учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку

Пацановская Светлана Владимировна

Учебно-методическое пособие по подготовке к итоговой аттестации в 5-8 классах


Предварительный просмотр:

УЧЕБНОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по подготовке

 к годовой  итоговой  аттестации  по  английскому языку

5-8 классах в ОУ с углубленным изучением английского языка.

Пояснительная записка

1.1. Итоговая аттестация по английскому языку за определенный уровень образования проводится в конце учебного года.

1.1.1   К итоговой аттестации допускаются учащиеся 5-8 классов.

1.1.2   От итоговой аттестации могут быть освобождены:

а) учащиеся по заключению учреждений здравоохранения;

б) учащиеся, занявшие 1 места в районных олимпиадах по английскому языку;

в) призеры районных и городских научно-практических конференций по английскому языку.

1.1.3   Успешность освоения учебных программ учащимися 5-8 классов оценивается по 5-и бальной системе (минимальный балл-1, максимальный балл-5).

1.1.4     Годовая аттестация по английскому языку включает следующие виды аттестационных испытаний:

-      письменные контрольные работы во 5-8 классах; 

-      устный ответ.

2.1.5   Сроки и формы проведения итоговой аттестации учащихся 5 – 8 классов устанавливаются решением педагогического совета школы. При проведении итоговой аттестации используются следующие формы: по билетам, собеседование, устный зачет, тестирование, контрольная работа. Форма проведения аттестации определяется на методическом объединении учителей английского языка.

2.1.6   Для проведения итоговой аттестации формируются аттестационные комиссии в количестве учителей, ведущих в данном классе, и заместителя директора школы по учебной работе.

2.1.7   Состав аттестационных комиссий утверждается приказом директора школы.

 2.1.8   Аттестационные материалы для проведения итоговой аттестации рассматривает и утверждает председатель МО учителей английского языка.

2.1.9    В случае спорной оценка за итоговую аттестацию выставляется в пользу ученика.

2.1.10   Родители (законные представители) обучающегося должны быть своевременно извещены о неудовлетворительных отметках, полученных им в ходе итоговой аттестации и решении аттестационной комиссии о прохождении им повторной промежуточной аттестации в рекомендованные сроки.

2.1.11   Итоговая (годовая) оценка по английскому языку выставляется учителем с учетом оценок за четверти и оценки за итоговую аттестацию.

2.1.12   Получение неудовлетворительной оценки по английскому языку в период аттестации не лишает ученика права продолжать сдачу других предметов итоговой аттестации.

2.1.13   Учащиеся, не освоившие программу за определенный уровень образования, представляются на школьную психолого-педагогическую комиссию.

2.1.14  Обучающиеся, имеющие по итогам учебного года академическую задолженность по английскому языку, решением педагогического совета школы переводятся в следующий класс условно с обязательной ликвидацией академической задолженности. Ответственность за ликвидацию академической задолженности возлагается на родителей учащихся (законных представителей), учителей.

2.1.15    По результатам проведения итоговой годовой аттестации комиссией составляется аналитическая справка, которая служит основанием для рекомендации учителям, заместителям директора по учебно-воспитательной работе по совершенствованию образовательного процесса в целом, методик преподавания отдельных предметов, организации контроля знаний учащихся в новом учебном году.

Устный зачет 5 класс

Student Card 1

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on the topic “About my family and myself

Remember to say:

  • your name, how old you are, where you live
  • about your family members
  • about your hobby and interests

Student Card 2

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on the topic “The United Kingdom

Remember to say:

  • about the geographical position of the UK
  • about the climate in the country
  • about the capital

Student Card 3

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on the topic “My day.”

