of the 19-th century?
15. Who is your favourite composer?
16. Do you like the music of modern composers?
17. Do you know who the members of the group Beatles were?
18. What city is the home of Beatles?
19. Do you like reading?
20. Did your parents tell you stories, when you were a small child?
21. Which was your favourite story? Was it a fairy-tale?
22. Where did you like reading a book: at home, in bed, on the train or anywhere?
23. Do you read books in English? Why?
24. Do you like reading books in your free time?
25. What sort of books do you like reading?
26. What’s your favourite book? What is it about?
27. Do you take books from the library?
28. What books do you take out from the library?
29. Which of the classical writers do you like most?
30. What book are you reading these days?
12. Shopping
1. Do shops play an important role in our life?
2. What kinds of food stores do you know?
3. Do you like doing shopping at supermarkets or hypermarkets? Why?
4. Is there any difference between them?
5. What’s the difference?
6. What do supermarkets sell?
7. What do you take when you come into the supermarket?
9. What foodstuffs can be bought in the supermarket?
10. What can you buy in the meet aisle?
11. What kinds of fish are sold in the supermarket?
12. What can you see in the grocery aisle?
13. What milk products are sold in the dairy department?
14. What can you take at the bread counter?
15. What items can you see in the confectionery?
16. What does the delicatessen counter offer you?
17. What can you buy in the green grocery department?
18. What fruit is sold in every season?
19. What berries are sold in spring and summer?
20. What berries are sold in autumn and winter?
21. What do you do after buying all the necessary products?
22. Does it take much time to get in line if there are many customers?
23. Are you a smart shopper?
24. What do you do as a smart shopper?
25. Which do you prefer – to buy food in a big supermarket or in small shops? Why?
26. Is the shop where you prefer to buy food close to your block of flats or far from it?
27. What is your favourite supermarket?
28. Are the foodstuffs expensive or cheap there?
29. Do you pay attention to the price of the foodstuffs?
30. How do you make choice when buying food?
31. Do you pay attention to the brand name when you buy food?
32. Do you buy at once or look around for lower prices?
33. How often do you go shopping?
34. Do you often buy expensive products?
35. What kind of products are those?
36. When does it happen?
37. How do you usually pay – in cash, by checks or by credit card?
13. Department stores
1. Do you go shopping on week-days or week-ends?
2. Do the department stores open every day?
3. Do you go shopping to the department store?
3. What departments are there in the department store?
4. What can we see through the shop – window?
5. What departments are there in the department store?
6. Is it always necessary to try on clothes before you buy them?
7. Do you try on clothes if you know your size?
8. Where do you try on the clothes?
9. Why do people try on things before they buy them?
10. How many things do you usually try on before you buy them?
11. What can we buy at the footwear department?
12. What can we buy at the bookseller’s?
13. Are there department stores for children? Name them, please.
14. What goods can we buy there?
15. What attracts children in children’s department?
16. Do people buy expensive things for children?
17. Why do they buy less expensive clothes to the children then to themselves?
18. Do children like shopping?
19. Is it convenient to call at a department store on Saturday? Why?
20. What department store do you usually go shopping to?
21. Why do you prefer this department store to others?
22. Do you buy expensive things?
23. Who helps you to choose the new clothes?
24. When do you buy winter clothes? Why?
25. When do people buy souvenirs?
26. What is the most popular shopping centre in Saint – Petersburg?
27. Do you know any hypermarkets in Saint-Petersburg? Name some of them.
28. What hypermarket do you prefer?
29. What do you buy there?
30. What did you last buy there?
31. How much did it cost?
32. Were you pleased with the things you had bought?
14. Eating out
1. Do you often or seldom eat out?
2. Do you prefer to go to a restaurant or a café? Why?
3. Which do you prefer: fast food or traditional food? Why?
4. Which dishes do people consider traditionally Russian?
5. Do foreigners enjoy traditional Russian dishes?
6. Which of them are their favourite ones?
7. What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?
8. Do you enjoy cooking? If not, why?
9. Where do you usually have meals during a day?
