Варианты писем личного характера для подготовки к ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Предлагаю несколько вариантов заданий писем личного характера. Составила их, опираясь на собственный опыт с учётом того, что действительно часто интересует наших зарубежных партнёров по переписке.
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My family lives in the country with soy bean fields around us. We are used to harvesting them during some time in summer. And what about your place? What is grown in your area? Do you have a plot for growing vegetables for your family? What kinds of devices do you use working in your gardens? By the way, this time of year is hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, so I am rather busy now helping my parents. We have to protect our young plants from the wind. Write a letter to Carrie. Ask her about hurricanes in her area. |
Tonight I had trouble sleeping since the dog woke me up. She was barking at the coyotes and with the thunderstorms, making noise, so it was difficult to sleep. What about the location of your house? What are your surroundings? What do you think is better, to live in a quiet place or in a big city? My vacation started today at 2:30! Woo Hoo! I am free for ten weeks. Write a letter to Charlie. 3 questions about his plans for the vacation. |
You know, I have Russian roots and love Russian cuisine. Sometimes I make tasty Borscht from a ham bone and beets and cabbage. My grandmother used to make a "Sour Soup" from some vegetable that grew in the wild., Sorrel I think it is called in the herb books. That was very good. What is your favourite dish? Do you prefer meat or vegetarian food? Do you often go out for lunch at a cafe? Write a letter to Carrie. 3 questions about her Russian ancestors. |
As you know, the US is deep into the election season. Everything on TV and in the papers revolves around the candidates. The phone rings constantly with campaign recordings. Are you evolved into politics? How do you learn what is happening in the world? Do you trust the mass media? Who are the people of Russia pulling for to win the presidency of the USA? 3 questions to Dianne about her preferences in television. |
My plans for the weekend are just to have dinner with some friends at a "cruise-in" tomorrow night. A "cruise-in" is when the members of the antique and collectible cars club come together at a particular place, usually a restaurant, to show their cars and socialize. I am in a car club. Do you have anything like car-club in your country? Do you drive a car? What cars do you like? Tell me about your car.
I have just learned that Russia has a flat income tax rate of 13%. I never realized that before. I find that very interesting because I have always been in favor of a flat tax rate in the US. It will never happen here, however. Do you get any benefit from your government? Do you pay much for bills? What do you think of Gerard Depardieu moving there to avoid the taxes in France? 3 questions to John about his job. |
The Russian Orthodox churches are so beautiful. Is the one that you attend as lovely as those ones in Moscow Kremlin? I saw one of them once in France and it was equally as beautiful. Is there a Church where you live? Do many people go to the Church in Russia? 3 questions to Nick about their traditions. |
I know that people in Russia swim in rivers on Epiphany Day on January 19. Some churches here, especially the Catholic ones, celebrate the Epiphany on January 6, but no one dares to swim in cold water on that day. What is happening in your country on January 19? Have you ever swum in winter? What did you feel then? 3 questions to Patrick about winter sport in his area. |
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Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Письмо личного характера»
Конспект урока может быть использован при дистанционном обучении. При дистанционном обучении выполненные задания устного характера записываются на аудиофайл....