«Примите меня на работу!» Мой речевой имидж. Цикл уроков
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Гвоздева Нина Валерьевна

«Примите меня на работу!» Мой речевой имидж. Цикл уроков

Формирование и развитие коммуникативных компетенций на уроках английского языка в 10 – 11 классах


Microsoft Office document icon Hire me!319.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

«Примите меня на работу!»

Мой речевой имидж

Формирование и развитие коммуникативных компетенций

на уроках английского языка в 10 – 11 классах

Самая распространенная проблема молодого специалиста – первичное трудоустройство без опыта работы. Как убедить своего первого работодателя, что вы сможете сотрудничать? На что следует  обращать внимание, что акцентировать? Как заинтересовать собой, если вы только начинаете свою карьеру? Помочь выпускнику ответить на эти вопросы и является основной целью данного цикла уроков.

В связи с этим особенно актуальным представляется не столько вопрос знаний, умений и навыков, которые молодые люди получили в школе и в институте, а вопрос компетенций, то есть способности применять полученные знания в реальной жизни. Если молодой специалист грамотно позиционирует работодателю имеющиеся компетенции, то выясняется, что он интересен не только как человек, который где-то работал или не работал, а как человек, который многое умеет. Если за время учебы выпускник проявил себя в общественной деятельности, показал, что он активный, умеющий работать, ставить и решать задачи, способный руководить проектами, то это уже большой плюс.

Цикл уроков предназначен для учащихся 10 – 11 классов, изучающих английский язык, и направлен на совершенствование коммуникативных навыков устной и письменной речи и формирование соответствующей коммуникативной компетенции в рамках темы «Устройство на работу». Он включает в себя 10 уроков и состоит из следующих разделов: «Основные лексико-грамматические структуры», «Центр занятости», «Анкета соискателя», «Резюме», «Сопроводительное письмо», «Собеседование», «Ассертивное поведение». Количество уроков в цикле может варьироваться в зависимости от уровня языковой подготовки и особенностей класса. Уроки спланированы с учетом предусмотренного образовательной программой уровня лексико-грамматических навыков и речевых умений,

носят комплексный характер и включают в себя систему заданий по взаимосвязанному обучению всем видам речевой деятельности: письмо (заполнение анкеты, написание резюме и делового письма), говорение (рассказ о себе, своих личных и профессиональных качествах, интересах и опыте трудовой деятельности), аудирование (вопросы интервьюера на собеседовании) и чтение (советы для успешного устройства на работу, правила поведения, требования к кандидату и т. д.)  

Широта тематики позволяет привлекать обширный дополнительный оригинальный материал.

Каждый раздел завершается практическим заданием (написание письма-отклика на объявление о вакансии, ролевая игра «Собеседование» и т. д.), которое позволяет проверить у учащихся усвоение фактического материала изученной темы.

Последовательность и полнота выполнения заданий может быть изменена по усмотрению преподавателя в соответствии с его методическими установками или конкретными условиями обучения в той или иной группе учащихся.

№ урока






Основные лексико-грамматические структуры (Vocabulary)

Монологическая речь: профессии, профессиональные обязанности, необходимые личные и деловые качества, анализ ситуации на рынке труда, выбор профессии, профессиональные ожидания.

Диалоги «Объявление о вакансии»,  «Увольнение»

Диалоги «Объявление о вакансии»,  «Увольнение»

Написание короткого рассказа о профессии: обязанности, необходимые личные и деловые качества, условия успеха


Центр занятости (Job center)

Монологическая речь: подбор вакансии для выпускника

Презентация материала по теме «Центр занятости»

 Услуги центра занятости (профориентация, подбор вакансии, консультирование, трудоустройство)

Конспектирование: «Роль и функции центра занятости в трудоустройстве выпускника»


Анкета cоискателя (Application form)

Монологическая речь: ответы на вопросы, предполагающие развернутое высказывание

Презентация материала по теме «Анкета соискателя»

Значение анкеты соискателя в трудоустройстве. Общие характеристики. Структура. Правила заполнения.

Заполнение анкеты соискателя при приеме на работу


Резюме (Resume or Curriculum Vitae)

Монологическая речь: сообщение о правилах написания успешного резюме. Групповое обсуждение структуры и содержания резюме.

Презентация материала по теме «Резюме»

Значение резюме в трудоустройстве. Структура. Содержание. Правила составления. Образец резюме

Составление резюме


Сопроводительное письмо (Cover Letter)

Презентация материала по темам «Структура и особенности делового письма», «Сопроводительное письмо»

Значение сопроводительного письма в трудоустройстве. Структура и особенности делового письма: Сопроводительное письмо: содержание, особенности, правила составления. Объявление о вакансии. Образцы сопроводительного письма-отклика на вакансию

Написание сопроводительного письма-отклика на вакансию


Собеседование (Job Interview)

Монологическая речь: сравнение формального и неформального стиля в одежде; сообщения об эффективной самопрезентации  и правилах успешного прохождения собеседования. Диалогическая речь: ролевая игра «Собеседование», ответы навопросы интервьюера. Групповое обсуждение и анализ видеозаписей собеседований по приему на работу

Презентация материала по темам «Собеседование», «Самопрезентация», «Деловой стиль в одежде». Ролевая игра «Собеседование»: вопросы интервьюера. Видеозаписи собеседований по приему на работу

Значение собеседования в трудоустройстве. Предварительная подготовка. Формат и структура собеседования. Самопрезентация соискателя. Требования к соискателю, его поведению, речи и внешнему облику.


