Открытое мероприятие
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Панкова Ирина Михайловна

Ток шоу на английском языке, посвященное зимней олимпиаде в Сочи


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                           Внеклассное мероприятие английскому языку

Ток-шоу с победителями зимней Олимпиады в Сочи

                            Разработано преподавателем английского языка

                                        Панковой Ириной Михайловной.

                                      Колледж туризма Санкт-Петербурга

                              2014 год

Olympic Games.


Вступительное слово учителя: Dear students and guests! Today we are meeting to speak about the results of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

You know that Russia is the winner. Our athletes won 13 gold, 11 silver and 9 bronze medals and we are proud of them. We are having talk show with our champions and I want to introduce the leaders of our party-and their interpreter.

  • Good afternoon, dear friends and guests! Welcome to our talk-show devoted to the Olympic Games!  As you know, Olympics are a great sports event. We are sure you like sport but we’d like to remind you the history of the Olympic Games.
  • As you know they began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. The games were for men only. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.
  • The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.
  • The main symbols of Olympic Games are the Torch and five linked Rings of blue, black, red, yellow and green colours. The rings symbolize the unit of five parts of the world: Europe, America, Australia, Africa and Asia. They show the international character of the Olympic Games.
  • The Olympic motto can be described in the words: “The important thing is not winning but taking part.” The Olympic Games have become the most important sports event in the world. For this period any international conflicts must be stopped and replaced with friendly competitions. This is the noble idea on which the modern Olympic movement is based.
  • The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly.

  • And as you know the XXII Olympic Winter Games were celebrated in February in Sochi.

With a subtropical climate, Sochi is the warmest city to have ever hosted the Winter Olympic Games.

  • The motto of the Winter Olympic is «Hot. Cool. Yours». The Polar Bear, the Hare, and the Leopard became the Olympic Winter Games mascots. These three animals are found in the Caucasus Mountains near Sochi.
  • Now you know much about the history of the Olympics. And what are the results of the last Winter Olympic Games?  Let’s meet our Russian champions and try to guess who they are.

(под гимн выходят студенты с флагом России, изображающие чемпионов Олимпийских игр с атрибутикой своего вида спорта. Зал, стоя, приветствует их. Каждый из студентов кратко рассказывает о себе, зал должен отгадать имя чемпиона, а затем задать вопросы.)

  • Now our champions will tell us about themselves and your task is to call their names and ask them questions.

(На экране презентации выступлений  призеров Олимпийских игр, зрители приветствуют их, начинается пресс-конференция, представители иностранной прессы задают им вопросы)

Adeline Sotnikova ( figure-skating) :

I was born in Moscow in 1996. I came to the skating-rink when I was 4. At 7 I became to train at school of figure-skating in CSKA. I was always hard-working and disciplined. In 2011 I became a World champion among juniors ,four-time champion of Russia in 2009, 2011,12,14, and 2-time Silver medalist of Europe in 2013,14.When I won the gold medal in the Olympic Games, I  was happy, I couldn’t dream about it  and I’m proud of being the first Olympic champion in the women’s figure skating in the Soviet-Russian history.


  1. Who is your coach and what are your relationships with her?
  • My coach is Yelena Vodorezova. She is like my mother and I trust her.
  1. Do you study at school?
  • No, I passed my exams and entered the Institute of Physical Culture.
  1. What is your family?
  • I’m from a simple family, I have a younger sister. Unfortunately she is seriously ill and she needs much for treatment and I help her.
  1. Have you got any friends and how do you spend your free time?
  • Yes. All my friends are sportsmen. We like theatre, cinema and when we have free time, we go to the café.
  1. Is Julia Lipnitskaya your friend?
  • No. But we congratulate each other with the victory.
  1. What is figure-skating for you?
  • Ice is my love and my life.
  1. What are your plans for future?
  • I’d like to be a coach in future.

  • Thank you. And now our leader will sing a song to congratulate our champions.

(исполняется песня на английском языке)

  • Let’s meet another champion.

