Социокультурный подход в обучении английскому языку
занимательные факты по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольно – измерительные материалы (5-9 классы)
«Страноведение» I тур
1.14 июня в США отмечают праздник в качестве символа страны.
Что это за праздник? (Flag Day).
2. Rudyard Kipling. Кто это?
(Английский писатель, родился в Индии. «Книга джунглей», главный герой – человеческий детеныш Маугли).
3. Что означают цифры 999?
(Телефон для вызова полиции, пожарных, скорой помощи)
4. Что вы знаете о фирме Levis (li:vaiz)?
Американская фирма по выпуску джинсов.
5. George and Richard Cadbury основали компанию по производству ….
Что выпускает эта фирма? (Шоколад)
6. Кто такая Джейн Роулинг? Назовите ее произведения.
(«Гарри Поттер и секретная комната», «Гари Поттер и философский камень», «Гарри Поттер и узник Азкабана»).
7. Что такое porridge? (Овсяная каша, подается на завтрак с маслом, молоком и сахаром. Шотландское национальное блюдо)
8. Как зовут основателя американской компании по производству мультфильмов? (Worlt Disney)_
9. Что такое «bowling»? (Игра c тяжелым шаром).
10. Откуда произошло слово «sandwich»?
(Англия. Граф Сандвический. Мясо между двумя ломтиками хлеба).
11. Какие продукты питания относятся к «fast food»?
(cэндвич, хот-дог, бутерброд, гамбургер).
12. Известный лондонский парк, где проводятся политические митинги, демонстрации. (Гайд-парк)
13. Кто такая «Lollipop lady» Женщина, которая помогает детям переходить улицу.
II тур. Выберите правильный вариант ответа
1, Часы на здании парламента в Лондоне называются ……..
а)King Kong; b) Big; c) Ben Nevis
«.По традиции, к чаю в Англии подают ……..
а) блины с икрой; в) пиццу; с) сэндвич с огурцом.
3.Поднятый флаг над Букингемским дворцом означает …..
а) королева дома; в) в королевской семье родился ребенок; с) у королевы день рождения.
4.Кто был первым США?
а) А. Линкольн; в) Д Вашингтон; с) Д.Буш.
5.Что, по английской традиции, привязывают к автомобилю новобрачных?
а) детскую коляску; в) запасную канистру с бензином; с) пустые консервные банки.
6.На чем сидит председатель британского парламента?
а) на бочке с медом; в) на мешке с шерстью; с) на бочке с порохом.
7.Австралийскую дикую собаку называют …
а) dingo; b) hot dog; c) sausage dog.
8.Назовите американского президента, который дольше всех находился у власти
а) Гарри Трумэн; в) Франклин Рузвельт; с) Рональд Рейган.
9.Хэллоуин – это национальный праздник …..
а) Англии; в) Америки; с) Германии.
10. Фирма «Colgate» выпускает ….
а) кукурузные палочки; в) шоколад; с) зубную пасту.
11. Человек, чьи идеи изменили мир. Человек, который вложил много денег на благотворительность.
а) Генри Форд; в) Ричард Бербидж; с) Джуди Блум.
12.Известная американская медсестра, которая основала Американский Красный Крест
а) Клара Бартон; в) Джейн Торвилл; с) Элибает Тейлор.
13. «Леди с лампой» - так называют национальную героиню Англии времен Крымской войны
а) Флоренс Найтингейл; в) Клара Бартон; с) Джуди Блум.
14.Какого цвета в Англии автобусы и телефонные будки?
а) синего; в) желтого; в) красного
15. Трафальгарскую битву против французов и испанцев выиграл ….
а) Горацио Нельсон; в) Вильям Шекспир; с) Франклин Рузвельт.
16. Торговый центр Лондона – это …..
а) City; b) Oxford Street; c) Baker Street.
17.Любимый вид охоты англичан – охота на …
а) медведя; в) зайца; с) лису.
18. Какой президент изображен на купюре 1 доллар?
а) Вашингтон; в) Рузьвельт; с) Линкольн.
!9. Кто спалил Лондон в 1666 году?
а) булочник; в) пьяный; с) пожарный.
20.Назовите самый маленький штат Америки
а) Юта; в) Род – Айленд; с) Аляска.
III. Тур Task 1. “Flags”.
На доске помещены флаги стран, перечисленных ниже, в такой последовательности: 1) New Zealand; 2 Canada; 3.the UK; 4.Scotland: 5.Australia; 6.England.
1. What is the flag of Australia? (5)
2. What country consists of 4 parts? (3)
3. What country lies to the north of the USA? (2)
4. What country lies to the north of England? (4)
5. What country lies to the south of Scotland? (6)
Task 2. “Symbols”. На доске помещены такие эмблемы:
- a red rose; 2) a thistle; 3)a shamrock; 4) a daffodil.
