Проверочные работы для 1, 2, 3 курса
методическая разработка по английскому языку
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Проверочные работы для 1, 2 курсов к учебнику для 10-11 класса,
автор - В.П.Кузовлев
I year
Test №1
Variant 1
I. Ask polite questions.
1) Where is the nearest post office? Excuse me, d’you know ………?
2) How much is the postcard to Russia? Could you tell me ……………..?
3) How should I fill in this form? Can you tell me ……………….?
4) Can I pay by Thomas Cook traveller’s card? Can you tell me………. ……….?
5) Are there any limits for small packets? D’you happen to know ………..?
II. Insert articles where necessary.
1)__ Chicago is on __ Lake Michigan.
2) Next year we are going skiing in __ Swiss Alps.
3)__Africa’s highest mountain is __Kilimanjaro.
4)__River Volga flows into __Caspian Sea.
5)__France and __Britain are separated by __Channel.
III. Choose the correct word.
1)(Because/That’s why/So) most Australians live near the sea, water sports are very popular.
2) (So/Due to/That’s why) its flatness, Australia is often called “sprawling pancake”.
3) A lot of children live away from towns, (because/due to/that’s why) they go to boarding schools or stay at home and take correspondence courses.
4) (Thanks to the fact that/Due to/So) Australia is located far from other continents, it has been called “the last place on earth”.
IV. Guess the word. V. Form adjectives
1)a large area of sand with little plant life; 1) patience
2) a line of mountains and hills; 2) hospitality
3) the land next to the sea; 3) cautiousness
4) not useful at all; 4) politeness
5) very large and wide (обширный) 5) risk-taking
6) thick (forest).
VI. Correct the phrases
1)You ask your British friend
I wonder if you could tell me what else I can see in your town.
2) You ask an official at the airport
Could you tell me how long the flight is delayed?
3) You ask a shop-assistant
Happen to know what size this jacket is?
VII. What country is this information about? The USA, the UK, Australia or Russia?
1) It’s the world’s largest island and its smallest continent.
2) People live within four time zones.
3) The main passenger ports and airports are in the Southeast.
4) Most of the continent is sunny most of the year.
5) In this country you are never very far from the coast.
6) The cruel climate made the people strong, tough and patient.
7) It is a nation of risk-takers.
I year
Test №4
Variant I
I. Guess what right from the UN convention is meant by the definition and write it down.
- All children must get a name when they are born and become a citizen of a particular country.
- The Government must give children good medical care.
- All children should have the rights whatever their race, sex, religion, language, etc.
- Every child can go to school. Children should have the chance to develop their abilities.
- Children can say what they think. What they say must be listened to carefully.
II. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
- My parents don’t let (I/wear) bright clothes and chains.
- My father forbids (I/go) to discos.
- Teachers are always trying to make (we/do) things.
- My mum doesn’t allow (we/buy) things we want.
- My parents want (I/stay) at school.
III. Write down what makes the parents angry and what advice is given.
Is your room untidy? Do you leave things on the floor? You may find it hard enough to keep one room tidy, so imagine what’s like for your mum to keep a whole house in order. As they’re the ones who do the housework, they’re entitled to moan if the other members of the family aren’t doing their bit. Get into the habit of hanging your clothes up when you take them off, putting dirty washing in the laundry basket, taking glasses and plates down to the kitchen. It doesn’t take that too much effort, and before too long you’ll be doing it without thinking.
IV. Rewrite the dialogue in the correct order and choose the phrases according to the style.
A mother is asking the radio programme for advice
- a)
He’s stopped doing his school work, he won’t talk to us and he stays in his bedroom for hours listening to music.
- b)
Your son is growing up and he has to make his own mistakes. You should give your son the freedom to grow up.
Phrases to use: 1) (Come on!/That’s not the way I see it.)
2) (I’m not completely satisfied with/I’m sick and tired of) my 15-year old son’s behaviour.
V. Which of the statements are true and which are false? All of them are typical of Britain.
- You can buy a pet without your parents’ consent at 12.
- You can work full-time at 16 if you have left school.
- Boys can join the army at 17.
- Smoking is forbidden under 17.
- You can apply for your passport at 16.
- Boys can go to a special prison for young people at 16.
II year
Test №2
Variant 1
I. Fill in the necessary word.
1) to be …. with events
2) ….. of different types
3) a mysterious ….
