Программа элективного курса по английскому языку для учащихся 9 класса «Страноведение. Татарстан.»
элективный курс по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Авторская программа элективного курса "Страноведение.Татарстан". Разработан и апробирован в 9-х классах
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«Утверждаю» Директор МБОУ«Гимназия имени М.М.Вахитова г.Буинска РТ» _______ Ф.Ф.Хисамутдинова Приказ № от « » 2013 г. | «Согласовано» Руководитель ШМО МБОУ «Гимназия имени М.М.Вахитова г.Буинска РТ» _________ Р.Р.Азизова «26» 08. 2013 г. | «Рекомендовано» Методист МБУ «ИМЦ» Буинского муниципального района _______ М.Г.Гафурова Протокол № от «29» . 09.2013 г. |
Программа элективного курса
по английскому языку
для учащихся
9 класса
«Страноведение. Татарстан.»
Исхакова Венера Наиловна,
учитель первой
квалификационной категории
МБОУ «Гимназия имени
М.М.Вахитова г.Буинска РТ»
2013 г.
- Пояснительная записка. Стр.3
- Содержание программы. Стр.6
- Учебно-тематический план. Стр.8
- Список литературы. Стр.10
- Приложение. Стр.11
Пояснительная записка
Учебный элективный курс «Страноведение. Татарстан» рассчитан на учащихся 9 класса, интересующихся английским языком
В наше время, когда знание иностранных языков по праву занимает одно из важных мест в оценке человека как профессионала, всё больше учащихся выбирает английский язык для профильного изучения. Данный курс способствует развитию и поддержанию интереса учащихся к иностранному языку, повышению уровня практических навыков говорения, расширению кругозора и т.п.
Данный курс имеет целью предоставить учащимся возможность реализовать свой интерес к предмету. Курс направлен на удовлетворение современных познавательных интересов школьников; развитие способностей учащихся использовать английский язык в разных ситуациях общения, реализовать национально-региональный компонент. Данный курс тесно связан с предметами: география, история и т.д.
Курс рассчитан на то, чтобы учащиеся узнали больше об уникальной истории нашей родины – Татарстана, о традициях прошлого и о будущем. Они должны получить представление о том, что Татарстан – это не только география, политика и экономика, но и ты, твои друзья и родители, твоя жизнь, твоё поведение. Учащиеся имеют возможность заниматься исследовательской деятельностью, проектными заданиями.
Актуальность данной программы обусловлена тем, что даёт возможность формировать у учащихся способность к межкультурному общению.
- дальнейшее развитие у учащихся коммуникативной компетенции, дающей возможность успешно осуществлять речевое общение в разнообразных ситуациях;
- использование языка как средство самообразования и саморазвития в различных областях личностных и профессиональных интересов.
- Выявить интересы и склонности, способности школьников.
- Создать условия для осуществления проб учащимися, ориентированными на выбор гуманитарного профиля обучения в старшей школе.
- Развить широкий спектр познавательных и профессиональных интересов, ключевых компетенций, обеспечивающих успешность в будущей профессиональной деятельности.
- Создать условия для готовности учащихся принимать адекватное решение о выборе дальнейшего направления образования, пути получения профессии.
Курс «Страноведение. Татарстан» был апробирован в 9-х классах в качестве курса по выбору в предпрофильной подготовке обучающихся. Благодаря полученным знаниям обучающиеся достигли определённых результатов: победители и призёры в конкурсе рефератов на английском языке «Мой родной край», на конференции «Иностранный язык – перекрёсток культур», встречи с зарубежными студентами, сопровождающиеся рассказами о своём родном крае «Моя Родина – Татарстан».
Курс поможет учащимся:
- Узнать больше о нашей республике и о собственной роли в её жизни.
- Понять некоторые аспекты социо-экономического развития Татарстана.
- Быть творческим в открытии мира вокруг себя.
- Изучить иностранный язык в контексте диалога культур (родной и иноязычной).
Учащиеся должны применять полученные знания на практике:
- читать тексты, применяя различные виды чтения;
- переводить тексты с английского на русский язык;
- высказывать своё отношение;
- участвовать в диалоге, задавать вопросы;
- составлять монологическое высказывание.
Структура курса и организация обучения
Курс рассчитан на 34 часа и может быть пройден за один год. Творческие задания направлены на развитие языковых навыков. Выполнение творческих заданий – необходимое условие для подготовки к экзаменам. Творческие задания составлены с учётом требований перехода на новую систему проведения итоговой аттестации в 9 классе. В разделе Приложение представлены тексты о Татарстане, о Буинске, о нашей гимназии, об Универсиаде, которые дополняют содержательную сторону речи и повышают эффективность обучения английскому языку.
В основе курса лежат следующие методические принципы:
• Интеграция основных речевых умений и навыков.
• Последовательное развитие основных речевых умений и навыков.
• Коммуникативная направленность заданий.
• Контекстуальное введение лексики.
• Применение полученных умений и навыков на практике в симулированных ситуациях, максимально приближенных к реальным условиям мира бизнеса.
• Темы и материалы курса соответствуют возрасту, интересам и уровню языковой подготовки учащихся.
Программа основывается на методах активного обучения, такие как ролевые игры, исследовательские работы, проекты и т.д.
На заключительном занятии учащийся представляет проектную работу на понравившуюся тему, выполненную в Power Point не менее 15 слайдов и устно защищает её.
Ожидаемый результат.
К концу курса ученик должен уметь продемонстрировать полученные знания, решать коммуникативные задачи. Курс строится в русле задач развития и воспитания коммуникативной культуры школьников, расширения и обогащения их коммуникативного и жизненного опыта в новом контексте общения, расширения кругозора детей.
Курс ориентирован на взаимопонимание, терпимость к различиям между людьми, сотрудничество и взаимодействие, в т.ч. и средствами английского языка.