Remember to say:

  • what you do in the morning
  • what you do in the afternoon
  • what you do in the evening

Student Card 4

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on the topic “Famous people

Remember to say:

  • about famous people of your country
  • about famous people of the UK and the USA
  • about an outstanding person you admire

Student Card 6

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk on the topic “Holidays

Remember to say:

  • about popular holidays in your country
  • about traditional holidays in the UK and the USA
  • about your favorite holiday

Student Card 7

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2  minute talk on the topic “Sport in our life

Remember to say:

  • why sport is important
  • about popular British sports and games
  • what your favourite sports are and why

Student Card 8

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about  “Travelling

Remember to say

  • why and where people travel
  • about different means of transport
  • where you have been to

Student Card 9

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about  “London”

Remember to say

  • about the geographical position  of London
  • about London as a modern city
  • about some places of interests in London

Student Card 10

Task 1

Give a 1,5 – 2 minute talk about “ Hobbies”

Remember to say

  • What kinds of hobbies you know
  • What your favourite hobby is
  • Your friend’s hobby is

Письменная контрольная работа

Аудирование (демо-версия) 5 класс

Прослушайте текст «The Fox & the Crow». И выполните задание к нему. Задание 1. Выбери окончание предложения, выражающее основную идею текста. 

The text is about:

a)      the Crow who has a piece of cheese & wants to eat it.

b)      The Fox who sees the Crow with a piece of  cheese & wants to get it.

c)      The clever Fox & the stupid Crow.

Задание 2.Выбери правильные ответы на вопросы. 

1)      Why does the Crow sit  in the tree?

a) Because she  has a rest there.   b)  Because she wants to eat  there.

c)  Because she is afraid of the Fox.

2)      What does the Crow have in her mouth?

a) a large piece of butter               b) a large piece of cheese

c) a large piece of bread

3)      Why does  the Crow  open her mouth?

a) Because  she wants to sing  for the Fox.

b) Because she wants to speak  with the  Fox.

c) Because she  starts eating cheese.

Чтение (демо-версия) 5 класс

 Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, потом отметьте верные утверждения буквой  Т - true, неверные утверждения буквой F – false.


A Japanese businessman had a big surprise last Sunday when he got the wrong bus to the airport and missed his flight.

Zenko Kajiyama, 32, went to Waverley station to catch the bus to Edinburgh airport. He had a meeting the next day in London and he wanted to catch the evening flight. When he saw a silver bus marked Club Class he got on it. Unfortunately the bus was for people going to a birthday party.

The people on the bus helped Mr Kajiyama with his bags and found him a seat. He thought he was on the right bus until they stopped at a pub and everyone got off. They asked Mr Kajiyama to join their party and so he followed them into the pub. When he looked at his watch he saw it was too late and that he had missed his plane. At first he was very worried, but then he decided to stay in the pub. He had a drink and danced to the music with the other members of the party. In the end he went back to the house of one of his new friends and he slept on the sofa. The next morning he took a taxi to the airport and flew to London, but he was too late for his meeting.


1.  Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False).

1    Mr Kajiyama wanted to catch the bus to London.

2    He wanted to go to a party in London.

3    The Club Class bus didn't go to the airport.

4    Mr Kajiyama went to the pub.

5    He didn't catch his plane.

6    In the end he enjoyed the party.

7    He slept at the airport.

 8   He didn't go to his meeting in London.

Задание 2.   Прочитай текст u выполни задание.

Last week Ann was sitting at her desk, listening to the 'teacher. Suddenly she felt awful. She had a bad headache and felt very hot. When she got home she took her temperature. It was very high. Ann went to bed and fell asleep. When her mother came home, she called the doctor. He examined Ann and asked her a lot of questions. Then he said that it was the flu. He told Ann to take some medicine three times a day and to stay in bed for four or five days. When Ann's father came home from work, he bought the medicine for her. It was not very pleasant to take it, but Ann followed the doctor's advice. Two days later she felt better. She stayed in bed for four days. On the fifth day she was well again. On the sixth day she returned to school.

Расположи следующие предложения в соответствии c содержанием текста. Занеси твои варианты ответов в таблицу.,

a)      Two days later she felt better.

b)      Ann's temperature was very high.

c)      Ann's father bought the medicine for her.

d)      She had a bad headache.

e)      On the sixth day she returned to school.

f)        The doctor examined Ann.

g)      Ann was at the lesson.

h)      Her mother came home.

i)        Ann followed the doctor's advice.

j)        Ann felt very hot.












Лексико-грамматическая часть  (демо-версия) 5 класс

Задание1.Выбери наиболее подходящий ответ.

A1. Can you play the guitar?

