Великие люди
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Mikhail Lomonosov.
The great Russian scientist, the chemist, the physicist, the artist and the poet Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was born on November 19th the 1711th year in the Arkhangelsk province. Since the early childhood Mikhail Lomonosov reached for knowledge. Very much early it managed to master the diploma. Future great scientist and the poet lived with the father and the stepmother who never loved the stepson. When young Lomonosov learns that the father wants it to marry, it is realized by the patient. Then, having received the passport, runs from a home and goes on foot to Moscow to continue the further education. Having come to Moscow, Mikhail Lomonosov arrives in Slavyano - Greek-Latin academy. He lives in poverty, starves, freezes. Despite the developed hardest circumstances, he manages to overcome all barriers by means of the diligence, persistence and assiduity. As a result of it, five years, Lomonosov later finishes a course which usually all pass in twelve years. Also finishes Slavyano - Greek-Latin academy Lomonosov with huge success thanks to what it send to Germany that he could continue the education there. It is very important turn in the biography of Lomonosov. Years of training in Germany fly by very quickly, every day, carried out abroad, was very saturated. Lomonosov studies much, experiments, gives lectures, composes verses. In the 1741st year Mikhail Vasilyevich comes back to Russia. And here in the biography of Lomonosov there is a new turn – he is appointed the graduated in a military academy of physics in academy of Sciences of Petersburg. And in the 1744th year it is entitled professor of chemical sciences. It is impossible to estimate that contribution which brought Lomonosov in development of many sciences – chemistry, physics, astronomies, geography, geology and many others – its achievements are so great. In the 1754th year occurs, perhaps, most important an event in Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich's biography – he starts developing the project of the Moscow university. Years later it becomes the main higher educational institution of Russia, and will be called in honor of the founder. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov died on April 15th the 1765th year in St. Petersburg.
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