Учащиеся пробуют свои силы в гуманитарном направлении, что способствует их самоопределению и дальнейшему выбору гуманитарного профиля, учащиеся получат возможность решить, привлекают ли их профессии, связанные с изучением английского языка ( международные отношения, международная экономика, туризм, филология, лингвистика, профессия учителя английского языка, переводчика, гида-переводчика, секретаря-референта, журналиста и т.п.)
Содержание программы
Занятие 1-2.
Добро пожаловать в Татарстан! Республика и люди. Видеосюжет о Казани, подготовленный к проведению Универсиады-2013. Известные люди Татарстана, нашего города, нашей школы.
Занятие 3-4.
География Татарстана. Обогащение словарного запаса учащихся. Изготовление картинного словаря растений и животных, которых можно найти в нашей республике.
Занятия 5-7.
Страницы истории. Увеличение словарного запаса учащихся. Анализ исторических событий. Мнения учащихся об этих событиях.
Занятия 8-10.
Люди республики. Население. Терпимость по отношению к людям других национальностей. Ролевая игра-телепередача « Люди нашего времени». Средства коммуникации. Цвета и ассоциации. Игровое моделирование « Как разговаривают подростки».
Занятия 11.
Моя семья. Семейные традиции. Семейный альбом.
Занятия 12-13.
Казань-столица республики Татарстан. Как провести экскурсию по Казани. Творческая работа-проект путеводителя по достопримечательностям Казани.
Видео-путешествие по музеям Казанского Кремля.
Занятие 14-15.
Письмо-приглашение зарубежному другу. Творческая исследовательская работа -достопримечательности Буинска.
Занятие 16-17.
Моя школа-гимназия имени М.М.Вахитова
Занятие 18-19.
Расписание уроков, школьная форма, правила для учащихся. Сочинение
« Идеальная школа».
Занятие 20-21.
Искусство и музыка- универсальный язык мира. Известные художники, композиторы, писатели, поэты. Театры и музеи Казани. Ролевая игра «Посещение театра»
Занятие 22-23.
Праздники: сабантуй, науруз, масленница. Презентация работы «Праздники в Буинске». Игровое моделирование «Как проводится праздник сабантуя».
Занятие 24-25.
Спортивная жизнь Татарстана. Любимые спортсмены.
Занятие 26.
Универсиада - 2013
Занятие 27-28.
Татарская национальная кухня: выпечка, напитки, праздничные блюда.
Ролевая игра « Моё любимое кафе».
Занятие 29-30.
Татарская национальная одежда. Женский, мужской национальный костюм.
Проектная работа «Показ мод»
Занятие 31-32.
Мир вокруг нас. Заповедники Татарстана. Природа в опасности. Времена года. Реклама минеральных вод \Татарстана.
Занятие 33-34.
Итоговое. Презентация лучших проектных работ. Викторина «Моя Родина-Татарстан».
Учебно – тематическое планирование
№ п/п | Тема занятий | Кол-во часов | Форма занятия | Виды деятельности | Формы контроля |
1-2. | Добро пожаловать в Татарстан! Республика и люди | 2 | Лекция | Работа с видеосюжетом. Рассказ о знаменитых людях Татарстана. | Контроль аудирования |
3-4. | География Татарстана | 2 | Лекция. Проектная работа | Проектная работа «Картинный словарь животных и растений республики». | Проверка конспектов |
5-7. | Страницы истории | 3 | Анализ исторических событий. | Мнения учащихся об истории республики. | Контроль устной речи |
8-10. | Люди республики | 3 | Ролевая игра | Ролевая игра- телепередача «Люди нашего времени». Исследовательская работа о знаменитых людях республики | Контроль устной и письменной речи |
11. | Моя семья. Семейные традиции. Семейный альбом. | 1 | Монологи- ческое высказывание. | Рассказ о семье по семейным альбомам | Контроль устной монологической речи |
12-13. | Казань-столица республики Татарстан | 2 | Презентация с использованием ИКТ. Лекция | Как провести экскурсию по Казани: работаем экскурсоводом | Контроль аудирования и устной речи |
14-15. | Мой родной город | 2 | Лекция Письмо | Письмо-приглашение зарубежному другу в г.Буинск. | Контроль устной и письменной речи |
16-17. | Моя школа-гимназия имени М.М.Вахитова | 2 | Презентация | Исследовательская работа об истории, о выпускниках школы | Проверка работ |
18-19. | Образование | 2 | Лекция Написание письма | Сочинение «Идеальная школа». Как писать сочинение. | Проверка работ |
20-21. | Культурная жизнь в Татарстане | 2 | Ролевая игра | Ролевая игра «Посещение театра». | Контроль устной речи |
22-23. | Праздники | 2 | Урок-игра | Игровое моделирование «Сабантуй». Праздники в Буинске. | Контроль устной речи |
24-25. | Спортивная жизнь в Татарстане | 2 | Лекция. | Рассказ о спортсменах, спортивных клубах | Контроль устной речи |
26. | Универсиада - 2013 | 1 | Проектная работа-презентация учащихся | Проектная работа-презентация учащихся | Контроль устной речи |
27-28. | Татарская национальная кухня | 2 | Ролевая игра | Ролевая игра «Моё любимое кафе». Кулинарное соревнование(рецепты) | Контроль устной и письменной речи |
29-30. | Татарская национальная одежда. | 2 | Урок-аудирование. Проектная работа | Проектная работа «Показ мод». | Контроль устной и письменной речи |
31-32. | Мир вокруг нас | 2 | Лекция. Охрана окружающей среды. | Презентация рекламы. 2013 год-год экологии | Проверка конспектов |
33-34. | Защита проектной работы | 2 | Презентация Викторина | Презентация проектных работ. Викторина «Моя Родина-Татарстан». | Анализ проектных работ, подведение итогов курса, рекомендации учащимся. |
- Английский язык. Welcome to Tatarstan. Учебное пособие.- Казань, Изд-во ТАИ, 2007
- Английский язык. Газета издательского дома «Первое сентября», №16, 2009.