  1. Yes, I do.
  2. No, he can’t.
  3. Yes, she does.
  4. Yes, I can.

A2. The girls  …  dolls.

  1. have
  2. has
  3. can
  4. make

A3.  Mary …  very well.

  1. can
  2. swim
  3. hasn’t
  4. swims

A4.  The students’ books are new.

  1. Книга студента новая.
  2. У студентов есть новые книги.
  3. Книги студентов интересные.
  4. Книги студентов новые.

А5.  …   he play tennis?

  1. Has
  2. Does
  3. Do
  4. Is

A6.    They …. reading now.

  1. is
  2. do
  3. are
  4. am

A7.     We cook our meals in the …

  1. living-room
  2. bedroom
  3. bathroom
  4. kitchen

A8.      I take a …. every morning.

  1. shower
  2. lunch
  3. computer
  4. rest

A9.    When … Tom have lunch?

  1. do
  2. is
  3. does
  4. are

A10.      I usually get up  …. 7 o’clock.

  1. on
  2. in
  3. at
  4. of

Задание 2. Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски словами, выбирая правильный ответ.

We (A17) the Barkers. We are not a big family. My mother and father  ( A18)  old. They are (A19). My mum’s name is Margaret  and  ( A20) dad’s name is Harry. Dad is a doctor and mum is a school teacher. They are (A21) busy. My sister is sixteen. We (A22) two pets: a cat and a dog. My name (A23) John. I am a pupil. I am (A24) at school.

A17.    1) am                   2) is                  3) are              4) were

A18.    1) don’t               2) aren’t            3) not             4) no

A19.    1) four                 2) fourteen        3) forty           4) fourth

A20.    1) his                   2) her                3) my              4) mine

A21.    1) many               2) much            3) very            4) a lot

A22.    1) has                   2) have             3) can’t           4) don’t

A23.    1) am                    2) are               3) is                 4) was

A24.    1) well                  2) good            3) better          4) badly

Задание 3. Выбери правильный вариант

  1. He ……. to the swimming pool every Sunday.

a) went                        b) will go                     c) goes

  1. Tom usually ……… coffee, but today he ……… tea.

a) drank ….. drank      b) drinks …..is drinking           c) drinks ….will drink

  1. It ………… next week.

a) won`t rain                b) isn`t raining              c) doesn`t rain

  1. Look! She  …………. the same blouse as me.

a) wears                      b) is wearing                            c) will wear

  1. They ………… hard in the garden last Wednesday.

a) work                       b) are working                         c)  worked

  1. English school never ………… on Monday.

a) is beginning     b) began                                  c) begins

  1. I …….. you tomorrow.

a)Phone              b) will phone                            c) am phoning

  1. Come in. We …………. Dinner.

a) have                        b) are having                            c) will have

  1. She ………….several  languages.

a) speaks                     b) is speaking                          c) spoke

  1. She …………. to the theatre twice last week.

Goes               b) went                                    c) is going

Письмо (демо-версия) 5 класс

Read the notice & the  note from Laura. Complete Britan`s notes.


Every Tuesday 8 p.m.


2 April       Death on the Nile

9 April       The  Return of the King


Tickets Children: 3.50 $

Adults:  5. 00 $




Let`s go to the Film Club next week. Can you get the tickets from the college office? Remember we pay the cheaper price. I must study at home for our exam on 8 April. Thanks!

See you next Tuesday in the Coffee at 7.45 p.m, before it starts!





Film club with Laura

Day: Tuesday

Date: (1) ______________________

Name of Film: (2) ________________________

Starting time: (3) _________________________

Ticket price: (4) __________________________

Meet Laura in: (5) ________________________

Устный зачет 6 класс

Student Card 1

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “About my family and myself”

Remember to say:

•        your name, how old you are, where you live

•        your family members

•        your hobby and interests

Student Card 2

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Earth in danger”

Remember to say:

•        about air and water pollution

•        what animals are in danger

•        what people can do to save the nature

Student Card 3

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Daily routine”

Remember to say:

•        what you do in the morning

•        what you do in the afternoon

•        what you do in the evening

Student Card 4

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “My friend”

Remember to say:

