Задания на тему Present Continuous для 5-х классов.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме
Open the brackets.
1) You ( not to take) a shower right now.
2) They ( to have) lunch now.
3) Cathy ( to get up) at the moment.
4) His aunt ( to wake up) now.
5) Peggy ( to do) his homework now.
6) Mary ( not to go) for a walk now.
7) I ( not to make) the bed now.
8) We ( not to go) to the zoo now.
9) Dan ( not read) a book now.
You ( to have) breakfast now.
Her grandmother (not to make) the bed now.
Kate and Jack( to go) to the cinema now.
Tim (to come) home now.
My parents ( to go shopping) right now.
Ann ( not to go) to school now.
They ( not to get up) now.
I ( to dress) at the moment.
His aunt ( not to wash up) now.
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Предварительный просмотр:
A. Read and answer.
1.Were your guesses right?
2.Which part of him is unusual?
a) his teeth b) his stomach
Michel Lotito is famous because he can eat metal and glass. He started when he was nine years old. First he ate small things and then he ate big things. He ate glasses, spoons and televisions. He ate things because he liked them.
Now he is famous. People pay to watch him and they call him Mr Eat-All. He travels to many different countries in Europe, Asia and the Americas and eats many strange things. He can eat nine hundred grammes of metal in a day. He can eat nine a supermarket trolley in five days and he enjoys eating bicycles. His biggest meal was a two-seat aeroplane. He ate the aeroplane in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela in South America.
How can he do it?
Lotito’s doctor says, ‘Michael is different from you and me. The walls of his stomach are very thick, so the metal and glass don’t hurt him. He can eat metal and glass easily. It isn’t difficult for him. In fact, he enjoys it.
Metall and glass are dangerous for you and me. Do not eat metal and glas. They can kill you.
B. Choose a, b,c
1. Lotito started to… when he was nine.
a) eat b) be famous c) eat metal and glass
2. He … televisions.
a) liked eating b) stopped eating c) did not eat
3. Many people … him.
a) know about b) travel with c) eat with
4. He… eats nine hundred grammes of metal in one day.
a) always b) sometimes c) never
5. He ate in Venezuela.
a) an airport trolley b) two seats c) a small aeroplane
6. Lotito’s stomach is very
a) hard b) big c) strong
6. Metal and glass are dangerous for
a) nearly everyone b) Mr Eat-All c) a few people
C. Answer the questions.
1. Why are metal and glass not dangerous for Mr Eat-All?
2. What do you think of Mr Eat-All?
D. Can you write four more words in each box?
Metal Glass
Задание на правила чтения букв I и Y
- Прочитай слова
Angry, yes, city, yell, windy, yard, hungry, you, hurry, yelp, sorry, yet, pity, yellow, study, your, family, yesterday, pretty, yarn.
- Вычеркни лишнее слово
- Time, sky, pretty, like, tiger.
- Fish, gym, swim, bird, system.
- Shirt, milk, byrd, dirty, third.
- Fine, mire, fire, satire, lyre.
- Family, city, sorry, cry, pretty.
- Yes, yard, bye, yell, you.
3.Определи к какому типу ударного слога относятся слова.
Line, bye, sit, milk, tyre, girl, list, fine, win, tire, gym, byrd, life, nice, hire, shirt, byre, Mike, tiger, kite, wire, my, system, sky, like, mire, sir, ice, bike, hill, tired, skirt, type, lyric, mill, lyre, gyre, fir, will, pike, hike.
- You ( not to take) a shower right now.
- They ( to have) lunch now.
- Cathy ( to get up) at the moment.
- His aunt ( to wake up) now.
- Peggy ( to do) his homework now.
- Mary ( not to go) for a walk now.
- I ( not to make) the bed now.
- We ( not to go) to the zoo now.
- Dan ( not read) a book now. You ( to have) breakfast now.
Her grandmother (not to make) the bed now.
Kate and Jack( to go) to the cinema now.
Tim (to come) home now.
My parents ( to go shopping) right now.
Ann ( not to go) to school now.
They ( not to get up) now.
I ( to dress) at the moment.
His aunt ( not to wash up) now.
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