- Атлас Республики Татарстан.- М., 2005.
- Видеоролик к Универсиаде-2013
- Галлеев Э.Х., Ханбиков Я.И. Татарские народные игры и праздники.-Казань, Татарское книжное изд-во, 1975.
- Огонёк, №1, 2002.
- Пучкова Ю.Я. Игры на уроках английского языка.-М., АСТ, 2003.
- Русско-английский словарь.-М., Русский язык, 1992.
- Скалкин В.Л. Английский язык в ситуациях общения.-М., Высшая школа, 1997.
- Соколова Л.В. Рефлексивный компонент деятельности как необходимое условие развития учителя и учащихся.- Иностранные языки в школе, №1, 2005.
- Хисамова В.Н. Татар аудиториясенә инглиз теле дәресләре.- Казань, ТаРИХ, 2000.
- Oxford wordpower dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2000.
Литература для учащихся
- Английский язык. Welcome to Tatarstan. Учебное пособие.- Казань, Изд-во ТАИ, 2007
- Хисамова В.Н. Татар аудиториясенә инглиз теле дәресләре.- Казань, ТаРИХ, 2000.
- Газеты «Вестник Универсиады 2013».
Интернет – ресурсы
- http://www.bbc.co.uk
- www.mes-english.com
- http://www.sitesforteachers.com
- http://www.englishclub.ru
- http://mon.tatarstan.ru/
К занятию №1. Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы.
The Republic of Tatarstan is a federal subject of Russia (a republic) located in the Volga Federal District. Its capital is the city of Kazan, which is one of Russia's larger and more prosperous cities. The republic borders with Kirov, Ulyanovsk, Samara, and Orenburg Oblasts, and with the Mari El, Udmurt, and Chuvash Republics, as well as with the Republic of Bashkortostan. The unofficial Tatarstan motto is: We can! In the 2010 Census the population of Tatarstan was enumerated to be 3,786,488.
The state has strong ties with its neighbor Bashkortostan.
“Tatarstan” derives from the name of the ethnic group—the Tatars—and the Persian suffix -stan (an ending common to many Eurasian countries). Another version of the Russian name is “Тата́рия” (Tatariya), which was official along with “Tatar ASSR” during the Soviet rule.
The republic is located in the center of the East European Plain, approximately 800 kilometers (500 mi) east of Moscow. It lies between the Volga River and the Kama River (a tributary of the Volga), and extends east to the Ural mountains.
Major rivers include (Tatar names are given in parentheses):
Belaya River (Ağidel)
Ik River (Iq)
Kama River (Çulman)
Volga River (İdel)
Vyatka River (Noqrat)
Kazanka River
Major reservoirs of the republic include (Tatar names are given in parentheses):
Kuybyshev Reservoir (Kuybışev)
Lower Kama Reservoir (Tübän Kama)
The biggest lake is Qaban. The biggest swamp is Kulyagash.
Bugulma-Belebey Upland
Volga Upland
Vyatskie Uvaly
Major natural resources of Tatarstan include oil, natural gas, gypsum, and more. It is estimated that the Republic has over one billion tons of oil deposits.
Average January temperature: −16 °C (3 °F)
Average July temperature: +19 °C (66 °F)
The earliest known organized state within the boundaries of Tatarstan was Volga Bulgaria (c. 700–1238 CE). The Volga Bulgars had an advanced mercantile state with trade contacts throughout Inner Eurasia, the Middle East and the Baltic, which maintained its independence despite pressure by such nations as the Khazars, the Kievan Rus and the Cuman-Kipchaks. Islam was introduced by missionaries from Baghdad around the time of ibn Fadlan's journey in 922.
Volga Bulgaria finally fell to the armies of the Mongol prince Batu Khan in the late 1230s (see Mongol invasion of Volga Bulgaria.) The inhabitants, mixing with the Golden Horde's Kipchak-speaking people, became known as the "Volga Tatars." Another theory postulates that there were no ethnic changes in that period, and Bulgars simply switched to the Kipchak-based Tatar language. In the 1430s, the region again became independent as the base of the Khanate of Kazan, a capital having been established in Kazan, 170 km up the Volga from the ruined capital of the Bulgars.
The Khanate of Kazan was conquered by the troops of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in the 1550s, with Kazan being taken in 1552. A large number of Tatars were killed and forcibly converted to Christianity and were culturally Russified. Cathedrals were built in Kazan; by 1593 all mosques in the area were destroyed. The Russian government forbade the construction of mosques, a prohibition that was not lifted until the 18th century by Catherine the Great. The first mosque to be rebuilt under Catherine's auspices was constructed in 1766-1770.
Modern times
In the 19th century Tatarstan became a center of Jadidism, an Islamic movement that preached tolerance of other religions. Under the influence of local Jadidist theologians, the Tatars were renowned for their friendly relations with other peoples of the Russian Empire. However, after the October Revolution religion was largely outlawed and all theologians were repressed.
During the Civil War of 1918-1920 Tatar nationalists attempted to establish an independent republic (the Idel-Ural State). They were, however, put down by the Bolsheviks and the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was established on 27 May 1920. There was a famine in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1921 to 1922 as a result of war communist policy. The boundaries of the republic did not include majority of the Volga Tatars. The Tatar Union of the Godless were persecuted in Stalin's 1928 purges.
Tatarstan today
On August 30, 1990, Tatarstan announced its sovereignty with Declaration on the State Sovereignty of the Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic and in 1992 Tatarstan held a referendum on the new constitution, and 62 percent of those who took part voted in favor of the constitution. In 1992 Tatarstan Constitution defines Tatarstan as a Sovereign State. However articles 1 and 3 of the constitution, as introduced in 2002 define Tatarstan as a part of Russian Federation.
