At the English lesson
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
’ the English lesson.
The lesson begins. The pupils are in the classroom. They are ’their desks. Their English books, exercise-books and pens are ’’the desks.
The teacher is ’’’ n the classroom, too. He is ’’t the teacher’s table.
The teacher says, “Open your English b’ ’’ ks and read the new text.” Then the teacher says, “And you, Mike
Stevenson, i=a
your b’’k and come 2-w my table!”
Stevenson stands ’ and goes the teacher’s table. He begins to read the new text. He reads the text well.
The teacher says, “You read very b=w. You get a 18*7-11². Shut your book and’’ back to your table.”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
If you are tired at the English lesson
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Презентация "If you are tired at the English lesson"
Физминутка на уроках английского языка "If you are tired at the English lesson"...

Итоговое выступление "The english lesson"
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