4) …. your attention
II. Make 4 pairs of synonyms and 1 pair of antonyms out of these words.
touching, lousy, sad, rotten, unhappy, active, moving, melancholic, miserable, passive
III. a) Make your sentences more emotional.
- It was an awful film!
- Some people are smart!
- He created a brilliant musical!
- It’s marvelous!
- They dance magnificently!
b) Make the opinions sound more emphatic.
1) I love ballet.
2) All that dancing makes you tired.
3) He is an outstanding actor.
4) It made me cry.
5) I enjoy classical music.
IV. Underline the wrong phrase and rewrite the dialogue.
- The discussion in a club
- Can I ask what your reactions were to the film?
- It’s rubbish.
- Two friends
- Liked the film, didn’t you?
- There’s nothing I like more.
- Two critics
- What did you feel about the film?
- I have a particular fondness for the leading actress.
V. Choose the right variant.
1)The first films were sound/silent.
2)The famous actors in the 1920s were Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin/ Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable.
3)One of the first genres of American films were westerns/action films.
4)The first English actor of the 16th century was William Shakespeare/Richard Burbage.
5)The category “PG’ stands for General Audience/Parental Guidance Suggested.
II year
Test № 3
Variant 1
I. Match the gadget and what it is for, using V-ing form
- a camera a) to perform everyday cleaning tasks
- a vacuum cleaner b) to play games, find information
- a body building machine c) to do calculations in sun/daylight
- a solar-powered calculator d) to take photographs
- a computer e) to build up one’s strength
II .Use the correct form of the verb
- We (bought/have bought) the TV-set two years ago.
- We (used it/’ve used it) for two years.
III. Use the correct form: was/were invented or had been invented
- Kodak camera …..(design) in 1888.
- Diesel …. (invent) by 1892.
- Helicopter ….. (make) in 1939.
IV. Read the text and find if the person speaks positively or negatively. Prove your opinion.
My mother bought me a microwave oven recently. I couldn’t believe it – like me, she was never very keen on modern technology and there she was, buying me a microwave. I live on my own in a one-bedroomed flat and it just about fits into the corner of my tiny kitchen. I have to admit, it’s extremely handy, particularly as I don’t have a great deal of time to cook when I get home from work. I virtually depend on it now.
V. What piece of technology do these sentences refer to: computer, car or telephone?
1) I can travel freely and comfortably wherever I want.
2) I need it to get in touch with my friends or to call the police or an ambulance.
3) You can get a lot of information.
VI. Use these phrases in the dialogue
- Which firm would you prefer? Whatever you do, mind you have an adapter.
- …………..(1). Just let me think about this a moment.
- ………... (2). It’s a pleasure.
- Fine. I like it. Do you like Sony better?
- ……………(3).
- Thank you.
- ………………(4).
VII. Match the invention and the inventor
1) Telephone a) the Lumiere brothers
2) Television b) Wilbur and Orville Wright
3) The first car assembly line c)Alexander Graham Bell
4) The first airplane d) John Logie Baird
5) Cinematography e) Henry Ford
Дидактический материал по теме «Спорт»
1 курс
Topic “Sports”
- Warm-up. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Do you like to exercise?
Do you like to watch sports on TV? What are they?
What is your favourite summer sport?
What is your favourite winter sport?
What new sports would you like to try?
- On land, in water, in the air? Divide these words into three columns.
Figure skating, draughts, windsurfing, table tennis, skiing, yachting, cycling, rugby, boxing, rock climbing, cricket, water polo, hockey, basketball, chess, water skiing, curling, roller skating, rowing, gymnastics, motor-racing, volleyball, diving, baseball, karate, skydiving, rafting, judo, wrestling.
- Go, do or play? Fill the blanks with these words.
- He …… jogging every morning.
- I love …… a good game of chess from time to time.
- She …… gymnastics.
- This summer we …… windsurfing every day on our holiday.
- He’s quite the athlete. He …… basketball, baseball and hockey.
- My wife …… horse-riding twice a week.
- Why don’t we …… a set of tennis?
- Some people think that …… aerobics four times a week is the best possible way of keeping fit.
- His idea of the perfect summer holiday is to rent a sailboat and …… sailing between the islands of the Tuscan archipelago.
- They wear backpacks when they …… hiking.
- Read the text “Zorbing”
Match the headings and the text.
Who invented Zorbing?
What is Zorbing?
Who can do Zorbing?
Is it safe?