On February 15, 1994, the Treaty On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Authority between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan and Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan (On Delimitation of Authority in the Sphere of Foreign Economic Relations) were signed.
There are about two million ethnic Tatars and a million and a half ethnic Russians, along with significant numbers of Chuvash, Mari, and Udmurts, some of whom are Tatar-speaking. The Ukrainian, Mordvin, and Bashkir minorities are also significant. Most Tatars are Sunni Muslims, but a small minority known as Keräşen Tatars are Orthodox and some of them regard themselves as being different from other Tatars even though most Keräşen dialects differ only slightly from the Central Dialect of the Tatar language. There is a fair degree of speculation as to the early origins of the different groups of Tatars, but most Tatars no longer view religious identity as being as important as it once was, and the religious and linguistic subgroups have intermingled considerably. Nevertheless, despite many decades of assimilation and intermingling, some Keräşen demanded, and were awarded, the option of being specifically enumerated in 2002. This has provoked great controversy however, as many intellectuals have sought to portray the Tatars as homogeneous and indivisible. Although listed separately below, the Keräşen are still included in the grand total for the Tatars. Another unique ethnic group, living in Tatarstan only are the Qaratay Mordvins. When it comes to Religion, Sunni Islam is the most common faith in Tatarstan, as 55% of the estimated 3.8 million population is Muslim while remaining population is mostly Russian Orthodox Christian.
In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan the two state languages of the republic are Tatar and Russian. According to the 2002 Russian Federal Law (On Languages of Peoples of the Russian Federation), the official script is Cyrillic.
The head of the government in Tatarstan is the President. Since March 2010, the President has been Rustam Minnikhanov. Tatarstan's unicameral State Council has 100 seats: fifty are for representatives of the parties, and the other fifty are for deputies from the republic's localities. The Chairman of the State Council is Farit Mukhametshin from May 27, 1998.
According to the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, the President can be elected only by the people of Tatarstan, but due to Russian federal law this law was suspended for an indefinite term. The Russian law about election of governors says they should be elected by regional parliaments and that the candidate can be presented only by the president of Russia.
On March 25, 2005 Shaymiyev was reelected for his fourth term by the State Council. This election was held after changes in electoral law and does not contradict the Constitutions of Tatarstan and Russia.
The Republic of Tatarstan is a constituent republic of the Russian Federation. Most of the Russian federal subjects are tied with the Russian federal government by the uniform Federal Treaty, but relations between the government of Tatarstan and the Russian federal government are more complex, and are precisely defined in the Constitution. The following passage from the Constitution defines the republic's status without contradicting the Constitution of the Russian Federation:
The Republic of Tatarstan is a democratic constitutional State associated with the Russian Federation by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan On Delimitation of Jurisdictional Subjects and Mutual Delegation of Powers between the State Bodies of the Russian Federation and the State Bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan, and a subject of the Russian Federation. The sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan shall consist in full possession of the State authority (legislative, executive and judicial) beyond the competence of the Russian Federation and powers of the Russian Federation in the sphere of shared competence of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan and shall be an inalienable qualitative status of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Tatarstan is one of the most economically developed regions of Russia. The republic is highly industrialized, and ranks second only to Samara Oblast in terms of industrial production per km2.
The region's main source of wealth is oil. Tatarstan produces 32 million tonnes of crude oil per year and has estimated oil reserves of more than 1 billion tons. Industrial production constitutes 45% of the Republic's gross regional domestic product. The most developed manufacturing industries are petrochemical industry and machine building. The truck-maker KamAZ is the region's largest enterprise and employs about 1/5 of Tatarstan's work force. Kazanorgsintez, based in Kazan, is one of Russia's largest chemical companies. Tatarstan's aviation industry produces Tu-214 passenger airplanes and helicopters.The Kazan Helicopter Plant is one of the largest helicopter manufacturers in the world. Engineering, textiles, clothing, wood processing, and food industries are also of key significance in Tatarstan.
Tatarstan consists of three distinguished industrial regions. The northwestern part is an old industrial region where engineering, chemical and light industry dominate. In the new industrial Northeast region with its core in the Naberezhnye Chelny-Nizhnekamsk agglomeration, major industries are automobile construction, chemical industry, and power engineering. The Southeast region has oil production with engineering under development. The North, Central, South, and Southwest parts of the Republic are rural regions. The agricultural sector of economy are represented mostly by large companies as "Ak Bars Holding" and "Krasniy Vostok Agro".
The republic has a highly developed transport network. It mainly comprises highways, railway lines, four navigable rivers — Volga (İdel), Kama (Çulman), Vyatka (Noqrat) and Belaya (Ağidel), and oil pipelines and airlines. The territory of Tatarstan is crossed by the main gas pipelines carrying natural gas from Urengoy and Yamburg to the west and the major oil pipelines supplying oil to various cities in the European part of Russia.
Major libraries include the Science Library of Kazan State University and the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan. There are two museums of republican significance, as well as 90 museums of local importance. In the past several years new museums appeared throughout the Republic.
There are twelve theatrical institutions in Tatarstan. The state orchestra is the National Tatarstan Orchestra.
Tatarstan has Rubin Kazan, a major European football team which has played in the Champions League and the Europa League.
It also has two KHL teams, the successful Ak Bars Kazan, which is based in the capital city of Kazan, and the Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk, who play in the city of Nizhnekamsk. The state also has a Russian Major League team (the second highest hockey league in Russia), Neftyanik Almetyevsk, who play in the city of Almetyevsk. There are also two Minor Hockey League teams, whom serve as an affiliate for the two KHL teams. A team also exists in the Russian Hockey League, the HC Chelny, who are based in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Another team plays in the MHL-B (the second level of junior ice hockey in Russia).
