Разработка урока по теме "Past Perfect", 2013
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Открытый урок по сингапурской методике был проведен в рамках отчетного периода международного курса21st Century Skills Pedagogical Professional Development Programme of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по сингапурской методике проводимый в рамках отчетного периода международного курса21st Century Skills Pedagogical Professional Development Programme of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
Theme: Past Perfect
Group: 1M
The teacher: Miftakhova Gulnaz Khalitovna «Menzelinsk Teacher Training College»
The aims of the lesson:
- To develop the student’s communicative skills;
- To automatize the grammar skills of the lesson;
- To develop speaking and listening comprehension skills;
- To improve creative abilities of the students;
- To cultivate a stable interest in studying English
The course of the lesson.
- Greetings.
Good day! I’m glad to see you again. Take your seats, please. I hope you feel all right today and are ready for the lesson.
- Warming up.
Let`s speak about today`s weather using structure Rally Robin. Please do it with your shoulder partner. Each of us has 1 minute. First of all think over what you want to say. Now we start. Begins partner A. Partner B thank please your partner. So, partner B-your turn. Partner A thank please your partner.P1 share please us your`s partner answer. P2 share please us your`s partner answer. P3 share please us your`s partner answer. Thank you.
- Revision the grammatical material.
Today we will continue speaking about grammatical material Past Perfect. Here you see some questions. Let`s read them.
1. Для выражения какого действия используется время Past Perfect?
2. Какими обстоятельствами времени оно определяется?
3. Как образуется Past Perfect?
4.Как образуем отрицательную и вопросительную форму?
Now, think over your answers on these questions. Take a felt-tip pen and a whatman paper and write down your team`s answers. I`ll give you 5 minutes. (The pupils are writing the answers on the questions on a grammatical theme Past Perfect in their teams). Let`s check up. Stand please all numbers 3, take your papers and read your answers in turn. Begins whose hair is longer. (The pupils are reading their answers in turn). Check your answers.
1. Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, завершившегося до какого либо момента или другого действия в прошлом.
- had +V3 / Ved
при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в прошедшем времени (had) и причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола
- By that time (к тому времени)
By 5 p.m. (к 5 часам дня)
By Wednesday (к среде)
Before the party (до праздника)
When I came (когда я пришел…)
When he phoned (когда он позвонил …)
Before the concert began (до начала концерта…)
- Отрицательная форма
had not V3 = hadn’t V3
Matilda had not (hadn’t) finished reading the book by 9 o'clock.
Матильда не закончила читать книгу к девяти часам
Вопросительная форма
had подлежащее V3?
Had the pupils learnt the words by Monday?
Well done, sit down. I see that you understood this theme very well.
- Development of grammatical skills in pairs.
In the next task you should open the brackets, putting the verbs in Past Perfect tense. We will do this task, using structure Rally Coach. The students B take please the sheet of paper with exercise and a pen. The first two sentences are yours. You should do this task in written form , pronouncing loudly. Students A -your task is to listen to your partner, checking and praising him if he is right. If your partner has a mistake you should correct him. Partners B you have 3 minutes .Now Partners A your turn to do. ( The students are doing the sentences in turn).
The task: open the brackets, putting the verbs in Past Perfect Tense.
- My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He_____ (go) away.
- The local cinema was no longer open. It_____ (close) down.
- Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He ______ ( die).
- Bill no longer had his car. He_______ (sell) it.
Well done my dears, now exchange your works with your face partners. Now my dears check up. If your partners have 1 mistake their mark is good, if two mistakes
their mark is satisfactory.
- Development of reading and writing skills.
Now I`ll give you one text for your team. You should read it opening the brackets. At first let`s read and translate new words.(The students are reading and translating the new words of the text).
to arrive-прибывать
to dictate-продиктовать
replies- ответы
production sheets-производственные листы
to sign-подписать
an explanation-разъяснение, пояснение
So, I`ll give you 6 minutes to read and do this text.
Manager`s working day
Mr. Price stood at the window of his office. He____ (stop) working at last. What a busy day he ___ (have)! He___ (arrive) at the office before nine o`clock. Before ten o`clock he ____ (make) two telephone calls! By eleven o`clock he____ (dictate) replies to nearly all the letters. By one o`clock he ____ (examine) the figures from the production sheets and he ____ (sign) a dozen letters for Miss King. By two o`clock he ____ (have) his lunch and he ____ (do) a lot more work on those production figures. By three o`clock he ____ (find) two mistakes! By four o`clock he _____ (ask) the Production Manager for an explanation. Now he must go home. He put on his coat and his hat and went to the door.
Now, exchange please your sheets of paper with tables and check up. Here it is the text with open brackets. Check up.
Manager`s working day
Mr. Price stood at the window of his office. He had stopped working at last. What a busy day he had had! He had arrived at the office before nine o`clock. Before ten o`clock he had made two telephone calls! By eleven o`clock he had dictated replies to nearly all the letters. By one o`clock he had examined the figures from the production sheets and he had signed a dozen letters for Miss King. By two o`clock he had had his lunch and he had done a lot more work on those production figures. By three o`clock he had found two mistakes! By four o`clock he had asked the Production Manager for an explanation. Now he must go home. He put on his coat and his hat and went to the door.
If you have 2mistakes-your mark is «4»
If you have 4mistakes-your mark is «3»
- The rest minute.
Everybody stand up, let`s have a rest. Now you`ll move about the classroom dancing as your leader. Partner A-4 you will be a leader. As soon as music stops you should change your positions.
- Development of listening skills.
On the previous lesson we touch the theme « Generation gap» and read the text about it. But there are another families where children and their parents are getting on well. Now we are going to listen to a dialogue about the such attitudes.
Now you will hear two friends, John and Angela, talking about their families. Let`s read through statements 1-6. As you listen, decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F), according to the information you hear. But firstly look through the new words.
To come round-приходить
Get on well-ладить
To follow tradition-следовать традициям
It`s boring-скучно
I bet-Я уверена \ Бьюсь об заклад
(The students read and translate the new words from the dialogue)
Let`s read and translate statements 1-6.Now are you ready to listen to a dialogue?
(The students are listening a dialogue 2 times. Let`s check up your answers.
If you have 2mistakes-your mark is «4»
If you have 3 mistakes-your mark is «3»
- Home task. Summing up.
Your home task will be Ex.8.12 p.130
You were excellent today. Let`s do any cheer. The lesson is over. Good bye
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