Choose your own way
Диалоги по темам «Великобритания», «Лондон»
2 курс
I. - Stratford is situated in the centre of England, isn’t it?
- Yes, it’s a small town but it’s very famous.
- It’s modern, isn’t it?
- On the contrary, it’s a very old town.
- Are there any sights?
- Of course. Stratford is famous for the house, where Shakespeare was born and the Shakespearean theatre.
II. - Is Scotland a beautiful country?
- Sure it is. If you go there, you will enjoy it.
- I’d love to. Scotland has a mild climate, doesn’t it?
- Not quite so. The country is situated in the north of England.
- Are there any mountains and rivers?
- Yes? The rivers are not very long but they are beautiful. And there are mountains, the Highlands.
- Oh, I am fond of mountains. I’d like to go there next summer.
- Come in August. It’s the best time in our country.
III.- Oh, is this Trafalgar Square?
- Yes, certainly. The centre of London is beautiful, isn’t it?
- Yes, you are right. What’s that big column with statue on top of it?
- It’s a memorial to Admiral Nelson.
- Oh, I see. It’s very impressive. I can see two fountains and lots of pigeons in the square.
- They are one of the sights of London. And this is the National Gallery.
- Let’s go and see nice collection of pictures.
- All right, let’s. The Gallery is open now.
IV. - What’s in this picture?
- Westminster Abbey. It’s one of the biggest churches in London.
- It’s very impressive. What is it famous for?
- It’s famous for its architecture and history. The Kings and Queens of England are crowned and buried there.
- As far as I know, it’s situated near the Houses of Parliament.
- Yes, you are right.
Карточки для проверки лексических навыков
3 курс, тема «ФБР»
Translate from English into Russian
1-to handle different investigations, 2-civil inquiries, 3-organized crime, 4-bring to justice, 5-local enforcement agencies,6- a dangerous fugitive wanted, 7-to make a scientific examination,8- to convict defendants,9- valuable leads, 10-retraining courses,11-investigative techniques, 12-extreme situations, 13-major responsibilities, 14-fraud against the government
Translate from Russian into English
to handle (преступления, уголовные расследования, отпечатки пальцев, информация, внутренняя безопасность)
fingerprints (ценные, идентифицировать, обращаться с, сохранить)
crime ( организованная, совершить, расследовать, подозревать, бороться против, раскрыть)
Translate from English into Russian
- internal security,2- to result in conviction,3- highly trained FBI agents, 4-to build a strong prosecuting case,5-to locate and apprehend escaped prisoners, 6-the only means of identifying victims, 7-on the basis of material evidence,8- the files of law enforcement agencies, 9-practical skills and techniques, 10-firearms,11- to recruit and assign the personnel, 12-within the FBI jurisdiction,13-the improvement of management and investigative practices, 14- experienced and competent men
Translate from Russian into English
fugitive (установить местонахождение, задержать, разыскиваемый, опасный, найти, арестовать)
investigation (тщательный, иметь дело с, уголовное, надлежащее)
evidence (материальные, вещественные, достаточные, обеспечить, идентификация, собрать, сохранение)
Карточки для проверки лексических навыков по теме «ФБР»
3 курс
Translate into Russian
Card 1
1.Federal criminal violations
2.to handle different investigations
3.organized crime
4.to collect sufficient evidence
5.to locate escaped prisoners
6.through fingerprint identification
7.a dangerous fugitive wanted
8.laboratory examinations
Card 2
1.the files
2.to be in danger
3.retraining courses
4.investigative techniques
5.extreme situations
6.major responsibilities
7.bank robbery and embezzlement
8.experienced and competent men
Card 3
1.internal security matters
2.built on fear, intimidation, bribery and force
3.highly trained FBI Agents
4.to bring to justice
5.local enforcement agencies
6.to make a scientific examination
7.on the basis of material evidence
8.to provide constant contact
Card 4
1.practical skills and techniques
2.thorough training
4.to recruit and assign the personnel
5.within the FBI’s jurisdiction
6.theft of government property
7.fraud against the government
Проверочная работа по теме «Работа полиции», 3 курс
The work of police
- Match the words
- protect a. преступники
- maintain b. раскрывать
- property c. обязанность
- prevention d. хищение
- suppression e. воспитывать
- responsibility f. взяточничество
- reveal g. подростки
- embezzlement h. поддерживать
- juveniles i. профилактика
- rehabilitate j. собственность
- offenders k. защищать
- bribery l. борьба
- Translate the following word combinations
- to maintain public order
- to protect the rights of citizens
- to commit a crime
- to solve a crime
- to locate the criminal
- to apprehend the criminal
- to trace a fugitive
- to collect facts
- to prove the guilt or innocence
- to provide witnesses
- to reveal the criminal activity
- traffic regulations
- road safety
- juvenile delinquency
- rehabilitate offenders
- correctional establishments
- to bring to justice
Дидактический материал по теме «Уголовное правосудие»
3 курс
Criminal Justice Process
- Revise the words with a partner
Booking, arraignment, trial, appeal, warrant, cause, felony, misdemeanor, punish, death, imprisonment, fine, jail, suspect, release, prosecute, lack, charge, accused, bail, file, appearance, judge.