Nail Yakupov is an ethnic Tatar who was drafted first overall in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft
Twice Russian champions, Rubin Kazan play in the Russian Premier League.
Former ATP No.1 Marat Safin and former WTA No.1 Dinara Safina are of Tatar descent.
Kazan was a host city of the XXVII Summer Universiade in 2013.
The most important facilities of higher education include Kazan State University, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan State Technological University, World Information Distributed University, Kazan State Technical University, Kazan State Finance and Economics Institute and Russian Islamic University, all located in the capital Kazan.
Established in 922, the first Muslim state within the boundaries of modern Russia was Volga Bulgaria from which the Tatars inherited Islam. Islam was introduced by missionaries from Baghdad around the time of Ibn Fadlan's journey in 922. Islam's long presence in Russia also extends at least as far back as the conquest of the Khanate of Kazan in 1552, which brought the Tatars and Bashkirs on the Middle Volga into Russia.
In the 1430s, the region became independent as the base of the Khanate of Kazan, a capital having been established in Kazan, 170 km up the Volga from the ruined capital of the Bulgars. The Khanate of Kazan was conquered by the troops of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible in the 1550s, with Kazan being taken in 1552. Some Tatars were forcibly converted to Christianity and cathedrals were built in Kazan; by 1593, mosques in the area were destroyed. The Russian government forbade the construction of mosques, a prohibition that was not lifted until the 18th century by Catherine II.
In 1990, there were only 100 mosques but the number, as of 2004, rose to well over 1,000. As of January 1, 2008, as many as 1,398 religious organizations were registered in Tatarstan, of which 1,055 were Muslim. Today, Sunni Islam is the most common faith in Tatarstan, as 55% of the population is Muslim. In September 2010, Eid al fitr as well May 21, the day the Volga Bulgars embraced Islam, were made public holidays. Tatarstan also hosted an international Muslim film festival which screened over 70 films from 28 countries including Jordan, Afghanistan and Egypt.
The Russian Orthodox Church is the second largest active religion in Tatarstan, and has been so for more than 150 years, with an estimated 1.6 million followers made up of Ethnic Russians, Mordvins, Armenians, Belarusians, Mari people, Georgians, Chuvash and a number of Orthodox Tatars which together constitute 45% of the 3.8 million population of Tatarstan. On the 23rd of August 2010 the “Orthodox monuments of Tatarstan” exhibition was held in Kazan by the Tatarstan Ministry of Culture and the Kazan Eparchy. At all public events an Orthodox Priest is called upon along with an Islamic Mufti.
The Muslim Religious Board of Tatarstan frequently organizes activities, like the 'Islamic graffiti Contest' which was held on November 20, 2011.
К занятию № 14. Прочитать текст, ответить на вопросы учителя и уметь пересказывать.
The Buinsk municipal region was founded in 1930. It is located in the south-west of the Republic of Tatarstan. The area of the region is 1544 sq.km. This includes 98 villages. The total population of the region is 47153, with urban population at 19,781. The administrative center of the region is the town Buinsk. Here, in friendship, live Tatars- 62,3 %, Chuwash- 21,9%, Russians -15 %.
The region is situated in Pre-Volga economic zone and produces the most part of grain and sugar. The beef cattle breeding industry is also rapidly developing. The economic basis of the region is firmly founded in agriculture and industry. There are 9 industrial enterprises successfully working in the region, comprised mostly of food production and light industry.
Buinsk’s youth population makes great use of the local Entertainment Centre, which includes a movie theater. There is also the Youth Palace, the Culture Centre, the Centre of Out of School Activities, the Buinsk Drama Theater, the Museum of Local History, the Ice Rink “Arctic” and lastly the wonderful swimming pool “Dolphin”.
In 2010 our region celebrated its 80th anniversary. Buinsk itself is 230 years old.
К занятию № 34. Ответить на вопросы викторины и придумать свои вопросы.
Quiz about Tatarstan
- What color is the national flag of Tatarstan?
- What means the colors of the flag?
green - green of spring, the color of Islam, revival, white - the color of purity, red - maturity, energy, strength and life.
- Who is represented on the National Emblem?
- Who wrote the national anthem? Rustem Jakhin
- Name the four major rivers Tatarstana. What largest river flows in Tatarstan? The Vyatka, Kama, White, Volga
- Name the famous Tatar poet. Gabdulla Tukay
- How do you translate Alabuga from the Tatar language? Окунь – Perch
- What is the capital of Tatarstan? Which anniversary was recently in the capital?
- Which automaker is in Tatarstan? KAMAZ
- Name the famous tatar composer? Salih Saydashev
К занятию № 22. Прочитать текст и аргументировать своё отношение к прочитанному.
You always select the colours of your life:
dark or bright, weak or strong, good or bad.
People can’t have any future when they have no past.
The strength of nation is in preserving (keeping) the traditions, customs and holidays of its fathers and forefathers. Thanks to such holidays as Easter, Christmas, Nauruz Bairam, Khurban Bairam and others we feel ourselves closely connected with our forefathers, with the history of our town.
Our town is multinational and multicultural, so we celebrate different holidays: religious, secular and state.
One of the most significant Christian holidays is whitsun on Whitsunday.
Whitsun or Trinity Day is a religious holiday which is broadly and solemnly celebrated by the Christians of the whole world.
Greek: Church considers it to be one of its 20 main holidays.
Whitsun is observed annually at the end of May or at the beginning of June.
This holiday was established to commemorate a remarkable event-the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus Christ’s pupils, the apostles, and on the Christian church as a whole. On that day the houses are decorated with green twigs, blowers and young sprouts. In all churches we can hear: “In the name of the Father, and the Son and Holy Spirit, Amen”.
