Тема дружбы. Волшебник Изумрудного Города.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Традиционный урок с элементами игровой и компьютерной технологий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МОУ Гимназия г.Бронницы
Сценарий урока английского языка:
Тема дружбы. На основе сюжета книги Ф. Баума «Волшебник Изумрудного Города»
Учебник «Английский язык. VI класс».
Авторы: Хрусталева Л.В., Богородицкая В.Н.
Глава 8.
Учитель: Дворецкова Л.В.
Класс: 6 «А».
Март 2014г.
Цели и задачи урока:
- Формирование иноязычной компетенции.
- Воспитание чувства дружбы между детьми.
- Формирование способности к распределению внимания.
- Развитие способности осуществлять речевые действия.
- Активизация творческих способностей учащихся и интереса к предмету.
- Развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации и общего охвата содержания.
- Активизация лексических навыков.
- Развитие умения читать с целью общего охвата содержания.
- Совершенствование коммуникативной и общей речевой культуры, расширение лингвистического кругозора.
Этапы урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Речевая зарядка.
- Введение темы урока.
- Работа с текстом.
- Домашнее задание.
- Подведение итогов темы урока.
- Литературная викторина.
- Заключительный этап.
Доска; магнитофон; карточки с именами героев, их рисунки; карточки с текстами; рисунки-сцены; карта, компьютер.
T: “Good afternoon, boys and girls! Sit down, everybody. Now let’s start”.
T: “To begin with, I’d like you to listen to a tune. It is an anthem, a national song of a country. Can you guess this state? It is the country of farmers, Indians, cowboys; it is the country of 5 Great Lakes, six geographical regions”. (звучит небольшой отрывок)
“ What is the official name of the country?
What countries does it border?
Where is the USA situated?
What oceans is the USA washed by?”
(использование карты)
[T P1 P2 P3 P4]
T: “The USA gave a lot of outstanding people to the world: poets, explorers, presidents, actors and writers. One of them is Frank Baum.
We read the passage from the “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by Frank Baum. Today we’re going to answer one main question “What does this book teach us?”
As I’ve already said Frank Baum is author of the “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, well known all over the world. Listen to the information about Frank Baum and answer the question:
- When was F. Baum born?
- Where did he work?
- What book made him popular?
- Was Baum’s famous book made into a film?
- Was this book translated into Russian?”
P: “Fr. Baum worked as a newspaper reporter, and then in several theatres. When he wrote his book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” about the adventures of the little farm girl Dorothy and her dog Toto in the magical land of Oz. It soon became America’s favourite children’s fantasy. In 1902, Baum returned to the book for a musical comedy based on “The Wizard of Oz”. Baum’s famous book was made into an exciting film with the same little”.
P P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
IV. 1) T: “Now let’s remember the main characters of the book”.
T P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
“Dorothy, the Wizard of Oz, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion”. (карточки, прикрепленные на доске)
T: “What are they like?”
T P1 P2 P3 P4 P5:
“-What’s your opinion of Dorothy?
-What is the Tin Woodman like?
-What about the Cowardly Lion?
-What do you think about the Wizard of Oz?
-What can you say about the Scarecrow?”
(пример ответа: “The Scarecrow thought that he was very silly and wanted to have brains. But I think he was silly but kind-hearted, ready to help other people. He was faithful in friendship. He is good to be in the same team with”).
IV. 2) T: “Now I’d like you to remember the main events of the book. Your tasks are:
- to answer the questions on the text;
- to place the pictures in correct order;
- to read the text which matches each scene”.
- P1 P2 P3 P4:
- How did it happen that Dorothy found herself in a magic country?
- Why did she go to see the Wizard of Oz?
- How did Dorothy destroy the Wicked Wizard of the West?
*(a) A great storm once carried a small house with Dorothy and Toto in it to a magic country.
b) She was sure he would be able to help her, as her new friends told that he was a great and powerful wizard.
c) The girl took a pail of water and threw it over the Witch making her wet. The Witch gave a loud cry and melted).
P5 P6 P7 P8 :
- What did the friends want from the Wizard of Oz?
- When at last did they see the Great and Terrible Oz?
- Did Oz look powerful and great?
*(d) The Scarecrow wanted brains. The Cowardly Lion wanted courage. Dorothy wanted him to send her home.
e) The next morning when the friends destroyed the Wicked Witch of the West, they saw Oz.
f) No, he didn’t).
2. = 3. (группа расставляет рисунки, параллельно читая текст к каждой),
P1 P2:
“A great storm once carried a small house with Dorothy and Toto in it to a magic country. The house fell down on the Wicked Witch of the East whom the people in that country feared, and it killed her. Everybody was happy, but Dorothy felt sad. She wanted to go back home, but she didn’t know how to. Her new friends told her about a great and powerful wizard who lived in the Emerald City. They were sure he would be able to help Dorothy. They also gave Dorothy the Witch’s magic silver shoes as a present”.
P3 P4:
“On the way to the Great Wizard, whose name was Oz, Dorothy met the Scarecrow thought that he was very silly and wanted to have brains. Then she met the Tin Woodman. He was unhappy, because he had no heart, and he thought he was heartless. She also met the Cowardly Lion, who suffered very much, because he was a coward. They were all going to Oz to ask him to give them what they didn’t have”.