•        your friend’s name, age, where he/she  lives

•        your friend’s appearance

•        his/her interests

Student Card 5

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Holidays”

Remember to say:

•        popular holidays in your country

•        traditional holidays in the UK and the USA

•        your favourite holiday

Student Card 6

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Healthy food”

Remember to say about:

•        healthy and unhealthy food you know and eat

•        eating out

•        eating habits in your family

Student Card 7

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Saint Petersburg”

Remember to say about:

•        the significance of Saint Petersburg

•        the main landmarks in Saint Petersburg

•        your favourite place in our city

Student Card 8

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Moscow”

Remember to say:

•        about the significance of Moscow

•        the main landmarks in Moscow

•        if you have been to Moscow, what you have seen there and what else you would like to visit (if you haven’t been to Moscow, what you would like to see there)

Student Card 9

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “On holiday”

Remember to say:

•        what types of holidays and holiday activities you know

•        how you usually spend your holiday in your family

•        about your last or your best holiday

Student Card 10

Task 1

Give a 1-1.5 minute talk on the topic “Famous people”

Remember to say:

•        what famous Russian people you know

•        what famous British and American people you know

•        about an outstanding person you admire

Письменная контрольная работа

Аудирование (демо-версия) 6 класс

Задание 1.

Listen to the four speakers talking about school & school subjects. Match  the speakers (1-4) with the sentences (A-D).

Speaker 1. _________                         A. This person likes Music best of all.

Speaker 2. ______ _____                   B. This person`s friend is good at Art.

Speaker 3. _______ ___                     C. This person finds it difficult to write in English.

Speaker 4. ________                           D. This person likes to spend time with his friends.

Задание 2.

Listen to Pauline talking about her summer. Are the sentences true (t) or false (f)?

  1. She went away for all summer. ____________
  2. She didn`t like her new job. _______________
  3. She liked the people who worked with her. _______
  4. She`s going to travel next summer. _______
  5. She doesn`t have  money to buy a ticket now. _______

Чтение (демо-версия) 6 класс

Задание 1.

Прочитай тексты  и  определи главную идею в каждом тексте.

  1. There are many different ways to get to school. Some children walk to school. Some children take the bus or the subway. Some children are driven to school by their parents. Some children ride their bikes to school.

The main idea of this paragraph is:

  1. Some children take the bus or subway.
  2. Some children are driven to school by their parents.
  3. Some children ride their bikes to school.
  4. There are many different ways to get to school.

  1. My friend has a cat named Leroy. My cousin has a dog named Jake. My neighbor has a parrot named Michigan. My grandmother has a cat named Dottie and a dog named Skunk. Many people I know have pets.

The main idea of this paragraph is:

  1. My friend has a cat named Leroy.
  2. My grandmother has a cat named Dottie and a dog named Skunk.  
  3. A lot of people I know have pets.
  4. My cousin has a dog named Jake.

Задание 2.

Прочитай текст.

Ответь  на пять  вопросов по тексту, выбери только один вариант ответа.

Nasreddin's Visitors

One day a visitor came to Nasreddin's house. "I am your cousin from Konya," he said, "and I have brought you a duck to celebrate the visit." Nasreddin was delighted. He asked his wife to cook the duck, and served the visitor a fine dinner.

The next day another visitor arrived. "I am the friend of the man who brought you the duck," he said. Nasreddin invited him in and gave him a good meal. The next day another visitor arrived, and said he was the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck. Again Nasreddin invited him in for a meal. However, he was getting annoyed. Visitors seemed to be using his house as a restaurant.

Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend of the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the duck. Nasreddin invited him to eat dinner with him. His wife brought some soup to the table and the visitor tasted it. "What kind of soup is this?" asked the visitor. "It tastes just like warm water." "Ah!" said Nasreddin, "That is the soup of the soup of the soup of the duck."

  1. How many visitors came to see Nasreddin?
  1.       2
  2.       3
  3.       4
  1. How many of the visitors brought a duck?
  1.      1
  2.      2
  3.      3
  1. Did Nasreddin know the first visitor?
  1.       Yes
  2.       No
  1. Why did Nasreddin get angry?
  1.       He did not like eating duck.
  2.       His cousin didn't bring him a duck.
  3.       The first visitor brought a duck, but the others didn't bring anything.
  1. How did Nasreddin solve the problem?
  1.       He served soup which tasted of nothing, so that no more visitors would want to come to his house.
  2.      He served excellent soup, so that everyone would want to eat at his house.
  3.       He opened a restaurant.