- Divide the words into four columns: person, document, place, crime, punishment
officer, fine, felony, booking card, court, suspect, imprisonment, warrant, judge, death, police department, magistrate, jail, misdemeanor, accused, probation, prosecutor
- Find and match the words with a similar meaning
arrest cause
dismiss sentence
reason minor
petty stop
verdict apprehend
- Translate the following word combinations
To commit a crime. to release for the lack of evidence, to book a suspect, to release on bail, to answer charges, to dismiss a charge, initial appearance, summary trials, petty offences, payment of a fine, verdict of guilt, to sentence to jail, to place on probation, to grant parole.
- Agree or disagree with the statements.
- A person who comes into contact with the criminal courts must initially be arrested.
- The arrest takes place with the warrant.
- A misdemeanor is a serious offence.
- After an arrest the suspect may be released.
- The booking card is kept in the files of the police department.
- The prosecutor doesn’t have to be present at the booking.
- The investigative work continues even when the accused is involved in the prosecution.
- Summary trials are held without further processing.
- At arraignment the charge can’t be dismissed.
- The accused can only be sentenced to jail or payment of a fine.
Criminal Court Process
- Use these words in sentences: jury, defendant, trial, witness, judge.
- A ….. is what takes place in a court of law.
- The ….. is the person in court that the police believe is responsible for the crime.
- The 12 people who decide if the person is guilty of the crime are the ……
- The ….. is the person who decides what will happen to someone who is guilty.
- A ….. is a person who sees a crime, and often appears in court to explain what they saw.
- Add a word to complete the word combination. Use an article (a or the).
1. to be responsible for the crime ______________ to commit …..
2. to do something wrong _____________ to break …..
3.illegal _____________ ….. law
- Complete these sentences with a suitable word.
- The police said that they ….. the man just minutes after he stole the money, and he is now being ….. with theft.
- In some countries, ….. are locked up for 24 hours a day.
- He didn’t have a number plate on his car, and he had to pay a $500 ……
- He couldn’t spend the next ten days in ……
- The police are certain the man is guilty, but they still have to ….. it in court.
- Match the words and their definitions.
- the opposite of guilty a. evidence
- what a judge may give a person b. innocent
who is guilty of a crime
- what a person must suffer c. investigate
if they do something wrong
- what the police do to try to find out d. punishment
what happened, and who is responsible
for a crime
- the information about a crime, both e. offence
for and against
- a crime that isn’t serious is called a minor f. sentence
Задания к тексту «Fingerprints»
4 курс
- Найдите в тексте и выпишите эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний.
Папиллярный узор, постоянный (1), повреждение, первоначальный, общепринятое мнение, невооруженным глазом, потожировые выделения и грязь, поспешность и невнимание, пластичный предмет, зависит от нескольких факторов, постоянный (2), полностью или частично, разнообразие приемов, обработка порошком.
- Ответьте на вопросы.
- Why are fingerprints the best means for identifying individuals?
- How does the pattern of the ridges change when a person becomes older?
- What is a latent print?
- What kind of print is a visible print?
- What helps preserve a fingerprint as a physical evidence?
- What method is used in the search of latent print?
- How can a forged print be detected?
- Напишите, верны или неверны данные утверждения.
- Patterns of ridges are highly individual.
- The most important is the latent print.
- Latent prints can be made only on glass.
- Visible prints are seldom made as most criminals wear gloves.
- A print is almost permanent on a plastic surface.
- The only method of studying fingerprints is to remove them to the place of examination.
- Dusting is helpful in the search for latent prints.
- Speak on:
- fingerprints as a unique method of identifying individuals;
- latent prints;
- visible prints
- plastic prints
- dusting for prints
- forgery and methods of fighting against it.
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