Презентация по творчеству Сальвадора Дали
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Рахимова Галина Николаевна

Факты из жизни великого художника, а так же информация о его творческой деятельности.


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Слайд 1

Презентация учителя английского языка, Рахимовой Галины Николаевны, ГБОУ СОШ №536

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Salvador Dali Dali is well known for his surrealist works and many consider him the most brilliant Surrealist of his time. T o understand the mystery of Salvador Dali, we must take a look back into his childhood, his family, and his inspiration.

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Salvador Dali was born in Figeras , Spain. Dali, who was the only boy in the family, was spoiled a lot by his mother, grandmother, aunt, and nurse. All this attention was not enough for Dali, and he constantly searched the ways for more attention. He was extremely naughty boy, inspite of his strict father.

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By the age of 10, Dali began to show an interest in art. He painted his first picture. By the time, he was 15; he had already set up his own art exhibition.

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In 1921, a 17-year-old Salvador Dali entered the Madrid Fine Arts School, hoping to satisfy his interest in Futurism and Cubism. However, Dali was suspended for a year after instigating all students to rebel against the school's authorities. In 1926, the school decided to expel Dali for similar reasons.

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In 1929, Salvador Dali developed an interest in Surrealism, and joined the movement.

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In 1929, Dali met Gala Eluard , with whom he ran away in 1932. She became his model, his inspirer, and eventually, his reason for living. She was the only woman in his life.

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In 1974 Dali Theatre and Museum was opened in Figeras . Dali worked there until his death. There is a great number of paintings, which were dedicated to his wife, Gala.

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One of the most popular exposition is “rainy taxi”, which consist of an old kaddilak with a figure of woman and plants. If you throw a coin, the water will fill the cabin.

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Museum expositions helps us to see all artistic nature of author : from impressionism, cubism and futurism to surreal delights.

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In museum you can find a collection of jewelry, which were made by Dali for Owen Chisholm and belonged to Gala. There is a “Queen's heart” and “The eye of the time” among them. Everything was made in New-York, but you can also see the drawings of painter.

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Salvador Dali was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 1981. His beloved Gala died the next year. Dali's life , it seemed, was falling apart around him. The 77 year old Dali had lost all inspiration of his art. He lost the desire to paint. In 1989, when Dali was 85 years old, his disease, which he was diagnosed with in 1981, had finally caught up with him, and the most brilliant surrealist of his time died . He was buried in a tomb below his Museum in his hometown Figeras . His contribution to the art world can be seen in many modern artists’ works and everybody agree that the influence of Salvador Dali will exist in the future.

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