Сценарий для инсценировки сказки "Пиноккио" в основной школе
материал по английскому языку на тему
Изучая тему "Театр", 7 класс решил поучаствовать в инсценировке. Искали сценарии и пьесы в интернете. Но окончательно выбрали сказку "Пиноккио", текст был в учебнике, а сценарий пришлось писать самой. Для большего эффекта в сценарий добавлены видеопрезентация и короткий отрывок из мультфильма.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1) Author: “A long time ago, there was a man who made puppets. His name was Geppetto. He lived with his cat and his goldfish. One day he found some wood in the forest. He decided to make a puppet. He worked very hard. When he finished, he was pleased. The puppet was a beautiful wooden boy.”
Geppetto: “I will call him Pinocchio. He is a beautiful puppet, but I want him to be alive! How I wish Pinocchio was a real boy. It would be fun to have son. I want
someone to talk to.”
Author: “A good fairy heard Geppetto’s wish. That night she came to his house when everyone was sleeping. She waved her magic wand and touched Pinocchio.
Fairy: “Live, Pinocchio. Be a good boy and do what your father tells you.”
Fairy: (to Jiminy Cricket ): “Hello! What is your name?”
Jiminy Cricket: “ Jiminy Cricket”
Fairy: (to Jiminy Cricket ): “You must be Pinocchio’s friend. You must tell him what is right and what is wrong.”
Author: “And what did Pinocchio do first? He tried to take Cleo out of the goldfish bowl.”
Jiminy Cricket: “ No, no, Pinocchio! Put the fish right back!”
Author: “The noise woke up Geppetto. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He saw that Pinocchio was alive. He was very happy.”
Geppetto: “Pinocchio! You are alive! You are wooden, but I love you. You are my son! My own little wooden son. I will cook breakfast for you… But there is nothing in the house. ”
Pinocchio: “ Let me go out and buy some food, father”
Geppetto: “My, my! What a good boy you are! Here are some money and a shopping list. What a good boy!”
Jiminy Cricket: “I’m not sure Pinocchio is a good boy. I will just follow and see”
2) Author: “Pinocchio walked happily down the street. It was fun to be out in the big world by himself. A boy named Lampwick was also out by himself. Lampwick wasn’t a good boy. He told stories that was not true.”
Lampwick: “ Aha! I bet I can trick that wooden head.
Lampwick: ( to Pinocchio) : “Hi, friend! What do you have there?”
Pinocchio: “Money. I’m going to buy food.”
Lampwick: “Why not buy candy? It tastes better!”
Jiminy Cricket: “No, no, Pinocchio! Don’t listen!”
Author: “Pinocchio paid no attention. He followed Lampwick to a candy shop”
Fairy / Lady: “ Where did you get so much money?”
Pinocchio: “My father gave it to me.”
Fairy / Lady: “To buy candy?”
Pinocchio: “Yes, to buy candy.”
Author: “That wasn’t true. Suddenly Pinocchio’s nose started to grow longer. He took his candy out of the store as fast as he could.”
Lampwick: “Let me hold the bag. It will be safer with me. I’m higher. I’m bigger.”
Author: “That was the end of the candy”
3) Jiminy Cricket: “ What happened? Where is all your father’s money?”
Pinocchio: “I lost it.”
Author: “Suddenly Pinocchio’s nose started to grow longer.”
Jiminy Cricket: “You didn’t lose lose the money. You used it for candy. Well, at least take what is left and buy a little food for Geppetto.”
Author: “As he walked towards home, Pinocchio held the bag of food in front of his face. He didn’t want anyone to see his long nose. A sly fox and a hungry cat were hiding by a bridge.”
Cat: “ Look at the little wooden head. He has a sack of food.”
Fox: “Hello, my fine lad! You look just like the boy who wants to see a puppet show”
Pinocchio: “ A puppet show! Oh, yes! I certainly would. How can I get?”
Fox: “ If you give us some food, I will give you my ticket. That is your sack of food, isn’t it?
Pinocchio: “Oh, yes!”
Author: “ Another lie. Pinocchio’s nose started to grow longer.”
Pinocchio: “I don’t care. I have a ticket!”
4) Толпу у театра расталкивает Пинокио
Author: “A line of people was waiting for the puppet show” They got mad at Pinocchio, when he bumped them with his long nose.”
Jiminy Cricket: “Better not to tell any more lies. You already have too much of a nose for a puppet of your size.”
Man (кассир): “ Step up! Step up!”
Pinocchio: “Oh, yes! I’ve got a ticket”
Man (кассир): “This is no ticket. It’s just a piece of paper. Go away, little boy, and take your long nose with you!”
Author: “Poor Pinocchio! He had no money, no food, no ticket. And Pinocchio began to cry. Then a man beeped out of the tent. The man was Stromboli, the puppet master.
Stromboli: ‘My! My! A puppet without any strings! Can you do anything but cry, little puppet”
Pinocchio: “Oh, yes! I can dance and sing”
Stromboli: “Show me!”
(видео – мультфильм)
Stromboli: “You don’t need any strings. Come with us. You’ll be the star of our show”
Jiminy Cricket: “Don’t listen, Pinocchio. Go home to Geppetto”
Stromboli: “Oh, no! You are not going home. You belong to me now. This cage will be your home, my little long-nosed friend!” (бросает сетку на Пинокио)
Pinocchio: “Help! Let me out!”
Jiminy Cricket: “Geppetto! You must come and save Pinocchio. Stromboli, the puppet master, has put him in a cage.”
Geppetto: “Don’t worry, my son! I will help you. (сбрасывает сетку с Пинокио)
Stromboli: “Thieves! That is my puppet!
Geppetto: “Run, Pinocchio!”
Stromboli: “Aha! Now I have you! (хватает Джепетто)
Pinocchio: “I will save you, father!”
Jiminy Cricket: “I will help you!” (бросают сетку на Стромболи)
Author: “Fast as they could, Geppetto, Pinocchio and Jiminy ran home. Geppetto took a good look at Pinocchio”
Geppetto: “What happened to your nose?
Jiminy Cricket: “Tell him the truth now!”
Author: “This time Pinocchio did tell the truth. While he talked, his nose got shorter and shorter.”
Pinocchio: “Never again would I tell another lie.”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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