Упражнения к книге по истории Великобритании " Deep are the roots..."авт. гурьева
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
В работе представлены упражнения к главе 1 книги Гурьевой " Deep are the roots..."
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Предварительный просмотр:
I .Working with Vocabulary and Grammar
- Match the words. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences below.
1) unwritten | a) wars |
2) geographical | b) town |
3) tribal | c) lands |
4) fortified | d) position |
5) engineering | e) the standards |
6) material | f) possesion |
7) granted | g) project |
8) raise | h) history |
9) expand | i) Christianity |
10) accept | j) monument |
- Hadrian's wall was a vast …....and is a.......of the Roman times.
- The first stages of the existance of people on the British Isles are described as …......of Britain.
- In the 10th-11th centuries the Danes …......in Great Britain.
- The ….. of the land was both a blessing and a problem.
- Alfred made the Danes..........
- Pax Romana stopped..........
- A new Code of Laws ….....of English society.
- The Latin component «castra» means a …......
- The King gave the councilors his protection and......
2. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions.
1) The Roman occupation was spread mainly..........England.
2) The insular position protected the country.......invasions.
3) The dialects were imposed......the native population.
4) The Druids were skillful......teaching and administration.
5) The Roman Emperor carried........two expeditions.
6) The Roman peace protected Britain........the attacks of outsiders.
7) The Romans brought Christianity..........Britain.
8) Edward the Confessor devoted his attention......the construction of churches.
9) Harold succeeded..........defeating the Danes.
- Use the words in brackets to form a word that fits in the gap in the sentence.
1) The insular position protected the country from............. 2) The first ….........are believed to be hunters. | INVADE INHABIT |
3) The beginning of the Iron age coincided with the arrival of new....... | INVADE |
4) The Druids were.........in teaching. | SKILL |
5) The.........lasted more than three centuries. | OCCUPY |
6) There was a.......in Wales. | RESIST |
7) The Roman occupation was spread over England, but Wales, Scotland and Ireland remained...... | CONQUER |
8) The Germanic invaders managed to settle and oust the British to the …......parts. | MOUNTAIN |
9) The 7th century saw the......of seven kingdoms. | ESTABLISH |
10)The Danes managed to expand their.......in Great Britain. | POSSESS |
- Find in the text the English equivalents for the following:
доисторический, неписаная история, защищать страну от вторжения, ремесленники, первые
поселенцы, завоеватели, быть навязанным кому-то/чему-то, занимать ( оккупировать),
завоёвывать, распространяться, поселение, провал ( неудача), сопротивление, восстание,
правитель, император, родной язык, распадаться, защищать, обосноваться, королевство
, установление, быть избранным, основать колонию, сопротивляться, принять христианство,
быть основанным, монарх, наследник, расширить владения, трон, решающий год, исход битвы, захват, быть коронованным
II. Checking Comprehension
- Read the definitions and say what or who they are
- It's a monumental stone circle and a memorial of the Stone age culture.
- Celtic Priests who were skilful in teaching and administration.
- Tall, fair and well-built invaders from France who had artistic skills and were good craftsmen.
- The name of the emperor who carried out two expeditions but they were a failure.
- This great construction was built across Britain to protect the Romans against the attacks of Scots and Picts.
- This brave woman and her daughters fought against the Romans but were defeated.
- They were as straight as die.
- This document stopped tribal wars and protected Britain from the attacks of Picts and Saxons.
- These invaders were from Scandinavia.
- The king who made the Danes to accept Christianity, built new churches, founded new schools.
- This religious monarch was elected in 1042 and died in 1066 without an heir.
- Say why;
- Queen Boadicea and her daughters were defeated;
- Hadrian’s wall was built;
- 1066 was a crucial year for the Saxon King and for the history of the English
- Answer the questions under the text
III. Discussing the story.
- Comment on the extracts from poems by R. Kipling:
- “But the Romans came with a heavy hand,
And bridged and roaded the land….’
- “But the Romans left
And the Danes blew in…..
That’s where your history book begins”
- Prove that:
- The Vikings were brilliant sailors
- The Romans were useful invaders
- Divide the story into logical parts, give a title to each one and retell the story according to your plan
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