What were you doing at 5 yesterday?
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Грушецкая Инна Владимировна


Цели: развитие навыков говорения.

развивающая : развитие мыслительных навыков (  сравнение, сопоставление, анализ, обобщение);
воспитательная:  воспитание потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе;
образовательная:  совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения;

Тип урока: урок обобщения и повторения

Методы и приемы: наглядный, словесно-логический, метод упражнений, похвала.

Оборудование: УМК В.П. Кузовлева, презентация, карточка №1, карточки для групповых работ, карточка с тестом.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Класс: 5а

Дата: 20.02.13

Проблема:  What were you doing at 5 yesterday? (Что ты делал вчера в 5?)

Цели: развитие навыков говорения.

развивающая : развитие мыслительных навыков (  сравнение, сопоставление, анализ, обобщение);
воспитательная:  воспитание потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе;
образовательная:  совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения;

Тип урока: урок обобщения и повторения

Методы и приемы: наглядный, словесно-логический, метод упражнений, похвала.

Оборудование: презентация, карточка №1, карточки для групповых работ, карточка с тестом.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning!

Pupils: Good morning!

T: And now turn and greet our guests, please.

P: Good morning, guests!

T: Sit down, please!

Who is on duty today?

P1: I am on duty today.

T: What date is it today?

P2: Today is the 20th of February

T: Who is absent?

P1: … is/are absent./ All are present.

T: Thank you. Sit down, please.

  1. Введение в тему урока.

Look at the sentences and make up a question to them.

  Diana was reading the book at 5 yesterday.

  Paul was playing football at 5 yesterday.

  Clare was cooking food at 5 yesterday.

  Jay was decorating her room at 5 yesterday.

  They were doing homework at 5 yesterday.

Answer: What were they doing at 5 yesterday? 

Today we’ll discuss what you were doing at 5 yesterday. So the problem of our lesson is “What were you doing at 5 yesterday?”

  1. Целеполагание

What are the aims of our lesson? Try to name them.

  • To revise Past Progressive, its using, signal words and forming;
  • To revise Past Simple.
  1. Проверка домашнего задания

Last lesson we spoke about Past Simple. Let’s check up your hometask ( ex1 2), p77 AB)

  1. I watched a lot of Russian cartoons.
  2. We visited a lot of museums.
  3. We went on exciting excursions.
  4. I took some rides in Gorky Park.
  5. I learnt to cook some traditional Russian food.
  6. I bought a lot of souvenirs in the Detsky Mir Shop.

How many points have you got? (for every right answer you get 2 points)

Who have got 10-12 points?

Who have got 6-8 points?...

  1.  Совершенствование грамматических навыков (Past Progressive)
  1. Answer my questions.

-When do we use it?

Answer: when we speak about the action that was in the Past in a certain moment;

  • What signal words do you know?

Answer: At that moment – в тот момент

               At – в

               All day long – целый день

                From … till…- с…по…

-How is it formed?

Answer: be and the verb with the ending –ing.

  1. Card 1.Work in a chain. Try to answer the question: “What were you doing at 5 yesterday?” Use the words from your card.

Play tennis, have breakfast, ride a bike, cook tasty meal, decorate my room, clean my room, help my parents, water flowers, play computer games, do homework, read an interesting book, dance.

Model: I was playing the piano at 5 yesterday.

  1. Group work.

Now you will be divided into groups.

The 1st group will work with cards in pairs. We have 2 pairs. Make up the dialogue about what you were doing all evening long yesterday.

Pair 1.

You have a dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms.

  1. Where …(was/were) you at 5 yesterday?   1. I …(was/were) playing football.
  2. … (was/were) you playing at school?        2. No. I … (was/were) not. I …  

                                                                        (was/were) playing at stadium.

                                                                  Why …(was/were) you looking for me?

  1. I …(was/were)playing football in the

                 yard at that moment and remembered you.

Pair 2.

You have a dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms.

1 . I … (was/were) cooking  at 5 yesterday.        1. I …(was/were) doing homework.

What …(was/were) you doing at that time?           What …(was/were) you cooking?

2. I …(was/were) cooking a cake. My Mum       2. … (was/were) she at home too?

… (was/were) helping me.      

3Yes, she was.

                 The 2nd group do ex 6, p99. This group is divided into pairs. Make up a dialogue using the word combinations and a model.

  1. Подведение итогов.

Write a little test. Choose the right variant.

  1. He …having breakfast at 8 yesterday.
  1. was         b)were     c) are
  1. They … tennis at 6 yesterday.
  1. was playing    b)were playing       c) was played
  1. She … the book last week.

a)read    b)reading    c) were reading

4. I … at home at that time yesterday.

a) were   b) was    c) was being

5. Oни украшали комнату с 5 до 8 часов вчера.

a) They were decorate the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

b) They was decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

c) They were decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

7. Домашнее задание

AB ex 1, p77-78. Fill in the gaps





Предварительный просмотр:

Card 1  Work in a chain.

Ответьте на их вопросы, используя слова ниже. Поинтересуйтесь, что делали вчера в 5 ваши одноклассники.

Model.  I was playing the piano at 5 yesterday. (play the piano)

              What were you doing at 5 yesterday?