Ассертивное поведение (Assertiveness)

Групповое обсуждение примеров различных моделей поведения, разработка и демонстрация ассертивных сценариев выхода из потенциально конфликтных ситуаций

Презентация материала по теме «Ассертивное поведение». Важность ассертивного поведения при устройстве на работу. Агрессивное, пассивное и ассертивное поведение.

Примеры различных моделей поведения

Краткая запись характеристик основных моделей поведения и их особенностей.


«Hire me!» Applying for the first job

  1. Vocabulary …………………………………………………………………………………...… 5
  2. Job center ……………………………………………………………………………….……… 8
  3. Application form ……………………………………………………………………………… 10
  4. Resume or Curriculum Vitae .………………………………………………………………… 14
  5. Cover letter ………………………………………………….………………………………… 18
  6. Job interview …………………………………………………………..……………………… 23
  7. Assertive behavior ……………………………………………………………..……………… 28
  8. Literature …………………………………………………………………………………….... 32



Card 1












police officer






civil servant






Card 2
































легко приспосабливающ.






с широким кругозором





согласованно действ.



заслуживающий. доверия




осмотрительный, благораз.





полный энтузиазма

общительный (зд.)

честный, открытый


сильный, полный сил

одаренный богатым































willing to…



лояльный, терпимый

выдержанный, зрелый













находч., изобретательн.



планир.; вед. интриги

уверенный в себе

полагающийся на себя


искушенный в делах






желающий (сделать


Card 3

to work shift-work

to be on flexi-time

to work nine-to-five

to go/be on strike

to get the sack

to be fired

to be dismissed

to be made redundant

to be laid off

to give up work

to be on/take sick leave

to take early retirement

to be a workaholic

to be promoted

to apply for a job

работать сменами

работать по гибкому графику

работать с 9 до 5


быть уволенным (разг.)

быть уволенным

быть уволенным, получить расчет

быть уволенным по сокращ. штатов

быть увол. из-за отсутствия работы

бросить работу

быть на больничном/взять больничный

рано уйти в отставку (на пенсию)

бать работоголиком

получить повышение

поступать на работу


1. Which jobs in your country do you think are

very exciting? very boring? very well paid? very glamorous? very dangerous?

2. Complete the list of jobs.

inside: bank clerk, scientist, secretary, …

outside: farmer, gardener, postman/woman, …

manual: carpenter, electrician, painter, …

creative: designer, writer, …

others: footballer, waiter, …

3. Which of the jobs do you think these words go with?

regular working hours:                        uniform:

alone:                                                away from home:

inside:                                                outside:

dangerous:                                        dirty:

4. Describe the jobs:

writer: creative, emotional, broad-minded, …

actor/actress: …

farmer: …

teacher: …

scientist: …

secretary: …

tailor/dressmaker: …

politician: …

5. Choose one job you would like to do and one job you don’t like at all. Describe the jobs, give reasons for your likes and dislikes (10 – 12 sentences on each job).

6. What is one of the best things and one of the worst things about the jobs below?

a dentist                                        waiter or waitress

a salesclerk                                        a secretary

a police officer                                a flight attendant

a teacher                                        a soldier

an actor or actress                                a politician

7. There are usually pleasant and unpleasant sides to every job. Choose three jobs you would like to do and find the pros and cons.

8. Answer the following questions:

  1. What do you think is a good salary or wage in your country? How much would you like to earn?
  2. Would you like to work on commission? Why? Why not? Do you think people should get paid a bonus for specially good work?
  3. What should you do to make a good impression at a job interview?
  4. Think of a job you would like to do in future. What skills/qualifications do you need to do it?
  5. For what reasons can people be sacked? For what reasons can people be made redundant? Why do people sometimes resign from their jobs?
  6. At what age do men and women usually retire in your country? Do you think it is early, late or about right?

9. Explain the differences in meaning between the following words/phrases:

an employer/an employee

to win/to earn

a salary/a wage

unemployed/on pension

to be sacked/to be made redundant

a perk/a bonus

to retire/to resign

10. Practice the dialogue. Make up a similar dialogue. Learn the dialogue.

A: Did you hear that Jerry lost his job?

B: Oh, he did? Gee, that’s too bad.

A: Yeah, the company wasn’t making money, so they had to lay off some employees.

B: So what’s Jerry going to do now?

A: Well, he’s thinking of starting his own business.

B: Oh, that’s great. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost my job. Maybe I’d go back to school. What would you do?

A: Well, first I think I’d probably take a vacation. After that, I guess, I’d try working for myself, too.

11. Practice the following dialogue. Think what else the job requires. Make up a similar dialogue. Learn the dialogue.

A: Are there any interesting jobs in the paper today?

B: Well, here’s one for the tour guide. But you have to work Saturdays and Sundays.

A: I don’t want to work on weekends.

B: Neither do I. Oh, there’s another here for a salesperson. It’s a job selling children’s books.

A: Sounds interesting.

B: Yes, but you need a driver’s license, and I can’t drive.

A: Oh, I can! I’ve just got my license. What’s the phone number?