- What is the national symbol of Scotland? (2)
- What is the national symbol of Wales? (4)
- What is the national symbol of England? (1)
- What is the national symbol of Ireland? (3)
Task 3. “London Sights” На доске развешаны иллюстрации, на которых изображены:
1. Buckingham Palace; 2. Westminster Abbey; 3. St. Paul’s Cathedral; 4. The Tower of London; 5. The Houses of Parliament; 6.Trafalgar Square;
1. What building has Big Ben? (5)
2. It was built in 11th century by William the Conqueror as fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it is a museum and a Royal Treasury (4)
3. What is the home of the Queen? (1)
4. In is royal church. There are tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people. This is the coronation takes place. (2)
Task 4. “History”. На доске написаны даты: 1.1086. 2.1564. 3.1840. 4.1653. 6.1553.
- When did the first Englishman Richard Chancellor come to Russia? (6)
- When was the first treaty between England and Russia signed? (5)
- When did the first stamp “Penny Black” appear? (5)
- When was the first official document the Domesday book written?(1)
Task 5 “Famous people. Who were they?”
- He was English. He was born in 1564. He was a writer and an actor. He died in 1616. (W. Shakespeare)
- He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes. (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
- He was born in London in 1889. later he lived in the USA/ He was a film actor (Charlie Chaplin)
- She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976. (Agatha Christie)
- He was born in November 1697 in Grub Street in London. He was a portrait painter. He painted “Marriage a la Mode” (William Hogarth)
- He was born in 1881. He was a microbiologist. He discovered penicillin (Alexander Fleming)
- He was born in 1847 in Scotland. He invented the telephone (Alexander Bell)
- He was the first Englishman in Russia (Richard Chancellor).
Task 6 “Do you remember?”
- How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain? (3)
- What rivers is the capital situated on? (on the river Thames)
- Who is officially the head of the country? (The Houses of Parliament)
- Who is the National Hero of Britain, the defender of the poor people? (Robin Hood)
- What are the oldest English universities? (Oxford and Cambridge)
- What is the London home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
- Where is London Zoo situated? (in Regent Park)
- Who is officially the head of the country? (Queen Elizabeth 2)
- Who was the Leader of the Norman Conquest? (William the Conqueror)
- What is the full name of the country?
- What is the architect of the famous St. Paul’ Cathedral? (Sir Christopher Wren)
- What was the first most terrible prison in Great Britain? (the Tower)
- What is Covent Garden? (a tourist shopping centre)
- What is a double – decker? (a bus)
- What is Big Ben? (one of the most famous clocks in the world)
Task 7. Give the name of each tourist site/attraction
1. Here you can see wax models of famous people (Madame Tussaud’s)
2. This is the Queen’s residence in London (Buckingham Palace)
3. MPs debate and argue here, and there is a clock tower with a famous bell in it (The Houses of Parliament)
4. This building was rebuilt by Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London
in 1666. It has a famous “Whispering Gallery” (St.Paul’s Cathedral)
5. English kings and queens are usually married here. Many of them are buried here, as well as many famous writers (Westminster Abbey)
6. This place has a monument to Admiral Nelson (Trafalgar Square)
Task 8.”Home Library writers” На доске имена писателей: 1.Beatrix Potter; 2.James M.Barrie; 3.Lewis Carrol; 4.Pamela L.Travers; 5. Alan Milne; 6. L.Defo
1. Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe” (6)
2. Who wrote about Winnie – the – Pooh? (5)
3. Who wrote about funny rabbits and other animals (1)
4. Who is the author of “Mary Poppins”? (4)
Task 9.Quiz
1.How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain? a) 50 states; b) 4 parts; c) 3 parts
2.Where was Shakespeare born? a)in Glasgow; b) London; c)in Stratford – on Avon
- Give the name of the busiest part in Great Britain
- London; b)Scotland; c) Wales
4. What part of the United Kingdom is called the Land of Songs?
- London; b)Scotland; c) Wales
5. The formal head of the British Commonwealth of Nations is……
a) Queen; b) Government; c) Prime Minister
6. English people like to eat …. for dinner on Christmas Day
a) roast goose with apples; b) roast duck with apples; c)turkey
7 .National sport game is ….
a) football; b) cricket; c) baseball
8 .What the name of the United Kingdom’s flag?
a) stars and stripes; b) Union Jack
The symbols of Buryatia
1.The state insignia of the Republic of Buryatia shows
a. three circles;
b. three mountains.
2. In the centre of the circle you can see a picture, which represents ……
a. historical and cultural symbols of Buryatia;
b. spiritual and geographical symbols of Buryatia.
3. The pictures of the Moon, the Sun and the Fire are typical of …..
a. China;
b. the central Asian region.