Лексико-грамматическая часть  (демо-версия) 6 класс

Задание 1. Выберите правильный ответ.

  1. Have you ever visited other countries? - Yes, I... to Italy and France.

a) was                             c) had been

b) have been                    d) would be

  1. I feel really tired. We ... to the party last night and have just returned home.

a) went                            c) had seen

b) has gone                      d) was going

  1. At the beginning of the film I realized that I ... it before.

a) see                              c) had seen

b) saw                             d) have seen

  1. When the bus stopped in the small square, Helen ... her magazine and didn't realized at first that she had arrived at her destination.

a) read                            c) was reading

b) reads                           d) had read

  1. My sister's son ... in tomorrow's race, because he is too young. They do not allow riders under sixteen.

a) won't ride                   c) wouldn't ride

b) shan't ride                  d) doesn't ride

  1. Some millionaires have lots of money and ... what to do with it.

a) don't know                  c) won't know

b) didn't                          d) knows

  1. When you ... in this city again? - In a month.

a) arrive                          c) have you arrived

b) arrived                        d) will you arrive

  1. Every time that I miss the bus, it means that I ... walk to work.

a) has to                          c) had to

b) have to                        d) could

  1. That was great! It was ... meal you have ever cooked.

a) good                            c) best

b) better                          d) the best

   10. We saw ... good film last night. The film was about the love of a girl to her cat and dog.

a) a                                 c) -

b) the                              d) an

Письмо (демо-версия) 6 класс

  1. You are on a trip with your family. Write an e-mail to a friend (about 80 words). Write about:
  • Where you are staying (a house, a hotel, a campsite)
  • What it’s like there
  • The weather
  • Activities

Dear ………………………,



Устный зачет 7 класс

                                                № 1

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about the Russian Federation

Remember to say:

- what you know about the geographical position of Russia

- about the main historical events

- if you are proud of Russia and why

№ 2

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about Sports in our life

Remember to say:

  • why sport is very important for people
  • if you do any sports and what kinds of sports you know
  • about extreme sports

№ 3

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about the role of books in our life

Remember to say:

  • some facts about the history of books
  • about your favorite books
  • what book you would recommend for reading and why

№ 4

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about the role of English language nowadays

Remember to say:

  • why English is so popular nowadays
  • what the most effective ways of learning English are
  • if English is necessary for you and why

№ 5

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about Environment

Remember to say:

  • what the most serious environmental problems are
  • what environmental problems there are in our city
  • what people should do to solve environmental problems

№ 6

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about Holidays

Remember to say:        

  • about different kinds of holidays
  • how you usually spend your holidays
  • why people like travelling during their holidays

№ 7

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about Internet

Remember to say:

  • what Internet is
  • about the role of Internet in our life  
  • if you often use Internet and what for

№ 8

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about your School life

Remember to say:

  • about your favorite subjects and if you like to learn at school, why/why not
  • what problems some students have at school and why
  • what you would like to improve in our school

№ 9

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about Travelling

Remember to say:

  • why people like travelling
  • if you travel a lot and what places you have visited
  • what place you would recommend to visit and why

№ 10

Student Card

Give a 2-minute talk about Jobs

Remember to say:

  • what kinds of job  you know
  • what people should remember while choosing a future career
  • if you have already chosen your future profession what you are interested in


Form 7


Listen to a science teacher talking about the life of Isaac Newton. Then for each of the questions 1-5 choose the best answer A, B or C, as in the example.

  1. What does the speaker say about Einstein?

A         He worked with Newton.

B        Newton improved his theories.

©        He lived more than 250 years after Newton.

