Домашнее чтение произведения Гарри Поттер
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Данное задание предусмотрено для работы над таким аспектом как домашнее чтение. В нем можно найти задания на пополнение лексического запаса и развитие умений говорения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Chapter 1. The Boy Who Lived
Task 1. Translate the words and phrases into Russian:
- crane
- spy
- pretend
- to bear
- to jerk smth around
- to blink
- approve of
- a parking lot
- to yell
- to dial
- to hug
- to be determined
- a grin
- a severe-looking woman
- pull oneself together
- be enraged
- to bet
- to blame smb
- to be frightened of
- rumors
- to bow
- come in handy
- blow one’s nose
- to pull out a handkerchief
- to turn smb’s head
- a scar
- to get a grip on yourself
2. Describe the Dursley’s, their appearance and character.
3. Make a short summary of chapter 1 (5-8 sentences).
4. Translate into English:
Усы придают персонажу определённую социальную значимость.
Я ненавижу, когда они врут.
Мистер Дурсли повернул голову, чтобы проверить, не показалось ли ему, что кот сидит на заборе его дома.
Гарри моргнул нервно и уставился на учителя.
Директор накричал на охранника, потому что на парковке не было места для его машины.
Мистер Дурсли схватил телефон и начал набирать домашний номер, но передумал.
Он был убеждён, что обниматься с незнакомым человеком, по меньшей мере, странно.
Он не любит свою работу и пытается натягивать улыбочку на лице, что бы перенести это.
Женщина с суровым видом улыбнулась Гарри и дала войти.
У Дамблдора была такая длинная седая борода, что он мог заткнуть её за пояс.
Готов поспорить, что мысли о шраме не дают ему взять себя в руки и сосредоточиться на занятиях.
Дамблдор боялся, что слухи о его популярности могли вскружить мальчику голову.
Task 2. Answer the question
- What signs foretell of Harry’s arrival at the Dursley’s when he was a little boy?
- Why do you think Harry Potter is so special?
- What do you think Muggle is? Why?
- Do you think Voldemort is gone for good? Why? Why not?
- Do you think the Dursleys will tell Harry about his parents? Why? Why not?
Task 3. Choose the correct answer
1. The Dursleys were ----------- family.
- wizard
- an ordinary
- a rich
- a royal
- Mr. Dursley became upset after hearing -------.
- the weather forecast
- the Potter family mentioned
- his wife was sick
- he lost his job
- The evening news reported -----.
- an elf sighting
- a new fashion trend
- an airplane crash
- strange owl behavior and shooting stars
4. The cat ------.
a) chased the other cats in the neighborhood
b) had run away from its master
c) turned into Professor McGonagall
d) showed Albus Dumbledore how to find the Dursleys
- Dumbledore liked to eat -----.
- peppermint
b) lemon drops
c) taffy
d) chewing gum
- You-Know-Who's name is really -----.
a) Voldemort
b) McGonagall
c) Dursley
d) Dumbledore
- Dumbledore's watch had ----- on it.
a) Roman numerals
b) six hands
c) moving planets
d) stars
- Hagrid brought Harry to the Dursleys ------.
a) on a motorcycle
b) in a car
c) by bus
d) in a boat
- Hagrid was -----.
a) average-sized
b) small and thin
c) giant-sized
d) a fat dwarf
- Harry was to live with ------.
a) Albus Dumbledore
b) Professor McGonagall
c) Hagrid
d) Mr. and Mrs. Dursley
- Why was everyone celebrating?
- Harry Potter was born.
b) Voldemort had lost his powers.
c) Lilly and James were dead.
- Dumbledore was elected head master.
12. Dumbledore had to click the Put-Outers twelve times; because he didn't want anyone on the street to see anything that was happening.
What is the best way to revise the sentence above?
a) Because he didn't want anyone on the street to see anything that was happening Dumbledore had to click the Put-Outers twelve times.
b) Dumbledore didn't want anyone on the street to see anything that was happening because he had to click the Put-Outers twelve times.
c) Dumbledore had to click the Put-Outers twelve times and it was because he didn't want anyone on the street to see anything that was happening.
d) Because Dumbledore had to click the Put-Outers twelve times he didn't want anyone on the street to see anything that was happening.
- Which sentences best summarize Chapter 1?
a) The Dursleys are an utterly normal family in England - boring, overweight and typical. Mr. Dursley is the director of a drill-making firm, while Mrs. Dursley watches over their beloved son, Dudley, who can do no wrong in their eyes.
b) After Dumbledore appears, he spies the cat and calls her Professor McGonagall. She transforms into an elderly woman with glasses and a tight bun, wearing an emerald cloak.
c) Because of the attack, Harry has a large scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead. d) The Potters are killed by Voldermort. Their son Harry survives the attack. He is placed in the care of his relatives, the Dursleys, until he is old enough for the wizard world.
14. Look at the graphic organizer.
Which event belongs in the empty box?
a) The cat that had been reading a map turns into Professor McGonagall.
b) Dumbledore explains that he has written a letter explaining everything to the Dursleys.
c) Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Hagrid make a toast to Harry Potter - the boy who lived!
d) Mr. Dursley is hugged by a complete stranger.
- Which line from the story shows that it is written in third person?
a) "Shoo!"
b) A lemon drop.
c) It's lucky it's dark.
d) "I know . . . I know . . . " he said heavily.
- What is the implied theme of this chapter?
a) Determination
b) Surviving the Environment
c) Good vs. Evil
d) Friendship
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