Мини-тест. Модуль 8.Spotlight 8
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Шаферова Ирина Валерьевна

Мини-тест. Модуль 8.Spotlight 8


Файл mini_test_8a.docx17.38 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Mini test 8a-8b

1. Toxic ……..

a) rain

b) fumes

c) station

2. ………………….. a pond

a) recycle

b) pollute

c) clean out

3. Plant …………………..

a) trees

b) rubbish

c) station

4. Collect ……………….

a) pollution

b) rubbish

c) tress

5. Governments have been trying to ……………. pollution in the air.

a) reduce

b) emit

c) recycle

6. Toxic fumes play a huge …………… in the formation of acid rain.

a) role

b) cycle

c) idea

7. ……… power can be used to heat homes.

a) oxygen

b) solar

c) factory

8. I can’t make …… what it says here.

a) out

b) up

c) up with

9. Can I …….. an environmental organization?

a) volunteer

b) join

c) pollute

10. Tom ….. clean out a pond with Dad today.

a) have to

b) hasn’t to

c) doesn’t have to

11. They …….. about it all morning.

a) have talking

b) has been talking

c) have been talking

12. Tom is eleven, …… .

a) is he?

b) isn’t Tom?

c) isn’t he?

13. Camels live in the dessert, ……. .

a) aren’t they?

b) don’t they?

c) didn’t they?

14. Ben has called his dad, …….. ?

a) hasn’t he?

b) has he?

c) has Ben?

15. We have to recycle the cans, …….

a) haven’t we?

b) don’t have to we?

c) don’t we?

16. Cars ….. petrol.

a) burn

b) emit

c) pollute

17. They live in London, ….?

18. He didn’t go to the park, ….?

19. The children are watching TV at the moment, … ?

20. She went to Paris, …. ?

Mini test 8a-8b

1. Toxic ……..

a) rain

b) fumes

c) station

2. ………………….. a pond

a) recycle

b) pollute

c) clean out

3. Plant …………………..

a) trees

b) rubbish

c) station

4. Collect ……………….

a) pollution

b) rubbish

c) tress

5. Governments have been trying to ……………. pollution in the air.

a) reduce

b) emit

c) recycle

6. Toxic fumes play a huge …………… in the formation of acid rain.

a) role

b) cycle

c) idea

7. ……… power can be used to heat homes.

a) oxygen

b) solar

c) factory

8. I can’t make …… what it says here.

a) out

b) up

c) up with

9. Can I …….. an environmental organization?

a) volunteer

b) join

c) pollute

10. Tom ….. clean out a pond with Dad today.

a) have to

b) hasn’t to

c) doesn’t have to

11. They …….. about it all morning.

a) have talking

b) has been talking

c) have been talking

12. Tom is eleven, …… .

a) is he?

b) isn’t Tom?

c) isn’t he?

13. Camels live in the dessert, ……. .

a) aren’t they?

b) don’t they?

c) didn’t they?

14. Ben has called his dad, …….. ?

a) hasn’t he?

b) has he?

c) has Ben?

15. We have to recycle the cans, …….

a) haven’t we?

b) don’t have to we?

c) don’t we?

16. Cars ….. petrol.

a) burn

b) emit

c) pollute

17. They live in London, ….?

18. He didn’t go to the park, ….?

19. The children are watching TV at the moment, … ?

20. She went to Paris, …. ?


1. (b)

2. (c)

3. (a)

4. (b)

5. (a)

6. (a)

7. (b)

8. (a)

9. (b)

10. (c)

11. (c)

12. (c)

13. (b)

14. (a)

15. (c)

16. (a)

17. don't they?

18. did he?

19. aren't they

20. didn't she

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