Сценарий праздника дла 5 -6 класс "Календарь осенних праздников"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Autumn Holidays Party
Учителя английского языка,
Семенюченко Н.А.
Ведущий 1:
Good afternoon children!
Welcome to our party!
Учащиеся 5-Б
P-s: “Weather song”
Nice and sunny
Nice and warm
The weather’s nice today.
Look at the sun, look at the sky
The weather’s nice today.
Nice and sunny
Nice and warm
The weather’s nice today.
Look at the sun, look at the sky
The weather’s nice today.
Thunder! Lightning!
Look at the sky!
The weather’s bad today.
Foggy, windy, stormy, cold
The weather’s bad today.
Listen to the thunder!
Look at the lightning!
The weather’s bad today.
Foggy, windy, stormy, cold
The weather’s bad today.
Hey! Hey for Halloween!
When the witches can be seen.
Some in black and some in green.
Hey! Hey for Halloween.
К нам Хеллоуин идет
Волшебство свое несет.
Кошки, ведьмы с колдовством
В чёрном, жёлтом, золотом
On October 31~st people in Britain and America
celebrate Halloween. They buy pumpkins to make lanterns. They say it scares evil spirits!
31 октября в Великобритании и Америке отмечают Хеллоуин. Люди покупают тыквы, чтобы сделать из них фонари. Говорят - это отпугивает злых духов.
P-s: “Halloween is coming” 5а
Halloween is coming
What will you do?
I might go trick-or treating
How about you?
Halloween is coming
Whom will you meet?
I might see a princes
Skipping down the street.
Halloween is coming
What will you be?
I might be a pirate
On the deep blue sea.
Halloween is coming
Whom will you see?
I might see jack-o-lantern
Winking at me!
Ведущий 1:
On Halloween Night children wear costumes and go trick –or- treating. They go from house to house and people give them sweets and chocolate.
Ведущий 2:
Вечером на Хеллоуин дети надевают костюмы и ходят от дома к дому, где по традиции взрослые дают им сладости и шоколад.
Учащиеся 5в:
“The pumpkin in the patch”
The pumpkin in the patch
The pumpkin in the patch
Hi-ho on Halloween, the pumpkin in the patch.
The pumpkin calls the bat…
The bat calls the witch…
The witch calls the ghost…
The ghost scares us all…
We al scare he ghost.
Hi-ho on Halloween…
“Triсk- or treat” (сценка учащиеся 5б)
Trick- or- treat,
Trick- or- treat,
Give us something good to eat!
Give us candy,
Give us cake,
Give us something good to take.
Give us cookies, fruit and gum,
Hurry up and give us some.
You had better do it quick.
Or we’ll surely play a trick,
Trick- or- treat,
Trick- or- treat,
Give us something good to eat!
“Peas pudding hot”Поют учащиеся 5б
Peas pudding hot,
Peas pudding cold,
Peas pudding in the pot nine days old.
Some like it hot,
Some like it cold,
Some like it in the pot nine days old.
People in Britain and America make parties for relatives and friends where they have a lot of fun.
В этот день люди в Великобритании и Америке
устраивают вечеринки для родственников и друзей и много веселятся.
“Halloween” 5б
Everything is black and gold,
Black and gold tonight:
Yellow pumpkins,
Yellow moon,
Yellow candle light.
Black and gold,
Black and gold,
Nothing in between-
When the world turns
Black and gold,
Then it’s Halloween!
Witches dancing.( учащиеся 5б)
P-s: “Five little pumpkins”
Five little pumpkins
Sitting on a gate
The first one said,
“My! It’s getting late!”
The second one said,
“There are witches in the air!”
The third one said,
‘Good folk, beware!’
The fourth one said,
“We’ll run and run!”
The fifth one said,
“Let’s have some fun!”
“Woooooooh”, went the wind,
And out went the light.
And the five little pumpkins
Rolled out of the sight!
Fireworks! Fireworks! Light!
Bonfires are here and there.
It’s Guy Fawkes’ Night!
Bangs and cheers everywhere.
Фейерверки! Крики Смех!
Этот праздник лучше всех!
Кто ответ мне найдет,
Что за праздник к нам идет?
It’s Guy Fawkes’ Night!
Firework is bright and might!
Это 5-е ноября
Снова праздник у меня!
В фейерверках вся страна!
Гая Фокса ночь. Ура!
Before Guy Fawkes’ Night British children
Enjoy making guys. They usually make guys from their old clothes.
Перед днем Гая Фокса британские дети
делают чучела, обычно они делают их из своей старой одежды.
They put the guys on the street and ask for money for the guys. People give money. With this money children buy some fireworks.
Они выносят чучела на улицу и просят для него деньги. Люди охотно дают деньги для чучела. На эти деньги дети покупают фейерверки.
( учащиеся 5а сценка)
P-1: “Fall”
Put on jacket and jeans for fall,
Now it’s cold to play football!
Leaves turn orange, red and brown,
And they’re falling down.
Winter, spring, summer, fall,
I like fall best of all!
