Essay "How to teach children to appreciate classics?"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (11 класс)

Нелькина Анна Андреевна

Essay "How to teach children to appreciate classics?"


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How to teach children to appreciate classics?

It is great when a kid from an early age want to read books that are known to every mature man, to listen to the wonderful music this is created by great composers, who have the huge experience and world fame, to see painting, which is admired by connoisseurs... But what must we do when a child will come to school, he will still love and he will not turn away from the wonderful world of art, which is supported by only a few thousand people in our modern world, where you can learn something new only from TV and the Internet, where is real music and fragrant flowers you can see only something shown on the screen of the gadget is? It is difficult to reach something classic and good in our world today. Today electronic books, heavy and obscure music are popular but we have forgotten about adequate and having a connection with something good painting.

So what's wrong? Why did the child come to school, did not understand the teacher with conservative values and habits? In my opinion, parents play a huge role in the child development. Agree with me, it is very important to spend time together and to teach not only your child, but also to know new. That is, parents have a responsibility for the perception of the world baby. They should be taught from an early age a love of clean, good and beautiful only! Sometimes, grandparents take over raising grandchildren and often it is only beneficial for the children because mom and dad earn money.

Very often parents grow up a child to a certain age, teach him everything that is so important for every person, but when the kid comes to the school he or she are influenced by other children. The baby begins to behave like antisocial person, because the status of the parents fades at some point and the fore all the negative emotions and actions.

I believe that although I live only 22 years, but I can give advice to parents who are just beginning their journey:

  • from childhood to read books to children;
  • to spend less time at home watching TV;
  • do not buy as long as possible various gadgets;
  • be sure to give vent to children's emotions and walk with the child more often;
  • never say "I don't have time, play one";
  • always kiss the baby and say nice words.

If parents already have at least some attachment to the classics in their blood, it will be passed to son or daughter. Well, if parents have neither the opportunity nor the joy from the classic world of art and don't listen to the good advice of teachers, they can be only regretted.

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