10. Do you prefer to have meals at home or out?
11. Where do you usually have meals when you are on holiday?
12. Do you have meals at regular hours or not?
13. What do English people usually have for breakfast?
14. What is the most popular place ’’for a drink and a chat’’ in England?
15. Why are English pubs very popular places?
16. Where did you last go to a restaurant or a café?
17. Who did you go there with?
18. What dishes did you order for the first and the second courses?
19. What did you choose for dessert?
20. Did you enjoy the meals at this restaurant (café)?
15. Sports
1. Why do people all over the world like sports?
2. What are summer sports?
3. What are winter sports?
4. What kinds of sports are popular in our country?
5. Do people have to pay for sports facilities, such as stadiums, swimming pools and tennis courts?
6. What are the sports organisations in our country?
7. What kinds of sports are popular in England?
8. What kind of sport is especially associated with Britain?
9. What is cricket for an Englishman?
10. What is the most popular game in the world?
11. Is rugby played by professionals?
12. What kinds of racing are popular in Britain?
13. What kinds of sports are popular in the USA?
14. Which sports are the most dangerous?
15. When did the first Olympic Games take place?
16. Where and when were the first modern Olympic Games held?
17. How often do the Olympic Games take place?
16. Modern inventions in everyday life
1. Do you use modern inventions in everyday life?
2. Why do you use them?
3. What gadgets and machines do people use?
4. Which things are the most (least) useful in the home from your point of view? Why do you think so?
5. Which of the things have you got at home?
6. When did you buy them?
7. What’s your opinion about them?
8. Which thing do you think you need? What for?
9. What electrical or electronic goods would you never like to have in the home? Why?
10. Is there anything that you would like to have but it hasn’t been invented yet?
11. What would you use this thing for?
12. What couldn’t you imagine your life without?
13. Name three things that you can hardly live without.
14. Name three things that you can sacrifice without too much reluctance.
15. What gadgets and machines are often found in the home and office?
16. What would you like to invent?
17. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
1. What English-speaking countries do you know?
2. What is the official name of Great Britain?
3. Where is it situated?
4. What parts does it consist of?
5. What is the territory and the population of Great Britain?
6. What city is the capital of Great Britain?
7. What are the most important rivers in Great Britain?
8. What are the famous ports in Great Britain?
9. What is the climate on the British Isles like?
10. Is Great Britain a highly developed country?
11. What goods does the British industry produce?
12. What outstanding people of Great Britain do you know?
13. What kind of state is Great Britain?
14. Who rules Britain officially?
15. What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain now?
16. Who rules Britain in practice?
17. Who is the Prime-Minister now?
18. How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of? What are they?
19. What are the main political parties in Great Britain?
20. What famous educational centres do you know?
18. London
1. What city is the capital of Great Britain?
2. What river is London situated on?
3. What is the population of London now?
4. Into what parts is London divided?
5. Why is the City called the business centre of London?
6. What is the West End famous for?
7. Who lives in the East End?
8. What places of interest in London do you know?
9. Who was buried in Westminster Abbey?
10. What is the name of the central square in London?
11. What stands in the middle of the square?
12. Where does the Queen live?
13. What can you say about the weather in London?
19. Why should we learn English?
1. Why do we need to learn foreign language now?
2. What is one of the most widely used languages in the world?
3. How many people in the world speak English?
4. In what areas is English mostly used?
5. What are the main difficulties for you in learning foreign languages?
6. Is the knowledge of English necessary nowadays and why?
20. Education in Great Britain
- At what age do children in Great Britain go to infant’s school?
- What school do children attend at 7years old?
- What school do children attend at11 (in Scotland at 12) years old?
- What kinds of schools in Great Britain do you know?
- What kind of school do the most pupils attend?
- What are Grammar schools?
- What are modern schools?
- What are public schools?