  1. Newton was born in

A        1462

B        1624

C        1642

     2              When he first went to University, Newton studied

 A        Law

 B        Mathematics

 C        Science

  1. The speaker says that Newton’s most famous discovery had to do with

A        Light

B        Mechanics

C        Gravity

4        Newton started thinking about gravity when he saw

        A        An apple fall off a tree

        B        A tree falling over

        C        The moon moving through the sky

5        Newton died in

        A        Woolsthorpe

        B        Cambridge

        C        London


Read the Texts and match them with headings. There is one extra heading.

1)         The opening ceremony

2)        A great honour

3)         The Olympic team

4)         The Greek calendar

5)         A symbolic meaning

6)         A place to visit

7)         A new start

8)         The best location

  1. The first winners of the Olympic Games got free food and housing for the whole lives. They were mentioned in poems and well-known all over Greece. Sculptors even built statues of the competitors. Everyone respected and admired the winners. In short, the victory in the competitions made the man a national hero and all the little children wanted to be like him.

B)         Olympia was chosen as the place of the Games because it was a peaceful and neutral area. There the ancient Greeks praised their most important God – Zeus. Another factor was that it had a beautiful green valley. It was very suitable for all kinds of sports competitions. Also people could easily get to Olympia because there were two rivers nearby. It was impossible to find a better place anywhere else in Greece.

C)         The Olympiads were named in honor of the runner who came first in the stadium race. For example, the Olympiad of Dionis. So the years after this Olympiad were named as the first, the second, the third or the fourth year since the Olympiad of Dionis. The early historians used this system to give dates to important events.

D)         The Olympic Museum was founded in 1993 in Switzerland. It has a big collection of pieces connected with the Olympic movement. It also has the largest number of books and documents about the Games in the world. No wonder the place is one of the main tourist attractions. The museum is surrounded by a park with wonderful works of art based on a sporting theme.

E)         The modern Olympics began in 1894. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman decided to bring back the ancient Greek tradition. He wanted to begin a sports festival to celebrate health, youth and peace. The first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with two exceptions because of the two world wars.

F)         The Olympic Games traditionally start with the “Parade of the Nations”. Most of the participating athletes walk out into the stadium. The Greek athletes open the parade and the hosts appear on stadium the last. The name of each country is announced in French and English, the official languages of the Olympic Games, and the language spoken in the country that organizes the Games.

G)        The five Olympic rings represent the five main regions of the world – Africa, theAmericas, Asia, Europe and Oceana. Every national flag in the world includes one of the five colours, which are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The rings are connected and there is a reason for it. It’s done to show that the Games are for all nations. All good sportsmen can come and compete against one another in unity.










     Word formation


FRANCE  is a ………………………. country of  

Historical  interest in ……......………… Europe.

The climate is quite cool and  it is often wet in the north but much Warmer and sunnier in the south.

The French are ……………………              good-looking. They are of medium height with dark hair and light complexion.

The French are friendly people who are well-known for being stylish and wearing chick               ………... clothes. They are sociable and talkative

and they are interested in history  and  culture.

There are both big cities and small villages in France. The French do many different jobs: they work in offices, factories, shops, on farms and in the fields. France is …………… for producing  cars, computers, cheese, meat and wine.

The French love going out with their friends and having fun. Their most popular free-time activities include going to cafes, going to the theatre and dancing in clubs. The also like good food and France is full of expensive restaurants, with delicious dishes of unique food.

France is a ………………………... country with

a lot of things to see and do. Tourists will surely love its fascinating sights and ………… people.













        Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold


Judy was afraid of the dark. At night she always…..the lights on.


Judy couldn’t explain what exactly she was afraid of. She…..in monsters or in ghosts.


She was one of those rare girls who never screamed when she saw spiders,…..and frogs.  


But everyone in her family knew that a dark room was the…..of her fears.


One day, when Judy…..something in her room, her mother came in holding a big shopping bag.


“Guess what I…..,” she said to Judy.


“I have no idea. Is it for….. ?” Judy felt very curious about the bag.


V        WRITING

Using the information below, write a letter of complaint to the manager of “Eli’s” restaurant.

  • Service was slow                 -        had to wait for half an hour before we ordered
  • Food was too expensive   -          paid £30 each for green salad and green curry
  • Staff were not helpful      -           had to call the waiters three times when we needed        


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about your restaurant, “Eli’s”, which I visited on August 5th………


Firstly, ……………………………………………………………………………………………


Furthermore, ………………………………………………………………………………………


To make matters worse, …………………………………………………………………………


I trust that you will give this matter  serious consideration and that this will not be repeated.