B: It’s 798-3455.

12. Read the information about journalists. Then write a paragraph about one of the people below.

Journalism is an exciting career. A successful journalist has to be able to write well and to write quickly. He or she must also be able to report a story accurately. A journalist also needs to have a good knowledge of world and current events in order to report the news.

  • A businessperson, a police officer, a homemaker, a parent, an artist, a manager/boss, a teacher.



Jobcentres offer new ways for you to go job-hunting.

We have a wide choice of jobs.

So why not call in and see us?

        There are three ways you can use our Jobcentre:

1. Self-service

        The idea here is for you to take your time and look around. You don’t have to talk to anyone or fill in any forms. Just walk around and look at the job cards on display, and when you like, just make a note of the job number on the card, and show it to the secretary. She will then give you further details about the job. And if you’re still interested, she’ll telephone the employer and make an appointment for you on the spot.

2. Employment advisers

        If you can’t see the job you want in the self-service section, there’s a second chance for you to find work. Talk to one of our employment advisers. They’re experts who can help you to get the right job fast – here or anywhere else in the country. You’ll find them friendly and helpful.

3. Occupation guidance

        And if you’re not sure what kind of job is best for you, our experts in the occupational guidance section can give you further advice on the type of career for which you are suited.

If it’s time for you to decide, come to your


Why not make use of these services?

They’re all free!


        Judy Dunn was 16 when he left school. The career teacher had told her that the job situation was so bad for school-leavers that he couldn’t really help her. “Read this Jobcentre brochure and then go down and see them,” he said. “You’ll be give better help and advice than I can give you.”

        “Well,” thought Judy, “it won’t be difficult to find better help than that!”

a) Answer the questions.

  1. How can Jobcentre help Judy? What are the three different ways that she can make use of it?
  2. Say which of the people mentioned in the brochure can get Judy an interview with an employer immediately.
  3. Say which of the people mentioned in the brochure can help Judy decide on the kind of work she would like to do?
  4. Can you only use the Jobcentre if you want to work in the local area?
  5. How much does it cost to get advice from the Jobcentre?

b) Find words or expressions in the Jobcentre brochure which mean almost the same as the words underlined.

  1. Jobcentres can offer people very many different jobs.
  2. Looking for work is especially difficult for school-leavers.
  3. If you use the self-service part of the Jobcentre, you won’t have to write down any information about yourself.
  4. At the Jobcentre, large numbers of job cards are there for visitors to see.
  5. The secretary has more information about the jobs on the job cards.
  6. The Jobcentre will give you a time and place to meet an employer.
  7. If you are interested in one of the jobs, the Jobcentre will ring up for an interview at once.
  8. At the Jobcentre you will talk to people with special training who will help you to find work.
  9. The Jobcentre has information about jobs in the local area or in any other part of Britain.

c) Make notes from the brochure about what the Jobcentre does and how it works.


Your application is what has to convince your prospective employer that you have the ability to do the job and that you are what he is looking for to fill the vacant position. Very often applicants let themselves down, often because not enough time or thought is given to preparing what is to be written on the form and how best to present those points. Remember there are many applicants for each vacancy and getting that interview will depend on how well you sell yourself to the prospective employer through your application form or resume.

When receiving the application form, it may be between one and four pages in length depending on the position and the company's requirements. However long, it will convey basic factual information about the applicant. The company will use this fonn to standardise points to enable the reader to compare candidates fairly against their job specification – the requirements and characteristics of that person to do this job.

Personal Information – Name, sex, etc.

Education – Schools, colleges and universities you have attended and the courses you completed with grades and qualifications. Detail short courses completed.

Interests and Hobbies – Sports, personal interests, achievements and awards. Levels of responsibility achieved e. g. captain of rugby team. What you write in this section will give some indication to the employer of the type of person you are, your motivations for achievement and what you enjoy doing when not working.

Work Experience – All positions should be noted here: part time, full time, holiday jobs, industrial placements, etc. with dates, company's details and position. Also detail your achievements in each position.

Health – Serious illnesses, hospitalisation, allergies, disabilities.

Referees – It is normally required to have two people who can give you a personal reference and fair appraisal. This might be past employers or school teachers. It should not be relatives or friends.

Any Other Information – Take the opportunity to sell yourself. Make points about yourself that will make you more attractive to the employer. Why should you get this job? Specify personal characteristics that make you suitable for this job. Detail any special research projects or other projects that you have done. Characteristics might be "do not give up easily", "enjoy a challenge", "enjoy working with people", "always achieve dead-lines".


Some application forms might include open-ended questions. These questions require answering very carefully as they are looking to see how you can promote yourself over others who are applying for the same position.

Examples of open-ended questions:

  • Why are you applying for this type of work?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
  • Discuss any supervisory role that you have held before, whether this be school prefect, captain of a team or work in the local community.
  • Where do you see yourself in three years’ time?
  • What contribution do you expect to make to this job?

Should you get the job, your application form will be placed in your personal file. It will be read and used many times by your department head, staff manager or boss, especially when possibilities for promotion arise.