4. The music of the Hymn of Buryatia wrote …..
a. S. Manshigeev; b. A. Andreev c. W. Pantaev
5. What does the state flag mean for a citizen?
6. How do you explain the words soyombo, khadak?
1.In the ancient time Sagaalgan was celebrated
.a.on the first days of February; b. in autumn; c. in spring
2. Sagaalgan as a religion holiday was officially recognized in…..
a. December 1990; b. October 1992; c. January 1990.
3.A full name of the holiday Surkharban
Three Men’s games; b. The traditional summer holiday; c.Nair- competitions
4. The Buryat composer ……….. created the ballet “Beauty Angara”
a. B. Yampilov; b. S. Manshigeev; c. M.Frolov.
5. In 1906 a famous scientist, a specialist in folklore ………. wrote his epic Geseriada.
a.A. Dorshijev; b. E.Rinchino; c.Z.Zhamtsarano
Traditions and Customs
1. The door of the yurta always faces
a. southward; b. northward; c. eastward.
2. Each year cycle open a ….
a. camel; b. mouse; c. monkey
3. You have a birthday every……….. years
a. twelve; b. ten; c. six.
4. What domestic animal did the Buryats worship most of all?
a. the cow; b. the sheep; c. the horse; d. the goat.
5. What wild animal did the Buryats worship most of all?
a. the wolf; b. the bear; c. the hare; d. the squirrel.
6. What tree did the Buryats worship most of all?
a. birch; b. pine; c. cedar
7. What fish is used in Tibetian medicine?
a. the golomyanka; b. the herring; c. the sardine.
8. What fish is called an ‘oil fish’?
a. the omul; b. the golomyanka ; c. the crucian.
9. The biggest fresh water lake is
a. Baikal. b. Sivash. c.Ilmen
10. In the name of what mountain is a part of face mentioned?
Famous people
1. Who is the man in the picture?
2. Dorzhi Banzarov was a………..
a..buddhist; b. orientalist; c. politician.
3. When Dorzhi Banzarov was 10 years old he began to study …….
a. at the Russian – Mongolian military school in Kyakhta;
b. in Troitskosavsk; c. in Verhneudinsk.
4. Dorzhi Banzarov entered the Kazan gymnasium in 1835 with …… other Buryat boys.
a. 2; b. 3; c. 5.
5. Dorzhi Banzarov spoke …… languages.
a .2; b.5; c. 7.
6. The Decembrists who were exiled to live in Selenginsk
a. K. Torson; b. W. and M. Kueckelbeckers; c. N. and M. Bestuzevi.
7. The first Decembrist who was exiled to Buryatia
a .S. Trubeckoi; b.S. Volkonskiy; c. A.Muravyev.
8. The Buryats called «Ulan – Naran» the Decembrist …..
a. E. Obolenskiy; b. I. Pushin; c. N. Bestuzev.
Choose the correct sentences and say what these people are famous for
1. A. Dorzhiev a. the founder of the national literature
2. D. Banzarov b. «Black Belief or Shamanism of the Mongols»
3. V. Serov c. «the Cruel Century»
4. G. Aidaev d. the first chairman of Verhneudinsk
5. Chingis – Khan e. the founder of the Mongolian Empire
6. M. Frolov f. the star of the Buryat ballet
7. I. Kalashnikov g. «Enhe – Bullat Bator»
8. L.Sakhyanova h. mayor of the city
9. K. Namsaraev i. the Buddhist enthusiast, philosopher
10. L. Potapov j. the first president of Buryatia
Finish up the sentences
- Buddhism as a religion was officially recognized by the decree of ……..
- Buddhism came from ………
- The first datsan on the territory of Zabaikalye was founded in ………..
- The position of the head of the Buddhists of Russia was introduced in 1763 on the decision of Empress ……..
- The 25- th pandido – hambo – lama is ……..
- The 12- th pandido – hambo – lama was ……
- The leading religions of Buryatia are …….
- The Orthodoxy was introduced in Zabaikalye in the ……..
century by the exile raskolniks – old believers, the first Russian
- «The Atlas of Tibetian Medicine» which is of great historical value is kept in the …… Museum of History
Choose the correct date
1. 24.01.1990. 1. Ulan – Ude was founded
- 2.The founding of the Russian – Mongolian military school in Kyahta (Troitskosavsk)
3. 1866. 3. Ulan – Ude is the capital of the Republic of Buryatia
4. at the beginning
of July 4.The Day of Baikal
5. 1934. 5. The first festival of buryat literature and art in Moscow
- 6.The first datsan on the territory of Zabaikalye
7. 1992 7.Verhneudinsk - the capital of Buryat – Mongolian
8. 1958 8. Ulan – Ude - the capital of Buryat ASSR.
9.1940. 9. The holiday of a white month is celebrated
10. on the 4 –th Sunday 10. The traditional summer holiday
of August
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Цель работы: поделиться с коллегами методами, приёмами и способами применения рефлексии на уроках английского языка.Задачи:Объяснить, что такое рефлексия;Познакомить с приёмами и способами применения ...