Тест "Разделительные вопросы" 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Фадеева Елена Александровна

Разноуровневые тесты по теме "Разделительные вопросы", 14 вариантов 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

1) His cat is in the box, …?

2) My friends live in Moscow, …?

3) He will arrange a picnic tomorrow, …?

4) Kate hasn’t got a black dog, …?

5) Their  parents went abroad last summer, …?

6) We must help parents, …?

7) She doesn’t run in the park, …?

Variant 2

  1. Tom is from Barysh, …?
  2. Animals aren’t in the forest, …?
  3. His cat can swim well, …?
  4. The children visit Nick, …?
  5. She skated in the park yesterday, …?
  6. It isn’t, ugly, …?
  7. You cannot play the piano,…?

Variant 3

  1. My father isn’t strong, …?
  2. He can dance well, …?
  3. Peter often rides a horse, …?
  4. The boys missed English last Monday, …?
  5. People must clean teeth every morning, …?
  6. She will learn Spanish next year,…?
  7. We would like to meet you,…?

Variant 4

  1. All dogs are our friends, …?
  2. My sister can read well, …?
  3. Our dog doesn’t eat meat, …?
  4. He will visit his grandmother next week, …?
  5. They would like to feed pets, …?
  6. She likes to play tennis, …?
  7. They must drink milk, …?

Variant 5

  1. We are at the garden now, …?
  2. He isn’t busy, …?
  3. The children do to the kindergarten, …?
  4. His mother doesn’t drink coffee, …?
  5. Her friends can sing, …?
  6. The mouse lives in the hole, …?
  7. He didn’t swim last summer, …?

Variant 6

  1. She doesn’t clean her teeth, …?
  2. You aren’t pupils,…?
  3. His dog lives in the box, …?
  4. Pupils like to discuss different problems, …?
  5. Her friends spent the weekend in the country, …?
  6. Jill isn’t five, …?
  7.  We can swim,…?

Variant 7

  1. We can write English, …?
  2. My friends are from London, …?
  3. Their father doesn’t watch TV much,…?
  4. We shall send a letter to our granny, …?
  5. The baby isn’t on the farm, …?
  6. The woman works in the garden, …?
  7. We must wash our face every day, …?

Variant 8

  1. Crocodiles can’t run well,…?
  2. She teaches German,…?
  3. Our teacher is in the class,…?
  4. It can fly well,…?
  5. We mustn’t run during the lesson,…?
  6. He wrote a letter to his English friend, …?
  7. We shall skate in winter, …?

Variant 9

  1. The pupils usually buy sweets,…?
  2. We can help you,…?
  3. You weren’t at school yesterday,…?
  4. The boy likes to eat bananas, …?
  5. We mustn’t draw at the walls,…?
  6. Our dog is four, ….?
  7. My friend didn’t go to school yesterday,…?

Variant 10

  1. We mustn’t spend a lot of money, …?
  2. The doctor is in the hospital,…?
  3. The boy buys many cakes, …?
  4. He has got a camera, …?
  5. Tom could help you, …?
  6. They get up at 7 o’clock,…?
  7. My parents didn’t go abroad last year, …?

Variant 11

  1. The wolf is strong and angry, …?
  2. Your parents work in the market,…?
  3. He is too fat,…?
  4. Ann will be here soon,…?
  5. They don’t like us,…?
  6. Tom won’t be late,…?
  7. She ran in the park two days ago,…?

Variant 12

  1. They were very happy,…?
  2. You aren’t at school now, …?
  3. Elephants can’t run well, …?
  4. They have got two pets,…?
  5. My mother likes to ride a horse,…?
  6. His classmates didn’t arrange the desks, …?
  7. Tom and Tim will learn Italian,…?

Variant 1

1. You can play the piano very well, ______?

a) don't you     b) can you     c) can't you

2. He is your football idol, ______?

a) isn't he     b) doesn't he     c) is he

3. You go in for sport, ____?

a) aren't you      b) do you      c) don't you

4. He will take it tomorrow, ______?

a) will he     b) would he     c) won't he

5. It is a big and comfortable house in the village,

a) isn't it     b) is it     c) doesn't it

Variant 2

1. You have got bad marks in Literature, _______

a) do you     b) haven't you     c) don't you

2. They don't get there on time, _______?

a) don't they     b) do they     c) are they

3. You didn't do your hometask, _______?

a) did you     b) had you     c) haven't you

4. I could swim over the river, _______?

a) did I     b) can I     c) couldn't I

5. There are a lot of books on the shelves, _____?

a) aren't there     b) are there      c) do there

Variant 1

1. You can play the piano very well, ______?

a) don't you     b) can you     c) can't you

2. He is your football idol, ______?

a) isn't he     b) doesn't he     c) is he

3. You go in for sport, ____?

a) aren't you      b) do you      c) don't you

4. He will take it tomorrow, ______?

a) will he     b) would he     c) won't he

5. It is a big and comfortable house in the village,

a) isn't it     b) is it     c) doesn't it

Variant 2

1. You have got bad marks in Literature, _______

a) do you     b) haven't you     c) don't you

2. They don't get there on time, _______?

a) don't they     b) do they     c) are they

3. You didn't do your hometask, _______?

a) did you     b) had you     c) haven't you

4. I could swim over the river, _______?

a) did I     b) can I     c) couldn't I

5. There are a lot of books on the shelves, _____?

a) aren't there     b) are there      c) do there

Variant 1

1. You can play the piano very well, ______?

a) don't you     b) can you     c) can't you

2. He is your football idol, ______?

a) isn't he     b) doesn't he     c) is he

3. You go in for sport, ____?

a) aren't you      b) do you      c) don't you

4. He will take it tomorrow, ______?

a) will he     b) would he     c) won't he

5. It is a big and comfortable house in the village,

a) isn't it     b) is it     c) doesn't it

Variant 2

1. You have got bad marks in Literature, _______

a) do you     b) haven't you     c) don't you

2. They don't get there on time, _______?

a) don't they     b) do they     c) are they

3. You didn't do your hometask, _______?

a) did you     b) had you     c) haven't you

4. I could swim over the river, _______?

a) did I     b) can I     c) couldn't I

5. There are a lot of books on the shelves, _____?

a) aren't there     b) are there      c) do there

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