Essay Why I teach Еnglish
материал по английскому языку на тему

Щигорцова Лариса Егоровна

Сочинение на тему: "Почему я преподаю английский язык"


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Предварительный просмотр:

Why I teach English?

To begin with, I’d like to say that I can answer this question easily. I have been teaching English for 25 years. It’s quite a long period! Thanks God I chose this profession many years ago.

At every step of my life, I came cross teachers who devoted their life to me. My first teachers were my parents and I’m grateful to them for being patient with me. Moreover, my mother was a teacher of History. So I could watch this job at home too. Books, books, books everywhere… But I wasn’t against! We are great readers. Once, when I was little, I visited my mum’s lesson. She didn’t sit motionless in class. She behaved as she was a good actress! She shared her impressions with her students. Now I understand that the pupils loved her because she was an experienced teacher. I wish I were as resourceful as she was. My mum advised me to read Quintilian’s words about a teacher and his work. Quintilian was the prominent Roman school master, who wrote in his «Institutes Oratory» published about 95 AD the following: «Let him adopt a parental attitude to his pupils. Let him be kind but not too familiar. He must be ready to answer questions. In correcting faults he must avoid sarcasm…». I’m sure that an ability to be a real teacher is God’s gift; it is a talent like the talent of a writer, an artist or a musician.

I have always wanted to become a teacher of English as I have been listening to foreign music all my life. English is a real treasure of mine because I can use it in my life and teach my pupils to communicate with the whole world.

As the time passed teaching has become more difficult job of great responsibility. To my mind, it’s much more difficult to create a good atmosphere in class now. Each child has a different character. And I have to discover the best qualities of my children. I should cultivate honesty, kindness, loyalty, cooperation.

I like to communicate with my students. I suppose personal relationships between teacher and pupils should be founded on respect for a person. Pupils mostly respect their teacher when his knowledge and skills are at a higher level than that of his pupils. That’s why I study a lot. I constantly improve the content and method of teaching. My interests are far wider than the school curriculum. I think it’s important to explain a difficult point clearly and use many ways of presenting information. I create the situations in which the students make discoveries for themselves. I give them activities which lead to real exchange of views. I am sure the students must be relieved of the stress and boredom that often blocks learning.

I’m proud of my honorable profession. A lot depends on me, on my skills, experience and knowledge. I bring up the new generation. It is a noble task. I prepare the pupils for real life situations.

Love for children, an ability to communicate with them, understand and teach them – these are the most important qualities of a good teacher. It is difficult to be ideal teacher. But I try to be competence, well equipped, meticulously organized, professionally conscientious.

It’s difficult to form positive attitudes to learning now, that’s why I study pupils abilities and aptitudes. It is important to create a good atmosphere in class. I try to bring satisfaction and happiness into my classroom. I’m sure my energy and the pleasure I take in my job can transform dull textbooks and low my students’ stress.

I suppose all teachers should    the words of the writer Richard L. Evans « Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feelings that you cherished them».

I want our school to be the place of living and learning. I enjoy my work greatly!

To summarize, I‘d like to use the words of the Greek poet Philoxenus «We should honor our teachers more than our parents, because while our parents cause us to live, our teachers cause us to live well».    


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