Познавательная игра по английскому языку "Крестики-нолики" для учащихся 5-6 классов.к
методическая разработка (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме
Разработка мероприятия по английскому языку для 5-6 классов с целью расширения кругозора учащихся об Объединённом Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Игра-викторина "Крестики–Нолики" по английскому языку
Цели и задачи:
- повторить содержание темы «Соединенное королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии»;
- тренировать учащихся в переводе английских пословиц
- учить пользоваться дополнительной литературой по английскому языку.
- Расширить кругозор учащихся
- Учить работать в команде
Ход игры: класс/группа делятся на 2 команды, «крестики» и «нолики». Для того чтобы поставить свой знак, командам необходимо выполнить задания. После выполнения каждого задания на табло необходимо повесить знак одной из команд. Если одна из команд выполняет 3 задания по вертикали (по горизонтали, по диагонали), то она выигрывает.
T.: Hello, dear friends! Today we play a game “Crosses & Niles”.
There are 2 commands “Crosses” and “Niles”. The rules of the game are the same as in usual game, but you must do some tasks. GOOD LUCK!
The first command has to choose the number.
- Correct mistakes
- Quiz
- Kabuki theatre
- Auction
- Black box
- Proverbs
- Do you know???
- Crossword puzzle
- Do my commands!
1. Correct mistakes in the text:
London am the capital of Great Britain. It have 5 parts. 8 million people lives there. There is a lot of different places of interest among the Tower of London, Trafalgar Square, British Museum, Buckingham Castle, Westminster Abby etc. They is situated in the East End. It is much parks, gardens, theatres and shops.
2. Quiz
List I
- What is the capital of the UK? (London)
- Where is Trafalgar Square? (in London)
- What's the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)
- People who live in Scotland are called ... (the Scots)
- What are the main colours of the British flag? (red, blue, white)
- What food is traditional at Christmas? (roast turkey)
- When is Halloween celebrated? (October, 31)
- Name the river London is situated on. (the Thames)
- What is St. Paul's Cathedral? (a church)
- Who is Agatha Christie? (a detective story writer)
- What sea is the UK washed by? (the North Sea)
- What is the population of the UK? (more than 56 m people)
- Where did the great Fire of London begin: in the house of the King's butcher or the King's baker? (in the house of the King's baker)
- What animal is the symbol of the English might or strength? (the Lion)
- What was the Tower of London in the past? (a fortress, a palace, a prison, the King's Zoo)
- Where did William the Conqueror come from? (Normandy, France)
- Where is the political centre of London? (Westminster)
List II
- Where do English people keep the Queen's crown: in the Tower of London or in Westminster Abbey? (in the Tower of London)
- How many years did it take Sir Christopher Wren to build St. Paul's Cathedral: 35 years or 15 years? (35 years)
- What is the Tower of London now? (a museum)
- What parts does the UK consist of? (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- When did William the Conqueror come to London?(1066)
- What is Robert Burns famous for? (Scottish national poet)
- Where does the British Prime Minister live: at 10, Downing Street or at 12, Whitehall? (at 10, Downing Street)
- Where is the business centre in London? (the City)
- People who live in Ireland are called ... (the Irish)
- What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
- How many crosses does the British flag consist of? (3 crosses)
- What is the traditional children's food on Easter Sunday? (Chocolate eggs and rabbits)
- What is the most democratic park in London? (Hyde Park)
- What ocean is the UK washed by? (the Atlantic Ocean)
- What are the names of the British Saints? (St. George, St. Andrew, St. Patrick, St. David)
- Do English people have a good sense of humour? (Yes, they do)
List III
- What is Londinium? (London)
- What parts does Britain consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales)
- Who built Londinium: the Scots or the Romans? (the Romans)
- What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
- People who live in Wales are called ... (theWelsh)
- What is the name of the British flag? (theUnionjack)
- Who built London bridge: the Romans or the Irish? (the Romans)
- Who built St. Paul's Cathedral: Sir Christopher Wren or Sir David Copperfield? (SirChristopher Wren)
- What plant is the symbol of England? (the rose)
- What separates the UK from the continent of Europe? (the English Channel/the Straight ofDover)
- Name any sports developed in Britain (golf, cricket, football, hockey, rugby)
- What bird do English people take care of? (the raven)
- What is cricket? (a national game)
- What are the biggest industrial cities of the UK? (Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds. Newcastle)
- What is the name of the biggest clock in London? (Big Ben)
3. Theatre
Обе команды встают друг напротив друга.