  1. Write a rough draft at first. Make the necessary corrections and then enter the data on to the final application form.
  2. An attractive and easy to read form creates a good impression.
  3. Neatness and accuracy are vital.
  4. Write in block letters, or better still type, as this makes it easier to read.
  5. Use black or blue ink, never red or green.
  6. Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation.
  7. Avoid slang: be simple and direct.
  8. Be honest - you will be questioned about what you have written.
  9. Check the form before returning it to ensure it is complete and correct.
  10. Keep a copy for yourself.
  11. Enclose a cover letter (as above).
  12. Ensure the form is returned long before the closing date for applications.


Look through job advertisements in a newspaper or on a website and select one of the jobs offered. Complete the application form provided assuming that you are applying for a job. Remember to sell yourself.

Application for Employment

Private and confidential

Complete this in BLOCK CAPITALS.


First name(s)



Full postal address

Home address (if different)

Tel No


Date of birth

Details of any disability or


serious illness

Job title


Primary and secondary schools

Name of school or college


From       To

Please state any examination taken or to be taken, giving dates, subjects, levels at which taken, indicating results obtained

Any special training

Write    here   three


subjects   you    like


best   in   order   of



Positions held in school

Previous employment. If you have ever been employed, even only part-time, please give details.

From       To

Name of employer


Last salary


Why do you think you are particularly suited for this position?

Names and addresses of two referees:


Name and address



Degree or Certificate

Major course of Study

Are you now studying _________________        If so, what ________________________

Where _____________________________        When finished _____________________

What business machines can you operate ____________________________________

Shorthand speed _____________________         Typing speed ______________________

What kinds of work are you most qualified to do ______________________________



What languages




do you know












How is your health                excel                  good                  fair                  poor  

Colour of eyes ___________         Height _________________         Weight ______________

Have you had any serious illness, injury or operation (explain) ___________________


Have you any handicaps on feet ____ hands ____ sight ____ hearing ____ speech ___


If there is any additional information you want to give, use this place ______________




While applying for a job you should consider preparing a resume which details the same information as an application form, and may be used instead when applying for a position.

Your resume should include basic facts about:

  • Personal details (age, name, sex, number of children; _ status, address, telephone number)
  • Career objectives
  • Education and educational achievements
  • Work experience and achievements (positions held, time period)
  • Languages spoken and the level spoken
  • A brief description of personal characteristics
  • References or a statement such as "References will be given upon request"

How you structure your work experience will depend very much on the extent of your work history. Normally the present position is put first and then you work backwards ending with education and schooling. However, if you are a recent graduate you would probably begin with your education and end with your present position or last position. Always highlight achievements and honors, and note extra-curricula activity. Expand on courses that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Indicate specialized training undertaken. Include all part-time and temporary work. When indicating previous employers always give the name and address of the company, position held and period of time. Briefly describe your main responsibilities in each position.

Choose your referees carefully and always get their permission before putting them forward.

Remember the quality of paper, the overall layout and the type face are very important when writing a resume. Overall it should be easy to read, as the person screening your resume will spend very little time if he or she has to search for the information.


1. Read the newspaper article and pick up the tips that can be useful for your first CV. Render them into English and prepare a report.


1. Краткость - сестра трудоустройства. Если у вас нет уникального опыта, эксклюзивного образования, огромного числа выдающихся достоинств и разнообразных достижений, пусть ваше резюме будет коротким - одна страничка. Менеджеры длинных резюме не любят.

2. Если в предложении о том, что  у вас два высших образования, есть хотя бы одна ошибка, считайте, что вы проиграли. Такой же эффект дают опечатки. Прежде чем отправить резюме по факсу или нести его работодателю, проверьте его как можно тщательнее.

3. В вашем жизнеописании не должно быть фактических ошибок и неточностей. Поначалу, может, их и не заметят, но если вас вдруг пригласят на собеседование, неправда может обнаружиться, и будет очень стыдно.

4. Не скромничайте, если вы чего-то достигли - скажите об этом прямо. Опускайте малозначащие детали. О местах, где вы работали меньше 4 месяцев, можно вообще не упоминать. Все свои достижения следует трактовать в пользу позиции, которую хотите получить. К примеру, если вы хотите стать начальником, укажите, сколько людей работало под вашим руководством. Обязательно отметьте, какую именно должность вы хотите занять.

5. Резюме составляется по принципу обратной хронологии. Менеджеру важнее знать ваше последнее место работы - с него и начинайте. Все остальное - потом в обратном временном порядке. Вообще-то, главное - это профессиональный опыт.

6. Пишите очень коротко. Лаконичные фразы воспринимаются гораздо легче, чем длинные конструкции.

7. О личных качествах и дополнительных навыках пишите тоже кратко. Достаточно просто перечислить, какими иностранными языками вы владеете и на каком уровне, знакомы ли с ПК и т. д. Упоминание о таких увлечениях, как лыжи, шахматы или теннис, может оказаться весьма уместным, если менеджер или руководитель фирмы интересуются тем же.

2. Study the sample curriculum vitae provided. Look through job advertisements in a newspaper or on a website and select one of the jobs offered (you may use the one from the chapter «Application Form». Write your own CV assuming that you are applying for a job. Remember to sell yourself.

Internal auditor, Risk manager


City: Saint Petersburg
Date of birth: 19 October 1986 (27 years old)
Marital status: married


Starting salary: from 50.000 rub.