Play tennis, have breakfast, ride a bike, cook tasty meal, decorate my room, clean my room, help my parents, water flowers, play computer games, do homework.

 Card 1  Work in a chain.

Ответьте на их вопросы, используя слова ниже. Поинтересуйтесь, что делали вчера в 5 ваши одноклассники.

Model.  I was playing the piano at 5 yesterday. (play the piano)

              What were you doing at 5 yesterday?

Play tennis, have breakfast, ride a bike, cook tasty meal, decorate my room, clean my room, help my parents, water flowers, play computer games, do homework.

Card 1  Work in a chain.

Ответьте на их вопросы, используя слова ниже. Поинтересуйтесь, что делали вчера в 5 ваши одноклассники.

Model.  I was playing the piano at 5 yesterday. (play the piano)

              What were you doing at 5 yesterday?

Play tennis, have breakfast, ride a bike, cook tasty meal, decorate my room, clean my room, help my parents, water flowers, play computer games, do homework.

Card 1  Work in a chain.

Ответьте на их вопросы, используя слова ниже. Поинтересуйтесь, что делали вчера в 5 ваши одноклассники.

Model.  I was playing the piano at 5 yesterday. (play the piano)

              What were you doing at 5 yesterday?

Play tennis, have breakfast, ride a bike, cook tasty meal, decorate my room, clean my room, help my parents, water flowers, play computer games, do homework.

Card 1  Work in a chain.

Ответьте на их вопросы, используя слова ниже. Поинтересуйтесь, что делали вчера в 5 ваши одноклассники.

Model.  I was playing the piano at 5 yesterday. (play the piano)

              What were you doing at 5 yesterday?

Play tennis, have breakfast, ride a bike, cook tasty meal, decorate my room, clean my room, help my parents, water flowers, play computer games, do homework.



 Tick (v) the right variant.

  1. He …having breakfast at 8 yesterday.
  1. was         b)were     c) are
  1. They … tennis at 6 yesterday.
  1. was playing    b)were playing       c) was played
  1. She … the book last week.

a)read    b)reading    c) were reading

4. I … at home at that time yesterday.

a) were   b) was    c) was being

5. Oни украшали комнату с 5 до 8 часов вчера.

a) They were decorate the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

b) They was decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

c) They were decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.



 Tick (v) the right variant.

  1. He …having breakfast at 8 yesterday.
  1. was         b)were     c) are
  1. They … tennis at 6 yesterday.
  1. was playing    b)were playing       c) was played
  1. She … the book last week.

a)read    b)reading    c) were reading

4. I … at home at that time yesterday.

a) were   b) was    c) was being

5. Oни украшали комнату с 5 до 8 часов вчера.

a) They were decorate the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

b) They was decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

c) They were decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.



 Tick (v) the right variant.

  1. He …having breakfast at 8 yesterday.
  1. was         b)were     c) are
  1. They … tennis at 6 yesterday.
  1. was playing    b)were playing       c) was played
  1. She … the book last week.

a)read    b)reading    c) were reading

4. I … at home at that time yesterday.

a) were   b) was    c) was being

5. Oни украшали комнату с 5 до 8 часов вчера.

a) They were decorate the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

b) They was decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

c) They were decorating the room from 5 to 8 yesterday.

Pair 1.

You have a dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms (Выбрать правильную форму глагола. Прочитать диалог по ролям)

- Where …(was/were) you at 5 yesterday?  

-  I …(was/were) playing football.

                - … (was/were) you playing at school?        

               -   No. I … (was/were) not. I … (was/were) playing at stadium. Why …(was/were)    you looking for me?

               -  I …(was/were)playing football in the  yard at that moment and remembered you.

Pair 2.

You have a dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. (Выбрать правильную форму глагола. Прочитать диалог по ролям)

-  I … (was/were) cooking  at 5 yesterday. What …(was/were) you doing at that time?          

- I …(was/were) doing homework. What …(was/were) you cooking?

- I …(was/were) cooking a cake. My Mum  … (was/were) helping me.    

 -   … (was/were) she at home too?

- Yes, she was.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

1 . Diana was reading the book at 5 yesterday. 2. Paul was playing football at 5 yesterday. 3.Clare was cooking food at 5 yesterday. 4.Jay was decorating her room at 5 yesterday. 5. They were doing homework at 5 yesterday.

Слайд 2

What were they doing at 5 yesterday? What were you doing at 5 yesterday?

Слайд 3

I watched a lot of Russian cartoons. We visited a lot of museums. We went on exciting excursions. I took some rides in Gorky Park. I learnt to cook some traditional Russian food. I bought a lot of souvenirs in the Detsky Mir Shop.

Слайд 4

I watched a lot of Russian cartoons. (2 points) We visited a lot of museums. (2 points) We went on exciting excursions. (2 points) I took some rides in Gorky Park. (2 points) I learnt to cook some traditional Russian food. (2 points) I bought a lot of souvenirs in the Detsky Mir Shop. (2 points)

Слайд 5

10-12 points - Excellent !!! 6-8 points - Good! 2-4 points - Sad. Try it again

Слайд 6

- using when we speak about the action that was in the Past in a certain moment; At that moment – в тот момент At – в All day long – целый день From … t о …- с … по… - forming be V ing

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