Zubkov Alexander (bobsleigh) :

I was born in Bratsk Irkutsk region in 1974. When I was 10, I started tobogganing.  From 1999 up to the present time I am a bobsledder. Мy partner  is Alexey Voevoda.  In 2010 we were bronze medalists at the Olympics in Vancouver, in 2011 we won the gold medals in the World Championship. It was for the first time in the history of Russian bobsleighing. After the Olympics in Vancouver we announced an end of our career. Then we both returned. And the result is the gold Olympic medal. At the opening of the Olympic Games I carried the banner of Russia and was proud of it.


  1. Tell us about your family. Are you married?
  • Yes. I have a wife Tatyana and 2 daughters. The elder Liza is tobogganing.

2. Tell us about your partner. They say that he has a difficult character.

 - He is  from Sochi, and everyone knows him. Before bobsleighing  he was engaged in arm-wrestling and was a three-time World champion.

3. On  what  car did you participate at the Olympics?

- The cars were of Austrian mechanic Johan Valner.

4. What are your future plans?

 - Alexey Voevoda is going back in arm-wrestling, and I'm going to participate in the Olympic Games in bobsleighing.

5. And the last question. Tell us how you eat?

- I eat normal food, and Alexey is a vegetarian. He believes that the fact that he refused from meat, helped him to achieve success.

  • Thank you for your answers. And now we are meeting one more champion. Let’s greet him.

Alexander Legkov:

 "I was born In Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region. I’m 30 years old. In my childhood I played ice hockey and when I was 12, I was the best player on the prize of the club «Golden puck". Later I started practicing biathlon, but finally I changed the biathlon on skies I’m hardworking. I’m graduated from the Institute and I’m married. I have got a lot of victories: The World Cup in Finland, the bronze medal in the World Championship of 2013, the gold medal in the race to 50 km at the Olympics in Sochi. My coach is Reto Burgermaister from Switzerland.


1.- How long  were you going to win?

- Almost 15 years. Skiing is a difficult kind of sport and  I  think  I’m lucky, I’ve got a lot of awards.

2. - President of Ski Federation called you a great skier. Do you agree?

- Thanks for these words. If she thinks so, I agree.

3. - Did you believe that Russia would win?

-I wasn’t sure, but I was happy that we won.

4. - Who supported you?

- My mom and dad. And I am grateful to them.

5. - Are you going to ski?

 - I don't know, I'm happy that Russian skiers won gold, silver and bronze medals.

6. After your victory you were called the king. Do you agree?

- No, I'm not a king, because I didn't win 30 kms.

7. - How do you spend your free time?

- I like hunting, playing KVN and going to program Comedy Club. I have a lot of friends among sportsmen and actors.

  • Thank you. And now our student will sing a song for you.

(исполняется песня на английском языке)

  • Let’s listen to the representative of another sport. Try to guess his name.

Alexander Ttretyakov (skeleton) :

I’m 28 years old. I was born in Krasnoyarsk and live there with my wife and my daughter.  I began to do sports after watching the comedy ” Steep turns”( Крутые виражи) about  bobsleighs from  Jamaica, who wanted to get to the Olympics. And I started bobsleigh. But soon I realized that it's not my game, because I was underweight. After this I went in the skeleton and in 2003 joined the national team of Russia. Now I’m a   many-time champion of Russia, gold-medalist of Europe and World champion. When I won the gold medal in the Olympic Games, I was happy.


  1. Who is your coach and what are your relationships with him?
  • My coach is Mr. Schneider from Germany. He is a producer of skeletons.
  1. What language do you speak with him?
  • We have an interpreter.

3. You are called Russian Rocket. What do you think of it?

    - I like it. It’s because I have the fastest start in the world.

   4. How do you relax?

     - Meeting with my family (my wife and my daughter) will be the best rest for me. I haven’t seen them since December.

  5. What do you do except skeleton?

  - I write a dissertation about skeleton. I’m a graduate student of the Siberian Technological University.

  • Thanks a lot. And now meet the last champion.

