Конспект урока по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: "Talking about famous people"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 6 класс) по теме
Конспект урока по английскому языку для 6 класса по теме: "Talking about famous people"
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Конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 классе «Известные люди Великобритании»
Цели урока:
- практическая: активизировать ранее изученную лексику по теме "Известные люди Великобритании"; развивать умение в чтении и аудировании, и смысловой переработке информации на основе заданий, требующих личной оценки, рассуждения;
- образовательная: расширение кругозора учащихся;
- развивающая: развитие и тренировка памяти; развитие способности к воображению, сравнению, анализу; способность логически излагать учебный материал;
- воспитательная: развивать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка; воспитать уважение к культуре другой страны.
Оборудование: магнитофонная запись, фотографии группы "The Beatles", А. Конан Дойла, макет подводной лодки.
Начало урока:
а) приветствие
T: Good morning. I`m glad to see you. Today we have many guests at the lesson. They are English teachers. Useful and amazing information is waiting for you. The theme of our lesson is Famous people of the UK. At the end of the lesson you have to say:
Больше всего понравилось мне::.
Главным на уроке для меня было:..
Сегодня я понял, что английский язык:.
б) фонетическая зарядка
T: First of all look at the blackboard. Listen to me attentively. Read this rhyme. Translate it. Repeat in chorus.
A sailor went to sea
To see what he could see.
But what he could see
Was sea, sea, sea.
You have 1 minute to learn this rhyme. So stop. Work in pairs. Recite. Who begins? Think about the meaning of what you are reciting.
Начало игры.
На магнитной доске нарисовано море с портами, по которому мы совершаем путешествие на субмарине.
Today we`ll visit several ports. It will be a merry voyage, but this voyage is unusual. We`ll go using submarine. Let`s sing a song "Yellow submarine" to be our mood good.
(учащиеся поют песню)
T: Yes, good. A great ship asks deep waters.
This song was written by Lennon and McCartney.
а) Our first port is "The Beatles".
Read and translate this text. Please, begin.
One of the most popular musical groups was the Beatles. The group became famous in 1962. The group included Paul Mc. Cartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The songs seemed simple, but they were exciting and appealed to the hearts of people. Every time the Beatles arrived somewhere many fans greeted them. Their famous songs were ''Yesterday'', ''Let it Be'', ''Lady Madonna'', and others. In 1980 John Lennon was murdered in New York in 1980. The killer was a fan of "The Beatles".
Let's listen to the song "Yellow submarine" in the original.
(Прослушивание аудиозаписи)
You know John Lennon was murdered.
Answer the question.
Who helps people to find criminals?
Yes, you are right. Today we`ll speak about the best detective of all time and his creator.
b) The second port is A. Conan Doyle.
Please, watch the film about the man, who created this detective.
Then you have to solve a crossword.
(Просмотр видеофильма)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in 1859 in Scotland. His father worked as a clerk in an office. Arthur's mother was a good story-teller. It helped Conan Doyle as a writer. Arthur studied medicine at Edinburgh University and had his medical practice in a small English town. Here he published his first detective story "A Study in Scarlet". It was in 1887. Its main characters were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Holmes`s address was 221B Baker Street, London. The public liked these characters and demanded more and more stories about Sherlock Holmes. His favourite stories about Sherlock Holmes were '' The File Orange Pips'', The Stark Munro Letters'' (Письма Старка Монро)," A Study in Scarlet" (Этюд в багровых тонах)."The Sign of Four" (Знак четырёх), "The Hound of the Baskervilles", ''The Poison Belt". Sherlock Holmes is a well known detective of all time. He was able to solve difficult crimes using his powers of observation and deduction, sometimes without leaving his flat in Baker Street. He smoked a pipe and had a big collection of pipes. Sometimes he liked playing the violin. In 1902 Conan Doyle was knighted for his medical service in the Anglo-Boer wars. In 1930 he died.
And now solve the crossword, please.
- Where was Conan Doyle born?
- What was the surname of the detective who lived in Baker Street?
