Внеклассное мероприятие по теме “Intellectual Marathon” в 10 классе
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Занимательный материал по английскому языку в 10 классе
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Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку.
Тема: “Do you know English well?”
Класс: 10
Название: “Intellectual Marathon”.
Форма проведения: КВН
Сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 10 классе (на базе УМК «Счастливый английский. ру» / “Happy English. ru” для 10 класса).
Цель игры: способствовать развитию интереса к иностранному языку и иноязычной деятельности.
Задачи: 1) активизировать языковую догадку;
2) способствовать смысловому восприятию иноязычного материала;
3) развить умения и навыки лексико-грамматического
оформления речевых высказываний.
Оформление кабинета: На доске название игры “Intellectual Marathon”, карточки с буквами английского алфавита, квадрат с цифрами, листы бумаги, доска, мел, карточки с заданием, табличка с заданием.
Ход проведения:
- Орг. момент. Приветствие ведущего.
Quiz-master: Good afternoon, dear Friends! Today we have a special lesson, in a form of a competition between two teams of your English group. It will be an interesting lesson. A competition is called “ Intellectual Marathon”. Two teams will take part in a game of the cleverest. Your answers must be right, loud, expressive and artistic. Are you ready? Divide into two teams, please.
Quiz-master: Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. I want to introduce you a competent jury to count the points. It will be Lubov Alexandrovna (teacher). Now I’m going to teach you how to play this game. The game has 8 contests, they are:
- “Your name”.
- “A magic 5”.
- “Warming-up”.
- “Parts and wholes”.
- “Grammar”.
- “Captains’ Contest”
- “Touch and guess”
- “Jokes”.
Quiz-master: Well, I wish you success. Be active, honest and helpful!
II Основной этап.
Quiz-master: And now we come to the 1st contest of the game called “Your name”.
You must complete the names of your teams from this letters: 1) e, n, g, l, I, s, h, l, e, a, r, n. 2) e, n, g, l, I, s, h, e, n, j, o, y.
Quiz-master: Now both teams will introduce themselves. Who will be the first?
Quiz-master: The name of our1 st team is “Learn English” and the name of our 2 nd team is “Enjoy English”.
Quiz-master: And now we come to the 2nd contest which is called “A magic 5”. Look at the square, each team will take turns in answering questions. You’ll choose any number. “ …”. Captains will have an opportunity to choose the number.
You can get 5 points for the right answer.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
- Say or sing the English alphabet.
- Name 5 words on the theme “At the airport”.
- Name 5 school subjects.
- Name 5 English names.
- You’re lucky! You won a prize!
- Name 5 animals.
- Name 5 sports.
- Jump 5 times.
Quiz-master: The 3rd contest is called “Warming-up”. Now, I will give you some tongue-twisters. You must read, translate and pronounce them properly. I’ll need only one pupil from each team.
1 team: A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
2 team: Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.
Quiz-master: The next contest is “Parts and wholes”. You should combine these parts so as to get the whole one. You can get 1 point for each right answer
- Information a) rid of
- Passport b) check
- To get c) away
- Security d) board
- To check e) in
- To throw f) control
Quiz-master: The following task is for all members of the teams. It’s called “Grammar”. I think you remember the Present Simple and the Present Continuous. You should complete sentences with the verbs in these tenses:
- How many pages do you………………every day?
- Are you …….. now?
- Does your sister …………………to school?
- I am……………………..football right now.
To sit, to go, to play, to read
Quiz-master: We are coming to the sixth competition. It’s the competition of the captains. It’s called “Captains’ Contest”.
1 команда
You meet a friend of yours who has just come out of hospital. What do you say?
2 команда
The telephone rings and someone asks to speak to Katya. You’ve never heard of her. What do you say?
Quiz-master: Thank you, Captains. It was a pleasure to hear you. Our next contest is “Touch and guess”. Some of pupils from each team should come to the blackboard and take some things with closed eyes and guess what it is.
P: Quiz-master: And now let’s begin the final competition. It’s “Jokes”.
You should match jokes given in the left part of the table and ones in the right part.
1 team:
1. Mum, will the pancakes be long? | A. It is swimming. |
2. Which is faster, heat or cold? | В. No, dear, round. |
3. What is fly doing in my soup? | С. Heat, because you can catch cold. |
2 team:
1. If your brother has five apples and you take two from him, what will be the result? | B. Butter and cheese, ice-cream and two cows. |
2. Tommy, name five things that contain milk. | C. I don’t know exactly, teacher, but it can’t be very much. |
3. Nick, what is one half of one-tenth? | A. He will beat me. |
- Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов игры.
Quiz-master: Now our jury will declare the results.
Jury: The score is … to … in smb’s favour. The team “…” is the winner.
(Победителям игры ставятся в журнал отличные оценки).
Thank you very much! Very good! It was very interesting to listen to you.
Учетная карточка команд
Название конкурса | “Learn English” | “Enjoy English” | Максимальное кол-во баллов за конкурс |
“Your name”. | |||
“A magic 5”. | |||
“Warming-up”. | |||
“Parts and wholes”. | |||
“Grammar”. | |||
“Captains’ Contest” | |||
“Touch and guess” | |||
“Jokes” | |||
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