открытый урок в 9 классе "Телевидение"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Данный конспект разработан для открытого урока по теме "Телевидение", за основу взят УМК Кузовлева, время работы: 30 мин.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект открытого урока 2 «Television»
1. Организационный момент – 2 минуты.
Good morning, students. Take your seats, please and get ready for the lesson. First of all I would like to get acquainted. I’d like you to stand up and say your name. For example, my name is Anna Vladimirovna and I’m your teacher for this lesson. (students…) Nice to meet you Masha. So if you are ready, let’s start the lesson.
2. Today you get a lot of information from different resources, and you know a lot. Now I would like to check your attentiveness. I will show you some pictures connecting with our topic of the lesson. And I would like you to guess the topic of our lesson.
1Slide – Who is it?
1 Slide – I’ll give you the second help (hint). What is it? (I can tell you only that it is situated in Moscow).
1 Slide – ok maybe this picture will help you?! What is it? Yes, that’s right, it’s a TV-set and it shows us different programmes. I hope you have guessed what we are going to talk about today.
2 Slide – Yes, that’s right, it’s television. And let’s return to our first picture. Slide 3 (Zvorykin Vladimir Kozmich (1889-1982) – a russian-american engineer, one of the inventors of modern television).
Slide 4 (Shukhovskaya tower (1920-1922) – one of the most beautiful and outstanding achievements of architecture).
Slide 5 (The first TV-set was invented by Zvorykin in 1939).
3. I offer you to do the first task- Slide 6
Now look at your desks, you see the list of useful new words. The first column– list of the words, the second – “plus” (if you know this word), “minus” (if you don’t know this word). Now let’s fill this table you can write “+” if you know this word and “-“ if you don’t know, please write without thinking, you have only 1 minute:
Заполнение оценочного листа
Vocabulary | I know (+); I don’t know(-) | translation | I know (+); I don’t know (-) at the end of the lesson | Individual hometask |
to stifle |
| |||
to utilize | ||||
to transfer | ||||
to present | ||||
to separate | ||||
viewpoint | ||||
firsthand | ||||
wealth | ||||
available |
4. Самооценка и постановка учебной задачи – 1 min.
Let’s check our results. I see you have some words that you don’t know. In this case I would like to ask you: What is the aim of our lesson?! What are we going to do today?
We would like to learn these words, it means that we would like to broaden our active vocabulary. Slide 7.
5. Could you tell me how you would like to study today? What way is easier for you to learn these new words: individual or in groups? (in groups) – 1 min.
Ok, let’s make the groups, let’s divide(1st, 2nd).- 2 min.
6. To learn new words and to do next task, you are to know and use the definition of the new words. Let’s read them. – 2 min. Slide 8.
Active vocabulary:
- to stifle – to stop yourself from doing something;
- to utilize - to use something;
- to transfer – to give to smb/smth else;
- to present – to introduce smb/smth formally;
- to separate – to divide;
- viewpoint - a person's opinion or point of view;
- firsthand - from the original source; direct or directly;
- wealth - the state of being rich; material prosperity;
- available - free to do something.
7. Now we have 2 groups, it will be some kind of competition between your groups. 1) First of all, each group should choose the speaker (who will present your work at the end) and the technical assistant (who will help you to design your text) in your group;
2) Now you will have 4 extracts of the text, you are to make up the text as quickly as you can. – 3 min. Slide 9.
8. Let’s check the results. Please, the speaker, come to the whiteboard and tell us, how do you think what extract will be the first… - 2 min.
9. Thank you very much, you have worked in group effectively, and let’s try to continue our work with this text, please find in the text the sentences with our new active vocabulary and try to translate them, raise the hand, if you are ready. – 3 min.
10. We have worked with the text, discussed our topic “television” and now let’s try to make the conclusion. Let’s play “Life sentence”. I need your help, I need 9 students. – 2 min. Slide 10.
11. Thank you very much! And now let’s return to our first tables, and finish them please…- 1 min. Choose your homework please.
12. At the end of our short lesson I want to ask you to say some words about our lesson. Please finish any of these sentences. Slide 11.
13. Thank you for this lesson. Slide 12.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Zvorykin Vladimir Kozmich (1889-1982) – a russian-american engineer, one of the inventors of modern television.
Shukhovskaya tower (1920-1922) – one of the most beautiful and outstanding achievements of architecture.
The first TV-set was invented by Zvorykin in 1939.
Vocabulary I know (+) ; I don’t know (-) translation I know (+) ; I don’t know (-) at the end of the lesson Individual hometask to stifle Write an essay “TV: pluses and minuses”. Make up 10 sentences with the new words. to utilize to transfer to present to separate viewpoint firsthand wealth available
The aim of the lesson is to broaden our active vocabulary.
Active vocabulary: to stifle – to stop yourself from doing something; to utilize - to use something; to transfer – to give to smb / smth else; to present – to introduce smb / smth formally; to separate – to divide; viewpoint - a person's opinion or point of view; firsthand - from the original source; direct or directly; wealth - the state of being rich; material prosperity; available - free to do something.
A. To say that television is not important is to say that learning about other cultures thousands of miles away by seeing and hearing is a waste of time. In this age of information, television is one of the most effective means of mass communication available to man. Where else could millions of people have learnt firsthand about man’s first steps on the moon or the fall of the Berlin Wall? B. Thoughts and ideas are the things that make society dynamic. Thoughts and ideas the elements out of which creativity and invention are made. However, no matter how brilliant or useful the thought is, it is useless to society if it cannot be expressed to others, improved and utilized. Today, there are many different ways to transfer thoughts and ideas. Of these, television seems to be one of the quickest ways of presenting an idea clearly and completely. C. Television destroys barriers that separate men; it unites people who are separated by distance, skin colour , language and wealth. Television informs and educates… No other medium of the information age is as quick and as widely used around the world as television. D. Almost every day one can hear something about television. Many label television as a “drug”, because every day millions of children waste their time in front of this electronic idol. Others say that television is stifling the creativity and independent thoughts of millions. Well, I strongly disagree with the viewpoint that television is a waste of time. 3 2 4 1
Television is one of the most effective means of mass communication available to man.
Finish the sentences. Today I have known… It was interesting for me… It was difficult for me… I have understood… Now I can… I have learnt… I could… It was surprise for me … I would like…
Thank you!
Предварительный просмотр:
Vocabulary | I know (+); I don’t know(-) | translation | I know (+); I don’t know (-) at the end of the lesson | Individual hometask |
to stifle |
| |||
to utilize | ||||
to transfer | ||||
to present | ||||
to separate | ||||
viewpoint | ||||
firsthand | ||||
wealth | ||||
available |
The instruction for the group work:
1) Choose the speaker (who will present your text) and the technical assistant (who will help you to design your text) in your group;
2) You have 4 extracts, you are to make up the text as quickly as you can.
At the end of the lesson make a conclusion, finish the sentences:
- Today I have known…
- It was interesting for me…
- It was difficult for me…
- I have understood…
- Now I can…
- I have learnt…
- I could…
- It was surprise for me …
- I would like…
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