- Where did Sherlock Holmes live? (City)
- What was Sherlock Holmes?
- What was the surname of Holmes`s friend?
- What musical instrument did Holmes play?
- What did Holmes collect?
Let`s see how successful you are at the crossword. Compare your answers with the key.
Conan Doyle wrote many stories about Sh. Holmes. Sh. Holmes is a well-known detective of all time. He is able to solve difficult crimes using his powers of observation and deduction sometimes without leaving his flat in Baker Street.
101011 Discuss in your group. What characteristics are necessary for the real detective?
T: What was your home task?
P: Our home task was to read and translate "The Legend of Baskerville".
c) The third port is "The Baskerville Legend"
A hundred years ago the Hall of Baskerville was owned by Hugo Baskerville. He was a wild and cruel man. He fell in love with the daughter of a poor farmer who lived near Baskerville Hall. The girl feared and hated him. But one day Hugo rode to the farm with his friends and carried the young girl away. Then they brought her to the Hall and locked in a room. With the help of ivy she climbed out of the window and ran home.
Later Hugo found that the room was empty. He became like a human devil and decided to catch the girl. The drunken friends decided to follow him. But they saw only the Hugo` s black horse. The men rode after him. Then they saw the Hugo`s horse galloped past them. Its saddle was empty. The moon was shining brightly and the friends saw a girl on the ground. She had died of fear and exhaustion .Near her laid the dead body of Hugo Baskerville and over him stood a terrible hound biting at his throat. This beast had blazing eyes and bloody jaws. They screamed with fear, and galloped back across the moor. Therefore no member of the family had to cross the moor in the dark hours of night, when the Powers of Evil are at the strongest.
Legend - легенда
Hound - охотничья
He became like a human devil- его обуял дьявол
Died of fear and exhaustion - умерла от страха и изнеможения (после долгого бега)
Screamed with fear - закричали от страха
When the Powers of Evil are at their strongest - когда силы зла властвуют безраздельно
Jaws - челюсти
- Are the fallowing statements true or false?
- A hundred years ago Baskerville Hall belonged to Hugo Baskerville Hall belonged to Hugo Baskerville
- Hugo Baskerville fell in love with the daughter of his rich neighbour.
- The girl loved Hugo but avoided him because he was wicked.
- Hugo found his death on the moor.
- According to the legend the powers of evil are at their strongest in the dark hours night.
Answer the questions.
- Do you like this story?
- What do you think about Hugo Baskerville?
- Are you sorry for the girl?
- What books do you like reading?
- What is your favourite book?
- What English writers do you know?
Good. I am pleased to listen you. Well begun is half done.
d) The next port is "The best detective of our class".
Here are 6 portraits. One of them is a dangerous criminal. Can you identify the criminal?0011
This is a man. He is not old and not young. His hair is not long. His eyes are cunning. He has a long nose. His eyes are big. He has no eye-glasses (spectacles).but he is very happy. He likes smiling.
e) The next port is "Famous people".
Match the portraits with the information about the famous people.
Не was born in Scotland. His mother was a good story-teller and it helped him as a writer. He studied medicine and had his medical service in the Anglo-Boer wars. He published his first detective story "A Study in Scarlet" in 1887. His famous works are "The Poison Belt", The Hound of the Baskervilles" and others.
He was born in April 1564. He wrote 154 sonnets. He educated at the local grammar school, where he studied Latin authors and dramatists, logic. Then he went to London. He wrote many plays. His famous works are "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet".
Не was fond of nature, and often went to the trips . he liked to draw abbeys and castles. His most pictures were landscape and sea pictures.
He was a writer of the 18th century. He wrote his famous novel when he was nearly 60 years old. The story was based on the real adventures of a sailor. His book was published in 1719. This novel is "The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe".
He was born at the end of the 19th century. This man was a writer and a university teacher. He spoke six ancient languages. He wrote books were magicians, elves and warriors live. His famous books are "The Hobbit", "The Lord of Rings"
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