Открытый урок английского языка по теме Паралимпийский игры
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Урок, посвящён Паралимпийским Играм в Сочи 2014г., Цель - обобщение материала по темк "Черты Характера", развитие неподготовленной монологической речи.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Sir Philip Craven IPC President: 3. Personal Qualities of Paralympians
1. Symbols and kinds of sport
4.The lessons the Paralympic Games teach us
2. The Biographies of the Sportsmen
The Paralympic Games Lesson plan
The Paralympic Games Quiz
1. Why “Paralympics”? Where does the word“Paralympic”come from? From the Greek word “para” – beside (около)From the Latin word “par” – equal (равный) b) “Faster, Higher, Stronger”
2. What is the official motto for the Paralympics? a) “Spirit in Motion” 3. What do “agitos” symbolize? “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.“Mind, Body, Spirit”.c) “The union of all the sportsmen”. 4. What are the Paralympic Winter Sports? a) 48 b) 80 c) 64
5. How many medals did our paralympic team win in Sochi, 2014? Aleksandra Frantceva Paralympic Champion Sochi, 2014 Roman Petushkov Paralympic Champion Sochi, 2014 What sport do they do? How did they get their impairment? When and where did they begin this sport? Why did they begin this sport? What are their achievements?
Read the fact file and answer the questions: What personal qualities made them who they are? hardworking, ambitious, enthusiastic, strong-willed, optimistic, cheerful, courageous/brave,… Roman Petushkov: “I can train from morning till night 7 days a week. It makes me feel happy. I never complain. My family help me to overcome all the difficulties. Their love supports me. My love of life makes me set new goals and achieve them. I want to show the whole world the great power of Russian spirit. I always believe in myself and hope for the best.” hardworking ambitious enthusiastic strong-willed optimistic cheerful courageous brave Aleksandra Frantceva: "It was a difficult decision to organize my own club. But I had a dream and I made my dream come true. It's difficult and a big responsibility, but I cope. It's a big step forward for me. Now I have no right to give up and this makes me strong to overcome all the difficulties. I love my life and value every minute of it " hardworking ambitious enthusiastic strong-willed optimistic cheerful courageous brave The Paralympians They are: cheerful hardworking ambitious enthusiastic strong-willed optimistic courageous/brave self-disciplined They can/do: set goals and achieve them keep trying overcome difficulties believe in themselves hope for the best never give up never complain have positive outlook on life value their lives The team spirit! help support trust What did you feel? Confident – It was easy to follow the instructions. I trusted my partner. Confused – It was difficult to follow the instructions. Aleksandra Frantceva
Roman Petushkov
Express your opinion:“The lesson paralympians teach us“ “What might not seem possible is possible.”
Conclusion: “Impossible”becomes “possible” if you have necessary personalqualities,work in a team
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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