тренировка в употреблении условных предложений
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Что бы ты сделал, если...?
Цели: тренировка в употреблении условных предложений; развитие навыков аудирования.
Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура; магнитофон; карточки.
Задачи урока:1 . Обеспечить работу по формированию грамматических навыков:
· познакомить учащихся с грамматическим материалом по теме "Conditional II and III"
· обеспечить тренировку нового грамматического материала в серии языковых и речевых упражнений.
2. Развивать умение анализировать и сопоставлять новое грамматическое явление с аналогичным по смыслу и назначению грамматическим явлением в родном языке.
3. Развивать умение выразительно озвучивать и проигрывать поэтические тексты.
4. Развивать умение воспринимать англоязычную речь на слух и с опорой на видеозапись и извлекать основную информацию в содержании видеотекста.
Ход урока
– Good morning, dear friends!
– Good morning, teacher!
– I am glad to see you.
– We are glad to see you, too.
– How are you today?
– We are fine, thank you.
Выявление дежурных, запись числа на доске и отсутствующих.
Организационный момент
— We will do a lot of tasks to learn to use conditional sentences.
Фонетическая разминка
We will begin with the poem. Listen to it for the first time. Say what the poem expresses.
(The poem expresses somebody's wishes or even dreams. They are unreal as the author uses conditional sentences.)
Yes, you are perfectly right.
Open your books at p. 46, ex. 23. Listen and read the poem after the speaker.
Translate it into Russian. Compare your translation with that one by Marshak. Read the poem together with the speaker.
Read it in pairs. At home learn the poem by heart. You may write your own poem if you wish, either in Russian or in English.
Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания
Can you use the Conditionals? Then read your sentences from your homework to each other. Compare your answers. Correct the mistakes if you have any.
Read the sentences aloud one by one. Translate them into Russian.
1) If she finished her research, she would take part in the conference. — Если бы она закончила свое исследование, она бы приняла участие в конференции.
2) If he felt bad, he would stay in bed. — Если бы он чувствовал себя плохо, он оставался бы в постели.
3) If I were you, I would visit the old man. — На твоем месте я бы посетил старика.
4) What would you do if you won 500 dollars? — Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты выиграл 500 долларов?
5) Ann would behave well if you took her to the party. — Анна вела бы себя хорошо, если бы ты взял ее на вечеринку.
6) If the teenager had collected his thoughts, he would have won the competition. — Если бы подросток собрался с мыслями, он бы выиграл соревнование.
7) If you had learnt German, you would have stayed out of trouble. — Если бы ты выучил немецкий, у тебя не было бы проблем.
8) If they had taken care of their pets, the poor puppy and kitten wouldn't have got into trouble. — Если бы они заботились о своих любимцах, бедные щенок и котенок не попали бы в беду.
9) If we hadn't relied on him, we wouldn't have been late. — Если бы мы ему не доверились, мы бы не опоздали.
10) If the girl had laid the table, her aunt wouldn't have been angry with her. — Если бы девушка накрыла стол, ее тетя не сердилась бы на нее.
Совершенствование грамматических навыков
On your cards you have some sentences. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the verb. Mind the type of the Conditional.
На карточках:
If you (finish) in time you wouldn't have been late.
The day (be) fine if they hadn't argued.
If we (recycle) the litter the environment (be) cleaner.
If you (not, come) so early they (not, get up).
What you (do) if you (win) a lottery?
If I (be) you I never (ask) him for help.
What you (do) if the computer hadn't worked?
It (be) better if you didn't go there.
If you had finished in time, you wouldn't have been late.
The day would have been fine if they hadn't argued.
If we recycled the litter, the environment would be cleaner.
If you hadn't come so early, they wouldn't have got up.
What would you do if you won a lottery?
If I were you, I would never ask him for help.
What would you have done if the computer hadn't worked?
It would be better if you didn't go there.
Закрепление грамматических навыков
— Open ex. 24, p. 46. In writing complete the sentences using your imagination.
Упр.24,стр 46.
If you give it a try She would send for the doctor if If I had thought about The scientist would have told about the serious problem if What would you do if | the baby I they your classmates he a disaster you the grandmother you friend | to be unwell to hurt a leg to win the first prize to win a thousand dollars to go there to have a meeting to discuss the problem to make a report to be badly / seriously hurt to begin |
Model: She would send for the doctor if the baby hurt a leg
Примерный ответ:
If you gave it a try, you would be a success (you would have the best result, you wouldn't have any problems, you would pass the exam.).
She would send for the doctor if she had somebody nearby (she were you, had time, if she were ill.).
What would you do if you were the president (you won a million dollars, you lived in Alaska, your friend betrayed you).
