Программа дополнительного образования Кружок по истории Великобритании (интегрированный курс на английском языке)
рабочая программа по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Данная программа имеет страноведческую, социолингвистическую и культурологическую направленность; реализуется в учебной группе численностью 10-14 человек; возраст обучающихся – 15-17 лет; срок реализации программы – 2 года.
Курс ориентирован на изучение истории Великобритании с древнейших времен до наших дней по аутентичному учебному пособию «An Illustrated History of Britain» by David McDowall (Longman) учащимися, владеющими английским языком на уровне Intermediate или First Certificate.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение лицей №14
Образовательная программа
« «Кружка по истории Великобритании (интегрированный курс
на английском языке)»
(для детей среднего и старшего возраста,
срок реализации 2 года)
Поликарпова Ольга Дмитриевна,
учитель английского языка МОУ лицей № 14
комитетом образования
администрации города Тамбова
История Великобритании
(интегрированный курс на английском языке)
Автор: Поликарпова Ольга Дмитриевна, учитель английского языка МОУ лицей №14, Заслуженный учителя РФ.
Рецензенты: Чуксина Людмила Николаевна,
доцент кафедры ТИПП английского языка ТГУ им. Р.Г.Державина
Архангельская Валентина Серафимовна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №24 г. Тамбова, Заслеженный учитель РФ.
дополнительного образования
кружок по истории Великобритании
(интегрированный курс на английском языке)
(для учащихся 15-17 лет)
144 часа
Пояснительная записка
Данная программа имеет страноведческую, социолингвистическую и культурологическую направленность; реализуется в учебной группе численностью 10-14 человек; возраст обучающихся – 15-17 лет; срок реализации программы – 2 года.
Курс ориентирован на изучение истории Великобритании с древнейших времен до наших дней по аутентичному учебному пособию «An Illustrated History of Britain» by David McDowall (Longman) учащимися, владеющими английским языком на уровне Intermediate или First Certificate.
Актуальность и новизна
В рамках компетентностного подхода к обучению иностранному языку становится приоритетным создание условий для самореализации личности учащихся, интеграции их в мировую культуру, изучение истории, традиций и культуры страны изучаемого языка; формирование, развитие и совершенствование умений социокультурного и социолингвистического плана. В связи с этими тенденциями современного общества и возникла необходимость разработать данный курс.
Данная программа отличается от других компетентностным, социолингвистическим и культурологическим подходом, а также тем, что предполагает интегрирование нескольких предметов: английский язык, история и география Великобритании. В программе заложены возможности систематического использования информационно-коммуникационных технологий: передач Спутникового телевидения и исторических фильмов.
Цели и задачи курса
Главная цель данного курса – формирование и развитие языковой, речевой, коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенций, а также знаний по истории Великобритании средствами английского языка.
Содержание курса позволяет познакомить учащихся с основными историческими этапами развития Британского общества и обеспечить реализацию следующих задач исторического и лингвистического образования лицеистов:
- обеспечение учащихся достоверной информацией об основных событиях и тенденциях общественно-политического, социально-экономического и культурного развития Великобритании, духовной жизни британцев, их повседневного быта, особенностях конфессиональных и межнациональных отношений в Британском обществе;
- развитие умения самостоятельно работать с исторической и социокультурной информацией на английском языке; анализировать и объяснять исторические события и явления, излагать суждения о причинах и следствиях исторических событий;
- формирование и развитие умения диалогического рассуждения, аргументации собственной позиции в отношении к событиям и личностям прошлого и настоящего, вести дискуссию по проблемам истории и современности на английском языке;
- развитие умения писать реферат с использованием аутентичных англоязычных источников, в том числе Интернет ресурсов;
- совершенствование умения в устной и письменной коммуникациях на английском языке.
Таким образом, данный курс предназначен для формирования и развития предметной (история Великобритании и английский язык), речевой, коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенций.
В области предметной компетенции
(ИСТОРИЯ) учащиеся овладевают историческими понятиями, способами исторического исследования (постановка целей деятельности, отбор и анализ исторических источников, соотнесение фактов и общих процессов, систематизация и обобщение исторического материала, выявление причинно–следственных связей, установление целей различных исторических деятелей и анализ средств их достижения, определение личностного отношения к исторической проблеме;
(АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК) - обеспечение функционального использования АЯ, т.е. умение понимать аутентичные тексты в устной и письменной формах, передавать информацию в связных аргументированных высказываниях, вести дискуссию на английском языке.
В области речевой компетентности (чтение, аудирование, говорение, письмо),
- развитие и совершенствование речевых навыков и умений спонтанной речи (ведение дискуссий, диалогов, участие в ролевых играх, выступление с рефератами и компьютерными презентациями).
В области социокультурной компетентности
- расширение знаний социокультурной специфики Великобритании.
В области коммуникативной компетенции
- овладение формами проблемной коммуникации (умение восстанавливать и понимать в исторической коммуникации позиции участников исторического процесса, а в реальном взаимодействии – воспринимать точку зрения, отличную от собственной; аргументировано излагать и отстаивать заимствованную и свою собственную точку зрения; давать оценку исторических событий, процессов и личностей с позиции прошлого и современности).
В плане воспитание и развития личности учащихся данный курс ставит следующие задачи:
- развивающие:
- развитие у учащихся памяти, воображения, творческих способностей;
- формирование способности к приобретению и анализу фактологической информации;
- формирование умения распознавать и различать факты, мнения, предположения, аргументы, стереотипы;
- развитие логического мышления;
- формирование умения критически мыслить;
- формирование умения переноса знаний, умений и навыков в новую ситуацию;
- формирование готовности к дальнейшему самообразованию;
- формирование умения пользоваться дополнительными источниками знаний в т.ч. электронными.
- воспитательные:
- формирование уважения и интереса к культуре и народам стран изучаемого языка;
- воспитание уважения и интереса к культуре и истории нашей Родины;
- формирование потребности пользоваться английским языком как средством общения, следуя общепринятым правилам культуры общения.
Учащиеся должны знать: | Учащиеся должны уметь: |
Знания и умения в области предметной компетенции (история) | |
-основные этапы исторического развития Великобритании: - кельтский, - римское завоевание, - саксонское завоевание, -нашествие Викингов, -норманнское завоевание, -становление и развитие феодального общества; -Тюдоры, -становление национального государства; -колонизация стран Азии, Америки и Африки, -Стюарты, -Викторианская Англия, -становление среднего класса; -Великобритания в ХХ веке. Войны: - битва при Хейстингз, - война алой и белой розы, - Столетняя война, - разгром испанской Армады, - Кромвель. Англия – республика. -гражданская война (1642). - война с Наполеоном. Битва при - Трафальгаре, - первая мировая война, - опиумные войны, - вторая мировая война. Религия: - религия в доисторической Англии; - друиды; - христианство при римлянах и саксонцах; -роль церкви в норманнской Англии; - реформизм; - англиканская церковь; - вражда между католиками и протестантами; - новая редакция библии; - новые религии: методисты, пуритане; -секты баптистов, квакеров; - религиозная картина страны в наши дни; Развитие демократии - королевский Совет (Witan) при саксонцах; - административное деление страны (Shire); - Хартия Вольности (XIII век); - парламент. Образование палаты общин; - политический строй в Англии. конституционная монархия; - радикализм; - политические партии: консерваторы, либералы, лейбористы; - первые газеты; - роль общественного мнения в жизни английского общества; - профсоюзы; - борьба трудящихся за свои экономические и политические права; - борьба против работорговли; - потеря американских колоний; - Чартистское движение; - Европейский Союз и Великобритания; - Отношения Великобритании с США; Уэльс, Ирландия, Шотландия: -Кельтские государства в I - IV веках н.э.; -последствия набегов Викингов; -кельтские государства в эпоху Норманнского завоевания; -присоединение Уэльса в 1284 г. -национальные движения в кельтских государствах; -Восстание Вильгельма Уоллеса в Шотландии; -Ирландия – первая колония Великобритании; - борьба ирландских католиков против Англии; -язык, культура, музыка кельтских государств; Промышленное и сельскохозяйственное производство: - сельское хозяйство в саксонский период; - производство шерсти и тканей; - гильдии; - рост промышленности в 17-19 веках; - становление рабочего класса; Положение женщин в обществе: - в период в I-IV веке (Римский период); - в саксонской Англии; - в период правления Тюдоров; - в период правления Стюартов; - в Викторианский период; - сексуальная революция; - семья, брак, любовь, воспитание детей; - роль отца (мужа) в семье; - роль семьи в эпоху Виктории; Развитие научной мысли: -первый печатный станок (1476); - наука в XVIII веке; -Королевское научное общество (Стюарты) - известные ученые Англии: -Фрэнсис Бейкон, Вильгельм Харви, - Роберт Бойль, Роберт Хук, Исаак Ньютон, Эдмунд Галей; (18 век) – Дж. Ватт, Дж. Вилкинсон - промышленная революция в XIX в., - первая международная выставка; Закон и порядок: - в саксонский период; - в норманнский период; - единый закон (common law); - юридическое образование в средневековой Англии; Традиции и обычаи: - рыцарство; - возникновение этикета; - Орден Подвязки; - светские и религиозные праздники; - формы проведения досуга, народные обычаи, традиции; - особенности национального характера, национальной психологии; - этические нормы поведения; - индивидуализм как стиль жизни; - особенности быта и повседневной жизни; - жилище в разные исторические этапы развития страны; - викторианский стиль; Язык и культура: - кельтский язык; - язык простых людей; - язык церкви; - язык юриспруденции; - первые школы и университеты; - Кентерберийские рассказы Дж. Чосера. - язык, литература и театр в Елизаветинской Англии; - В.Шекспир; - развитие живописи; - язык и литература викторианской Англии; - молодежное движение; - музыкальная жизнь страны; - развитие спорта, туризма; | -разделять исторические процессы на этапы, звенья, выделять характерные причинно-следственные связи; - самостоятельно анализировать различные исторические источники; -определять структуру объекта познания, значимые функциональные связи и отношения между частями целого, сравнивать, сопоставлять, классифицировать, ранжировать объекты по одному или нескольким предложенным основаниям, критериям; -давать характеристики историческим явлениям, событиям, деятелям, используя информацию, полученную из различных источников; - обобщать знания, полученные из различных исторических источников, делать выводы, подтверждая их примерами; -уметь передавать содержание текста в сжатом или развернутом виде в соответствии с целью учебного задания; -проводить информационно-смысловой анализ текста, использовать различные виды чтения (ознакомительное, просмотровое, поисковое и др.); - создавать письменные высказывания, адекватно передающие прослушанную и прочитанную информацию с заданной степенью свернутости (кратко, выборочно, полно), составлять план, тезисы конспекта; -оперировать знаниями, касающимися исторических, географических, политических реалий изучаемого языка, в ходе работы с печатными источниками и построения собственных высказываний; -находить сходства и различия между традициями, ценностями, образом жизни, присущими культуре своей страны и Великобритании; - ориентироваться в аутентичных текстах различной функциональной направленности (в рекламно-справочных материалах, газете, Интернет ресурсах на АЯ и т.д.); - работать со справочной и дополнительной литературой (словарями, энциклопедиями, Интернет-ресурсами на английском языке). |
