Тестовое задание по теме"Экология"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Тест для рубежного контроля по теме "Экология" для контроля лексики, навыков и умений.
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Тестовое задание по теме “ECOLOGY” для рубежного контроля для студентов 1 или 2 курса.
Цель: осуществить контроль за качеством усвоения лексического материала, за уровнем навыков и умений.
(Тест составлен на основе темы и текстов, отработанных по следующему источнику: И.П.Агабекян. Английский язык для ссузов: учеб. пособие. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект. –стр. 173 -179.)
Тестовое задание состоит из 2 частей:
1. Работа с изученными словами:
1.1 сопоставить английские и русские слова;
1.2 перевести фразы по теме;
1.3 дополнить предложение недостающими словами.
2.Работа с текстом: прочитать, перевести, найти сложные предложения.
1.Find the equivalents. 2. Translate the phrases.
1.environment 1.тепло 2. source 2.уголь 3. to use 3.ископаемый 4. soil 4.предприятие 5. rare 5.поверхность 6. harmful 6.окружающ. среда 7. fuel 7.уровень 8. to suffer 8.редкий 9. warming 9.пыль 10. surface 10.вещество 11.to pollute 11.загрязнять 12.plant 12.вредный 13.nitrous oxide 13.парниковый 14.fossil 14.страдать 15. substance 15.растение 16. oil 16.источник 17. pollution 17.потепление 18.dust 18.количество 19. level 19.повышать 20.heat 20.загрязнение 21.coal 21.нефть 22.greenhouse 22.использовать 23.to increase 23.почва 24. amount 24.топливо 25. carbon 25. исчезать 26. enterprise 26.окись азота 27. disappear 27. углерод | 1.global warming 2. the great amount of oil 3. greenhouse gases 4. harmful substances 5. to pollute water, soil, and air 6. to disappear forever 7. to suffer from smog 8. rare animals 9. short-wave solar radiation 10. sea level 11. climate changes 12. the use of fossil fuel 13. carbon dioxide 14. acid rain 15. cutting of tropical forests |
3. Complete the sentences.
1. The industrial enterprises … the air we breathe.
2. Many cities … from smog.
3. Beautiful forests, some rare animals and plants … forever.
4. Carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide contribute to the … effect.
5. The industry pollutes the atmosphere with dust and other … substances.
6. The … radiation heats the earth’s surface.
7. The amount of carbon dioxide has been increasing because of the use of fossil …
8. The climate can change because of the global …
Suffer, warming, short-wave solar, fuel, disappear, harmful, pollute, greenhouse
4.Translate this text, find and analyze complex sentences.
Variant 1
The ecological situation has become very acute. It is because of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering which is very dangerous. People's careless interaction with it caused environmental disasters. The most horrible disaster which happened in April 1986 befell Belarus and Ukraine and their people. As a result of the Chernobyl tragedy about 18 % of the territory of Belarus and Ukraine was polluted with radioactive substances. Great damage has been done to the republics' agriculture, forests and people's health. The environmental safety of nuclear and hydroelectric power engineering is beginning to assume paramount importance, because when people build and exploit hydroelectric power stations they change the structure and properties of the soil and water.
Variant 2
People have become more environment-conscious in recent years because now nature is in a very dangerous situation. Many parts of the world are overcrowded. Most of the people live in big cities which suffer from smog. The waste of the enterprises is very dangerous. The waste gets into the soil, water, air and of course this affects the health of people. The earth is our home, and we must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations. This means keeping the environment clean. Environmental protection is a universal concern of all people and all countries. That is why Russia is cooperating in the field of environmental protection with the United States, Canada, Norway, Finland and other countries. People must discuss different eco-logical problems and make correct conclusions. Only common efforts of all the people of the world will help to stop further pollution of the earth.
Variant 3
Railway transport pollutes the air. Every year railway enterprises throw into the atmosphere nearly 40 thousand tons of harmful substances. Railway transport throws out into the atmosphere 300 kinds of harmful substances which change the structure of air. Near the railway track, locomotive depots, near the railway stations the concentration of soot and carbon is much higher than the admissible level. In all countries scientists want to exploit environment-friendly railway transport. In some regions of the world and of our country people have problems with local harmful substances. These substances get into the water, so many rivers, oceans and lakes are much polluted. When people build and exploit railway stations they change the structure and properties of the soil. People pollute the soil with industrial and communal waste. The pollution of the air and the soil can lead our planet to a global catastrophe. So people of the whole world must take urgent measures to keep the environment clean.
Variant 4
Noise is a special kind of environmental pollution and most of it is made by transport, especially by city traffic, by trucks, trains, sea and river boats in ports, planes near airports, by locomotives and passing trains near the railway track. Of course noise influences very badly the health of people. Great attention is devoted to the settlement of this problem. We have found new ways and means to reduce harmful exhaust in all environmental media, as well as noise and vibration levels. They are used in many parts of our country.
The key to task 1:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
6 | 16 | 22 | 23 | 8 | 12 | 24 | 14 | 17 | 5 | 11 | 15 | 26 | 3 | 10 | 21 | 20 | 9 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 13 | 19 | 18 | 27 | 4 | 25 |
The key to task 3:
1. pollute; 2. suffer; 3. disappear; 4. Greenhouse; 5. harmful; 6. short-wave solar, 7. fuel; 8. warming.
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