JSC «GAZ-1» (heat and hydro energy)

April 2012 – present time

Positions: internal auditor, risk manager

Job responsibilities:

- audit of business processes on different levels, implantation of methods of their modeling (DFD, WFD, IDEF0, EPC);

- creating and development of the risk management system; current assessment of the market and operational risks;

-  thematic audits

LLC «Gazprom» (gas transportation)

February 2009 – April 2012

Positions: internal auditor, economist of Economic Analysis Department

Job responsibilities:

- creating an annual plan of audits, control over elimination of defects;

- audit of financial and tax accounting, analysis of financial indicators;

- creating risk-based audit plans and overall audit of key business processes

LLC Scientific & Production Company «GAZ-2» (chemical industry)

February 2008 – February 2009

Position: marketing manager

Job responsibilities:

- overall analysis of market trends, competitive intelligence;

- development of the system of assessment of economic and financial indicators of the company

2003 – 2008 – St. Petersburg State University, Economics faculty, Chair of Information Systems in Economics
2006 – 2010 – Russian Academy of National Economy and Government Service, specialty – jurisprudence (tax law)

2013 – present time – study for CIA qualification
2012 – present time – member of the IIA


English: Intermediate (B2)
German: Reading with dictionary
Computer skills: advanced user. Acquirement of programs 1C 8.1, 8.2, MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), MS Project, Visio and its analogues, Adobe products, systems "Consultant", "Garant", computer and office equipment


I am analytical, willing to understand details, responsible and reliable

3. Complete the questionnaire as a group discussion

1. A resume is the same as an application form.

a) True

b) False

2. A resume must contain the following facts about your background:

a) Qualifications

b) Interests

c) Personal characteristics

3. You would start your resume with ...

4. You never start with work experience

a) True

b) False

5. Information about your work experience should include:

a) Job title/position

b) Previous employment

c) Part-time work

d) Full-time work

e) Special project work

6. In your resume the list of positions and jobs should be in reverse chronological order.

a) True

b) False

7. Leisure and non-work activities should be:

a) Mentioned in brief

b) Left out as they are irrelevant

8. You fine tune your resume

a) Once and for all as basic facts do not change

b) Every time you apply for a new job as it must be updated


When replying to an advertisement placed in a newspaper or magazine, if you read it carefully it will tell you what skills, characteristics and experience the company is looking for in the person who finally gets the job. When writing in for an application form or when sending your resume, in the cover letter always indicate:

  • Job title. with reference number (from the advertisement)
  • In which newspaper or magazine you saw the advertisement and date of publication
  • Address to which the form should be sent
  • Company address and for who’s attention.

In short, your cover letter should be set out like a standard business letter.

Formal letters

Informal letters

Greeting: Dear Sir/Madam/Mr. Dobbins,

  • impersonal style
  • complex sentence structure (frequent use of Passive Voice – single word verbs – non-colloquial English – formal language)
  • each paragraph develops one specific topic
  • only facts, infrequent use of descriptive adjectives
  • no use of short forms

Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely,

Name: Steven Hill

Greeting: Dear Julie,

  1. personal, short, zappy style
  2. use of slang or colloquial English – use of idioms/phrasal verbs
  3. pronouns are often omitted
  4. chatty, wide use of descriptive articles
  5. use of short forms

Best wishes/Love/Yours/Regards,

Name: Steve


1. Identify the parts of the business letter.


  1. Подпись
  2. Обращение
  3. Адрес отправителя
  4. Адрес получателя
  5. Завершающая фраза
  6. Вводная часть (ссылка)
  7. Объяснения цели написания письма
  8. Дополнительные сведения (необходимые)
  9. Дата
  10. Фраза о желательности дальнейших контактов
  11. Расшифровка подписи

2. Put a tick if the statement is true.

Informal  letters

Formal letters


You usually begin Dear...

You put your name in the top right-hand corner

You put your address in the top right hand corner

You need not put your full address

You should put date under your


You write the name and address of the person you are writing to in the top left-hand corner

You do not put paragraphs

You can finish Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully

You can finish Best wishes/Love


You always use the first name of the person you are writing to

You can use contractions (e.g. I'd, I’ll)

You should put your name under your signature

You can sign your full name

3. Study the job advertisement provided. Read the reply and indicate the mistakes. Rewrite the cover letter in a proper way. Add any information, if necessary.




  1. to type from drafts and audio tapes

Minimum qualifications are secondary education,

relevant professional training and experience,

a working knowledge of one of the three official languages

(English, French and German)

and ability to understand another.

Applications (using forms available from the office) are to be submitted by 30th June 2005

to the European Patent Office, Personnel Department, Erhardstrasse 27, D-8000 Munich 2

  1. Walnut Tree Cottage

School Lane


Lincs NG32 2IG

  1. Personnel Department

European Patent Office

Erhardstrassa 27


Dear sir or madam,

        Pleas consider me por the fost of typist what you want. I spotted youer ad in the Gradian today. I’m keen to get out of england and I’m told that Munchi is a good place to hide in.

        I’m not bad at ptying as I’ve nearly finished my typing course at nightschool. I may need a dictionary though.

        Can you let me know about the job as soon as possible because if you want me I’ll finish this typing course right away and save some cash.