Знания и умения в области предметной компетенции (английский язык) | |
Лексика и грамматика в объеме и на уровне Preliminary или First Certificate Исторические термины. | - уверенно владеть монологической и диалогической речью, умениями вступать в речевое общение, участвовать в диалоге (понимать точку зрения собеседника, признавать право на иное мнение), приводить примеры, подбирать аргументы, перефразировать мысль (объяснять «иными словами»), формулировать выводы; - вести спонтанную дискуссию по изучаемым темам; - понимать аутентичную аудио- и видеоинформацию (передачи спутникового телевидения, фрагменты исторических фильмов на английском языке) и вести обсуждение по содержанию увиденного и услышанного; - для решения познавательных и коммуникативных задач использовать различные англоязычные источники информации, включая энциклопедии, словари, Интернет ресурсы; - оперировать знаниями, касающимися исторических, географических, политических реалий изучаемого языка, в ходе работы с печатными источниками и построения собственных высказываний. |
Учебно-тематический план
№ цикла | Тема | Количество часов | Практических. | Теоретических. |
9 класс 72 часа | ||||
Unit1 | Earliest times | 19 | 14,5 | 4,5 |
1 | The foundation stones (7) | 7 | 5,5 | 1,5 |
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 | The island. Britain’s prehistory. The Celts. The Romans. Roman life. Test Role play | 1 2 2 1 1 | 0,5 1,5 1,5 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 - - |
2 | The Saxon invasion (8) | 8 | 5,5 | 2,5 |
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 | The Saxon invaders. Government and society. Christianity: the partnership of Church and state The Vikings Who should be king? Film The Vikings | 1 1 2 1 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 1,5 0,5 0,5 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 - |
3 | The Celtic kingdoms(4) | 4 | 3,5 | 0,5 |
3.1 | Wales, Ireland, Scotland Test Role play | 2 1 1 | 1,5 1 1 | 0,5 - - |
Unit 2 | The early Middle ages | 20 | 12,5 | 7,5 |
4 | Conquest and feudal rule (5) | 5 | 3 | 2 |
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 | The Norman Conquest. Feudalism Kingship: a family business Magna Carta and the decline of feudalism. | 1 1 2 1 | 0,5 0,5 1,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
5 | The power of the kings of England (6) | 6 | 3,5 | 2,5 |
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 | Church and state. The beginnings of Parliament. Dealing with the Celts. Film The Brave Heart | 2 1 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 2 | 1,5 0,5 0,5 - |
6 | Government and society (9) | 9 | 6 | 3 |
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 | The growth of government. Law and justice Religious beliefs Ordinary people in county and town The growth of towns as centers of wealth Language, literature and culture Test Ролевая игра | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 - - |
Unit 3 | The late Middle Ages | 15 | 9 | 6 |
7 | The century of war, plague and disorder (5) | 5 | 2,5 | 2,5 |
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 | War with Scotland and France. The age of chivalry The century of plagues. The poor in revolt Heresy and orthodoxy | 1 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
8 | The crisis of kings and nobles (4) | 4 | 2 | 2 |
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 | The crisis of kingship. Wales in revolt The struggle in France The wars of the Roses. Scotland. | 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
9 | Government and society (6) | 6 | 4,5 | 1,5 |
9.1 9.2 9.3 | Government and society The condition of women Language and culture Тест Ролевая игра | 2 1 1 1 1 | 1,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 - - |
Unit 4 | The Tudors | 16 | 10,5 | 5,5 |
10 | The birth of the nation state (3) | 3 | 1,5 | 1,5 |
10.1 10.2 10.3 | The new monarchy The Reformation The Protestant – Catholic struggle | 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
11 | England and her neighbors(5) | 4 | 2 | 2 |
11.1 11.2 11.3 11,4 | The new foreign policy. The new trading empire. Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England Mary Queen of Scots and the Scottish Reformation. A Scottish king for England. | 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
12 | Government and society (9) | 9 | 7 | 2 |
12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 | Tudor parliaments Rich and poor in town and country. Domestic life. Language and culture. Тест Ролевая игра Film Elisabeth | 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 | 0,5 1,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 - - - |
Резерв: | 2 | |||
Итого: | 72 | 46,5 | 23,5 | |
10 класс 72 часа | Кол-во часов | Практических. | Теоретических. | |
Unit 5 | The Stuarts | 12 | 7 | 5 |
13 | Crown and parliament (3) | 3 | 1,5 | 1,5 |
13.1 13.2 13.3 | Parliament against the Crown. Religious disagreement. Civil war. | 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
14 | Republican and restoration Britain (4) | 4 | 2 | 2 |
14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 | Republican Britain. Catholicism, the Crown and the new constitutional monarchy. Scotland and Ireland. Foreign relations. | 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
15 | Life and thought (5) | 5 | 3,5 | 1,5 |
15.1 15.2 15.3 | The Revolution in thought Life and work in the Stuart age. Family life. Тест Ролевая игра | 1 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 - |
Unit 6 | The eighteenth century | 14 | 8,5 | 5,5 |
16 | The political world (5) | 5 | 3 | 2 |
16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 | Politics and finance. Wilkes and liberty. Radicalism and the loss of the American colonies. Ireland. Scotland. | 2 1 1 1 | 1,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
17 | Life in town and country (4) | 4 | 2 | 2 |
17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 | Town life. The rich. The countryside. Family life. | 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
18 | The years of revolution(5) | 5 | 3,5 | 1,5 |
18 18.1 18.2 18.3 | Industrial revolution. Society and religion. Revolution in France and the Napoleonic Wars. Тест Ролевая игра | 1 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 - |
Unit 7 | The nineteenth century | 24 | 15 | 9 |
19 | The years of power and danger (6) | 6 | 3 | 3 |
19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 | General characteristics of Britain in the 19 century The years of power and danger The danger at home, 1815-32. Reform. Workers revolt. Family life. | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
20 | The years of self-confidence (9) | 9 | 5,5 | 3,5 |
20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 | The railway. The rise of the middle class. The growth of towns and cities. Population and politics. Queen and monarchy. Queen and empire. Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Film David Copperfield Film Oliver Twist | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
21 | The end of the age (9) | 9 | 6,5 | 2,5 |
21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 | Social and economic improvements. The importance of sport. Changes in thinking. The end of “England’s summer”. The storm clouds of war. Тест Ролевая игра Film Victoria and Albert | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1 1 2 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
Unit 8 | The twentieth century | 20 | 11,5 | 8,5 |
22 | Britain at war (6) | 6 | 3 | 3 |
22.1 22.2 22.3. 22.4 22.5 22.6 | The First World War. The rise of the Labour party. The rights of women. Ireland. Disappointment and depression. The Second World War. | 1 1 1 1 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
23 | The age of uncertainty (15) | 14 | 8,5 | 5,5 |
23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 23.8 23.9 23.10 23.11 | The new international order. The welfare state. Youthful Britain A popular monarchy The loss of the empire. Britain, Europe and the USA. Northern Ireland. Scotland and Wales. The years of discontent. The new politics. Britain: past, present and future. Тест Ролевая игра | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 1,5 1 1 | 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 |
Резерв: | 2 | |||
ИТОГО: | 72 | 42 | 28 |
Содержание программы
Раздел 1 Earliest times (19)(14,5 - for practice, 4,5- for theory)
Тема 1: The foundation stones (7) (5, 5 - for practice, 1, 5 - for theory)
The island. Britain’s prehistory. The Celts. The Romans. Roman life.
Тема 2: The Saxon Invasion (8) (5, 5 - for practice, 2, 5 - for theory)
The Saxon invaders. Government and society. Christianity: the partnership of Church and state. The Vikings. Who should be king?
Тема 3:The Celtic kingdoms (4)
Wales, Ireland, Scotland. (3, 5 - for practice, 0, 5 - for theory)
Раздел 2 The early Middle ages (20) (12,5 - for practice, 7,5- for theory)
Тема 4 Conquest and feudal rule (5) (3 - for practice, 2- for theory)
The Norman Conquest. Feudalism. Kingship: a family business. Magna Carta and the decline of feudalism.
Тема 5 The power of the kings of England (6) (3, 5 - for practice, 2, 5 - for theory)
Church and state. The beginnings of Parliament. Dealing with the Celts.
Тема 6 Government and society (9)( 6 - for practice, 3- for theory).
The growth of government. Law and justiceReligious beliefs. Ordinary people in county and town.
The growth of towns as centers of wealth. Language, literature and culture.
Раздел 3 The late Middle Ages (15) ) (9 - for practice, 6 - for theory)
Тема 7 The century of war, plague and disorder (5) (2, 5 - for practice, 2, 5 - for theory)
War with Scotland and France. The age of chivalry.The century of plagues. The poor in revolt.
Heresy and orthodoxy.
Тема 8 The crisis of kings and nobles (4) (2 - for practice, 2- for theory).
The crisis of kingship. Wales in revolt. The struggle in France. The wars of the Roses. Scotland.
Тема 9 Government and society (6) (4,5 - for practice, 1,5 - for theory)
Government and society. The condition of women. Language and culture.
Раздел 4 The Tudors (17) (10,5 - for practice, 5,5 - for theory)
Тема 10 The birth of the nation state (3) (1,5 - for practice, 1,5 - for theory)
The new monarchy. The Reformation. The Protestant – Catholic struggle.
Тема 11 England and her neighbors(5) (2 - for practice, 2- for theory).
The new foreign policy. The new trading empire. Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England.
Mary Queen of Scots and the Scottish Reformation. A Scottish king for England
Тема 12 Government and society (9) (7 - for practice, 2- for theory).
Tudor parliaments. Rich and poor in town and country. Domestic life. Language and culture.