T. : In Great Britain there are a lot of theatres. In one of them there was a play.
Once upon lived beautiful princess, but evil dragon came and ate her. In the princess’ country there was brave samurai, he killed dragon and rescued beautiful princess and she became his wife.
Участники делают характерные движения героев.
Принцесса – поёт песенку «Ля-ля-ля» и руками изображает юбочку.
Дракон – рычит и «выпускает когти»
Самурай – говорит «Хей!» и делает движение, как будто машет мечом.
Одновременно команды должны изобразить одного из героев (вся команда делает одинаковые движения).
Принцесса очаровывает (выигрывает) самурая.
Самурай побеждает дракона.
Дракон съедает принцессу.
Игра до 5 очков.
(например: 1-я команда показывает дракона, 2-я – самурая, счет 0:1)
4. Auction
Кто назовёт больше названий английских городов (праздников и т.д.)
T.: Name English towns and cities (holidays, national English games).
5. Black box
T: Guess what is there in the black box, I can answer “yes” or “no”.
(Map of Great Britain)
6. Proverbs
(задания даются на отдельных карточках для каждой команды)
Т.: Find English equivalents:
Задания | Ответы |
1. Hell is a city much like London – a populous and a smoky city (P.B. Shelley) | 1. Ад - город, Лондону сродни, такой же людный, дымный город |
2. A cat in gloves catches no mice | 2. Без труда не вытащишь рыбку из пруда |
3. Know a man by his company | 3. Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты |
4. It’s never too late to learn | 4. Век живи, век учись |
5. Long absent, soon forgotten | 5. С глаз долой - из сердца вон |
6. Time is money | 6. Время - деньги |
7. All is well that ends well | 7. Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается |
8. Murder will out | 8. Шила в мешке не утаишь |
9. Hunger is the best sauce | 9. Голод – лучший повар |
10. There is no place like home | 10. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше |
7. Do you know???
- Where does the Queen live? (in Buckingham Palace)
- Who is the Official Head of State in Britain? (the Queen)
- What is the name of the Queen? (Elizabeth IT)
- How many sons does Prince Charles have? (2 sons: William and Harry)
- What are the names of the Queen's daughters? (Anne and Margaret)
- Name any members of the Queen's family (her husband Prince Philip, her sons Prince Charles, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, her daughters Princess Anne and Princess Margaret)
- Who does the real power in Great Britain belong to? (Parliament)
- Name the member of the English royal family who lived to be more than 100 years old. (the Queen mother)
- What is Buckingham Palace? (the Queen's residence)
- The Houses of Parliament consist of 2 Houses. What are they? (the House of Lords and the House of Commons)
- What is the name of the House of Parliament whose members are permanent? (the House of Lords)
8. Crossword puzzle
- What plant is the symbol of Ireland? (the shamrock)
- She is the first British Prime Minister (Thatcher)
- It is Celtic religious group (Druids)
- It is great stone monument (Stonehenge)
- What plant is the symbol of Scotland? (the thistle)
- One of the most famous universities of Great Britain (Oxford)
- He is famous English writer and poet (Shakespeare)
- What is the name of the famous British admiral? (Nelson)
9. Question
T.: The team puts a question to other team about Great Britain. Second team wins, if they answer the question. If they don’t answer, first team wins.
T.: Thank you for the game! The team № … wins! Our congratulations!
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