План урока «My family’s plans for summer holidays»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
УМК «Happy English.ru» Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.
6 класс, Раздел № 2 Урок № 6
«My family’s plans for summer holidays»
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Предварительный просмотр:
УМК «Happy English.ru» Кауфман К.И., Кауфман М.Ю.
6 класс, Раздел № 2 Урок № 6
«My family’s plans for summer holidays»
Задачи урока:
- Учебная: автоматизировать употребление учащимися грамматических структур в будущих временах (Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive) до уровня микро – монолога и макро – монолога;
Сопутствующие учебные задачи: а) обучать учащихся аудированию аутентичного текста с полным пониманием (reading for detail) с (использованием визуальной опоры); б) совершенствовать произносительные навыки (звуки и интонацию).
- Общеобразовательная: а) способствовать расширению филологического кругозора (тренировка в использовании грамматических структур в Future Progressive, future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive, не существующих в родном языке; имен собственных, географических названий).
- Развивающая: способствовать развитию мыслительных процессов при оформлении высказывания – структурная целостность, логичность; развитию речевых способностей, умения выделять главное, существенное в изучаемом материале; умения обобщать изучаемые факты, понятия.
- Воспитательная: способствовать привитию учащимся интереса к тому, как проводят свободное время американцы и россияне, воспитывать уважение к семейным ценностям на примере американских и российских семей.
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, карточки с ролевыми ситуациями, микрофон, элементы костюмов для драмы.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент
Teacher: Good morning, comrades! Nice to see you again! Thank you, sit down, please. Are you OK today? (обращается к ученику P1)
P1: Yes, I am.
P2: I’m OK too.
Teacher: That’s fine!
- Основная часть урока
- Речевая зарядка
Teacher: Do you like to plan anything for future in your family?
P1: Yes, of course!
P2: With great pleasure!
P3: Yes, we do. I love my family and we share our ideas about our holiday.
Teacher: Yes, you are right. All people like doing it. Let’s speak about this today. You’ll learn about the American families’ plans for future and you’ll tell about your plans for summer. And so, our lesson’s topic today is «My family’s plans for summer».
- Фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд № 3,4)
Teacher: Comrades! Have you ever heard of D. Carnegie? (учитель рассказывает по - русски о знаменитом американском психологе Д. Карнеги). He wrote about the things all American families need in their lives. Let’s read his quotation about it, please, but before reading, you’ll learn new words (values – ценности, respect – уважение, relation – отношение, fail – потерпеть неудачу).
«The family’s values all Americans need most deeply in their lives – love, happiness, respect and good relations. Having this we will never fail …».
(by Dale Carnegie, an American phycologist)
(Ученик читает цитату и переводит, затем учитель дает образец правильного произношения звуков а и w и интонации, затем ученики индивидуально повторяют цитату и окончательно хором).
Teacher: (Слайд № 5)
- Найдите, пожалуйста, предложение, где сказано, что американские семьи будут всегда успешными, имея эти ценности. Определите грамматическое время предложения.
- Скажите, а какие ценности необходимы российским семьям?
P1: I think, we need the same things, I mean – love, happiness, respect.
P2: Of course, we need these things too, but we also need mutual understanding and patience.
- Речевая зарядка. (Слайд № 6, 7, 8)
Teacher: You met a middle class American family, the Garretts. I believe, you learn a lot about them. Let’s remember about them again. Please, give full answers to my questions:
- How long will it take the family to get to its house in Atlanta?
- Why will it take them 40 minutes?
- Why will they stop at the toll booth and pay a toll of 50 cents?
- If you visit America someday, what will you see on many of the houses in the suburb?
- What will Natalie be attending next year?
- Is the Garrets a happy and successful family?
- Аудирование (Слайд № )
- Teacher: I’d like you to meet one more American family – the Muellers. They’re my friends. They have been living in Buryatia for 2 years. Last month the family left for America and recently I’ve got an e - mail letter from Mrs. Mueller. There was also a short letter for my daughter from her friend Rebekah. Please, listen to what she wrote and answer the question: When will the Mueller family visit Buryatia again? (Учитель читает письмо).
Dear Olya!
Thank you for the letter you sent. We will go to our dear grandparents in Grove City tomorrow. WOW! I will be swimming in the pool in the afternoon! You know I like doing it. I and Rachael will have been living there for a month. I have so much to tell about how I am doing here, but I don’t have time. I’ m really missing you and hope to see you again. My Dad and Mum are going to visit Buryatia in summer. I will, probably, go with them. They will have gotten a visa by July. Say «hello» to Zhenya and your grandparents. I love you so much.