If I had thought about threats, I would have been more careful (I wouldn't have gone there, I wouldn't have let her go there, would not have gone there.).
The scientists would have told about the serious problem if they had made a research (they had had enough money, somebody had asked them to do it, they had been at that conference.).
— Now Petya is a teacher. He wants to ask you some questions. Answer them, please. Ex. 25 will help you.
Ответьте на вопросы.
Что бы ты сделал, если был богатым?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы тебя пригласили сыграть роль в фильме или представлении? Какую роль ты бы предпочёл сыграть?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы тебя пригасили принять участие в космическом путешествии в качестве члена интернационального экипажа? За что ты бы хотел отвечать?
Что бы ты делал, если бы началось землетрясение?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы твой друг подарил тебе на день рождения змею или крокодила?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты был главой нашего государства?
Что бы ты сделал для окружающей среды:
а) если бы ты был президентом нашей страны?
б) если бы ты был талантливым учёным?
Model:- What would you do if you were the head of the country?
- If I were President of the country I would pay much more attention to ecological problems.
1. to buy a car, to build a cottage, to build Disneyland in our region, to help the poor.
2. to agree, to read the script, to phone the director, the part of Hamlet.
3. to agree, to practice a lot, to learn English, to be responsible for scientific (medical) research / solving medical problems.
4. to leave the house, to be frightened, to help people, to save domestic animals.
5. to thank, to put if into the jug / bath, to be surprised, to consult a vet.
6. to make important laws, to pay attention to, to take care of pensioners, to stop war conflicts, to build new plants and factories, to make Russia a highly-developed industrial country.
7. а)to solve the ecological problems, to take measures to prevent water / air pollution, to undertake practical steps for protecting our environment.
b) to solve different medical / scientific problems, to do research, to do one's best to prevent harmful effects of civilization in nature / a pollution crisis, to look for ways to make factories and cars ran cleaner, to invent cars that pollute less, to find ways to protect crops without using pesticides.
Примерный ответ:
1. а) If I were rich, I would buy a car (I would travel around 1 he world, I would use money for charity).
б) If I were rich, I would help as many orphans as possible. — Если бы я был богатым, я бы помог как можно большему числу сирот.
2. а) If I were invited to play a part in a film or in a performance, I would refuse (I would agree). I would prefer to play the part of...
б) If I were invited to play a part in a film, I would definitely agree. I would prefer to play the part of Romeo. — Если бы меня пригласили сыграть роль в фильме, я бы конечно согласился. Я бы предпочёл сыграть Ромео.
3. а) If I were invited to take part in space travel as a member of an international crew, I would prefer to be responsible for spacesuits.
б) If I were invited to take part in space travel, I would accept the offer immediately. I would prefer to be responsible for the tidying up of our spaceship. — Если бы меня пригласили принять участие в космическом путешествии, я бы немедленно принял это предложение. Я бы предпочёл отвечать за уборку на нашем космическом корабле.
4. а) If an earthquake began, I would run out of the house (I would be shocked, I would ask for help).
б) If an earthquake began, I would try to get outside as soon as possible. — Если бы началось землетрясение, я бы постарался как можно скорей выбраться наружу.
5. а) If my friend gave me a snake or a crocodile as a birthday present, I would take it back to the pet shop (I would give it to the zoo, I would be very much surprised).
б) If my friend gave mе a snake as a birthday present, I would take it to the zoo. — Если бы мой друг подарил мне на день рождения змею, я бы отдал её в зоопарк.
6. а) If I were the head of our country, I would make all people rich (I would make peace in the world, I would make medical service free).
б) If I were head of our country, I would spend more money on education and medicine. — Если бы я был главой нашего государства, я бы тратил больше денег на образование и медицину.
7. a) If I were the President of our country, I would spend more money on scientific research. – Если бы я был президентом нашей страны, я бы тратил больше денег на научные исследования.
б) If I were a talented scientist, I would invent a new sort of fuel that would not be dangerous for the environment. — Если бы я был талантливым учёным, я бы изобрёл новый и безопасный для окружающий среды вид топлива.
Подведение итогов урока
– When do we use Conditional II and III?
Thank you for your work. The most active pupils today are...
Домашнее задание
Ex. 10, p. 56.
Translate into English, use Conditional II or III.
1. If I had problems with me parents, I would talk to them.
2. My friend could have gone to France last summer if he had spoken a little French.
3. I wouldn't have phoned you, if the situation hadn't been so dangerous.
4. If I were you, I would spend more time in the open air.
5. People wouldn't cut the forests down if they knew more of how important the forests are for them and for animals
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Предварительный просмотр:
Что бы ты сделал, если...?