Раздел 5 The Stuarts (12) (7 - for practice, 5- for theory).
Тема 13 Crown and parliament (3) (1,5 - for practice, 1,5- for theory).
Parliament against the Crown. Religious disagreement. Civil war.
Тема 14 Republican and restoration Britain (4) (2 - for practice, 2- for theory).
Republican Britain. Catholicism, the Crown and the new constitutional monarchy. Scotland and Ireland.
Тема 15 Life and thought (5) (3,5 - for practice, 1,5- for theory).
The Revolution in thought. Life and work in the Stuart age. Family life.
Раздел 6 The eighteenth century (14) (8,5 - for practice, 5,5- for theory).
Тема 16 The political world. (5) (3 - for practice, 2 - for theory).
Politics and finance. Wilkes and liberty. Radicalism and the loss of the American colonies. Ireland. Scotland.
Тема 17 Life in town and country (4) (2 - for practice, 2 - for theory).
Town life. The rich. The countryside. Family life.
Тема 18 The years of revolution(5 (3,5 - for practice, 1,5 - for theory).
Industrial revolution. Society and religion. Revolution in France and the Napoleonic Wars.
Раздел 7 The nineteenth century (24) (15 - for practice, 9 - for theory).
Тема 19 The years of power and danger (6) (3- for practice, 3- for theory).
General characteristics of Britain in the 19 century. The years of power and danger. The danger at home, 1815-32. Reform. Workers revolt. Family life.
Тема 20 The years of self-confidence (9) (5,5- for practice, 3,5 - for theory).
The railway. The rise of the middle class. The growth of towns and cities. Population and politics. Queen and monarchy. Queen and empire. Wales, Scotland and Ireland
Тема 21 The end of the age (9) (6,5- for practice, 2,5 - for theory).
Social and economic improvements. The importance of sport. Changes in thinking. The end of “England’s summer”. The storm clouds of war
Раздел 8 The twentieth century (20) (11,5- for practice, 8,5 - for theory).
Тема 22 Britain at war (6) (3 - for practice, 3 - for theory).
The First World War. The rise of the Labour party. The rights of women. Ireland. Disappointment and depression. The Second World War.
Тема 23 The age of uncertainty (14) (8, 5 - for practice, 5, 5- for theory).
The new international order. The welfare state. Youthful Britain. A popular monarchy. The loss of the empire. Britain, Europe and the USA. Northern Ireland. Scotland and Wales. The years of discontent. The new politics. Britain: past, present and future.
Методы обучения
Методы обучения определяются целями и задачами данного курса, направленного на развитие способностей и формирование основных компетентностей в предмете.
Методы обучения данному курсу соответствуют традиционным дидактическим принципам: научность, доступность, наглядность, обеспечение мотивации, системность вопросов и заданий, актуальность, практическая направленность. Наряду с традиционными методами широко используются активные методы обучения: мозговой штурм, ролевые игры, дискуссии и др.
Целью контроля являются проверка не только усвоение изучаемого материала, но и степень сформированности умений, о которых речь шла выше. Это различные виды тестовых заданий и задания поискового и творческого характера (дискуссии, дебаты, проекты).
Формы проведения занятий: традиционный урок, урок поискового чтения, урок развития критического мышления, урок-суд, дебаты, дискуссии и другие.
На основе изученного материала по данной программе возможны различные научно-практические исследования и подготовка докладов, проектов и рефератов к научно-практической конференции.
На кружковых занятиях по истории Великобритании широко применяются информационно-коммуникационные технологии. Создан электронный УМК по данному курсу, в который входят опорные конспекты, фильмотека исторических фильмов на английском языке, электронная картинная галерея, содержащая богатый иллюстративный материал: портреты английских королей и королев, выдающихся политических деятелей, художников, ученых, рисунки и фотографии их изобретений, Для итогового тематического контроля разработаны тесты по всем темам программы. Для активизации мыслительной и познавательной деятельности учащихся разработана тематика дискуссий по всем темам курса.
Методическое обеспечение программы
№ п\п | Формы занятий | Методы и приемы | Дидактический материал | Формы подведения итогов |
Тема 1 The foundation stones | Урок чтения. Урок – суд. Мозговой штурм. | Объяснительно-иллюстративный. Проблемный. Развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. | Опоры для высказывания в виде схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. Аутентичный раздаточный материал. | Репродуктивное воспроизведение пройденного материала. Ролевая игра «Суд над римлянами». Дискуссии. Проект «Друиды». |
Тема 2 The Saxon Invasion | Мозговой штурм. Урок чтения. Урок – суд. Видео-урок. | Объяснительно-иллюстративный. Проблемный. Развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. Фильм «Викинги». | Репродуктивное воспроизведение пройденного материала. Дискуссии. Ролевая игра «Суд над саксонцами». |
Тема 3 The Celtic kingdoms | Мозговой штурм. Урок чтения. Урок – суд. | Объяснительно-иллюстративный. Проблемный. Развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Репродуктивное воспроизведение пройденного материала. Дискуссии. Тест1. Проект «Значение саксонского завоевания в истории Великобритании» |
Тема 4 Conquest and feudal rule (5) | Мозговой штурм. Урок чтения. Урок – суд. | Объяснительно-иллюстративный. Проблемный. Беседа. Развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана или схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал | Дискуссии. . |
Тема 5 The power of the kings of England (6) | Мозговой штурм Урок чтения. Урок – суд. Видео-урок. | Проблемный. Беседа. Развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал Фильм «Храброе сердце» | Дискуссии. Обсуждение фильма. Проект «Зарождение национального самосознания в Шотландии». |
Тема 6 Government and society (9) | Мозговой штурм. Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана или схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Тест 2. Проект «Жизнь простых людей Англии в раннее средневековье». Ролевая игра «Суд над Вильгельмом-Завоевателем». |
Тема 7 The century of war, plague and disorder (5) | Мозговой штурм. Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана или схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Проект. «Английский королевский двор в средние века». Дискуссии. |
Тема 8 The crisis of kings and nobles (4) | Мозговой штурм Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана или схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Проект «Положение женщин в Англии в средние века». |
Тема 9 Government and society (6) | Мозговой штурм Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Аутентичный раздаточный материал по теме. Опоры для высказывания в виде плана. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Тест 3. Дискуссии. |
Тема 10 The birth of the nation state (3) | Урок чтения. Видео-урок. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Аутентичный раздаточный материал по теме. Опоры для высказывания в виде плана. Электронный иллюстративный материал. Видеосюжеты. Фильм «Елизавета» | Дискуссии. Обсуждение фильма. |
Тема 11 England and her neighbors(5) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана или схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. |
Тема 12 Government and society (9) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана или схемы. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Тест 4. Дискуссии. Ролевая игра «Суд над Генрихом –VIII» |
Тема 13 Crown and parliament (3) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Опоры для высказывания в виде плана. Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. |
Тема 14 Republican and restoration Britain (4) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. Таблица в программе Power point. | Дискуссии. Тест в программе Power point. |
Тема 15 Life and thought (5) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Ролевая игра «Суд над Кромвелем». Проект «Положение женщин в 17 веке»; «Развитие научной мысли в 17 веке». Тест 5. |
Тема 16 The political world. (5) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. |
Тема 17 Life in town and country (4) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Видео-урок. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. (Английская живопись). Фильм Оливер Твист; Дэвид Коперфильд. | Дискуссии. Обсуждение фрагментов фильмов. Проект «Семья в 18 веке». Проект «Школьное образование в Англии». |
Тема 18 The years of revolution(5) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Тест 6. Проект «Развитие промышленности Англии в 18 веке»; «Роль религии в обществе». |
Тема 19 The years of power and danger | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Проект «Становление среднего класса в Англии в 18 веке». |
Тема 20 The years of self-confidence (9) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Проблемный. Беседа. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Проект «Викторианская эпоха в истории Англии». |
Тема 21 The end of the age (9) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Тест 7. Проект «Английское общество конца 19 века». |
Тема 22 Britain at war (6) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. | Дискуссии. Проект «Женский вопрос. Англия начало 20 века»; «Англия во второй мировой войне». |
Тема 23 The age of uncertainty (14) | Урок чтения. Урок- дискуссия. Видео-урок. Мозговой штурм. | Метод развития критического мышления. Поисковое чтение. Беседа. Проблемный. Дискуссия. | Электронный иллюстративный материал. Фильм «Королева» Передачи Спутникового телевидения ВВС. | Дискуссии. Тест 8. Тест 9. Обсуждение телепередач. |
Темы для проектов и рефератов учащихся:
- «Друиды».
- «Зарождение национального самосознания в Шотландии».
- «Английский королевский двор в средние века».
- «Положение женщин в Англии в средние века».
- «Положение женщин в 17 веке»;
- «Развитие научной мысли в 17 веке».
- «Семья в 18 веке».
- «Школьное образование в Англии».
- «Развитие промышленности Англии в 18 веке»;
- «Роль религии в обществе в 18 веке».
- «Становление среднего класса в Англии в 18 веке».
- «Викторианская эпоха в истории Англии».
- «Английское общество конца 19 века».
- «Женский вопрос. Англия начало 20 века»;
- «Англия во второй мировой войне».
Приложение 1
Тесты к интегрированному курсу по Истории Великобритании
Test 1
Earliest times Britain’s prehistory, the Romans
1. Choose the right option(s). What affects life in every country?
A land B climate | C Parliament D King |
2. Choose the right option. Britain had become an island by …
A 10.000 BC B 6.000 BC | C 5.000 BC D 3.000 BC |
3. Complete the list. “Henges” were centres of religious,………power.
1 religious | 2…………….. | 3………………. |
4 Choose the right option. What were Chalkland people famous for?
A henge civilisation B Greek civilisation | C Roman civilisation D Ploughing civilisation |
5. Choose the right option(s).What were the Beaker people good at?
A hunting deer B metalworking | C growing barley D making pottery beakers |
6. Choose the right option. Where were the Beaker people buried?
A separately | B in the old communal burial barrows |
7. Write the answer. Did the Beaker people ruin or reinforce Stonehenge?
8. Choose the right option. Who was the first to learn to enrich the soil with natural waste material?
A the Calkland people | B the Beaker people | C the Neolithic people |
9. Choose the right option and complete the sentence. The Celts came from central Europe or further east and from southern…
A Greece | B Italy | C Russia |
10. Choose the right option. Who were better at metalworking?
A The Beaker people | B The Celts |
11. Choose the right option. Who are the ancestors of the Scots, Irish and Welsh?
A the Saxons | B the Romans | C the Celts |
12. Choose the right option and complete the sentence. The Celts …
A invaded Britain | B came peacefully | C we do not know for certain |
13. Choose the right option. Who are these words of Julius Caesar about?
A the Belgic tribes | B the indigenous Celts | C the Gauls |
14. Choose the right option. Who was a good food producer in the 1st century BC?
A Rome | B Gaul | C Britain |
15. Choose the right option. Who are the words “very careful about cleanliness and neatness. Neither man nor woman, however poor, was seen either ragged or dirty” about?