It you interested in customs and traditions of Tatar people you are sure to know that one of the most ancient of their customs is lent or Uraza as they call it.
The month when this important event takes place is called Ramazan.
Uraza is a movable holiday, that is if does not fall on the same day each year. Annually it is put off for 12 days backwards.
The first day of Ramazan begins with praying. Two hours before the sunrise people can eat everything they want, nothing exсept pork is forbidden. But when the day comes people eat or drink nothing. After the sunset people start praying again. The muezzins climb up the minarets and read a special pray called Azan. After that they are allowed to eat.
The end of Ramazan means the end of Lent and there is a holiday called Uraza Bairam.
Maslennitsa is a traditional Russian holiday. Maslennitsa takes place at the end of winter. In old times Slavic people believed in different Gods and Yarilo was the main of them.
In his honour people fried a lot of pancakes – hot and round like the sun and put much butter on them. The holiday lasted a week. During the holiday people played snowballs, made snow castles and rode a sledge. They visited each other and celebrated this holiday together.
Nowadays it is one of the most favourite holidays and it is very popular with people of all nationalities.
“Nauruz” means the “New Year Day”. It is a very old festival.
This festival takes place on the 21st of March. On this day the daytime is as long as night. Days become longer, nights become shorter. This holiday symbolizes the end of darkness and the victory of the light over the evil. It is a bright and unforgettable festival. People choose the most beautiful girl. She is called “Nauruz – bikeh”. She drives throughout the town in a coach, decorated with flowers, bright ribbons and bells. Everywhere people greet her cheerfully. People sing songs and dance.
Dzhien is a holiday for the young people. It is a very old festival. It is arranged in the open air: in the forest or on the riverside. This holiday takes place at the end of May or at the beginning of June. Dzhien starts on Friday and lasts till Sunday. During this holiday there are a lot of games, competitions. There are many songs and dance in a ring in this holiday. Some people take part in games, some people look on. Then people go horse – riding.
Sabantuy is, perhaps, the most popular festival in Buinsk. It is “a celebration of the plough”(in the Tatar language “saban” means “plough” and “tuy” means “festival”). This holiday takes place at the beginning of summer, after the first haymaking. During this festival there are a lot of spectacular competitions. The most exiting are the horse races. (The Bulgars’ ancestors lived a nomadic life, had horses and were good riders.)
The most popular competition is the national wrestling. At the end they choose a winner. He is usually given a sheep as a prize. The winner or batyr of Sabantuy in Buinsk was Khasanzyanov Almaz last year. He is our school-leaver. We are proud of him.
The old people remember that in the villages, after the feast of Sabantuy, everybody discussed for months the smallest details of the main feature: the wrestling match. The winners received a sheep as a prize and became local heroes. Their fame and glory lasted for the rest of their lives.
There are also a lot of funny competitions and sport games, for example, egg-races, “running-in-sacks” races. Climbing up a high pole is rather difficult, but very funny. The prize is a big cock, sitting on the top! Young women usually make presents for the winners. Everyone tries to show his/her skills and talent.
It is one of those days when a man, whatever nationality he may be, can rest, relax and have a good time
Each nation has its holidays and traditions. Some of them are specific to this or that nation. Many of them have become very popular, common and loved by all. People of different nationalities live in Buinsk. They life in friendship and they are respectful. Each holiday we celebrate together despite of our nationality. I think, holidays and traditions bring up people in the spirit of love to the country, and their hometown. Things tend to change, but people and their traditions don’t.
К занятию № 16. Написать художественный перевод стихотворения о своей гимназии с татарского на английский язык.
Gymnasium ,gymnasium
It is a comfortable home
For many girls, for many boys
For many cleverest students.
And every day we hurry up
To take extensive knowledge
And also try to make our life
More interesting with pleasure.
We hope to achieve success
With our experience teachers
Gymnasium, gymnasium
You’ll pride on wise pupils.
We’ll prove in practice that you are
A wealthy world of science.
We’ll take abilities and skills
To our future life.
Иртэн торып кон дэ сина килэм
Синен алда башым тубэн иям,
Гимназия –минем мэктэбем
Мэнге яшэ ,белем тобэгем!!
Белем очен килгэн хэр балага
Кин жэелгэн синен кочагын
Гыйлем доньясына алып кереп
Мэнге яктырт белем учагын!
Яулап алган унышлары белэн
Зур урлэргэ менсен хэр олан,
Килэчэктэ юлны нык яктыртып
Шэкертлэрен белэн горурлан!
К занятию № 12. Прочитать текст и составить рассказ о достопримечательностях Казани или о памятниках в Буинске.
Suyumbike’s tower is the main symbol of Kazan. The 58 meters, high redbrick tower has 7 tiers. According to the legend, Ivan the Terrible learned about the tsarina’s Suyumbike beauty and sent his matchmakers to Kazan. But Suyumbike refused the Russian tsar. Then Ivan the Terrible went to Kazan and conquered it. Suyumbike agreed to marry the Terrible but on one condition – He was to build the highest tower in Kazan in 7 days. By the end of the 7-th day the tower had been built. Suyumbike rose to the top of it and threw herself upon the earth. In memory of this event people called the tower after Suyumbike.
К занятию № 29. Описать показ мод, опираясь на текст.
National Tatar clothes are closely connected with the history of the country, with people’s traditions and customs. The National Tatar Woman’s costume is very smart. It consists of a beautiful one-color dress with an apron. Tatar women also wear wonderfully embroidered boots on their foot. In our days Tatar people wear their National clothes only on holidays or different performances.
К занятию № 27. Прочитать текст и написать рецепт татарского национального блюда.