Yours faithfully,


Годовая итоговая аттестация учащихся 8-х классов по английскому языку

I. Устная часть 8 класс

        Устная часть состоит из одного задания – тематического монологического высказывания.

        Темы для монологического высказывания:

1. School

2. Travelling

3. Future career

4. Holidays

5. Foreign languages

6. Outstanding people

7. My native city

8. Books

9. The Internet

10. Russia

        Все аспекты, которые должны быть отражены в теме можно найти на сайте ФИПИ в открытом банке заданий http://www.fipi.ru

II. Письменная часть

Общее время проведения работы – 90 минут, включая инструктаж,

раздачу вариантов, налаживание громкости звучания аудиотекста.

Работа состоит из четырёх разделов и включает в себя 24 задания.

- Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) включает 1 задание на

установление соответствий и 4 задания с выбором правильного ответа из


- Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) включает 1 задание на установление

соответствий и 6 заданий с выбором правильного ответа из предложенных.

- Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) включает 11 заданий

с кратким ответом.

- Раздел 4 (задание по письму) включает 1 задание с развёрнутым ответом.

Ниже приводится образец письменной работы.

Раздел 1 Аудирование

        Во время выполнения теста по аудированию перед каждым заданием дана пауза с тем, чтобы вы смогли просмотреть вопросы к заданию, а также паузы после первичного и повторного предъявления аудиотекста для внесения ответов. По окончании выполнения всех заданий по аудированию

 (В1, А1-А4) перенесите свои ответы в бланк ответов.

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

B1          The speaker works as …

        A.  an office manager.

        B.  a bus driver.

        C.  an air hostess (a stewardess).

        D.  a news reader.

        E.  an actress.

        F.  a sportsman.









Вы услышите беседу папы и дочки, обсуждающих предстоящий визит Деда Мороза. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А1–А4 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A1        Emily wants to have a doll and a cat’s house.

        1) True         2) False         3) Not stated

A2        Emily thinks Santa is going to get inside the house down the chimney.

        1) True         2) False         3) Not stated

A3        Emily is going to sing a Christmas song for Santa and Rudolph.

        1) True         2) False         3) Not stated

A4        Emily and her Dad are planning to go to bed early.

        1) True         2) False         3) Not stated

Раздел 2 Чтение

Прочитайте текст о роли слушания в изучении иностранного языка. Установите соответствие между заголовками A–F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1–5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

B2        A.  Speaking is not the first step.

        B.  Listening by watching English films.

        C.  A good way to improve speaking.

        D.  The advantages of listening.

        E.  English speech is available.

        F.  Listening from the moment of birth.

        1. Everyone knows that there are four skills in learning language, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. They are always related in terms of usage, and speaking is viewed by learners as the most desirable skill in face-to-face communication in the globalization era. What do you have to do before you can speak? What does a child learn before he talks? Listen, of course!

2. Naturally, children begin listening to their parents when they are babies. They are often greeted, spoken to and admired without any response expected. Though nobody knows if the baby understands the spoken words, the process continues. Children automatically acquire such language over some time. That leads to speaking skill which is quite applicable to daily conversation.

        3. In learning English, listening can help to improve speaking considerably. Although it is the first of all skills, it is neither the easiest nor the most meaningless. We need to hear various types of English repeatedly and continuously if we want to communicate properly, meaningfully and naturally.        4. When listening, we are reviewing a lot of English usage such as vocabulary, grammatical structures, intonation, accent etc. We can learn new words and expressions by hearing them frequently. We can imitate what we hear and apply it with great confidence. Listening can be a good “hobby” while we do other things such as cooking, ironing, exercising, relaxing etc. In other words, we have no wasted time at all.

        5. Nowadays, radio cassette recorders are household appliances, but we often overlook their radio function. We can experience English language radio programmes almost anywhere in the world. They are usually picked up on FM bands and aired particularly for foreigners. Short wave radio programmes are another option. Two of the most easily found English language broadcasters are the BBC and Voice of America. Today, you can even access them by Internet.