A the Romans B the Celts | C the Saxons D the Gauls |
16. Choose the right option(s). The most important members of the Celtic tribes in the 1st century BC were… .
A peasantry | B priests | C fishermen |
17. Choose the right option(s). Who were illiterate in Britain in AD 1-3century?
A rich landowners | B Roman soldiers | C peasantry | D priests | E town dwellers |
18. Choose the right option(s). What was the purpose of the Roman wall?
A to show their excellent building skills | B to make the border between the two later countries England and Scotland | C to keep out raiders from the North |
19. Choose the right option. Rome pulled its last soldiers out of Britain in… .
A AD 367 | B AD 406 | C AD 409 |
20. Choose the right option. The ending chester / caster / cester came from the word… .
A camp | B civitas | C coloniae |
21. Choose the right option. What is ‘villa’?
A a beautiful palace | B a big house | C a large farm | D a small farm |
22. Choose the right option. The life of … people greatly improved during the Roman period.
A rich | B both rich and poor |
23. Choose the right option. The population of the Roman Britain was …
A 5mln people | B 1mln people | C 10mln people |
24. Choose the right option(s). Celtic Britain produced ……… for export.
A honey | B timber | C corn | D fish |
25. Choose the right option. Life expectancy in Roman Britain was approximately… .
A 40 years | B 35 years | C 30 years | D 20 years |
Test 2
Earliest times The Saxon invasion, the Celtic kingdoms
1. Match the tribes and the places of their settlement:
1.Jutes 2.Angles 3.Saxons | A East and north Midlands B South of Britain C Kent |
2. Choose the Celtic names from the lists:
Towns: A Manchester, B London, C Oxford, D Liverpool, E Leeds, F Birmingham
Rivers: A Tyne, B Avon, C Thames, D Severn
3. Which suffixes of place names belong to the Saxon period?
A -ing, B -ton, | C -ham, D -burg, | E -chester, F -shire, | G -county, H -llan |
4. Choose the right options. Which days of the week were named after Germanic gods?
A Sunday B Monday | C Tuesday D Wednesday | E Thursday F Friday | G Saturday |
5. Write the answer. What Saxon institutions grew into a Primary Council?
6. Choose the right option. Who was the king’s local administrator?
A landlord | B sheriff | C archbishop |
7. Choose the right feature(s):
1.The Celtic pattern of farming 2.The Saxon pattern of farming | A) small square fields B) large square fields C) long strait lines D) short straight lines E) a light plough F) a heavy plough G) three fields |
8. Complete the list with two more main tasks the manor house had.
A people came to pay taxes | B……………….. | C………………. |
9. Choose what the word lord meant:
A bread maker | B bread keeper |
10. Choose the right option. When was the first Archbishop appointed in Britain?
A 597 | B 601 | C 875 | D 1066 |
11. Complete the list. Write two ways more in which the Church increased the power of the English state.
1 establishing monasteries – centres of education | 2……………. | 3………….. |
12. Chose the right option(s). What did Britain export and import?
1. exported 2. imported | a-cheese b-jewellery c-hunting dogs d-woolen goods e-wine f-fish g-pottery h-pepper i-metal goods j-wheel-made pottery |
13. Chose the right option(s). What country was considered to be a land of monasteries?
A Scotland | B Wales | C Ireland |
14. Chose the right option. Who is considered to be the patron saint of Ireland?
A St.Paul | B St. Andrew | . St. Patrick |
15. Chose the right option. Who was Dublin founded by?
A the Romans | B the Normans | C the Vikings |
16. Chose the right option(s). Who inherited their rights, their names and property from their mothers?
A. the Celts | B. the Britons | C. the Angles | D. the Picts |
17. Continue the list. The Picts, the Britons, the Scots had in common:
A language | B……………. | C…………….. | D…………….. | E……………. |
Test 3
The early Middle Ages The Norman conquest
1. Give a definition of feudalism.
2. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).The Saxons accepted William I immediately.
3. Choose the right option. Which phrase describing the Norman army is odd?
A army of occupation B army of liberation | C had no mercy D not a single house was left standing between Durham and York |
4. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). William I kept the Saxon system of sheriffs.
5. Choose the right option. Whose property was England at the end of the11th century?
A Norman nobles’ | B Saxon nobles’ | C the King’s |
6. What group of people in feudal society is odd?
A serfs | B vassals | C landlords | D farmers | E guilds |
7. Choose the right option. What is “homage”?
A having a rich home | B destroying a rich home | C showing home for sale | D showing loyalty to the king |
8. Choose the right option. How many years of complete peace were in England between 1066 and the 14th century?
A 70 | B 60 | C 50 | D 40 | E 30 |
9. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).
The peasants understood the importance of the economic survey done by William I and looked forward to answering its questions.
10. Choose the right option. What English king was the most popular with people (‘ideal feudal king’)?
A William I | B Henry I | C Richard I | E Edward I | F John I |
11. Choose the right option. What king went to the Holly land to make war on the Muslims and fought with skill, courage and honour?
A William I | B Henry I | C Richard I | D Edward I | F John I |
12. Choose the right option. “Magna Carta” was a symbol of… .
A economic freedom | B political freedom | C real freedom |
13. Choose the right option. The word “soldier” means … .
A a brave fighter | B a disciplined fighter | C a paid fighter |
14. Choose the right option. Why was Henry II whipped by monks?
A was guilty in Becket’s death B killed Becket | C was against the Pope D benefited from the wealth of Canterbury |
15. Choose the right option. Which word means a “discussion meeting”?
A library | B university | C parliament | D hospital |
16. Choose the right option. What king established the House of Commons?
A. John I | B. Edward I | C. Richard I | D. Henry I |
17. Choose the right option. Who was the first Prince of Wales?
A. Edward I | B. Edward II | C. Henry I | D. Henry II |
18. Choose the right option. When was Wales united with England?
A 1264 | B 1284 | C1306 | D 1324 |
19. Choose the right option. Write what area of Ireland was under England’s control?
A Tara | B Dublin | C Ulster |
20. Write the answer. When was Scottish nationalism born?
21. Choose the right option. Who are these words “he wanted to hammer them into ground, but hammered them into nation” about?
A Henry I | B Edward I | C Edward II | D Richard I |
22. Complete the sentence. Stone of Destiny is a symbol of…
23. Write the answer. Where was England’s capital in the 11th century?
24. Choose the right option. Where did the kings’ treasury stay?
A. Manchester | B. Winchester | C. Canterbury |
25. Choose the right option. Where were all the records kept?
A Manchester | B Winchester | C Canterbury | D Westminster |
26. Choose the right option. What made the number of administration grow very quickly?
A development of bee-keeping | B growth of taxation | C development of education |
27. What is common law? Write the answer.
28. What was common law based on? Complete the list:
A customs | B……………….. | C………………. | D……………….. |
29. Complete the list of materials houses were made of.
A thatch | B………………. | C……………… | D………………. |
30. Choose the right option. What legendary hero grew out of Saxon hatred for the Normans?
A King Arthur | B William Wallace | C Robin Hood |
31. People starved to death. Why? Write 2 reasons.
32. Why did the number of blacksmiths, carpenters and other workers grow?
Write 2 reasons.
33. What did England import? Write three things.
A……………….. | B……………….. | C………………. |
34. What did England export? Write three things.
A………………. | B………………. | C………………. |
35. Complete the sentence. Latin was the language of… .
36. Complete the sentence. French was the language of… .
37. Write what two universities were established in the 13th century.
Test 4
The late Middle Ages The century of war plague and disorder
1. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). For peasants life became more comfortable in the 14th century.
2. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Church was popular in the 14th century.
3. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Esquires used to be knights’ servants.
4. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The story of Dick Whittington proves that a poor could never become rich.
5. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the Parliament of the 14 the century the poor had no voice of their own.
6. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The alliance between esquires and merchants in the 14th century made Parliament more powerful.
7. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). “Justices of the peace” still exist nowadays to deal with smaller offenses.
8. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Joan of Arc is a heroin of the Wars of the Roses.
9. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Britain lost all its French areas in the Hundred years war.
10. Choose the right option(s). What English king was the most popular with people (‘ideal feudal king’)?
A William I | B Henry I | C Richard I | E Edward I |
11. Choose the right option. Who was the founder of the Order of the Garter?
A King Arthur | B Richard I | C Richard II | D Richard III | E John | F Edward III |
12. Choose the right option. The Black Prince is a symbol of… .
A. plague | B. “code of Chivalry” |
13. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The members of The Order of the Garter meet once a year on St. Andrew’s Day at Windsor Castle.
14. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Chivalry was a useful way of persuading men to fight by creating the idea that war is a noble and glorious thing.
15. Choose the right option(s). Who was the first Prince of Wales?
A Edward I | B Edward II | C Henry I | D Henry II |
16. Choose the right option(s). When did the Hundred War start?
A 1330 | B 1337 | C 1340 | D 1343 |
17 Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). At the beginning of the Hundred War the English Army was more successful than the French one.
18. Choose the right option(s). Who was the Scots’ ally in the 14th century?
A England | B France | C Germany | D Denmark |
19. Find mistake(s) in the reasons for the Hundred years war:
A The French king’s authority in France went down.
B To make his position stronger the French king began to interfere with British trade.
C The French king seized Part of Gascony. It was a threat to England’s wealth.
20. Choose the right option. Whose motto is “Honi Soit Qui Mal Y Pense”?
A English Royal family’s | B French kings’ | C Round Table knights’ | D Edward III’s |
21. Choose the right option. What English kings were greatly admired by the British people?
A King Arthur | B Richard I | C Richard II | D Richard III | E Edward III |
22 Choose the right option. Why did many Flemings settle in England in the 14th century?
A were invited by the English king | B the Flemish cloth industry collapsed 1320 to 1360. | C wanted to invade Britain. | D liked traveling |
23. Choose the right option. What is John Wycliffe famous for?
A Lollardy | B Orthodoxy | C Translation of the Bible into English |
24 Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The wife of noble was expected to have knowledge of herbs and plants to make suitable medicines for the sick.