        Yours faithfully,

        Rick Crowe

4. Order the sentences in the logical way.

____ I am 18 years old.

____ I hope you will consider me for the post/the position/the scholarship/the course.

____ I have recently left school and I am a student at a Technical College where I have been doing a typing course.

____ When I was fourteen I was in the school quiz team.

____ I wish to apply for the position of … which was advertised in …

____ I am writing in response to your advertisement in …

____ I speak fluent English and good French.

____ I look forward to hearing from you.

____ When I was at school I worked on the school newspaper.

____ I have been doing a word processor since I was thirteen.

5. Study the sample cover letter provided. Look through job advertisements in a newspaper or on a website and select one of the jobs offered (you may use the ones from the chapters «Application Form» and «Resume Or Curriculum Vitae». Write your own CV assuming that you are applying for a job. Remember to sell yourself.

Flat 261 Building 1

23 Korablestroiteleye Street

Saint Petersburg 199266  


3rd May 2013

Personnel Department

Travel With Us LLC

1/3 Malaya Konyushennay Street

Saint Petersburg 199234


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement in The Saint Petersburg Times of 2nd May 2013 for the position of a junior manager.

A month ago I had a month practice at the Travel Bureau Flamingo, 61 Nevskiyi Prospect, and worked there as a travel agent. I wish to extend my experience, I feel I could be useful to you.

I am 17 years old. I am studying at school now; I am leaving it at the end of the June. I speak fluent English and good German. Besides, I am doing «Travel and Tourism» and «Guiding Around St. Petersburg And Its Suburbs» courses. I am enthusiastic, sociable, careful and willing to learn.

I hope you will consider me for the post of a junior manager. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Ivan ivanov

Ivan Ivanov


The personal interview is a company's chance to get to know you and your chance to get to know more about the company. Potential employers use interviews to evaluate you and to assess how well you will fit into the organization. You can use the interview to sell yourself and to convince the organization that you are the right person for a specific position.

Your technical and analytical skills, knowledge base, communication style and leadership abilities will be evaluated during an interview. The ideal balance of these elements will vary depending on the organization’s corporate culture. By knowing yourself and the organization, you will be prepared to carry on an intelligent conversation with a potential employer. Effective and thorough preparation will help you determine which aspects of your background are most important and which elements of your personality will be focused on. By knowing what to expect you can make a favorable impression and by making a few simple preparations you will be able to minimize stress.


  • Research the organization with whom you are going for an interview. Know the name of the person who will interview you.
  • Be able to discuss your career goals, skills, strengths and weaknesses, and accomplishments in relation to the company’s needs, services and products.
  • Find out where the interview will be held and make sure you know how to get there and how long that will take.

The interviewer will normally conduct the interview based on your resume, therefore be in a position to explain:

  • What you did
  • How and why you did it
  • What you gained from the experience
  • How it has prepared you for working for this prospective employer

Interviewers are interested in the motivation behind your actions and not the accomplishments alone.

Organizations are generally looking for people with a focused career goal. Recruiters do not want to hear that you will "do anything". It is acceptable to state that you need to explore further, but you should be focused in a general direction. You do not need to know what you want to do with the rest of your life, but you d need to make a decision on what you want in the immediate future – 2-3 years.

Formal style in clothing

It is important that you make the right first impression, as this is a lasting impression. Develop a professional image. Most interviews necessitate wearing a suit, but the corporate culture of the organization and the position for which you are applying are the determining factors when deciding what to wear. Traditionally it is suit and tie for men, suit or dress for women.

Neatness, cleanliness and proper grooming are your highest priority. Dress to your advantage with a coordinated, polished look. Pay close attention to every detail of your appearance to prevent a lasting negative impression.

Conservative dress is the most appropriate for an interview. Wear a tailored suit in a classic or simple style, basic prints, and neutral colors. Attract attention to what you are saying so the interviewer listens to you. Don't let your clothes or appearance distract the interviewer.

Women: Wear light makeup, accessories and perfume. Hair should be neat and out of your face.

Men: Wear a suit or pair of dark trousers and jacket, with a well coordinated tie with conservative pattern. Wear polished black or brown shoes. Your appearance should convey comfort and confidence.


Most initial interviews follow a similar format:

1. Introductions and socialization period

2. Review of candidates experience, skills and objectives for the future

3. Opportunity for questions

4. Closure and information for the next course of action.

Most interviews follow a traditional question and answer format, which require you to respond quickly and intelligently. However, there may be exceptions such as a "Tell me about yourself" interview. Above all, be honest and be yourself.

The interviewer's impression of you begins to form the moment you walk in the door. The brief socialization period at the beginning, your responses to the recruiter and the questions you ask at the end are all equally important elements of a successful interview.

To ensure you make a good impression:

  • Be on time or a little early.
  • Know how to pronounce the interviewer's name correctly.
  • Research the company to learn as much as possible before the interview.
  • Bring an up-to-date resume and list of references. You may want to bring reference letters and certificates.
  • Greet the recruiter with a firm handshake and smile. Always make eye contact. Eye contact is very important throughout your interview. Sit with good posture and look alert.
  • Follow the interviewer's lead. Listen to him or her carefully. Answer the questions that are asked; ask for clarification if necessary. Sell yourself.
  • Be positive, confident and optimistic. Avoid using negative words when describing past experience or employers. Let the interviewer know how you can apply what you have learned to the position you are applying for.
  • Keep in mind that some interviewers will try to discourage you, just to test your reaction. Do not be trapped remain confident and professional. These interviews are mea-nt to test your ability under stress.
  • Express interest in the position. Illustrate how applicable your qualifications are and why you are the right candidate.
  • Know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Indicate your flexibility and willingness to learn.
  • Answer the questions you are asked. Be complete and concise.
  • Be prepared to ask questions or give a closing statement if given the opportunity.
  • Finish the interview with a "thank you" and a firm handshake.