Цели: тренировка в употреблении условных предложений; развитие навыков аудирования.
Оборудование: записи на доске; видеоаппаратура; магнитофон; карточки.
Задачи урока:1 . Обеспечить работу по формированию грамматических навыков:
- познакомить учащихся с грамматическим материалом по теме "Conditional II and III"
- обеспечить тренировку нового грамматического материала в серии языковых и речевых упражнений.
- Развивать умение анализировать и сопоставлять новое грамматическое явление с аналогичным по смыслу и назначению грамматическим явлением в родном языке.
- Развивать умение выразительно озвучивать и проигрывать поэтические тексты.
- Развивать умение воспринимать англоязычную речь на слух и с опорой на видеозапись и извлекать основную информацию в содержании видеотекста.
Ход урока
– Good morning, dear friends!
– Good morning, teacher!
– I am glad to see you.
– We are glad to see you, too.
– How are you today?
– We are fine, thank you.
Выявление дежурных, запись числа на доске и отсутствующих.
Организационный момент
— We will do a lot of tasks to learn to use conditional sentences.
Фонетическая разминка
We will begin with the poem. Listen to it for the first time. Say what the poem expresses.
(The poem expresses somebody's wishes or even dreams. They are unreal as the author uses conditional sentences.)
Yes, you are perfectly right.
Open your books at p. 46, ex. 23. Listen and read the poem after the speaker.
Translate it into Russian. Compare your translation with that one by Marshak. Read the poem together with the speaker.
Read it in pairs. At home learn the poem by heart. You may write your own poem if you wish, either in Russian or in English.
Речевая разминка. Проверка домашнего задания
Can you use the Conditionals? Then read your sentences from your homework to each other. Compare your answers. Correct the mistakes if you have any.
Read the sentences aloud one by one. Translate them into Russian.
- If she finished her research, she would take part in the conference. — Если бы она закончила свое исследование, она бы приняла участие в конференции.
- If he felt bad, he would stay in bed. — Если бы он чувствовал себя плохо, он оставался бы в постели.
- If I were you, I would visit the old man. — На твоем месте я бы посетил старика.
- What would you do if you won 500 dollars? — Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты выиграл 500 долларов?
- Ann would behave well if you took her to the party. — Анна вела бы себя хорошо, если бы ты взял ее на вечеринку.
- If the teenager had collected his thoughts, he would have won the competition. — Если бы подросток собрался с мыслями, он бы выиграл соревнование.
- If you had learnt German, you would have stayed out of trouble. — Если бы ты выучил немецкий, у тебя не было бы проблем.
- If they had taken care of their pets, the poor puppy and kitten wouldn't have got into trouble. — Если бы они заботились о своих любимцах, бедные щенок и котенок не попали бы в беду.
- If we hadn't relied on him, we wouldn't have been late. — Если бы мы ему не доверились, мы бы не опоздали.
- If the girl had laid the table, her aunt wouldn't have been angry with her. — Если бы девушка накрыла стол, ее тетя не сердилась бы на нее.
Совершенствование грамматических навыков
On your cards you have some sentences. Open the brackets using the necessary form of the verb. Mind the type of the Conditional.
На карточках:
If you (finish) in time you wouldn't have been late.
The day (be) fine if they hadn't argued.
If we (recycle) the litter the environment (be) cleaner.
If you (not, come) so early they (not, get up).
What you (do) if you (win) a lottery?
If I (be) you I never (ask) him for help.
What you (do) if the computer hadn't worked?
It (be) better if you didn't go there.
If you had finished in time, you wouldn't have been late.
The day would have been fine if they hadn't argued.
If we recycled the litter, the environment would be cleaner.
If you hadn't come so early, they wouldn't have got up.
What would you do if you won a lottery?
If I were you, I would never ask him for help.
What would you have done if the computer hadn't worked?
It would be better if you didn't go there.
Закрепление грамматических навыков
— Open ex. 24, p. 46. In writing complete the sentences using your imagination.
Упр.24,стр 46.
If you give it a try She would send for the doctor if If I had thought about The scientist would have told about the serious problem if What would you do if | the baby I they your classmates he a disaster you the grandmother you friend | to be unwell to hurt a leg to win the first prize to win a thousand dollars to go there to have a meeting to discuss the problem to make a report to be badly / seriously hurt to begin |
Model: She would send for the doctor if the baby hurt a leg
Примерный ответ:
If you gave it a try, you would be a success (you would have the best result, you wouldn't have any problems, you would pass the exam.).
She would send for the doctor if she had somebody nearby (she were you, had time, if she were ill.).