Tatar cooking traditions are very old and connected with the history of their people. In old times Tatar people ate rice, different kinds of nuts, vegetables and dry fruit. Then they started breeding the cattle and using its meat as a food. Today Tatar people prefer eating different sorts of soup, porridge, meat and potatoes, and cakes with sweet and flavorless fillings. On holidays they traditionally prepare “belish”, “echpochmak”, “kystyby”, and “gubadia”.
К занятию № 25. Комментировать факты, описанные в тексте.
Future of Olympic Games.
The world's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games.
The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world. The Olympic Movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport.
The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.
The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were part of a festival held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia. It was a great athletic festival, including competitions in wrestling, foot racing and chariot racing, rowing and others.
All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing well for the Games and promised to compete honestly and keep the rules of the sacred Olympics. The athletes took part in all kinds of competitions. Winners were called «olympionics»; they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil. This tradition has survived. In our time sportsmen often get cups and wreaths for winning the first place in sports competitions.
The games were only for men. Greek women were forbidden not only to participate but also to watch the Olympics.
The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Then they were resumed in London after the Second World War. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.
The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France. Now they are being held regularly.
Now, there are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. They are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The International Committee of Olympic Games selects the most suitable. After that, the host city starts its preparations for the competitions, constructs new sport facilities, or reconstructs them, reconstructs stadiums, hotels, press centers, etc. Thousand of athletes, journalists and guests arrive to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.
Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. In 1980, Moscow hosted the twenty-second Olympic Games. In July 2007, Russia won the right to hold the Winter Olympic Games in 2014. XXII Olympic Winter Games will be held in Sochi. This is a great honor for Russia and all Russian people.
In our republic there are a large number of athletes and sports teams that dignity can represent Russia at the world championships.
The 2013 Summer Universiade, the XXVII Summer Universiade, is scheduled for Kazan, Russia. Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is located 800 km east of Moscow, the federal capital, is a busy hub. The city has the biggest student community in the region. The cities of Kazan, Russia, Vigo, Spain and Kwangju, South Korea were in contention for the Games. On May 31, 2008, FISU announced that the host would be Kazan. Mascot of Universiade in Kazan is selected winged snow leopard kitten, named Unie. Snow leopard is the national symbol of Tatarstan, shown in the official emblem of the republic. Leopard was a symbol of the kings of Bulgar was especially honored in the tribe Barsils, is one of the major groups of the Volga Bulgars.
«Ak Bars» Kazan is a professional ice hockey team based in Kazan, in the Republic of Tatarstan, the federal subject of the Russian Federation. They are a current member of the Continental Hockey League.
The team's name, «Ak Bars», is derived from the official symbol of Tatarstan, translated as Snow Leopard, a traditional symbol which has its origins with the Barsil, one of the Tatar tribes. Hockey club «Ak Bars» became the champion of Russia 2 times.
FC Rubin Kazan is a Russian association football club based in the city of Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan). Rubin won the Russian Premier League championship in 2008 and 2009. It is the winner of the 2010 Commonwealth Cup and Super Cup of Russia 2010. In 2008, "Rubin" set the record for the Russian Championship, scoring seven victories in the first 7 rounds and beating the previous record belonged to Moscow "Dynamo". In 2009 it was recognized as the best team of the year according to the Russian football union.
Some modern sports, which began to move in the world with 50 years of XX century, gradually came to be called extreme. These sports are a trial, skateboarding, snowboarding, parachuting, rock climbing, caving, rope-jumping. Extreme sports are born every day. They are characterized by a high degree of risk to life and health of athletes, a lot of acrobatic stunts and high levels of adrenaline, which is released from the athlete during sporting activities. I think that in the future to the list of Olympic sports could easily be incorporated extreme sports. Since the number of fans of these sports is growing every year, it would attract even more attention to the Olympic Games by the youth.
Every athlete has set itself its goals. But each of them wants to win, to achieve high results and take a prominent place on the pedestal. This is facilitated by coaches, friends and of course the fans. For the sportsman there is no word "impossible". He overcomes all obstacles that appear in his path. But in order to defeat each of them to spend years of training, years in order to achieve his goal. And the reward for these works is great. This requires a strong will power and desire to win. There is no doubt in our country athletes possess such qualities.
Where there’s a will there’s a way.
К занятию №8. Прочитать текст, ответить на вопросы.
Famous people of Tatarstan
There are lots of famous people all over the world. All people know them well. They love and respect those heroes, who did a lot for their nation. And today we will speak about them, about famous people of Tatarstan.
«Oh, Kazan! Spirited Kazan!
Melodious Kazan! Radiant Kazan!
Here are all the solemn places
and deeds of our ancestors,
Here are all the beauties and
the paradise of the yearning soul!»
Gabdullah Tukay
О Казань! Мечта и гордость! Лучезарная Казань!
Вот они, где наших дедов, наших прадедов дела,
Где не раз душа поэтов свет надежды обрела.
Здесь науки, здесь искусства, просвещенья вольный мир,
Здесь живёт моя голубка, моя гурия, кумир!
Габдулла Тукай
Look at this slide. There are many outstanding people of Tatarstan. We are proud of them. Can you name them?
Alexander Arbuzov, Gabdulla Tukay, Musa Jalil, Salikh Saidashev, Sirtlanova, M. Shaimiev, R. Gainanov, F. Shalyapin, I. Shishkin, Y. Zavoisky, K. Gali, K. Fuks, A. Butlerov, T. Minnulin
Why do people respect them? People admire/respect them for their ideas, actions, achievements, deeds
What spheres were these people famous in?
They were well-known poets.
The name of Gabdulla Tukay is known not in Tatarstan only but also far beyond its borders. He is known by everyone who appreciates Art and who loves Poetry. Creative work of Tukay is multifaceted: he is a poet and a publicist, a literary critic and a public figure. He did as much for the development of the Tatar poetry and culture as a whole, as Pushkin did for the Russian poetry and culture. The name of Tukay has been awarded to the State Philharmonic Hall, to the Prize awarded for the best literary works and works of art. A street in Kazan has also been named after Tukay.