You may be required to come back for a second interview either with the same person or another person. Sometimes you are required to complete some exercises or tests. The company should tell you before hand, however do not be afraid to ask. Preparation is once again vital. Think about the questions that you want to ask and go prepared.


1. Study some pictures from magazines or from the internet. Find examples of formal and informal styles in clothing. Compare the pictures and highlight the differences.

2. Read the magazine article and pick up the tips that can be useful for your first job interview. Prepare a report.

The Art of Presentation

The beginning of your report can’t be overestimated. Up to 90% of your success depend on it. The first 2 or 3 minutes is the time to draw and to capture the attention of the audience. You can’t conquer it but only deserve.

Start with greeting. It’s useful to thank people for finding time to meet with you.

Explain the goal of the meeting, even if you consider that the audience knows it.

It’s better to tell people about the plan: the points and time to be spent on them, and if there are any breaks. It will help people to take part in the discussion.

Speak about the form and the rules of the talk, whether it is a monologue or a dialogue, if people can interrupt you or they are to ask questions at the end of your report.

  1. Set up contact with the audience. It is very important. It shows if you’ve captured the attention and if the problem is interesting to people.
  2. Moreover, try to set up visual contact. It will help you to hold people’s attention. Try to meet a glance of every participant of the conference, so nobody would feel that he is a stranger at your presentation.
  3. Summarize. Highlight the most important points to help people to remember them.
  4. Put the most important information at the beginning or at the end of your report. This way of presentation is psychologically approved.
  5. Pay attention to your speech.

• Mind its speed (not too fast or to slow, it hinders the audience to understand you).

• Avoid unknown terms.

• Use short sentences. It’s easier to remember them.

• Avoid slang.

• Put the main ideas at the beginning of the sentences.

  1. Use visuals. They

• consist of thousands of words;

• save time;

• cause interest;

• strengthen impression;

• are remembered better.

  1. Mind that the larger the hall is the less attention is paid to what is spoken about but more to the person speaking.

3. Comment on the useful tips below.


I Arrive Early. Phone ahead if delayed.

I Look good.

I Qmile and show confidence. Greet with a firm handshake.

I Keep eye contact and show interest.

I Be polite, listen carefully and speak clearly.

I Focus on your strengths.

I Ask questions to gain as much information as you need and to show interest.

I Be enthusiastic.


I Panic. Remember all your strengths. Keep calm.

I Slouch or look bored.

I Chew or smoke.

I Give only one word answers to questions.

I Speak negatively about present or past employers.

I Be late.

4. Working in pairs perform an interview based on the application forms and CVs you have completed. Use the questions provided. Consider everything you know about a successful interview. Attention! Your interview will be recorded.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are the three most important events or decisions in your life?
  • Where would you like to be in five years’ time?
  • How would your employers describe you if I was to ask them?
  • Describe yourself?
  • How do you spend your free time?
  • Describe your management style?
  • Why should I employ you as opposed to another applicant?
  • Tell me what you know about this company.
  • Sell me this pencil. I
  • How do you motivate yourself, your employees?
  • If you found yourself in this situation how would you handle it?
  • How do you feel about travelling in your job?
  • What aspects of your present job do you like? Dislike? Why?
  • Why are you applying for this job?
  • How do you measure your effectiveness in your present job?
  • What kind of person do you like to work for?
  • What salary are you looking for?
  • What accomplishments are you particularly proud of?
  • How do you relax?
  • Tell me about your family.
  • Why did you leave
  • Why have you changed jobs so often?
  • What made you decide to concentrate in the ... business?
  • What courses did you enjoy most in college?
  • What have you learned in college that will help you in your job.
  • What makes a good team?

  1. Analyze the videos from Exercise 4. Find the mistakes of the applicants; highlight their strong and weak points.


If we want to be assertive we must:

  • Decide what we want
  • Decide if it is fair
  • Ask clearly for it
  • Not be afraid of taking risks
  • Be calm and relaxed
  • Express our feelings openly
  • Give and take compliments easily
  • Give and take fair criticism

We must not:

  • Beat about the bush
  • Go behind people’s backs
  • Bully
  • Call people names
  • Bottle up our feelings

Our assertive rights:

  • The right to ask for what you want (realizing that the other person has the right to say “No”)
  • The right to have an opinion, feelings and emotions and to express them appropriately
  • The right to make statements that have no logical basis, and which we do not have to justify
  • The right to make our own decisions and cope with the consequences
  • The right to choose whether or not to get involved in the problems of someone else
  • The right not to know about something and not to understand
  • The right to make mistakes
  • The right to be successful
  • The right to change your mind
  • The right to privacy
  • The right to be alone and independent
  • The right to change yourself and be assertive


1. What is the difference between Aggression, Passivity and Assertion? Listen to the teacher and put down the main ideas.