What would you do if you were the president (you won a million dollars, you lived in Alaska, your friend betrayed you).
If I had thought about threats, I would have been more careful (I wouldn't have gone there, I wouldn't have let her go there, would not have gone there.).
The scientists would have told about the serious problem if they had made a research (they had had enough money, somebody had asked them to do it, they had been at that conference.).
— Now Petya is a teacher. He wants to ask you some questions. Answer them, please. Ex. 25 will help you.
Ответьте на вопросы.
Что бы ты сделал, если был богатым?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы тебя пригласили сыграть роль в фильме или представлении? Какую роль ты бы предпочёл сыграть?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы тебя пригасили принять участие в космическом путешествии в качестве члена интернационального экипажа? За что ты бы хотел отвечать?
Что бы ты делал, если бы началось землетрясение?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы твой друг подарил тебе на день рождения змею или крокодила?
Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты был главой нашего государства?
Что бы ты сделал для окружающей среды:
а) если бы ты был президентом нашей страны?
б) если бы ты был талантливым учёным?
Model:- What would you do if you were the head of the country?
- If I were President of the country I would pay much more attention to ecological problems.
- to buy a car, to build a cottage, to build Disneyland in our region, to help the poor.
- to agree, to read the script, to phone the director, the part of Hamlet.
- to agree, to practice a lot, to learn English, to be responsible for scientific (medical) research / solving medical problems.
- to leave the house, to be frightened, to help people, to save domestic animals.
- to thank, to put if into the jug / bath, to be surprised, to consult a vet.
- to make important laws, to pay attention to, to take care of pensioners, to stop war conflicts, to build new plants and factories, to make Russia a highly-developed industrial country.
- а)to solve the ecological problems, to take measures to prevent water / air pollution, to undertake practical steps for protecting our environment.
b) to solve different medical / scientific problems, to do research, to do one's best to prevent harmful effects of civilization in nature / a pollution crisis, to look for ways to make factories and cars ran cleaner, to invent cars that pollute less, to find ways to protect crops without using pesticides.
Примерный ответ:
- а) If I were rich, I would buy a car (I would travel around 1 he world, I would use money for charity).
б) If I were rich, I would help as many orphans as possible. — Если бы я был богатым, я бы помог как можно большему числу сирот.
- а) If I were invited to play a part in a film or in a performance, I would refuse (I would agree). I would prefer to play the part of...
б) If I were invited to play a part in a film, I would definitely agree. I would prefer to play the part of Romeo. — Если бы меня пригласили сыграть роль в фильме, я бы конечно согласился. Я бы предпочёл сыграть Ромео.
- а) If I were invited to take part in space travel as a member of an international crew, I would prefer to be responsible for spacesuits.
б) If I were invited to take part in space travel, I would accept the offer immediately. I would prefer to be responsible for the tidying up of our spaceship. — Если бы меня пригласили принять участие в космическом путешествии, я бы немедленно принял это предложение. Я бы предпочёл отвечать за уборку на нашем космическом корабле.
- а) If an earthquake began, I would run out of the house (I would be shocked, I would ask for help).
б) If an earthquake began, I would try to get outside as soon as possible. — Если бы началось землетрясение, я бы постарался как можно скорей выбраться наружу.
- а) If my friend gave me a snake or a crocodile as a birthday present, I would take it back to the pet shop (I would give it to the zoo, I would be very much surprised).
б) If my friend gave mе a snake as a birthday present, I would take it to the zoo. — Если бы мой друг подарил мне на день рождения змею, я бы отдал её в зоопарк.
- а) If I were the head of our country, I would make all people rich (I would make peace in the world, I would make medical service free).
б) If I were head of our country, I would spend more money on education and medicine. — Если бы я был главой нашего государства, я бы тратил больше денег на образование и медицину.
- a) If I were the President of our country, I would spend more money on scientific research. – Если бы я был президентом нашей страны, я бы тратил больше денег на научные исследования.
б) If I were a talented scientist, I would invent a new sort of fuel that would not be dangerous for the environment. — Если бы я был талантливым учёным, я бы изобрёл новый и безопасный для окружающий среды вид топлива.
Подведение итогов урока
- When do we use Conditional II and III?
Thank you for your work. The most active pupils today are...
Домашнее задание
Ex. 10, p. 56.
Translate into English, use Conditional II or III.
1. If I had problems with me parents, I would talk to them.
2. My friend could have gone to France last summer if he had spoken a little French.
3. I wouldn't have phoned you, if the situation hadn't been so dangerous.
4. If I were you, I would spend more time in the open air.
5. People wouldn't cut the forests down if they knew more of how important the forests are for them and for animals
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