Halloween. Праздник для 2-3 классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Праздник для учащихся. второй год изучающих английский язык. Использованы стихи и песни. которые они изучали на уроках.
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HALLOWEEN. (2 – 3 forms)
It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The Moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can’t be seen
On any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls [gu:l],
Grinning goblins fighting duels [dju:эl],
Werewolves rising from their tombs’
Witches on their magic brooms.
In masks we walk along the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it’s Halloween!
Teacher: This story happened in the night of the 31 of October.
In the evening Mr. White came to his sister.
White: Hallo, Betty!
Sister: Hallo, Tom! Come in, please. How are you?
Wh.: I’m fine. How are you?
S. : I’m fine. Thank you. Are you hungry?
Wh.: No, I’m not. What’s for tea?
S.: Sweets, cake, biscuits. Look!
Wh.: Yes, I’m hungry! Yummy, yummy!
NOW I want to sleep! Good night!
S.: Good night!
Teacher: Suddenly the witches appeared in the sky. They flew into the
window and sat down to have a rest.
Song: One little, 2~, 3~ witches.
4~,5~, 6 ~ witches.
7~, 8~, 9~ witches
10 little witches in the sky.
Witches: 1-Look at this man!
2-He is sleeping!
3- Is he a baker?
4- Yes, he is a baker!
5- Where are the buns?
6- Where are the cakes?
7-Where are the biscuits?
8- We want buns!
9-We want cakes!
10- We want biscuits!
Witches: Trick or treat, trick or treat, give us something good to eat. (1, 2)
Give us candy, give us cake, give us something sweet to take. (3, 4)
Give us cookies, fruit and gum, hurry up and give us some. (5, 6)
You had better do it quick or we’ll surely play a trick (7, 8)
Trick or treat, trick or treat, give us something good to eat. (9, 10)
Together: Trick or treat! (Wake him up)
White: I want to sleep!
Witches song: Take three snake’s teeth and four frog’s legs,
A tortoise’s tail and eight ant’s eggs,
Say «Abracadabra, jim, jam, jell! »
And now you’ve got a magic spell!
Take a black bat’s ear and a monkey’s toes,
A butterfly’s eye and a rabbit’s nose,
Say «Abracadabra, jim, jam, jell! »
And now you’ve got a magic spell!
Witches: Trick, trick, trick! (Mr. White becomes a Gingerbread Man)
Teacher: Poor Mr. White! How he was frightened! Somebody could eat him up!
(the nock at the door)
Poem: 1- Old Mc. Donald had a farm
and on his farm he had some ducks
with a quack, quack here
and a quack, quack there.
2-Old Mc. Donald had a farm
And on his farm he had a pig
With a hoink, hoink here,
and a hoink, hoink there.
3-Old Mc. Donald had a farm
and on his farm he had a cow.
with a moo, moo here
and a moo there.
Old Mc. Donald had a farm!
McD: I’m Old Mc. Donald!
----Have you got a farm?
McD: Yes, I have.
----Is your farm good?
McD: Yes, it is. My cows are fat, and my house is new, but my hat is
very, very old.
----Is Mr.White your brother?
Mc D: Yes, he is. Oh, it’s a tasty Gingerbread man for my son Jimmy.
White: Oh, I’m not a Gingerbread man. I’m your brother! Don’t eat me!
Witches: Trick! Trick! Trick!
Children: Run, run as fast as you can!
(Mr. White runs away. Mc. Donald follows him)
Teacher: He ran and ran and ran into the house where lazy Bobby lived.
He liked to eat.
(The boy is sitting with a jug of jam)
Song: I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas.
Bobby: Mummy! I’m hungry! Give me jam!
Mother: Here you are!
Bobby: Mummy! Give me a sweet!
Mother: Here you are!
Bobby: Oh, give me this gingerbread man!
Witches: Trick! Trick! Trick!
Teacher: He ran into the garden and saw a wild animal with a strange
head. (children with Jack-o-Lantern)
The Wild Animal: Sometimes big and sometimes small,
But always round and yellow.
When children make my famous grin
Then I’m a scary fellow.
The wild animal: It’s fat! It’s big! I’m hungry! I want to eat it!
Wh.: Oh, no!
Witches: Trick or treat!
The Wild Animal: Treat or we’ll eat you!
Wh.: Treat, treat! (Gives sweets to the witches and to the animal)
The Wild Animal: I’m happy now1 I have sweets!
Witches: And we have sweets1 Trick, trick! (Mr. White becomes a man again)
Now let’s play and sing.
Songs: If you are happy.
Head and shoulders.
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