  1. Recognize aggressive, passive and assertive behavior



Your assessment

1. A colleague interrupts you when you are making an important phone call.

“I’d like to finish this call, than I will be happy to talk to you.”

2. Your boss praises the way you handled a difficult customer.

“It was nothing really. Sue did all the hard work and I only came at the end.”

3. A friend asks you for a lift. It is inconvenient for you as you are late already and the drive will take you out of your way.

“I’m already late, so I can’t take you all the way. If it helps, I will drop you off at the bus stop."

4. You arrive almost an hour late to the office, due to an accident that occurred blocking the road. Your boss sees you and shouts “Where have you been, you are almost an hour late? We begin at 09.00 you know.”

“I am very sorry for being late, I know that this is not acceptable. I left home as normal, however there had been an accident blocking the road, and that is why I am late. I will work later tonight to get all my work done. I am sorry, did you wish to discuss something with me?”

5. You get home from work after a hard day and your husband is sitting there waiting. You had agreed with him that you would prepare dinner this evening. He says sarcastically: “What went wrong with dinner preparations today?”

“If you expect me to always prepare dinner you had better think again. You got home before me. I know I agreed to do it, but you could have started. Well, I am not hungry now, get your own dinner.”

6. A client calls to say that his recent advertising campaign was not successful. He wants a meeting with you to discuss this result. He is not happy. You know the reason for his campaign not being effective as it should have been. His company has no products in the shops for people to buy. You agree to a meeting.

“Pavel Sergeyevich, I understand how you must be feeling about this situation. However, I think that there may be another reason for this campaign not being as successful as you hoped. Your products are not in the shops for people to buy.”

7. Your boss has sent a memo stating that all staff must smile at customers i future. You are unhappy with this.

“I’m not happy with the new ruling. I feel that I should be allowed to judge every situation and react accordingly. May I discuss this with you please?”

8. A customer who is a “House Client” wants to place an advertisement at exactly the same time as one of your other customers.

“Mr. … you know that Channel TT is a popular TV channel. If you wanted this time, you should have booked when I told you about this the first time.”

9. Your colleague agreed to meet you just before your appointment with a key client, who is very difficult. You had agreed to meet the client together. He did not turn up so you went to the meeting alone.

“Ivan, I understood you were going to come with me to see Mr. … this morning. What happened?”

10. You have heard some rumours from your colleagues that your boss is dissatisfied with your work. You feel that you work very hard. You never get home before 9.00 at night, and you feel very irritated that you are not appreciated.

“Mr. Boss, I have heard that you are not happy with my work. Why have you not spoken to me about this? As you know I always leave later than most of my colleagues. This is very unfair.”

2. Study the case and answer the questions

Olga works for a large company as a secretary. She joined the company six months ago straight from the college where she studied to be an administrator. Olga was very happy to get this position as many of her friends found it very difficult to find work after graduation.

Olga’s boss, Inna Victorovna, has been with the company for ten years and she has worked her way up the ladder from a position of receptionist. She is well respected by her colleagues and the company for her contribution in company goals, dedication and loyalty. Inna has a strict style of managing her staff, and she expects them to work hard, just as she did and in return she believes that they will do well within the company. Producing work on time is very important to Inna as is overall time keeping. She listens to her stuff when they have problems or questions and is willing to help as necessary.

One day Olga arrives at the office 20 minutes late. She was held up in a traffic jam caused by a car accident. Normally she is 10 minutes early as Olga is keen to make the right impression and make a career for herself. Inna calls her over from the other side of the office “Olga come here”. Olga goes over and tries to explain the reason for her lateness. Inna is not listening, but is telling her:

“You have been in the company for a short time, if you want to get anywhere you had better be on time every day, being late is a bad habit and it will not work in my department. I have also been meaning to talk to you about your desk, it is always a mess, this reflects an untidy mind. You need to improve.”

Olga goes over to her desk feeling upset at being spoken to in front of all her colleagues and in such a way, as well as guilty for being late. She spends some time looking over her work for the day, but does not seem to be able to get this incident out of her mind. That night she leaves the office 30 minutes late to try to show that she is willing to work in order to compensate for her being late and to make sure that the work does not suffer.

  • Was Inna’s behaviour assertive, aggressive or passive? Explain and demonstrate your answer.
  • How should Inna have handled this situation?
  • How did Olga react? Was she assertive, aggressive or passive? Explain and demonstrate your answer.
  • Demonstrate what Inna should have said if being assertive, aggressive and passive.
  • Demonstrate how Olga could have handled this situation assertively, aggressively or passively.


  1. Базанова Е.М., Путиловская Т.С. 350 текстов, диалогов и упражнений по английскому языку для развития навыков устной речи, - М., 2000.
  2. Павлоцкий В. М., Храмова Н.А. 20 тем для свободного общения, - М., 2000.
  3. English Vocabulary in Use (Elementary), - Cambridge, 2010.
  4. English Vocabulary in Use (Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate), - Cambridge, 2012.
  5. English Vocabulary in Use (Upper-Intermediate), - Cambridge, 2012.
  6. Peter Viney. Survival English, - Heinemann, 2011.
  7. Travel and Tourism (без aвтора). Books 1, 2, - American Express, 2007.
  8. Teachers Outline for Travel and Tourism Рrogramme (без автора). Years  1, 2, - American Express, 2007.

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