Musa Jalil is a Tatar poet. When the Great Patriotic War began, Musa was drafted to the military service. He got into an ambush of fascists. He wrote 115 works of poetry in prison. His notebooks with verses were kept by his friend, the imprisoned anti-fascist Andre Timmermans from Belgium. After the war Timmermans gave them to the Consul of the Soviet Union and the poems were returned to Motherland.. Musa Jalil was awarded Lenin Prize posthumously for the "Moabit Notebook" poetic cycle in 1957.
Galiaskar Kamal was a Tatar playwright and actor. The Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre is the leading Tatar theater in Kazan, Russia. Named after the playwright Galiaskar Kamal
Tinchurin Karim Galievich was a Tatar playwright and actor. He had founded the Tatar Academic Theatre in Kazan. Here he worked with a number of prominent actors. Tinchurin wrote more than 30 plays during his short creative life.
Do you know these names? What spheres were these people famous in?
Let’s speak about them
Salikh Zamaletdinovich Saidashev (1900-1954) is a forefather of the Tatar professional musical creativity. He was the first Tatar composer, who used the forms of orchestra and choir as well as instrumental ensemble in his music specifically enriching the pentatonic scale with individual features and bringing forms of the Russian and the West-European music to the Tatar folklore.
Farid Zagidullovich Yarullin is a talented Tatar composer. The young musician created many sonatas for the piano, violin and cello in those years.
Farid Yarullin composed the ballet "Shurale" in 1939 on the grounds of Gabdulla Tukay's tale, which was staged at the Tatar State Opera and Ballet Theater and immediately gained acknowledgement of people.
F. Shalyapin was the most popular opera singer and a drama artist. There is a monument and a hotel in Bauman Street in Kazan.
Baky Idrisovich Urmanche is an artist, a sculptor and a graphic artist, who has created hundreds of works in various genres. B. Urmanche left a legacy of an entire sculptural portrait gallery of the Tatar culture personalities: medieval poet Kul-Gali, the scientists-educators S. Mardzhani, K. Nasyri, the poet Derdmenda, the writer F. Amirkhan etc. He created a unique magnificent portrait gallery of historical heroes, intellectual and artistic personalities. His paintings and sculptures are represented in many museums in our country, while the monuments, he has created, are adorning the streets and squares of cities and villages.
People mentioned in this slide played an important role in the cultural development of Tatarstan, Russia and even the world.
What spheres were these people famous in? Look at the photos and tell what they are. They are scientists (chemists, mathematician, naturalist and doctor, physicist, doctor-psychiatrist)
Alexander Arbuzov (Alexander Yrminingeldovich Arbuzov (1877-1969) is an academician and founder of the Kazan phosphor-organic chemistry school: one of the leading scientific centers of the world in this field. In 1900 Arbuzov graduated from the Kazan University and started acting as a professor of the same in 1911. In his research works A. Ye. Arbuzov was evolving the Butlerov’s theory of chemical structure mainly on the basis of phosphorous organic compounds.)
Aleksandr Butlerov (Aleksandr Michailovich Butlerov (1828-1886), a Russian chemist, the founder of the theory of organic chemical compounds structure, who also founded the famous Kazan (Butlerov) school of organic chemists.)
Nikolay Lobachevsky (Nikolay I. Lobachevsky was born in 1792 in Nizhniy Novgorod. When the boy was nine years old his family moved to Kazan. Lobachevsky became an ordinary professor of Kazan University, famous mathematician. As the rector he energetically and competently devoted himself to different activities: lecturing and scientific work, finances and construction.)
Karl Fuks (Karl Fuks (1776-1846) is known as a founder of the Kazan Naturalists’ School and the author of the guidebook on practical medicine and hygiene written in the Tatar language. He was the one who suggested the idea of establishing the first botanical garden in Kazan)
Yevgeny Zavoisky (Yevgeny Konstantinovich Zavoisky was a physicist and a founder of Kazan scientific school of the magnetic radiospectroscopy. The name of Yevgeny Konstantinovitch Zavoisky came into the world history of science as a result of opening the Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR),that was the beginning of a new section of Physics, "Magnetic radiospectroscopy". Kazan Institute of Physics and Technology (KFTI) today basically represents the evolution of the physics department started by E.K. Zavoisky.
KFTI of the Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences was named after E.K. Zavoisky in 1984.
The bronze Bust of E. K. Zavoisky was erected at the square in front of the physical faculty building in the framework of celebrating the 200-year anniversary of Kazan State University in 2004
The first President of Tatarstan Mintimir Sharipovich Shaimiev.
Under his leadership was adopted the Declaration of state sovereignty of the Tatarstan Republic, as well as developed and adopted the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan. In 1992 there was a Referendum. Today Tatarstan is a sovereign state.
In 1994 with Shaimiev’s participation was concluded an Agreement between Tatarstan and the Russian Federation.
How many different sports are there in the world? Of course, many of them are international – football, tennis, car racing. Others are national sports like “kuresh” (in Tatarstan) or sumo wrestling (in Japan). Today Tatarstan is the land of well-developed sportsmen, famous athletes, the Olympic champions known all over the world
Belt wrestling (“kuresh”) is one of the most ancient sports known to man. The most famous trainer of this sport was Rif Gainanov.
The Kazan “Ak Bars” is the most popular ice-hockey team in Tatarstan. The main trainer is Zinatulla Bilaletdinov. The Kazaners are always happy to go to their matches. The “Ak Bars” fans wear T-shirts and caps with the colours of the “team”: green, white and red. These colours are symbolic for Tatarstan as they are the colours of our state flag.
Kurban Birdyev is the main trainer of the most popular football team. So, you see sport is well-developed in our republic.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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