Общественный сбор знаний в 6 классе.
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 6 класс) по теме

Суренкова Татьяна Тимофеевна

Общественный сбор знаний в 6 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

МОУ «СОШ №2»

                                                                                  Подготовила и провела:

                                                                                       Суренкова Т.Т.

                                                                                       учитель английского языка

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока.

1) Беседа с дежурным.

2) Постановка целей урока.

II. Речевая зарядка.


Put the words and expressions from

the box in the correct groups. 

1. Name 4 school subjects.

2. Name 4 vegetables.

3. Name 4 sports.

4. Name 4 parts of the body.

5. Name sports equipment.

Biology, hockey, carrot, stick, horse riding, mouth, glove, face, science, painting, diving, helmet, foot, onion, architecture, cabbage, athletics, head, flippers, potatoes.

III. Контроль лексико-грамматических знаний  по теме «Fitness».

Task 1

Complete the expressions with correct words.

You can see the first letter of each word.

Example:     a …bottle… of oil

a b…                

a p…                      

a t …                    

a c …                      

a c …

                     of chocolate

                     of crisps

                     of tuna

                     of coke

                     of yoghurt


Task 2

Complete the table with the Past Simple form of the verbs.


1.        read

2.        make

3.        lose

4.        begin

5.        have

6.        get

7.        leave

8.        build

9.        die

10.        cut

Task 3

Read the text and put the verbs

in brackets into the Past Simple.

My grandparents (0)  .....(meet) in 1948. My

grandmother (1).....................(live) in a small village

near Madrid. One day she (2).....................(see) a nice

man on the train to Madrid and she (3).....................

(like) him very much. It (4).....................(be) my

grandfather. They (5).....................(start) to talk about

the weather. The next day they (6).....................(go) to

the cinema together. They (7).....................(marry) in

the spring of 1949 and (8).....................(have) four

children. My grandmother (9).....................(not work),

so they (10).....................(be) poor but very happy. In

1985 they (11).....................(move) to Barcelona and

my grandfather (12).....................(build) a house there.

Task 4

Work in pairs. Find out about your partner's lifestyle (eating habits, sports, problems). Then give your partner advice.

Student A


Student B



fruit and fruit juice


burgers at McDonald's and coke


vegetables (especially carrots)


crisps, sweets and chocolate


fish - tuna


fruit (bananas, oranges - rarely)


like football but on TV


judo classes (Friday afternoons)


like gardening


jogging in the morning (weekends)


no time to do sport


no time to cook at home (work all day)


can't sleep at night (tired)


problems with teeth


eat more fruit


buy sugar-free chewing gum


stop eating sweets and chocolate


join me for the judo classes


look after your teeth/go to the dentist


do more exercise

IV. Презентация и защита проектов.

V. Подведение итогов.

     Выставление оценок.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

1. Name 4 school subjects. 2. Name 4 vegetables. 3. Name 4 sports. 4. Name 4 parts of the body. 5. Name sports equipment. Biology, hockey, carrot, stick, horse riding, mouth, glove, face, science, painting, diving, helmet, foot, onion, architecture, cabbage, athletics, head, flippers, potatoes. Task 1. Biology, science, painting, architecture. Carrot, onion, cabbage, potatoes. Hockey, horse riding, diving, athletics. Mouth, face, foot, head. Stick, glove, helmet, flippers. Put the words and expressions from the box in the correct groups.

Слайд 2

of chocolate of crisps of tuna of coke of yoghurt a b… a p… a t … a c … a c … bar packet tin can carton Task 2. Complete the expressions with correct words. You can see the first letter of each word. Example: a … bottle … of oil

Слайд 3

Task 3. Complete the table with the Past Simple form of the verbs. Verb 1. read 2. make 3. lose 4. begin 5. have 6. get 7. leave 8. build 9. die 10. cut read made lost began had got left built died cut

Слайд 4

My grandparents (0) .....(meet) in 1948. My grandmother (1).....................(live) in a small village near Madrid. One day she (2).....................(see) a nice man on the train to Madrid and she (3)..................... (like) him very much. It (4).....................(be) my grandfather. They (5).....................(start) to talk about the weather. The next day they (6).....................(go) to the cinema together. They (7).....................(marry) in the spring of 1949 and (8).....................(have) four children. My grandmother (9).....................(not work), so they (10).....................(be) poor but very happy. In 1985 they (11).....................(move) to Barcelona and my grandfather (12).....................(build) a house there. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. Task 4. 0-met 1-lived 2-saw 3-liked 4-was 5-started 6-went 7-maried 8-had 9-didn’t work 10-were 11-moved 12-built

Слайд 5

Work in pairs. Find out about your partner's lifestyle (eating habits, sports, problems). Then give your partner advice. Task 5. Student A Student B Diet: fruit and fruit juice Food: burgers at McDonald's and coke vegetables (especially carrots) crisps, sweets and chocolate fish - tuna fruit (bananas, oranges - rarely) Sport: like football but on TV Sport: judo classes (Friday afternoons) like gardening jogging in the morning (weekends) Problems: no time to do sport Problems no time to cook at home (work all day) can't sleep at night (tired) problems with teeth Advice: eat more fruit Advice: buy sugar-free chewing gum stop eating sweets and chocolate join me for the judo classes look after your teeth/go to the dentist do more exercise

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