Конспект к уроку английского языка по теме "At the Post office"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Саушкина Анастасия Викторовна

План-конспект урока к УМК М.З.Биболетова 3 класс


Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                        Ход урока:                   17.04.14            Thursday

1.Организационный момент. Hello, pupils. Glad to see you! What  day is it today?

2.Guess the topic of our lesson.(слайд1)

3.Фонетическая разминка.

 Every morning at eight o’clock

 She can hear the postman knock.

Up jumps Jill to open the door.

One letter, two letters, three letters, four!(слайд2)

4. Активизация изученной лексики по теме «Почта». And now let’s repeat our words on the topic «Post».


     a) match the words with the pictures.(слайд 3,4)

     b)Read to the riddles and try to answer:

1) We can write, read, get and post it. (A letter)

 2) A man, who helps us to send our letters. (A postman)

 3) Where do we put a letter? (An envelope)

 4) Where do we put an envelope? (A postbox)

 5) What can we buy at a post office for a Holyday? (A postcard)

 6) What do we put on the envelope to send a letter to another town/city? (A stamp) (слайд 5)

5.Работа в группах.

How to write and send letters.

Use these words: write, address, paper, post office, envelope, stamp, post, letterbox.

  1. Take clean ……………………………... and a pen.
  2. Sit down and ……………………………... a letter.
  3. Put the letter into an …………………………….. .
  4. Put a ……………………………... on the envelope.
  5. Write an ……………. on the envelope.
  6. Take your letter and go to the ………………… .
  7. Find a ……………..... and ……………..the letter. (слайд 6)

6.Физ. минутка. Let's make an envelope. (слайд 7)

  1. How to write an address.

a)If  you want to send a letter you should know to fill in an envelope.

First you should write the name.(слайд )

Secondly you should write the number of the house and the name of the street.

Then you should write  city’s name and postcode.

       The last step is the name of the country.

       b)Now you should write an address on your envelopes.

       8.Your homework was to make a postcard. And now put  your  postcards in your envelopes.


        9.We have finished our work. Now let’s send our letters. There are 3 letterboxes on the table. If you know how to write an address put your envelope in the red letterbox. If you don’t know how to write an address put your envelope in the blue letterbox.

       10.Homework:p.80 ex.5


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Guess the topic of our lesson!

Слайд 2

Every Morning at eight o’clock Every morning at eight o’clock She can hear the postman knock. Up jumps Jill to open the door. One letter, two letters, three letters, four!

Слайд 3

Match the words with the pictures a stamp a letterbox a letter a postman

Слайд 4

a postcard a post office an envelope an address

Слайд 5

Read to the riddles and try to answer: 1) A letter 2) A postman 3) An envelope 4) A postbox 5) A postcard 6) A stamp

Слайд 6

How to write and send letters: Use these words: write, address, paper, post office, envelope, stamp, post, letterbox. Take clean ……………………………... and a pen. Sit down and ……………………………... a letter. Put the letter into an …………….. . Put a ……………………………... on the envelope. Write an … … …………. on the envelope. Take your letter and go to the ………………… . Find a ……………..... and ……………..the letter. paper write enveope stamp address post office l etterbox post

Слайд 7

Let’s make an envelope

Слайд 8

From: Dasha Petrova To: Jim Carry 5, Krasnaya Street 7, Oxford Street Penza 458905 London W 13 NP Russia Great Britain How to write an address on the envelope. By air mail Par avion name, surname The number of the house, street’s name city’s name and postcode country’s name

Слайд 9

Evan Brown Betty Smith Julia Fox James Talor Oleg Ivanov Katya Logunova names

Слайд 10

Green Street Seven Sisters Street Broadway Wall Street Petrovskaya Street Krasnaya Street streets

Слайд 11

London Oxford New York Boston Moscow cities/towns Blagoveshchensk

Слайд 12

Great Britain countries Russia the USA

Слайд 13

From: Dasha Petrova To: Jim Carry 5, Krasnaya Street 7, Oxford Street Penza 458905 London W 13 NP Russia Great Britain How to write an address on the envelope. By air mail Par avion name, surname The number of the house, street’s name city’s name and postcode country’s name Write your address on the envelope !

Слайд 14

Thank you !

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