25. Write the answer. Who are these words “he wanted to hammer them into ground, but hammered them into nation” about?
26. Complete the sentence. Stone of Destiny is a symbol of…
27. Choose the right option. Who won the Hundred years war?
A Spain | B Britain | C France | D Scotland |
28. Choose the right option. Who was the last Norman king?
A Richard II | B Richard III | C Edward II | D Edward III |
29. Write the answer. What new force in the national economy appeared replacing the guilds?
30. Write the answer. Who is considered to be the father of English literature?
31. Write the answer. What is the major invention of the 15th century?
32. The people sang: “When Adam delved, and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?” Who was the leader of the revolt? Write his name.
Test 5
The Tudor period
- Choose the right option. What monarch built the foundations of a wealthy nation state and powerful monarchy?
A Elizabeth I | В Henry VII | С Henry VIII | D Mary Tudor |
- What is odd here? Henry VII believed that ... was/were bad for a state.
A war | B quarrels | С merchant fleet | D business |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).Henry VIII approved of the new ideas of Reformation Protestantism introduced by Martin Luther and John Calvin.
- Choose the right option. What do the letters "F.D.", which can be found on every British coin, mean?
A Defender of the Friends | В Faithful Defender | С Defender of the Faith |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).The dissolution of the monasteries in the 1530s is considered the greatest act of official distraction in the history of Britain.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).The Parliament agreed to Mary's marriage and accepted Philip as king of England for Mary's lifetime.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).Catholic France and Spain were stronger than England under the Tudors.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).Elizabeth avoided marriages to French and Spanish kings because she knew how much damage Mary had done having married to Philip.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).People had to go to church on Sundays by law. If they stayed away, they were fined.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).By 1585 most English people believed that to be a protestant was to be an enemy of England.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Ivan IV, the Russian tsar, was in correspondence with Elizabeth I for many years.
- Choose the right option. Who was the main England's trade rival in those times?
A Italy | В France | С Spain | D the Netherlands |
- Choose the right option. What were John Hawkins, Francis Drake and Martin Frobisher?
A adventures | В priests | С scientists | D diplomats |
- Choose the right option. Who are the words about? "... young, fit, well educated and handsome, fond of hunting and playing tennis, wrote music and books. ... was to become a bloody tyrant."
A Richard III | В Mary Stuart | С Henry VIII | D James |
- Who do these words belong to?
"I am come... to live or die amongst you all, to lay down for my God, and for my kingdom, and for my people, my honour and my blood even in the dust. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king of England too". Choose the right option.
A. Mary Stuart | В Mary Tudor | С Elizabeth I | D Victoria |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).England had worse fleet than Philip.
- Choose the right option. Who brought tobacco to England?
A Peter the Great | В Francis Drake | С Sir Walter Raleigh | D Sir Burghley |
- Choose the right option. The state of Virginia in the USA was named after... .
A Queen Victoria | В Mary Stuart | С Elizabeth I | D James I |
- Match the names with nationalities:
1. Pritchard A. Welsh
2. McDonald В. Irish
3. Robert С. English
4. О'Neil D. Scottish
- Choose the right option. Eisteddfod is a(n) .... festival of music and poetry.
A Irish | В English | С Scottish | D Welsh |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).Irish nobility and gentry refused to take monasteries' land.
- Choose the right option. Ulster is a(n) ……city.
A Irish | В English | С Scottish | D Welsh |
- Choose the right option. Who was a catholic monarch in the protestant country?
A. Victoria | В. Mary Tudor | С. Mary Stuart | D. Henry VIII |
- Choose the right option(s). In the Tudor period Scotland had the best education in Europe. It happened due to ... .
A Rapid economic development | В Protestant Reformation | С scientists and teachers who, came from other European universities. | D new technologies |
- Choose the right option(s). What bad mistakes were made by Elizabeth I?
A selling monopolies | В selling state positions | С war with Spain | D capture of Spanish ships from America | E English settlements in foreign territories |
- Choose the right option. At what age did James VI begin to rule?
A. 30 | В. 12 | С. 26 | D. 16 |
- Write the answer. What new function of Parliament did Henry VII add?
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).The members of the House of Lords were elected.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F).Under the Tudors Parliament was getting weaker.
- Choose the right option(s). What branches of industry developed rapidly?
A house building | В shipbuilding | С mining | D steel | E textile |
- Choose the right option. What English city was the filthiest in the world by 1600?
A. Birmingham | В. Newcastle | С. York | D. London |
Test 6
The Stuarts
1. Choose the right option. Who was the first Stuart on the Britain’s thrown?
A Charles I | B Games I | C George I |
2. Choose the right option. What king was described as “the wisest fool in Christendom”?
A Charles I | B Games I | C George I |
3. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Stuarts believed in the divine right of kings.
4. Choose the right option. What king preferred to rule without Parliament and was a success.
A Charles I | B Games I | C George I |
5. Choose the right option. Who made laws in the 17th century?
A the king | B Parliament |
6. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The king could not dissolve parliament.
7. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Stuarts supported the Kirk as it had a more democratic organization.
8. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Stuarts hated puritans and their idea of Presbyterian Church.
9. Chose the right option. Guy Fawkes tried to… .
A make a new law on taxation | B blow up the Houses of Parliament | C control the national budget | D build a clock tower |
10. Chose the right option. What holiday is celebrated on 5 November in Britain?
A Halloween | B Thanks giving day | C Guy Fawkes Day | D Constitution Day |
11. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Parliament was supported by population, the navy, and the merchants.
12. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Cromwell’s Army consisted of educated men who fought for their beliefs.
13. Chose the right option. .… of the MPs did not want to put the king on trial.
A a third | B two thirds | C a quarter | D a half |
14. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). After king’s execution Parliamentary rule was very popular.
15. Chose the right option. How long was Britain a republic?
A. 10 years | B 11 years | C 15 years | D 20 years |
16. Chose the right option. When was the republic over?
A. 1658 | B. 1660 | C. 1666 | D. 1678 |
17 Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Cromwell used the army to maintain law and order in the country.
18. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The idea of using the army to maintain law and order in the country has been very popular with British people since those days.
19. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Cromwell’s government forbade celebrating Christmas and Easter.
20. Choose the right option.”…never said a foolish thing, nor ever did a wise one” Who are the words about?
A Charles I | B Charles II | C Games I |
21. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Catholics were allowed to hold public office.
22. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Charles II was attracted to the Catholic Church.
23. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). There was a catholic plot to murder Charles II and put his brother James on the thrown.
24. Chose the right option. What are Nonconformists?
A Catholics | B. Methodists | C Puritans |
25. Chose the right option. What event was called the Glorious revolution?
A Coronation of William of Orange | B Coronation of Mary | C Coronation of James I |
26. Chose the right option. The “concent of the people” led to the idea that ……… should be the overall power in the state.
A Parliament | B king |
27. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). According to The Act of Settlement only a protestant can inherit the crown.
28. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Act of Settlement has remained in force since 1701.
29. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In 1707 Scotland and England united.
30. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Scotland has kept its own legal and judicial system and its own separate Church.
31. Chose the right option. Whose battlecry is this “No Surrender!”
A. Ulster Catholics’ | B. Ulster Protestants’ |
32. Choose the right option(s). Who were main enemies of Britain in the 17th century?
A Spain | B Holland | C France | D Portugal | E Germany | F Italy |
33. Choose the right option. What country did sugar come from to Britain?
A Egypt | B India | C China | D Cuba |
34. Choose the right option(s). What events are connected with Puritanism?
A a new translation of the Bible B the formation of sects C social work of Quakers | D growth of trade unionism E colonizing Africa | F colonizing America F Jews were allowed to return to Britain |
35. Choose the right option(s). What ideas are close to the Quakers?
A equality of sexes B pacifism | C fight for good working conditions D gin drinking | E ideas of violence F ideas of beating children |
36. Choose the right option. “Every scientific idea must be tested by experiment”.Who do these words belong to?
A Isaac Newton | B Francis Bacon | C Jeffery Chaucer | D William Marlee |
37. Match scientists, dates and discoveries:
1 Isaac Newton 2 William Harvey 3 Edmund Halley | A 1628 B 1666 C 1682 | d the circulation of blood e tracking a comet f the mathematical principle of natural philosophy |
38. Choose the right option. What type of transport became the main one in the 17th century?
A railways | B waterways | C buses |
39. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Most towns had proper shops by 1690.
40. Money could buy a high position in British society. What did new and old gentry call themselves. Match.
1. New gentry A. squires
2. Old gentry B. yeomen
41. Choose the right option. The rich spent their free time in (1)......, the poor in (2)…. .
A coffeehouses | B alehouses |
42. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The population in the Tudor times rose rapidly.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The population in the Stuart age decreased.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the Stuart age most people married in their mid twenties.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Methods of upbringing were not strict in the Stuart age.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Absolute obedience of children and wife were not expected.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Children were frequently beaten.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). British women had no right on whatever property they had brought into a marriage.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Scottish women were more independent than English.
Test 7
The eighteenth century
1. Choose the right option. When did Britain loose its colonies in North America?
A 16th century | B 17th century | C 18th century | D 19th century |
2. Choose the right option. What country had the strongest navy in the world in the 18th century?
A. France | B. Spain | C. Britain | D. Portugal |
3. Choose the right option. Who is considered to be the first Prime Minister in Britain?
A Robert Peel | B John Wilkes | C. Robert Walpole |
4. Choose the right option. Who founded the Bank of England?
A Robert Peel | B John Wilkes | C. Robert Walpole |
5. Choose the right option. ”The jewel in the Crown” of Britain was… .
A Australia | B Canada | C India | D New Zealand |
6. Match the countries and the products they exported.
1.Britain | A. sugar |
2.Africa | B. knives, swords, cloth |
3.the West Indies | C. slaves |
7. Choose the right option. Who established the principle: “the freedom of the individual is more important than the interests of the state, and no one could be arrested without a proper reason”
A. Robert Peel | B. John Wilkes | C. Robert Walpole |
8. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 18th century the role of newspapers in growth of public opinion decreased.
9. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Boston Tea Party” led to the American war of Independence.
10. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 18th century Catholics were second-class citizens in their own land.
11. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Scottish musical instrument, the bagpipe, and the old patterns of the kilt were forbidden in the 18th century.
12. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). At the end of the 18th century all the towns smelled bad, and streets were used as lavatories.
13. Choose the right option. Beer industry was started by… .
A. Methodists | B. Quakers | C. Government |
14. Choose the right option. What city in Britain became the wonder of Europe in the 18th century?
A. Dublin | B. Glasgow | C. London | D. Birmingham |
15. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 18th century an English lord was hanged for killing his servant.
16. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 18th century it was difficult to see a clear difference between the aristocracy, the gentry and the middle class.
17. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 18th century “Spa” towns became very fashionable.
18. Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Whipping children was considered a very bad practice in the 18th century.
19. Choose the right option(s). The life expectancy increased in the 18th century due to:
A improved diet | B cleanliness of cotton underclothing | C appearing of workhouses | D the growing idea of kindness |
20. Fill in the chart:
1700 | 1795 |
A. Average weight of an ox -168kg B. Average weight of an ox -364kg C. Average weight of a sheep -17kg | D. Average weight of a sheep -36kg E. Fresh meet all the year round F. White bread for ordinary people |
21. What changes took place in the farming? Choose the right option(s):
A enclosures B a seed drill C growing wheat | D growing root crops E a new field rotation | F an old field rotation G keeping animals all the year round |
22. Choose the right option(s). In the 18th century every person in the family had their own private bedroom. It was due to:
A Individualism | B Methodism | C Puritanism | D Industrial revolution |
23. Choose the right option. In the 18th century children began to work at the age of…
A. 3 | B 4 | C 5 | D 6 | E 7 | F 8 | G 9 | H 10 |
24. Choose the right option. What was John Wilkinson famous for?
A a spinning machine | B building the largest ironworks in the country | C an engine with a turning motion, made of iron and steel |
25. Choose the right option. ”A cottage industry” changed into a factory industry because of… .
A. iron producing | B rapid development of industry | C demand for more goods | C. demand for more goods |
26. Choose the right option. What is Wedgwood?
A. textile | B. swords | C. Tea | D. china goods |
27. Choose the right option. Luddites were punished by death because they… .
A. tried to improve their working conditions | B. wanted the bourgeois revolution | C. broke machines |
28. Choose the right option(s). What did Methodism teach people?
A. More civil and religious liberty | B to be hardworking | C to be honest | D to avoid politics |
29. Choose the right option(s). Britain avoided the bourgeois revolution due to … .
A Puritanism | B. Methodism | C Industrial revolution | D Agricultural revolution |
30. Choose the right option. In 1819 a new law forbade the employment of children under… .
A. 9 | B. 10 | C. 11 | D. 12 |
Test 8
The nineteenth century
- Choose the right option(s). In the 19th century people could be hanged for…
A hiding nets in their homes | B hunting with a gun or a knife | C breaking into houses |
- Choose the right option. Britain changed from being a nation of country people to a nation mainly of townspeople in ….
A 1815 | B 1817 | C 1819 | D 1821 |
- Choose the right option. If you are tired of ……………, you are tired of life.
A Edinburgh | B Manchester | C Durham | D London |
- Choose the right option(s). “Tolpuddle Martys” became a symbol of … .
A cruelty of ruling classes | B the need of working people of trade union strength to defend themselves | C the industrial revolution | D justice of ruling classes |
- Choose the right option(s). When was postage system introduced in Britain?
A 1830 | B 1835 | C 1840 | D 1845 |
- Choose the right option. How much was a stamp?
A one penny | B one pound | C one dollar | D one cent |
- Choose the right option. The “Chartists” movement happened in … .
A. 18th century | B19th century | 20th century |
- Choose the right option. The British policemen are called Bobby in honour of … .
A Robert Walpole | B Robert Peel | C Robert Owen |
- Choose the right option. The British Police force was founded in … .
A 1800 | B 1829 | C 1836 | D 1840 |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 19th century ordinary people married for economic reasons.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Wives and husbands were equal.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 19th century a wife was legally a man’s property.
- Choose the right features of the family life in the 19h century.
A individualism B the regular beating of children | C the cruel conditions for boys at boarding schools D gentleness with children | E praise of children F the increase of affection | G a growing idea of kindness J when children grew up, they and their parents became almost strangers |
- Choose the right option. The Great Exhibition of the Industries of All Nations was opened in 1851 in … .
A Paris | B Berlin | C London | D Madrid |
- Choose the right option. Everyone in the 19th century could escape localism and travel all over the country with ease due to … .
A the railway system | B the canal system | C the postage system | D motorways |
- Choose the right option(s). People of what professions did not belong to the middle class in the 19th century?
A the Church B the law C medicine | D factory workers E farmers F the army | G the civil service H the diplomatic service I the navy |
- What was the aim of “public” schools? Add two items more to the list:
A. a good education | B | C |
- Choose the right option(s). The escape of the middle classes to the suburbs was caused by:
A unemployment | B the development of the railway | C bad ecological situation in towns | D a great number of epidemics |
- Choose the right option. In what century did the first parks, libraries, concert halls and public bath appear?
A 17th | B 18th | C 19th | D 20th |
- Choose the right option. Who were known as liberals?
A. the Whigs | B. the Tories |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Catholics received the right to enter Parliament in 1829.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The 19th century is famous for the ideas of Liberalism.
- Choose the right option(s). What countries did Britain help become independent in the 19th century?
A Spain B Greek | C Turkey D Egypt | E South America F Prussia |
- Choose the right option(s). The importance of popular opinion was going up due to:
A the growth of the newspaper industry | B the growth of “popular” newspapers | C the development of postage system | D the development of voting system |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The House of Lords lost the powerful position in the 19th century.
- Which countries in the 19th century were more liberal, which ones were more conservative? Match the countries and the features.
1. Scotland 2.Ireland 3 Wales 4. England | A conservative B liberal |
- Choose the right option. What ways of struggle did British trade unions choose?
A. parliamentary way | B. violence |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Free and compulsory education for children was introduced in 1867.
- Choose the right option. Who wrote he book “Our life in the Highlands”?
A Ch. Dickens | B W. Thackeray | C Queen Victoria | D Galsworthy |
- Choose the right option(s). What countries was Britain at war in the 19th century?
A China B Turkey C Japan | D Korea E Afghanistan F India | G Russia H Pakistan I Spain |
- Choose the right option(s). Which country(s) was/were not a British colony in the 19th century?
A Australia | B Canada | C USA | D New Zealand | E India |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 19th century Britain spent more on its empire than it took from it.
- What are three Rs? Complete the list:
A reading | B | C |
- Choose the right option(s). What university(s) is “Redbrick”?
A Oxford | B Cambridge | C London |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). By the end of the 19th century cricket, football and basketball had become very popular.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Freedom of factory owners to do as they pleased led to slavery and misery of the poor.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Arthur Cadbury a chocolate manufacturer followed R. Owen’s example and built first-class housing for his workers.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The aim of the Salvation Army started by William Booth was to make war on poverty.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The idea of racial superiority appeared due to Darwin’s book.
- Complete the list of social improvements happened in the 19th century.
A introducing an old age pensions scheme | B | C | D |
- Name country № 1 of the world at the end of the 19th century.
A. France | B USA | C Germany | D Britain |
Test 9
The twentieth century
- Choose the right option. What country was the strongest world power at the start of the century?
A USA | B Germany | C France | D Italy | E Britain |
- Choose the right option(s). What countries were the strongest by the 1970s of the century?
A USA | B Britain | C the USSR | D France |
- Choose the right option(s). What country had a better army at the beginning of the century?
A Germany | B Britain | C France |
- Choose the right option(s). What new weapons were used in the First World War?
A machine guns | B tanks | C modern artillery | D submarines |
- Choose the right option(s). What did Britain fight in the First World War for?
A democracy and freedom | B Germany’s destruction | C to defend the British navy | D to defend weak Belgium |
- Choose the right option. Where was the war more important on land or at sea?
A on land | B at sea |
- Choose the right option. Germany managed to sink … of Britain’s merchant fleet.
A 30% | B 40% | C50% | D 60% |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). If Germany’s navy had destroyed the British fleet at Jutland, British would have had to surrender.
- Choose the right option. What country lost in the First World War?
A Britain | B France | C Germany | D Belgium |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). After the First World War public opinion demanded on mercy for Germany.
- Choose the right option. How large was Britain’s army in the First World War?
A 3mln. | B 4mln. | C 5mln. | D 6mln |
- Choose the right option. How many British people died in the First World War?
A 500 000 | B 750 000 | C 1mln | D 1,5mln |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). When the First World War was over, the feeling of the nation was “Never again”.
- How did trade union movement develop? Match the years and the number of trade union members.
- 1900 A. 5mln
- 1914 B. 2mln.
- 1918 C. 8mln.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). All men and women aged twenty-one were allowed to vote.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The number of voters doubled from 8 mln to 16mln people after the First World War.
- Choose the right option(s). The reasons for the rise of the Labour Party were:
A popularity of ideas of K. Marx | B the growth of numbers of voters | C the growth of trade unions | D most voters belonged to the working class |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The first Labour government was elected in 1923.
- Choose the right option. British Labourists wanted to change things by…
A a socialist revolution | B accepted constitutional means |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Most working people wished to improve their financial situation and enjoy the advantages of the middle class without being involved in socialist beliefs.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Bolshevik revolution in Russia impressed the British people.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Liberal Party was replaced by the Labour Party and completely disappeared.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Women were treated like slaves by their husbands at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Until 1897 husbands were allowed by law to beat their wives with a stick.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Women were allowed to study at Oxford and Cambridge without receiving a degree at the end.
- Choose the right option(s). What helped women get equal rights?
A “suffragettes” movement | B trade unions | C economic situation due to the First World War |
- Choose the right option. When did Northern Ireland declare Irish Republic?
A 1914 | B1937 | C1945 | D 1952 |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The Labour government managed to create a land “fit for heroes”, as they promised.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 1930s Britain was affected by economic crises.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). The depression in Germany led to the rise of Adolph Hitler.
- Choose the right option(s). Development of what industry helped Britain to recover?
A Textile | B Shipbuilding | C Automobile building | D Military |
- Choose the right option(s). What country helped Britain to develop industry producing weapons, aircraft and equipment for war?
A Germany | B France | C USA | D Spain |
- Choose the right option. The Italian invasion of Ethiopia in 1935 showed………… of the International organization League of Nations.
A. strength | B. weakness |
- Choose the right option. When did Britain enter the Second World War?