P-2: “Fireworks”
There’s bonfire here today,
There’s bonfire here today,
I can tell it by the big Guy Fawkes’
There’s bonfire here today
And where are tasty sausages for Guy Fawkes’ party? They are coming soon!
А где же наши вкусные сосиски к празднику? Они уже на подходе.
P-1: “В нашем холодильнике”
“Sausage poem”
В нашем холодильнике
Только полчаса
Прожила копченая
Sausage- колбаса.
- Я - продукт особенный-
Special - я смотри,
У меня и специи
И коньяк внутри
Seemly – подобающий
У меня наряд
И в обертку спрятала
Sad- печальный взгляд.
Эта spicy- пряная
Чудо колбаса
Нас совсем растрогала
Через полчаса.
Мы с колбаской сделали
Sandwich- бутерброд,
И её отправили
С бутербродом в рот.
(Песня в исполнении 5а)
“Five fat sausages…”
Five fat sausages sitting in the pan
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, one goes bang!
Four fat sausages sitting in the pan.
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, one goes bang!
Three fat sausages sitting in the pan.
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, one goes bang!
Two fat sausages sitting in the pan.
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, one goes bang!
One fat sausage sitting in the pan.
Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, one goes bang!
NO fat sausages sitting in the pan.
P-1(Дудкин Дима):”Guy Fawkes’ Day”
You will hear loud bangs
You will hear loud bangs near your house.
You will hear loud bangs here
There and everywhere.
You will see fires!
You will see fireworks and bonfires!
Here, there and everywhere
You’ll see fireworks and bonfires!
Guy Fawkes dancing (учащиеся 5а)
P-1 5в:
“Soul, soul…”
Soul, soul an apple or two
If you haven’t an apple
A pear will do
An apple or a pear,
A plum or a cherry
Give me something
To make me merry.
One for Peter,
Two for Paul,
Three for Man
Who made us all!
The month is amber
Gold and brown.
It’s November now.
Thanksgiving is coming to the town!
Осень наступила
Жёлтая листва
День Благодарения
Праздновать пора.
Thanksgiving is always celebrated on
the 4-th Thursday of November. Americans celebrate this holiday in the family circle. First they go to the church service. Then they have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
Американцы празднуют День Благодарения в 4-й четверг ноября, в семейном кругу. Сначала они идут на церковную службу, затем традиционный обед с индейкой.
(Песня в исполнении учащихся 5в):
“He likes turkey”
He likes turkey and salad too,
She likes spaghetti and carrots too,
We like hamburgers and apples too,
They like jam and sausage too,
I like chocolate and water too!
P-1: “Thank you ”
Thank you, thank you, very much.
For everything that I can touch.
Thanks a lot for nature’s food.
And for when I’m feeling good.
Thank you, thank you, very much.
For moms and dads and such.
P-s: “Robin” ( учащиеся 5в сценка)
(Митько Олеся, Кечуткин Миша)
Robin, Robin what a man!
He eats as much as no one can.
He ate a lot of fish,
He ate a lot of meet,
He drank a lot of juice,
He drank a lot of milk,
He ate a lot of porridge
and a sweet,
He ate a lot of cookies
And a cake,
Then said :I have a stomachache!
(Песня в исполнении5в)
“Potato chips”
Potato chips, potato chips
I love potato chips.
I do, too.
Do you like popcorn?
Yes, I do.
I love popcorn.
I do, too.
Do you like candy?
Yes, I do.
But I love potato chips.
I do, too.
Potato chips, potato chips
I love potato chips.
I do, too.
So guys, do you know table manners well?
We’ll teach you English table manners.
Ребята, а вы знаете как вести себя за столом? Мы вам сейчас расскажем о хороших английских манерах.
“Table manners poem”
Take your elbows off the table.
Keep those big feet on the floor.
Take you hat off when you come in.
You’re not outside any more.
Keep your mouth closed when you are eating.
When you are hungry ask for more.
But take your elbows off the table
And keep those big feet on the floor.
Now you know table manners well.
Let’s go to sushi-bar in New-York!
Теперь вы знаете как вести себя за столом в гостях у британцев. А теперь мы отправляемся в Нью-Йорк в суши – бар.
(Песня исполнении 5в)
Sushi, soy sauce, egg rolls, oooo!
I love sushi.
I do, too!
Rice is nice
Noodles are, too.
But I love sushi.
Me, too!
She uses chop-sticks
He’s from New-York.
He eats sushi
With a knife and fork.
Sushi, soy sauce, egg rolls, oooo!
I love sushi.
I do, too!
After thanksgiving dinner Americans usually play sport games and dance. Well, let’s dance together.
После вкусного обеда американцы играют в спортивные игры и танцуют. Давайте мы тоже потанцуем. Мы будем петь, и показывать движения, а вы повторяйте за нами.
P-s: “Head and Shoulders …”
Викторина для зрителей:
1. When do English and American people celebrate Halloween?
2.What are the main colours of that holiday?
3.What do the people usually do on that day?
4.When do Englishmen celebrate Guy Fawkes’ Night?
5.Why do children put Guy Fawkes on the street?
6.When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
7.What is traditional dinner of that day?
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