Путешествие по англоязычным странам.
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Мероприятие для 8 класса. Может быть использовано на уроках страноведения.
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
на тему "Путешествие по англоговорящим странам"
Основная цель мероприятия: развивать коммуникативную компетенцию учащихся.
Задачи мероприятия:
1. Создание социокультурного портрета стран изучаемого языка (формирование социокультурной компетенции)
2. Развитие понимания иноязычной речи на слух с последующим извлечением необходимой информации;
3. Обучение работе с картой на английском языке.
1 Формирование интереса и уважительного отношения к культуре англо-говорящих стран;
2. Повышение мотивации изучения иностранного языка;
3. Формирование умения работать в группе и индивидуально.
1. Развитие готовности к воспроизведению изученного материала;
2. Развитие эрудиции учащихся;
3. Развитие творческих способностей учащихся.
Ход мероприятия:
Учитель: – Good morning, dear friends! Welcome to our journey to English speaking countries!
Modern life is impossible without traveling. Thousands of people travel every day either on business or for pleasure. We can travel by air, by rail, by sea, or by road or even on foot.
Let’s dream a little. Some of our students and our guests have a chance to visit English speaking countries as tourists. Our route is the following: London, Great Britain - New York, USA – Sydney, Australia. To start with, I’d like you to do the following: before we go, let’s remember some safety rules for means of transport. Now each team will have its own means of transport (plane, train, coach and ship) and write down 6 rules about how to use it. We’ll check them later, when we go by this means. Here on the screen there’ll be some hints for you: pictures and useful expressions you’re to use. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. Is it clear? Let’s start. (Команды получают по одному виду транспорта и составляют 6 правил пользования транспортным средством).
– Are you ready? All right. Imagine that in a minute we’ll board the train and go on a tour to Great Britain. We’ll be your guides. But before we get on the train, let’s check our railroad safety rules. Who is ready with trains? (Члены одной из команд по очереди читают правила поведения в поезде).
Well done! Now get ready for the departure, please. We’re driving off.
(Рассказ о Великобритании + презентация)
While we’re going to London, let’s revise some facts about Great Britain. The official name for the country is United Kingdom, or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller islands. The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the west and north, the North Sea in the east, the Irish Sea in the west, and the English Channel in the south. You see that the English Channel also separates the UK from the continent.
- As you can see, the state consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capital cities are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively; London is also the capital of the whole country. The country is not so large (its total area is only twice as much as New York State), but it’s very densely populated: its population is now more than 63,000,000 people. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy, so that the Queen is the head of state.
- And some more words about some symbols of the UK. Every country has its own symbol and its own flag. For example, here’re flags of 4 countries: England, Scotland, and Wales. As for Northern Ireland, there has been no official national flag since 1973, but before that time it looked like this. The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack, which is made up of three crosses.
- The flower symbol of England is red rose, the national animal is a lion. The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle, while the animal symbol is a unicorn. Wales has a daffodil as a flower symbol and a red dragon as a national animal. The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock only. The national animal of the UK is a bulldog.
– And now let’s see what you’ve learned about the UK.
(Работа с презентацией: команды в письменном виде выполняют задания, отображаемые на экране (The head of state in Britain is…).. Затем каждая команда получает листок с названием одной из четырех провинций. Задача участников – выбрать из числа предложенных символов (флаг, цветок, животное) те из них, которые принадлежат данной провинции).
– Well, we’ve got to London! It’s impossible to travel by train here. A coach is waiting for us, let’s get on it. But before let’s remember some safety rules. Who is ready to tell us about bus safety rules? (Члены одной из команд по очереди читают правила поведения в автобусе).
– All right. Now we’ll see some famous London sights. Work in your groups, please. You are to watch the video and to write down as many sights as you see. The team who mentions the most number of sights, wins. Let’s start our London tour!
(Работа с видеофрагментом. Достопримечательности:
- London Eye (millennium Wheel)
- Big Ben
- The Palace of Westminster (the Houses of Parliament)
- Regent’s Park
- An Open Air Theatre
- Trafalgar Square
- The National Gallery
- Nelson’s Column
- British Museum
- New Millennium Bridge
- Tate Modern
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
- The Changing of the Guard (Buckingham Palace)
- Tower Bridge
- The New Docklands Area (the City)
– Are you ready? Let’s check what you’ve written.
