Конспект урока английского языка "Writing a letter about famous people "
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Данный урок является заключительным в модуле "Famous people", в ходе урока повторяется и закрепляется грамматический навык по употреблению прилагательных перед существительным в правильном порядке (правило SAShCOMP). Если в кабинете имеется доступ в Интернет, то упражнение можно выполнить он-лайн, если доступа в сеть нет, то учитель заранее может распечатать задание (дается в приложении). Присутствует доля самостоятельной работы, задание можно выполнять в парах (сильный -слабый ученик), чтение текста "Селин Дион" можно обыграть - сделать поисковым, информативным и т.д. Как рефлексию можно использовать прием "напиши письмо" (можно задать на дом).


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Предварительный просмотр:


Theme:  Writing a letter about famous people ( Review)

Form:  8B         №  16


1. Тo practice exam-type tasks, to review phonetics, spelling, grammar, vocabulary, proverbs, numerals, country study; 

2.  Тo develop students' attention, memory and logics. 

3.  To enrich the pupil’s scope.

Methods and technologies: elements of the collaboration, project technology

Technical and visual aids-computer for showing presentation, cards with exercises, textbooks


To be impressed

To recognize

Female artist

Grammar:  Order of adjectives  

                                                                                 Lesson plan



Good morning, boys and girls!  I am glad to see you.  How are you?

T.-What date  is it today? St.-……………..

T.-What  day is it today? St.-……………

 T.-Who is absent today? St.-……………….

Checking up the home task: What was your home task?


Warming up



 Practice grammar

Consolidation of grammar material : Order of adjectives

In the art-gallery I saw  beautiful  old  square  multicolored  Italian picture of a woman sitting on the coach.

 What a  huge  round  metal bowl!

 Yesterday Jim bought me a  small  red  sleeping bag.

 It is the most  charming  old-fashioned  red  evening dress I have ever seen.

 Look at that nice  small  white  cotton  table cloth! I want to buy it!


Practice vocabulary and reading

“Celine Dion”      Read the text and study the words. Answer the questions



Reflection:         Who is your favourite superstar?


Ex.1 p. 34 Write a letter

Get ready for the test

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

Расставьте прилагательные в правильном порядке

  1. In the art-gallery I saw square multicolored Italian beautiful old picture of a woman sitting on the coach.
  2. What a metal round huge bowl!
  3. Yesterday Jim bought me a small red sleeping bag.
  4. It is the most red evening old-fashioned charming dress I have ever seen.
  5. Look at that nice table cotton small white cloth! I want to buy it!

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