“The Wizard of Oz met each of the friends in his Throne Room. When he received her friends, he looked, in turns, like a beautiful Lady in the Throne, like a terrible Beast on the Throne, and at last like a Ball of Fire on the Throne. And each time he told that he would help them only if they killed the Wicked of the West”.
P6 P7:
“When the Wicked Witch of the West saw the silver shoes on Dorothy’s feet, she began to think of a plan how steal them, because she knew all about the wonderful power in them. Once the Witch made Dorothy fall down, and one of her silver shoes fell off her foot. The Wicked Witch took the shoe at once and put it on her old foot. The girl was very angry. She took a pail of water and threw it over the Witch making her wet from head to foot. The Witch gave a loud cry and began to melt. In a minute there was nothing left but some dirty water”.
P8 P9:
“Dorothy and her friends didn’t know to get back to the Emerald City. But the Golden Cap that Dorothy had taken in the house of the Wicked Witch of the West helped them. She turned it three times on her head and a lot of flying monkeys appeared. They carried Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin woodman and the Cowardly Lion to the Emerald City on their large wings. It was an exciting journey!”
IV. 3) T: “So the 4 travellers walked up to the great gate of the Emerald City”.
“And at 9 o’clock the next morning the friends went to see the Great Oz. They were greatly surprised when they looked and saw no one at all in the room. Suddenly they heard a great voice”.
Oz: “I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. What do you want from me?”
Dorothy: “Where are you?”
Oz: “I am everywhere but to the eyes of common people i am invisible”.
Dorothy: “We have come to get what you promised us, Oz”.
Oz: “What did I promise?”
Dorothy: “You promised to send me back home if we destroyed the Wicked Witch of the West”.
The Scarecrow: “And you promised to give me brains”.
The Tin Woodman: “And you promised to give me a heart”.
The Cowardly Lion: “And you promised to give me courage”.
Dorothy: “You must keep your promises to us”.
(Лев издает рык, Дороти от неожиданности опирается о шарик, он падает, все видят маленького человека).
Мужчина: “I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Everybody thinks that I’m a great Wizard”.
Dorothy: “And aren’t you?”
Мужчина: “Not a bit of it, my dear. I am just a common man”.
The Scarecrow: “You are more than that, you are a humbug”.
The Tin Woodman: “But this is terrible. How shall we get what you promised us?”
Dorothy: “And I don’t understand how was it that you fooled everyone so long?”
Мужчина: “Oh, I am ashamed. Sit down, please”.
V. T: “We don’t say “Good bye” to Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Oz, the Cowardly Lion. You’ll meet them soon, when you read the 2nd part of the text “In the Emerald City”.
VI. T: “We don’t say “Good bye” to the Emerald City, it’s a world of wonders where both people and animals speak. It’s a land of fantasy, a wonderful world of imagination. But it teaches us common and simple things. What things?”
T P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6:
No doubt ... honesty.
this book teaches us... friendship.
I think... love.
T P1 P2 P3
Match the two parts of each proverb, read, translate.
- A friend to everybody is a) a friend indeed.
- Old friends are b) a friend to anybody.
- A friend in need is c) best.
VII. During our homereading lessons we’ve met a lot of other characters, and they’ve taught us a lot. Let’s check up if/whether you remember them.
1 слайд. Книга, перо, чернильница. | Do you remember the stories you have read? |
2 слайд. Текст на рукописи. | “Not to be mean to one’s comrades is a very fine law. But I must say it will be difficult to keep it. There are many mean people in the world. But if you are not mean to each other, and teach all the other boys and girls not to be mean to anybody, perhaps, we shall make the world a better place”. |
3 слайд. Обложка книги с автором, названием, возможно, героями. | E.B. White “Stuart Little”. |
4 слайд. Текст на рукописи. | “He is too proud of himself. I’ll teach him not to boast. Brains are better than legs. He will not be so proud next time we meet him”. |
5 слайд. Название + заяц и ежик. | “The Hedgehog and the Hare”. |
6 слайд. Текст на рукописи. | “When afternoon came, he was a rich boy. He had twelve marbles, a piece of blue glass, a toy soldier, a kitten, a dog-collar, and many other things. He had a good time, and the fence was ready very quickly”. |
7 слайд. Обложка книги с автором, названием, возможно, героями. | Mark Twain “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. |
8 слайд. Текст на рукописи. | “Roving has always been, and still is, the greatest joy of my heart, the very sunshine of my life. In childhood, in boyhood and in adult years, I have been a rover. I liked to wander among the woods and hills of my native land, and I dreamed of travelling the wide, wide world”. |
9 слайд. Обложка книги с автором, названием, возможно, иллюстрациями, героями. | R.M. Ballantyne “The Coral Island”. |
10 слайд. | “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body”. Richard Steel (an Irish writer). |
VIII. T: “So, let’s remember what we’ve done.
The marks of the lesson are:... .
The lesson is over. You may go. Good bye, boys and girls. See you tomorrow”.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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