(Проверка задания)
– Well done! But we’re leaving the UK for the next country – the United States of America. We’ll go there by ship and arrive in New York – one of the biggest American ports. Who knows the basic ship safety rules? (Ответы одной из команд).
– Right you’re. But we’re crossing the territory of the United States, so let’s revise some facts about the country.
(Рассказ о США + презентация).
After 350 years of development the United States of America still holds the leading position in the western world. The USA is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world. The country lies in the central part of North American continent. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Its eastern coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
- The USA consists of three separate parts. They are the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and the rest major part of the USA. The United States is composed of 50 states such as New England, Florida, Rocky Mountains, Alaska, Hawaii. The population of the United States is about 250 million people.
- There are many rivers and lakes in the USA. The longest rivers are: the Mississippi River (which is one of the longest rivers in the world), the Missouri, the Ohio, the Columbia (which flows in the western part of the country) and the Colorado (which runs from the western to the southern part of the country). Between the United States and Canada, there’s a group of 5 freshwater lakes, including Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and Michigan. The river that connects Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean is the St. Lawrence River and the Hudson River.
– The capital of the United States is Washington. It was named in honour of the first president whose name was George Washington. The biggest cities of the USA are New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and other. The flag of the USA is called "Stars and Stripes". The 50 stars — white on a blue field — represent the 50 states, 18 stripes represent 13 original English colonies, which in 1776 became independent of England.
– Of course, these facts are not enough for a tourist to travel about the USA. But, I believe, you’ve already learned much about it. And now we have a task for you again: each team will get a small table. We’ll give you 5 minutes to complete it. If you’re ready with this line, you may start another one.
State | Town | River | Lake | President | Writer | Singer | Film |
– Good job, boys and girls. But we have one more country left – it’s Australia. Here we can get by plane. Let’s remember how to travel by plane. Who’ll tell us the rules? (Одна из команд отвечает). All right. Fasten your seatbelts, please. The pilot is preparing to take off.
– So, we’re in Sidney now, which is one of the largest Australian cities. But before we get off the plane, we have to get dressed in a right way. Your task will be the following: here’s the list of clothes and some other things. You are to choose what you can put on to feel comfortably in Australia. Is the task clear? Start then.
- Umbrella
- Fur coat
- Woolen pullover
- Straw hat
- Slippers
- Fan
- Sunglasses
- Shorts
- Flippers
– OK, let’s begin our journey. Australia is world famous for its natural wonders and wide open spaces, its beaches, deserts, "the bush", and "the Outback". First of all, Australia has many landmarks, famous the world over: from Uluru in the red centre, to the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House in Sydney. There is much to see in Australia that you can't see easily in its natural setting anywhere else. Especially Australian wildlife is unique to the island, the result of having been isolated from the rest of the world for millions of years. A visit to Australia would not be complete seeing these animals in their natural environment:
- Kangaroos and wallabies
- Wombats and echidna
- Koalas
- Emu
- Platypus
– I believe, you’ve already heard about these animals. Now let’s play. We’ll read 5 sentences describing some animal. Your task is to guess what animal we are speaking about. If you guess, write down your answer and raise your hands. Don’t say the name the animal, because all teams have to complete the task. If you guess from the 1st sentence, you get 5 points, from the 2nd – 2 points. Is it clear? Let’s start.
About kangaroos:
- They live in groups.
- Most part of the afternoon they spend under the shade of the trees.
- They can spend much time without water.
- Most farmers think that they’re harmful (they eat much grass and drink water kept for domestic animals)
- By means of strong legs and tails they can jump up to 3 meters high and for the length of 9 meters.
About coalas:
- They eat at night and relax during the day
- They have long strong claws and two thumbs at each paw
- They almost never drink
- They eat eucalyptus leaves.
- This animal belongs to bears
About platypus:
- They live in long holes near riverside
- They eat worms
- They are good swimmers
- They hatch out of eggs
- They have beaks like birds
– Good of you. I’m afraid our journey comes to an end. You’ve visited three different countries, checked your knowledge about them and, maybe, heard some facts for the 1st time.
- We wish you to see all these things in reality. Goodbye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Очень интересное мероприятие
Очень интересное мероприятие.Возьму на заметку.Спасибо.