Тест "Видо-временные формы глагола"
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Задания для контроля знаний по темам: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect
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The 7th form[Введите текст]
Test (I)
Упр. 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Pr. Cont. или в Pr. Simple.
- I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise.
- I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.
- Your friend (to do) his homework now?
- Your friend (to go) to school in the morning?
- Look! The baby (to sleep).
- The baby always (to sleep) after dinner.
- My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension.
Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Pr., Past или Future Simple.
- I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock every day.
- I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.
- I (to go) to bed at ten o'clock tomorrow.
- I (not to go) to the cinema every day.
- I (not to go) to the cinema yesterday.
- I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow.
- You (to watch) TV every day?
- You (to watch) TV yesterday?
Упр. 3. Употребите глаголы в Pr. Cont., Pr. Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
- He (to spend) last summer in the country.
- He (not to spend) last summer in the country.
- He (to spend) last summer in the country?
- Where he (to spend) last summer?
- She (to help) mother yesterday.
- She (not to help) mother yesterday.
- She (to help) mother yesterday?
- How she (to help) mother yesterday?
- Kate (to cook) dinner every day.
- Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.
- Kate (to cook) dinner now.
- Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.
Упр. 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Pr. Perf. или Past Simple.
- We (to travel) around Europe last year.
- My father knows so much because he (to travel) a lot.
- I (to see) Pete today,
- She (to see) this film last Sunday.
- Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago.
- I just (to meet) our teacher.
- The children already (to decide) what to do with the books.
- Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother.
Упр. 5. Употребите глаголы в Pr. Perf., Pr. Cont., Pr. Simple или Past Simple.
- Please give me a pencil, I (to lose) mine.
- I (not to meet) Peter since Monday.
- Nina just (to finish) work.
- Where Sergei (to be)? — He (to go) home. He (to leave) the room a minute ago.
- What you (to read) now? — I (to read) "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte.
- They (to read) "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago.
Test (II)
Упр. 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Pr. Cont. или в Pr. Simple.
- My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden.
- I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in the morning.
- What your sister (to do) now? - She (to wash) her face and hands.
- When you usually (to come) home from school? — I (to come) at three o'clock.
- Where your cousin (to work)? -- He (to work) at a hospital.
- Your sister (to study) at an institute? -No, she (to study) at school.
- My cousin (to go) to school every day.
Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Pr., Past или Future Simple.
- You (to watch) TV tomorrow?
- When you (to leave) home for school every day?
- When you (to leave) home for school yesterday?
- When you (to leave) home for school tomorrow?
- My brother (to go) to work every day. He (to leave) home at a quarter past eight.
- You (to have) a PT lesson yesterday?
- What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? - I (to buy) a book.
- Yesterday my father (not to read) newspapers because he (to be) very busy.
Упр. 3. Употребите глагол в Pr. Cont., Pr. Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
- I (not to eat) ice-cream every day.
- I (not to eat) ice-cream now,
- I (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow.
- I (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday.
- You (to go) to school every day?
- You (to go) to school now?
- You| (to go) to the south next summer?
- You (to go) abroad last summer?
- What your brother (to do) every day?
- What your brother (to do) now?
- What your brother (to do) tomorrow?
- What your brother (to do) yesterday?
Упр. 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Pr. Perf. или Past Simple.
- Helen speaks French so well because she (to live) in France.
- She (to live) there last year.
- The rain (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again.
- The rain (to stop) half an hour ago.
- Mary (to buy) a new hat.
- I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday.
- The wind (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it.
- The weather (to change), and we can go for a walk.
Упр. 5. Употребите глаголы в Pr. Perf., Pr. Cont., Pr. Simple или Past Simple.
- My watch (to stop). There (to be) something wrong with it.
- You (to see) Jack today? — Yes, I (to see) him at the institute.
- You (to hear) the new symphony by M.? — Yes, I... .
- You (to change) so much. Anything (to happen)?
- What you (to do) here at such a late hour? You (to write) your composition?
- I say, Tom, let's have dinner. — No, thank you, I al-I ready (to have) dinner.
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