"Мир в руках детей"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Ковалевская Алла Сергеевна

Дополнение к уроку-игре "Мир в руках детей"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Фестиваль знатоков английского языка“The English-Speaking World Is in Children’s Hands”
Внеклассное мероприятие, для учащихся среднего звена (5 – 9 классы)
Учитель английского языка Ковалевская Алла Сергеевна
Meeting Each Other
Our name Our emblem Our motto
“What do You Know about Britain”
Quiz about Great Britain 1)Where does the Changing of the Guard take place? a. Buckingham Palace b. Downing Street c. Victoria and Albert Museum 2)What is a double-decker? a. A bus b. A chocolate bar c. A taxi 3)What is Harrods? a. A kiosk b. A department store c. A language school 4)Where can you buy stamps? a. At the post office b. At a butchers c. At the tobacconists 5)What is 'stonehenge'? a. an old castle b. a prehistoric monument c. a palace. 6)What is the Queen's name? a. Queen Ela I b. Queen Elizabeth II c. Queen Margaret IV
7)What is the name of the famous stadium in the north of London? a. Wembley b. Westminster c. Wimbledon 8)Which band was John Lennon a member of in the 1960s? a. The Beatles b. The Police c. The Rolling Stones 9)Where is a monster supposed to live? a. The Lake District b. Loch Ness c. River Thames 10)In Britain, cars are driven on the ______ side of the road. a. left-hand b. right-hand c. wrong-hand 11)Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote lots of ______. a. detective stories b. plays c. poems 12)Chelsea is a popular ______ team. a. cricket b. football c. rugby
“What do You Know about Britain”
Reciting English Poems
Знаток английских предлогов Put in the prepositions in, from, of, about, to, for, with if needed. Dear Harry,Thank you /// your letter. It was so nice to hear///you! I would like to tell you ///my weekend/// the country last Sunday. I went/// my grandma/// my parents. We missed /// her very much. She lives/// the country in a house of her own.She was very glad to see us. I took a lot pictures///my family and ///myself.///the evening we made a fire and sang old Russian songs. When you come here///next time we'll visit///my grandma///you. Please, write///your weekend.Best wishes///us all.Your Maxim
English Proverbs
1. The beginning at the end 2. The whirling of time 3. There's the rub 4. All is well that ends well 5. То win golden opinions
English Proverbs
Исходное слово sit CartRangeWarEatHayRowTenSadrug
ПодсказкаOriginal numbera vegetablea fruitIt's good for the garden.It comes to everyone.Most people would like to be this.a lot of people FrequentlyCan be tiring to do this for a long time.popular game in Wales
Add two letters to each of the words in any place to form a new word. A clue is given to help you.
Our Projects
http://www.baidak.com/english-proverbs http://prestige-tour.com.ua http://queeringthechurch.files.wordpress.com http://reflexionesdiarias.files.wordpress.com http://www.jigsawgallery.com

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