Love, Rebekah.
(Учитель читает письмо второй раз)
б) Проверка понимания текста (for detail).
1) Where will Rebekah go to?
2) Where will she be swimming in the afternoon?
3) How long will Rebekah and her sister have been living in Grove City?
4) By what time will the Muellers have got a visa?
5) Does she love her grandparents?
с) Read the letter again and try to guess the verb, put in its correct form in the Future Tenses and explain why you use this form. Use the table.
Dear Olya!
Thank you for the letter you sent. We … to our dear grandparents in Grove City tomorrow. WOW! I … in the pool in the afternoon! You know I like doing it. I and Rachael … there for a month. I have so much to tell about how I am doing here, but I don’t have time. I’ m really missing you and hope to see you again. My Dad and Mum … to visit Buryatia in summer. I … probably, … with them. They … a visa by July. Say «hello» to Zhenya and your grandparents. I love you so much.
Love, Rebekah.
- We have learnt about Rebekah’s future plans. And what are you planning to do in the nearest future, in summer, for example? Look at this scheme and tell about it using the Future Tenses (Учащиеся рассказывают о своих планах на лето, используя ЛСС).
These are my some plans for the summer holiday.
By June I ………………………
And soon I …………………….
I ……………………………….. there for a month.
And tomorrow at 5 : 00 p. m. ………………. about it.
I think that …………………… great!
- Ролевые ситуации
Teacher: Comrades! Do you like reading any newspapers or magazines? An American reporter, Tim Brown works for the youth magazine «Life». There is an interesting page in it called «Spare time». He is going to ask you some questions about your plans for future. But before this, read the task and speak to him, please. (Учащимся раздаются карточки с ситуациями для разыгрывания диалога).
Situation 1.
Suppose you are Mr. And Mrs. Garretts. Your daughter, Alison and Natalie are going to spend their summer by the ocean, (the West Coast) at a hotel for a month. And you will stay in Atlanta.
Situation 2.
Suppose you are a friendly family. You will go to lake Baikal together on your summer holiday. You’ll be staying with your grandparents in the village of Maksimikha.
Situation 3.
Suppose you are a just married couple (молодожены). You are going to spend your «honey moon» at a Sochi resort. You’ll be staying at a guest’s house there.
(Ученик, играя роль репортера журнала, задает вопросы):
Ситуация 1.
Reporter: Hi! I’m a reporter of the youth magazine «Life», Tim Brown. Could you tell what your name is?
Mrs. Garrett: I’m Joan.
Mr. Garrett: I’m Kirk Garrett.
Reporter: Do you have any children?
Mr. Garrett: Yes, we have two daughters, Alison and Natalie.
Reporter: Where will they go to summer holiday?
Mrs. Garrett: They will spend their summer by the ocean, the West Coast of America.
Reporter: Where will they be staying with?
Mr. Garrett: At a hotel.
Reporter: How long will you have been living there?
Mr. Garrett: For a month.
Reporter: Do your daughter study?
Mrs. Garrett: Yes, they attend Roswell school.
Reporter: By what time will they have finished school?
Mrs. Garrett: It’s usually by June.
Reporter: Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, what will are you going to do in summer?
Mrs. Garrett: We’ll travel the world.
Ситуация 2.
Reporter: Hi! Could you tell what your name is?
Dad: I’m Victor Svetlov. And these are my wife Olga and our children; Nikita and Nastya.
Reporter: Where will you spend your summer holiday?
Mum: By beautiful lake – Baikal.
Reporter: Who will you be staying with?
Dad: My parents live near the lake, we’ll be with them. I will go fishing. It is my hobby.
Reporter: Nikita, what will you do there?
Nikita: I think, we’ll swim and play there.
Reporter: Nastya, do you like to spend spare time with your family?
Nastya: Of course! I love it very much!
Ситуация 3.
Reporter: Hi! Are you a just married couple?
Husband: Yes, we are.
Reporter: Where will you spend your holiday?
Wife: We’d like to have our honey moon in Sochi.
Reporter: Where will you live there?
Husband: I think, in a guest house. It will be nice for us!
Reporter: How long will you have been there?
Wife: Of course, for a month!
- Заключительная часть урока
Домашнее задание: напишите электронное письмо британскому другу по переписке о планах на будущее Вашей семьи, используя видовременные формы будущих времен.
Подведение итогов урока.
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