A in Poland 1939 | B in Czech 1938 | C in France 1940 |
- Choose the right option. Who was the Prime Minister of Britain during the Second World War?
A. Neville Chamberlain | B. Winston Churchill | C. Roosevelt |
- Choose the right option. Whose air force won a battle in the air over Britain?
A. Germany’s | B. Britain’s |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In Britain many towns were destroyed, 1.500 000 people were made homeless due to German bombing.
- Choose the right option. What were Britain’s interests in the Second World War?
A the “balance of power” in Europe B control of the Atlantic Ocean | C control of the oil in the Middle East D control of the Suez Canal | E control of colonies in Asia, Africa and Australia F control in The Pacific Ocean |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Over 110.000 people died immediately in Nagasaki and Hiroshima because of the new atomic bombs.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). 363 000 British people died in the Second World War.
- Choose the right option(s). What four freedoms were proclaimed by President Roosevelt?
A freedom of speech and expression B freedom of worship | C freedom from fear D freedom from want | E freedom from registration F freedom from race discrimination | G freedom from slavery J freedom from genocide |
- Choose the right option. What International organization replaced the League of Nations after the Second World War?
A NATO | B UN | C Warsaw Pact | D European Community | E Commonwealth |
- Choose the right option(s). Which countries were divided into two parts after the Second World War?
A Poland | B Korea | C Japan | D Germany |
- Choose the right option(s). What three important technical developments in the 1950s made Britain consider itself a world power?
A space research | B design of nuclear weapons and nuclear power stations | C design of intercontinental ballistic missiles | D design of the supersonic aircraft Concorde |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). After the Suez events Britain became politically weaker.
- Choose the right option(s). What social benefits did British people gain in the 1940-50s?
A free secondary education | B free higher education | C free medical treatment | D subsidies for unemployed, disabled and sick people |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 1940-50s the Labour government took over the Bank of England, power (coal, iron, steel) and transport.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). This nationalization was popular.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Britain was able to recover quickly from the Second World War due to the Marshal Aid Programme.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In the 1950s there was no unemployment in Britain.
- Choose the right option. What musical group was the best representative of the youthful “pop” culture of the 1960s?
A the Rolling Stones | B the Beatles | C the ABBA |
- Choose the right option. What was perhaps the clearest symbol of the “permissive society”?
A sexual life without marriage | B mini skirts | C the Beatles |
- Choose the right option. After the Second World War Iraq was … colony.
A Britain’s | B Germany’s | C Spain’s |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In spite of the “permissive society” the monarchy during the 20th century became more popular than it was before.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Since 1952 when Elisabeth II became queen, the monarchy has increased in popularity.
- Choose the right option. When did Iraq receive its independence?
A 1945 | B 1955 | C 1965 | D 1975 |
- Choose the right option. When did India become independent?
A 1945 | B 1947 | C 1949 | D 1952 |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). By 1985 Britain had lost almost all its colonies.
- Choose the right option. When did Britain become a member of the European Community?
A 1973 | B 1969 | C 1975 | D 1980 |
- Choose the right option(s). Britain’s attitude towards the European Community was unenthusiastic for reasons:
A Britain couldn’t decide whether its 1st loyalty was to Europe or to the USA.
B Britain did not want to lessen its sovereignty.
C Britain did not feel any economic benefit from Europe.
D They spoke different languages.
E Many European countries were Britain’s enemies in the Second World War.
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). In support of the USA Britain boycotted the Moscow Olympics in 1980.
- Choose the right option(s). What were the problems of the late 1960s – 1970s?
A Unemployment | B Rising prices | C Being behind all European countries economically | D Black immigration |
- Choose the right option. When was Margaret Thatcher elected?
A 1979 | B 1977 | C 1980 |
- Choose the right option. Margaret Thatcher belonged to … party.
A the Conservative | B the Labour |
- Agree (write T) or disagree (write F). Margaret Thatcher managed to stop Britain’s decline as she promised.
- Choose the right option(s). Margaret Thatcher’s “achievements” were:
A growth of unemployment from 1.25mln in 1979 to over 3mln.
B nationalization of British companies such as British Airways, British Aerospace, British Shipbuilders, gas and others.
C a falling rate of crime prevention and detectives.
D creation of the society of “two nations” – wealthy and poor.
E increase of homeless people.
F unemployment among Blacks was twice as high as among white population.
- Choose the right option(s). What anniversaries did Britain celebrate in 1988?
A the defeat of the Spanish Armada | B the Glorious Revolution | C the defeat of Napoleonic troops | D the defeat of Germany in the First World War |
Test 1 Earliest times
1 | AB | 14 | C |
2 | C | 15 | B |
3 | political/economic | 16 | B |
4 | A | 17 | C |
5 | BC | 18 | C |
6 | A | 19 | C |
7 | reinforce | 20 | A |
8 | B | 21 | C |
9 | C | 22 | A |
10 | B | 23 | A |
11 | C | 24 | C |
12 | C | 25 | C |
13 | B | Total: 28 |
Test 2 The Saxon Invasion, the Celtic kingdoms
1 | 1C 2A 3B | 10 | B |
2 | Towns BE Rivers BCD | 11 | Kings were given God’s approval/ church helped established the system of law |
3 | ABCFH | 12 | 1ACDGI 2BEFHJ |
4 | CDEF | 13 | C |
5 | the Witan | 14 | C |
6 | B | 15 | C |
7 | 1AE 2CFG | 16 | D |
8 | justice was administered/ young men joined the army | 17 | Culture, background, religion, economic system |
9 | B | Total:48 |
Test 3 The early Middle ages, the Norman Conquest
1 | The social system that existed in Europe in the Middle Ages in which land belonged to powerful lords and the people they allowed to live on the land had to work & fight for them. | 20 | on the day Wallace was killed |
2 | F | 21 | B |
3 | B | 22 | England’s wish to rule Scotland |
4 | T | 23 | “in the king’s saddle” |
5 | C | 24 | B |
6 | E | 25 | D |
7 | D | 26 | B |
8 | E | 27 | the same law all over the country |
9 | F | 28 | comparisons, previous cases, previous decisions |
10 | C | 29 | straw, reeds, corn stalks, wooden beams and sticks filled with mud |
11 | C | 30 | C |
12 | B | 31 | land was exhausted, bad harvest, a lot of landless people |
13 | C | 32 | Poverty/hunger/inflation/an increase in the number of landless labourers |
14 | A | 33 | wine, tall timber, fish |
15 | C | 34 | wheat, wool, woolen cloth |
16 | B | 35 | church & education |
17 | B | 36 | - law & ruling Normans |
18 | B | 37 | Oxford & Cambridge |
19 | B | Total:48 |
Teas 4 The late Middle Ages
1 | T | 18 | B |
2 | F | 19 | A |
3 | T | 20 | AD |
4 | F | 21 | ABE |
5 | T | 22 | AB |
6 | T | 23 | AC |
7 | T | 24 | T |
8 | F | 25 | William Wallace |
9 | T | 26 | England’s wish to rule Scotland |
10 | C | 27 | C |
11 | C | 28 | B |
12 | B | 29 | factories |
13 | F | 30 | Geoffrey Chaucer |
14 | T | 31 | a printing press |
15 | B | 32 | Watt Tyler |
16 | B | Total:37 | |
17 | T |
Test 5 The Tudor period
1 | B | 17 | C |
2 | AB | 18 | C |
3 | F | 19 | 1A 2D 3C 4B |
4 | C | 20 | D |
5 | T | 21 | T |
6 | T | 22 | A |
7 | T | 23 | C |
8 | T | 24 | B |
9 | T | 25 | AB |
10 | F | 26 | B |
11 | T | 27 | lawmaking |
12 | C | 28 | F |
13 | A | 29 | F |
14 | C | 30 | BCDE |
15 | C | 31 | D |
16 | F | Total:39 |
Test 6 The Stuarts
1 | B | 26 | A |
2 | B | 27 | T |
3 | T | 28 | T |
4 | A | 29 | T |
5 | B | 30 | T |
6 | F | 31 | B |
7 | F | 32 | ABC |
8 | T | 33 | B |
9 | B | 34 | ABCDF |
10 | C | 35 | ABC |
11 | T | 36 | B |
12 | T | 37 | 1Bf 2Ad 3Ce |
13 | B | 38 | B |
14 | F | 39 | T |
15 | B | 40 | 1B 2A |
16 | A | 41 | 1A 2B |
17 | T | 42 | T |
18 | F | 43 | T |
19 | T | 44 | T |
20 | B | 45 | F |
21 | F | 46 | F |
22 | T | 47 | T |
23 | F | 48 | T |
24 | C | 49 | T |
25 | A | Total: 64 |
Test 7 The 18th century
1 | C | 17 | T |
2 | C | 18 | T |
3 | C | 19 | ABD |
4 | C | 20 | 1700 AC 1795 BDEF |
5 | C | 21 | ABDEG |
6 | 1B 2C 3A | 22 | A |
7 | B | 23 | A |
8 | F | 24 | B |
9 | T | 25 | BC |
10 | T | 26 | D |
11 | T | 27 | C |
12 | F | 28 | BCD |
13 | B | 29 | B |
14 | C | 30 | A |
15 | T | Total: 46 | |
16 | T |
Test 8 The 19th century
1 | B, C | 22 | T |
2 | C | 23 | B, E |
3 | D | 24 | A, B, C |
4 | A, B | 25 | T |
5 | C | 26 | 1B, 2B, 3A ,4B |
6 | A | 27 | A |
7 | B | 28 | T |
8 | B | 29 | C |
9 | B | 30 | A, E, G, H |
10 | F | 31 | C |
11 | F | 32 | T |
12 | T | 33 | B writing C arithmetic |
13 | A, B, C, G | 34 | C |
14 | C | 35 | F |
15 | A | 36 | T |
16 | D, E | 37 | T |
17 | B training boys in leadership C providing officers of the armed forces | 38 | T |
18 | B, C, D | 39 | T |
19 | C | 40 | B opening Labour Exchange C national insurance D free school meals |
20 | A | 41 | C |
21 | T | Total: 62 |
Test 9 The 20th century
1 | E | 35 | B |
2 | AC | 36 | B |
3 | A | 37 | T |
4 | A, B, C, D | 38 | A, B, C, D, E |
5 | A, B, C, D | 39 | T |
6 | B | 40 | T |
7 | B | 41 | A, B, C, D |
8 | T | 42 | B |
9 | C | 43 | B, D |
10 | T | 44 | A, B, C |
11 | C | 45 | T |
12 | B | 46 | A, C, D |
13 | T | 47 | T |
14 | 1D 2A 3C | 48 | F |
15 | F | 49 | T |
16 | T | 50 | T |
17 | B, C, D | 51 | B |
18 | T | 52 | B |
19 | B | 53 | A |
20 | T | 54 | T |
21 | F | 55 | T |
22 | T | 56 | A |
23 | T | 57 | B |
24 | T | 58 | T |
25 | T | 59 | A |
26 | C | 60 | A, B, C |
27 | B | 61 | T |
28 | F | 62 | A, B, D |
29 | T | 63 | A |
30 | T | 64 | A |
31 | C | 65 | F |
32 | C | 66 | A, C, D, E, F |
33 | B | 67 | A, B |
34 | A | Total: 99 |
Приложение 2
Theme 1
Earliest times
- What negative and positive effects did Roman invasion bring to Britain?