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A5–A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

         I’m not a writer by trade. I’m a white hunter. My name is Allan Quatermain and I live in Durban, South Africa. I’m fifty-five years of age and for more than thirty years I have been trading, hunting, fighting or mining in one part of Africa or another. I have, in my time, shot sixty-five lions. The sixty-sixth got me and mauled me pretty badly before he was driven off. That is why I limp a bit on my left leg.

Well, it’s eighteen months or so since I first met Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good, which is the real beginning of my story. That was in 1885. I’d been elephant hunting beyond Bamangwato and had had bad luck. Everything went wrong on that trip, and to top up with I got the fever badly.

As soon as I was well enough I sold such ivory as I had and took myself down to the Cape. After a week in Cape Town, I made up my mind to go back to Durban by the Dunkeld, then lying in the docks waiting for the Edinburgh Castle to get in from England. I took my berth and went abroad, and that afternoon the passengers from England came on and we put to sea.

Among the passengers who came on board there were two who caught my interest. One, a man of about thirty, was one of the biggest and strongest-looking men I’d ever seen. He had yellow hair and beard, clear-cut features and large grey eyes set deep in his head. I found out, by looking at the passenger list, that this was Sir Henry Curtis. He reminded me very much of somebody else, but at the time I could not remember who it was.

The man with him was listed as Captain John Good, and I put him down at once as a naval officer. He was stout and dark, and very neat and very clean-shaved, and he always wore an eyeglass in his right eye.

(By H. R. Haggard)

A5        The author never killed lions.

        1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

A6        The author’s story began nearly a year and a half ago.

        1) True        2) False        3) Not stated

A7        The author had been ill before his travel by sea.

        1) True         2) False         3) Not stated

A8        Sir Henry Curtis was educated in good manners.

  1. True         2) False         3) Not stated

Раздел 3 Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B3–B9 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B3–B9.








             I remember my first day at school in detail. It was a nice bright September morning when my mum _______________ me to a large school ground. There were lots of kids and parents there. At first I felt uneasy as I _______________ any of them. I wanted to go inside but the doors _______________. “Look around”, my mum said. “There are so many _______________ here. Don’t be afraid. I’m sure you will make friends with them very soon”. Almost every child had a bouquet  of flowers and I felt very proud because my bouquet was the_______________ .

              Some men and women in the centre of the playground were telling us about their school years. “Look at that woman, mum”, I whispered pointing to a dark-haired woman with a microphone. “She _______________ to the Head of the school now. I’m sure that I _______________ her. Her face looks very familiar. But I can’t remember where and when I saw her.









Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B10–B14 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию B10–B14.







Russia and the United States decided to stop being enemies. Each side stopped making bombs. The US no _______________ tests nuclear weapons. There is not enough money to support making nuclear weapons. But the piles of nuclear weapons are still around. They need to be watched over to keep them _______________ safe.

The _______________ who made the bombs still have a lot of their research _______________ . They didn’t want to get rid of it. The nation’s nuclear weapons labs are trying to save that _______________ . By having so many large bombs, the countries who had them did not want to use them. All the bombs would destroy everyone on Earth.






Раздел 4 Письмо

Для ответа на задание С1 используйте отдельный чистый лист. При выполнении задания С1 особое внимание обратите на то, что ваши ответы будут оцениваться только по записям,  деланным на отдельном листе. Никакие записи черновика не будут учитываться экспертом.

Обратите внимание на необходимость соблюдения указанного объёма письма. Письма недостаточного объема, а также часть текста письма, превышающая требуемый объем - не оцениваются. На чистом листе вы указываете сначала номер задания С1, а потом пишите свой ответ.

С1        You have 30 minutes to do this task.

        You have received a letter from your English–speaking pen friend Jane.

              …Thanks a lot for your congratulations on my birthday! Guess what I’ve been gifted with a kitten on my birthday! I’ve dreamt of it so long! And now I’m so happy! This is my first pet. I know you have got a parrot. Have you got any other pets? Have you ever had a cat? Can you give me some advice how to take care of my kitten? Hope to hear from you soon…







        Write her a letter and answer her questions.

        Write 80 – 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

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