9. What are the most famous Public schools in England?
10. What are the oldest universities in England?
11. What types of colleges are there in England?
21. English Literature
1. What famous English writers do you know?
2. When was Shakespeare born?
3. Where many of his plays were staged?
4. Name some of his comedies and tragedies.
5. When and where did Shakespeare die?
6. Where is a monument to his memory?
7. What are Walter Scott’s famous works?
8. What are Charles Dickens’ famous works?
9. What is the most famous novel of Somerset Maugham?
10. Do you like reading English literature?
11. Do you read it in English or in Russian?
22. The United States of America
1. What do you know about the USA?
2. Where is it situated?
3. What oceans is the country washed by?
4. What highland regions does the continental part consist of?
5. What is between the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains?
6. Where are the Great Lakes situated?
7. What are the main rivers of the USA?
8. How many states are there in the USA?
9. What is the largest state?
10. What is the smallest state?
11. What is the area of the USA?
12. What is the population?
13. What are the biggest cities?
14. Who is the president of the USA now?
15. How many years is the president elected for?
16. Who was the first president of the USA?
17. How many Houses does Congress consist of?
18. Name the Houses of the Congress.
19. How many political parties are there in the USA?
20. What is the symbol of the Democratic (Republican) party?
23. Washington
1. What is the capital of the USA?
2. Where is Washington situated?
3. Does Washington belong to any of the states?
4. What river is Washington situated on?
5. What is the population of Washington?
6. What are the most important places of Washington?
7. Who is the Lincoln Memorial devoted to?
8. Who is the Jefferson Memorial devoted to?
9. Are there are any specific laws about the height of the buildings in Washington, D.C?
10. What is the largest city and port in the USA?
11. When and where was the Constitution of the USA proclaimed?
24. Holidays in the USA
1. Do you think that every country has its own holiday?
2. What do the holidays usually reflect?
3. What religious holidays are common in different countries?
4. When do Americans celebrate Christmas?
5. Is the 1-st of January widely celebrated in the USA as we do in Russia?
6. What is the most important holiday in the USA?
8. What is the children’s most favourite holiday?
9. What holiday is on the 14th of February?
10. What other holidays in the USA do you know?
25. The Russian Federation
1. Is Russia your native country?
2. Where is Russia situated?
3. What does Russia border on in the west?
4. What does Russia border on in the north?
5. What oceans is Russia washed by?
6. What seas is Russia washed by
7. What are the most important rivers in Russia?
8. What is the deepest lake in the world?
9. What is the population of Russia?
10. What is the territory of Russia?
11. What can you say about the climate?
12. What are the natural resources of Russia?
13. What transports are used in Russia?
14. What kind of state is Russia?
15. Who is the commander-in-chief of armed forces?
16. What are the branches of the Russian government?
17. What does the legislative branch consist of?
18. Who does the executive power belong to?
19. What represents the judicial branch?
20. What are Russia’s state symbols?
21. What is the official language of the Russian Federation?
22. What religions do the people of the Russian Federation confess?
23. What are Russia’s most important cities?
24. What can you tell us about Moscow?
25. What Moscow theatres and art galleries do you know?
26. What do you know about St. Petersburg?
27. What do you know about traditional Russian cooking?
26. Moscow
- What is the capital of Russia?
- When was Moscow founded?
- Who founded Moscow?
- What river does Moscow stand on?
- What is the population of Moscow?
- What is Moscow famous for besides it is a capital?
- What are the places of interest?
- What are the most famous theatres in Moscow?
- What are the most famous museums?
10. What street is the longest?
11. What is the difference between the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts?
27. Saint -Petersburg
1. Is S-P your home-town?
2. When was S-P founded?
3. Who is the founder of S-P?
4. What did S-P begin with?
5. Which is the first church built in the town?
6. When was S-P the capital of Russia?
7. What is S-P famous for?
8. What are the places of interest in S-P?
9. What is the historical centre?
10. What is the main street in S-P?
11. Where does Nevsky Prospect begin?
12. Where does Nevsky Prospect end?
13. What can we see if we you walk along Nevsky Prospect?
14. What monuments stand in front of the Kazan Cathedral?
15. What monument stands in front of the Alexadrinsky Theatre?
16. What is the bridge over the Fontanka famous for?
17. What St. Petersburg theatres do you know?
18. In what season is S-P especially beautiful?
19. What is your favourite place in S-P?
- «Ready to order»: Student’s book, Workbook. (Elementary English for the restaurant industry). Anne Baude, Montserrat Iglesias, Anna Inesta.
Longman 2007
- «Enterprise». Student’s book, Workbook.
Virginia Evans – Jenny Dooley
Express publishing 2002
3. «Headway new»
Liz and John Soars
Oxford University press 2007 г.
- Тимофеев В.Г., Вильнер А.Б., Колесникова И.Л. и др.
Учебник английского языка для 10 класса (базовый уровень) / под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007.
Дополнительные источники:
1.Тимофеев В.Г., Вильнер А.Б., Колесникова И.Л. и др. Сборник дидактических материалов и тестов к учебнику английского языка для 10 класса (базовый уровень) / под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2007.
2. И. Щербакова. Н.С Звенигородская. Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания.- Москва. Издательский центр « Академия» 2009
3. И.П Агабекян. Английский для обслуживающего персонала. Ростов-на-Дону « Феникс» 2007
4. И.П. Агабекян. Английский язык для CCУЗОВ :- пособие.-М.:Проспект,2010
5. Кравцова Л.И. Английский язык для средних специальных учебных заведений. Учебник. – М.: Высшая школа, 2002.
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