- What is the role of the Celts in the History of Britain?
- Anglo-Saxon or Anglo-Celt? What is better to call the British?
- Who could become a Druid?
- Do you agree that women during the Celtic period were equal to men?
- Why do the Romans conquer Britain?
- Compare Celtic and Roman warriors.
- Why was Hadrian’s Wall built?
- What did Saxons bring to Britain? Discuss advantages and disadvantages of Saxon civilization.
- When was “Golden age” of Ireland and how did it come to an end?
- Why do Scots call the British Sassenachs?
- If you had a time machine, what period of the British history would you like to live: Celtic, Roman or Saxon?
- Who were in your opinion the cruelest invaders of Britain in that period of history?
Theme 2
The early Middle Ages
- Is Westminster Abby a Saxon or Norman building?
- A century under the Normans… Discuss advantages and disadvantages of this invasion in the 11th – 12th centuries.
- Between 1066 and the mid-fourteenth century there were only 30 years of complete peace. Discuss the reasons for that.
- What is the significance of the first complete economic survey?
- What do you think of the role and significance of the King’s Council – Witan in the history of Britain?
- What was the difference between the Celtic Church and the Roman Church?
- What relations were there between the Church and kings?
- What did Magna Carta provide people with?
Theme 3
The late Middle Ages
- Prove that the 14th century was the century of disaster.
- Why and under what circumstances did England go to war with France in 1337 (later called the Hundred Years War)?
- Winning battles is a good deal easier than winning wars. Is this phrase true when we speak about the Hundred Years War?
- What connection is there between the Order of the Garter founded by Edward III and the legendary king Arthur?
- Some peoples say that war is a noble and glorious thing; others think that the reality of war is cruelty, death, destruction and theft. What point of view do you have?
- Do we need a “code of chivalry” nowadays?
- What was the aftermath of the Black Death in 1348-49?
- What is more profitable to sell a raw material or a finished product? Justify your opinion.
- Why is the surname “Fleming” so common in England?
- Why is an unmarried woman called a “spinster” in England?
- The revolt of Watt Tyler (the Peasants’ Revolt). What did Watt Tyler call for and how was the revolt put down?
- The “Wars of the Roses”… What is its aftermath and significance?
- How did education develop in the 14-15th centuries?
- How did manufacturing develop in the 14-15th centuries?
- What changes took place in the class division of society?
- What was the condition of women in Britain in the 14-15th century? Why did a woman’s position improved if her husband died?
- How did the language and literature change in the 14-15th centuries?
- What was the significance of printing press?
Theme 4
The Tudors
- Prove that under the Tudors Britain was a prosperous state.
- Why did the Tudors manage to build a new nation state?
- They say the English are great lovers of themselves. Do you agree?
- What was the difference between the House of Lords and the House of Commons?
- Who was stronger Parliament or monarchs in the 16th century?
- What do you think of Tudors’ foreign policy, its principles, purpose and actions?
- Compare the two kings – Henry VII and Henry VIII.
- What is the role and significance of Elisabeth I in the history of Britain?
- Who of the Tudors was the most important in establishing the new monarchy?
- What were the reasons for Reformation?
Theme 5
The Stuarts
- Look at the portraits of Charles I and Cromwell. Compare these two personalities.
- You live in the 17th century in Britain. Who are you going to support? Who is worth supporting: the roundheads or royalists?
- What were the reasons for the Civil war?
- Why was trade developing rapidly in those times?
- How can you explain the rapid development of science?
- What is the greatest discovery of the 17th century in your opinion?
- Compare the life of ordinary people in the 16th and 17th centuries.
- Compare the life of women in the 16th and 17th centuries.
- You are English and live in the 17th century. What part of Britain would you prefer to live in? Justify your opinion.
- Compare Britain under the Tudors and Stuarts.
- Some people say that "England is a woman's paradise, a servant's prison, because mistresses are very severe, and a horse's hell because they are ridden hard". Do you agree?
- You are journalists of the 21st century and have a chance to interview women of the 17th century to find out if they live in paradise.
- Monarchy or republic? What society would you like to live in?
Theme 6
The eighteenth century
- What was the role of Robert Walpole in the development of the financial life of Britain?
- What were British –Indian relationships in the 18th century?
- What do you think of the principles of the Cabinet?
- What changes took place in farming?
- What made Britain in the 18th century the most advanced economy in the world?
- How was middle class being formed?
- What were social effects of Methodism?
- Why did Britain avoid the bourgeois revolution?
- Compare Britain of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Theme 7
The nineteenth century
- Why was Britain considered to be the “workshop” of the world?
- What made Britain country №1 in the World?
- What targets guided Britain’s foreign policy?
- What relationships were there between Russia and Britain in the 19th century?
- A century without wars… How did Britain manage to avoid them?
- Under what circumstances did Britain change from being a nation of country people to a nation mainly of townspeople?
- What should Parliament represent – “property” or the people? What idea did Whigs and Tories support? What changes in Parliament took place in the 19th century?
- Should MPs be paid? What is your opinion?
- Political evolution or revolution…? What do you choose?
- What was the significance of the postage system introduced in 1840?
- Robert Peel was the first to prove that certainty of punishment is far more effective than cruelty of punishment. What do you think?
- Why was Britain considered to be a political model in the 18th century?
- How did family life change in the 19th century?
- What is the significance of the Great Exhibition of Industries?
- What were the social effects of the industrial revolution?
- Some people think government should not interfere in trade and industry. What is your point of view?
- How did ordinary people live in Ireland and Scotland?
- Discuss the reasons for Irish and Scottish immigration.
- Labour of children in Britain… What do you think of this phenomenon?
- How did family change in the 19th century?
- What is more important for you: interests of the state or freedom of the individuality?
- One of the reasons for loosing its leading position in the world in the 19th century was that Britain was not used to being so strongly challenged. What other reasons existed? And which one do you consider the most important?
- If the senior Austrian Archduke in Sarajevo had not been murdered, would the First World War have broken out? Discuss.
- What were the reasons for the First World War?
- Discuss the role of entertainment in the life of people of the 19th century.
- The Victorian period in the history of Britain is often called “England’s summer”. Could you explain why?
Theme 8
The twentieth century
- Why did Britain loose its strength in the twentieth century?
- What helped Britain to recover from “depression” in the 1930s?
- At the start of the twentieth century, during the First World War Quakers refused to fight. For the first time a government accepted the idea that men had the right to refuse to fight if they believed fighting to be wrong. What do you think of this idea? Discuss.
- Who is this poem by Laurence Binyon about? What does it mean for you?
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. |
- What were the consequences of the First World War?
- Why did the role of the Labour party grow after the First World War?
- In 1885 F. Engels wrote of the trade unionists: “The fools want to reform society to suit themselves, but not reform themselves to suit the development of society”. Do you agree with the words?
- What effect on Britain did the Bolshevik revolution make?
- “You’ve never had it so good” – a famous remark after the Second World War. What did it mean?
- Many people consider “swinging sixties” the best ten years Britain had in the twentieth century. What do you think?
- The 1960s in Britain are called the age of youth. Why so?
- Are you for or against “permissive society”?
- A “permissive society” or a return to Victorian values?
- Do you think the Royal family has a future?
- What should the role of monarchy be in society?
- In 1936 Edward VIII gave up the thrown in order to marry a divorced woman. Do you approve of him? Discuss.
- British football fans are famous all over the world for their violence. How can this violence be explained?
- Nationalization or privatization…? What is the role of the state in the economic development of the country?
- The rich and the poor… What happened to the gap between rich and poor during the period 1979 - 1994, and what were the main causes?
- Who rules Britain: the Crown, the Commons, the Lords, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet or the Civil Service? Discuss.
- If you were British, which political party would you support?
- . What were the economic successes and failures of the Conservative administrations, 1979-97?
- In what ways are women still disadvantaged in British society?
- How did the ethnic pattern of Britain change in the 20th century?
- What predictions can you make about British society?
- Why is the Commonwealth popular with its membership?
Литература для учащихся
1. David McDowall. An Illustrated History of Britain. Longman. 2003.
Литература для учителя
- Кузовлев В.П. Как оценить социокультурное содержание УМК – Коммуникативная методика № 3 2002.
- Полат Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка - ИЯШ №2 2000.
- Полат Е.С. Обучение в сотрудничестве – ИЯШ №1 2000.
- Поляков О.Г. О некоторых проблемах использования тестов как одного из средств контроля обученности школьников по иностранному языку – ИЯШ №2, 1994.
- Cафонова В.В. Программа Английский язык 10-11 классы школ с углубленным изучением иностранных языков М. Просвещение, 1997.
- Соловова Е.Н. Перспективы развития национальной системы языкового контроля – АЯШ № 2 2004.
- Соловова Е.Н. Создание авторских элективных программ и курсов: актуальная задача и острая необходимость современного этапа развития языкового образования – АЯШ № 1 2004.
- J.J.Bell, The History of England, ПИТЕР С.Петербург 1995.
- Asa Briggs, A Social History of England, Book Club Assosiates, London, 1983.
- Nathaniel Harris, History Around US The Young Historian’s Handbook, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, London, 1979.
- Henrietta Heald, Chronicle of Britain incorporating a Chronicle of Ireland, Chronicle Communications Ltd, 1992.
- Christopher Hibbert, The Story of Englnd, Phaudon Press Limited, London, 1992.
- David McDowall, Britain in close – up, Longman, 2006.
- John Julius Norwich, Britain’s Heritage, Kingfisher Books, London, 1991.
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