Viktor Ann:

I’m a Russian short track Speed skating athlete. I was born in South Korea in Seoul. My name is Ahn-soo Hyun (Ан Хен Су).  I’m 28years old. From 2002  I competed for South Korea, but in 2011 I became a Russian citizen, and now I races for the Russian team. I’ve won 3 gold medals and one bronze in the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Gold medals in the 1000 metres and 500 meters, and bronze medal in the 1500 metres. I’m a six-time Olympic champion and five-time World champion.


  1. Why did you leave your country?
  • I was seriously injured and couldn’t participate in international competitions for 8 years. The South Korean skating association didn’t send me to the Olympic Games in Vancouver.
  1. Why did you choose Russia?
  • Firstly I wanted to compete for the USA, but found that the Russian citizenship was much easier.


  1. Do you know Russian language?
  • I’m learning it and I like it.
  1. Why did you choose “Viktor” as a Russian name?
  • Because it derived from Victory and in honour of Victor Tsoi, a Soviet rock star of Korean descent.
  1. Are you married?
  • Not yet, but I have a girlfriend (Ю На Ри). She is charming. She helped me to acclimatize in Russia and to have good results. I’m grateful to her.
  1. What are your plans for future? Will you participate in the Olympics in Pyengchang?
  • I haven’t decided yet. But after finishing my career as a skater, I’ll coach short track for Russia.

  • We are sure you agree that the Olympic Games are useful and necessary events in the world of sport.  I offer you to finish the sentence: “I think the Olympic Games are…”

  • You see sport is very important and useful. Please, love sport and go in for it.
  •  If you work well you will be always the winners! Thank you. Our talk-show is over. Good bye.

Слова переводчика:

  • Добрый день, дорогие друзья и гости! Добро пожаловать на наше ток-шоу, посвященное Олимпийским играм. Как вы знаете, Олимпийские игры - это большое спортивное событие. Мы уверены, что вы любите спорт и хотели бы напомнить вам историю Олимпийских игр.
  • Как вы знаете Олимпийские игры начались в   Древней Греции в 776 году до нашей эры. Они проводились каждые 4 года в честь бога Зевса в Олимпии. В этих играх участвовали только мужчины. Женщинам запрещалось не только участвовать, но и смотреть эти соревнования.
  • Первые современные Олимпийские игры проводились в Афинах в 1896 году. Затем они были возобновлены  в Лондоне после Второй Мировой войны. С тех пор в разных странах они проводятся каждые четыре года.
  • Главные символы Олимпиады - факел и пять скрепленных   между собой голубых, черных, красных, желтых и  зеленых колец, символизирующих единство Европы, Америки,  Австралии, Африки и Азии. Это подчеркивает интернациональный характер Олимпийских игр.
  • Олимпийский девиз можно описать словами: «Важна не победа, а участие». А Олимпийские игры - это самое важное событие в мире. В это время останавливаются все международные конфликты. И на этой благородной идее базируется Олимпийское движение.
  • В Древней Греции не было зимних видов спорта. Только в 1924 году во Франции была впервые проведена зимняя Олимпиада. Теперь они проводятся регулярно.
  • Как вы знаете XXII Зимние Олимпийские игры проводились в этом году в Сочи - в городе с субтропическим климатом  и это был самый теплый город, в котором когда-либо проходила Зимняя Олимпиада.
  • Символами сочинской Олимпиады были три животных, которые водятся в горах Кавказа - это полярный медведь, заяц и леопард. А девизом были такие слова, которые понятны и без перевода «Hot,Cool,Yours.»
  • Каковы же результаты сочинской Олимпиады? Приглашаем выйти чемпионов Олимпийских игр, которые являются гордостью нашей страны и попробуем вспомнить их имена (выходят чемпионы с Российским флагом од гимн России)
  • Сейчас наши чемпионы расскажут нам о себе. Ваша задача назвать их имена, и затем они ответят на ваши вопросы.


Надеемся, вы убедились, что спорт интересен, важен и полезен. Пожалуйста, любите и занимайтесь спортом. И если вы постараетесь, вы тоже будете победителями. Вам есть на кого равняться. Наше ток-шоу закончено. Спасибо, до свидания.



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