Открытый урок "Holiday in English -Speaking Countries"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Открытый урок по английскому языку для учеников 6 класса.
Разработан на основе iPad Apple технологий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Гимназия № 4»
План-конспект открытого урока
по английскому языку
«Holidays in the United Kingdom»
Городской семинар учителей английского языка 20.02.2014г.
Подготовила учитель
английского языка
Иванова Фатимат Хасаншевна
Г.о. Нальчик, 2014 год
Цели:- Воспитательные: - создать условия для воспитания уважения и бережного отношения к традициям и праздникам своей страны и страны изучаемого языка, активизировать коммуникативные навыки учащихся
- Развивающие: - организовать условия для развития догадки, любознательности.
- Учебные: - создать условия для совершенствования навыков устной и письменной речи.
- Познавательные: - способствовать расширению и систематизации знаний об истории праздника.
1. образовательные:
- активировать у учащихся в лексику по теме «Праздники»,
- практиковать монологическую речь заданной по структуре,
- активизировать лингвокультурологический материал по теме: «Праздники».
2. развивающие:
- развивать коммуникативные навыки,
- развивать орфографические навыки,
3. воспитательные:
- воспитывать чувства уважения и доброжелательности к стране изучаемого языка и ее народу, своим сверстникам,
- развивать и поддерживать устойчивый интерес к английскому языку, речевому и культурному общению друг с другом.
Применяемые технологии:
- коммуникативное - ориентированное обучение,
-коллективный способ обучения (КСО)
-критическое мышление
Оборудование: планшеты iPad, компьютеры, проектор, видео, тематические картинки, лексические таблицы, комплекты дидактических раздаточных материалов.
ТИП УРОКА: итоговый по теме “Traditions, Holidays in the United Kingdom”,закрепление грамматической структуры Present Perfect.
Ход урока
- Орг. Момент
-Hello, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you.
-Say hallo to our friends too.
-Sit down, please.
- Речевая разминка.
-Today is a beautiful day, isn’t it?
-What is the weather like today?
-Do you like sunny weather like today?
-My dear, how are you today? (fine, ok, so-so)
-I see. As for me, I’m fine today but I’m excited a little.
-So, let’s begin.
- Активация лексики на тему «Праздники», изученную на предыдущих уроках.
(mind-map на доске с ЛЕ по теме «Праздники»)
-What is the task of our lesson today? What do you think?
-Yes, you are right. We will speak about holidays!
-We know a lot of holidays. Let’s name some of them.
-What holidays do we celebrate in winter (autumn, summer, spring)?
-What is your favorite holiday?
-What international holidays do we know?
-By the way, do you know that British Queen has her birthday twice a year?
-She celebrates her birthday on 21st of April and 1st or 2nd Sunday of June
- Проверка домашнего задания.
-I know that your home-task was to prepare videos about your favorite holiday. (домашнее задание дети выполнили спощью различных программ на планшете iPad, задача была рассказать о своем любимом празднике.)
-Are you ready? Who will be the first?
-Yes, please. Come on Regina. What is the task of your work?
-Well done. It was very interesting and knowing. The next is…
- Активация грамматического материала: настоящее завершенное время Present Perfect.
(при повторении грамматической структуры дети используют планшеты iPad)
-And now let’s remember what Present Perfect is. How can we use it and when?
-Please, Ajna and Saida will explain it for us.
(с помощью программы «Show me» девочки объясняют строение Pr. Perf., они делают короткий видеофильм.)
-Now I want to check you. How did you understand the rule?
-On the screen you can see a couple of sentences. You are to find Present Perfect in this sentences.
- My mother has just cooked her holiday dishes.
- Peter went abroad with his cousin last week.
- Have you ever been to Moscow before?
- I decorated my bedroom for Christmas two months ago.
- Carl is going to arrange a school party for students with Kate.
- I have already made a model of a new plane by myself.
- Famous designer has recently presented his new school uniform.
-Well done. Very good.
- Систематизация знаний по теме «Праздники», проверка усвоения.
-Let’s check your knowledge about holidays. Let’s play a little game now. You are to agree or disagree with me. When I’m right you say – THAT’S RIGHT or IT TRUE. When I’m wrong you say – THAT’S WRONG or FAULSE and you are to correct me.
-Are you ready? So let’s begin.
- A traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey, roast potato and Christmas pudding.
- Halloween is a traditional Russian holiday.
- People give each other chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.
- On women’s day husband and children rest on sofas and women cook dishes and do washing up.
- December 25th is a holiday and children don’t go to school.
- January 7th is a Christmas day in Great Britain.
- Queen of United Kingdom celebrates her birthday two times a year.
- The main symbol of Halloween is a big green cabbage.
- St. Valentine’s day is on 12th of February.
- Физкультминутка.
- Работа в Группах. (по технологии КСО)
-But you forgot to ask me, what my favorite holiday is.
I don’t tell you about it, and I offer you to play and to guess my favorite holiday.
-Divide in two groups. I’ll give you exercises. You are to unlock the picture on the screen. It’s a holiday, but what holiday?
(Дети делятся на группы. Каждая получает по карточке. С помощью отгаданных слов они должны разблокировать картинку и отгадать любимый праздник учителя.)
Task 1: “Holiday code word” («закодированное слово».)
Take the numbered letter from each word, put it into the definite block and you will read the code word. (Поставьте пронумерованную букву в определённый кубик и прочитаете закодированное слово.)
Dove -3 Rose - 4 Cupid -4
Arrow -1 Ribbon – 6 Darling – 6
Flower – 2 Heart -5 Friend - 4
Task 2: “Jumbled words” («Разбитые слова»)
The letters in these words are mixed, but all the words are connected with St. Valentine’s Day. Make the words. (Из данных букв составить слова по теме.)
1. THEAR (heart )
2. RYBRUAFE (february )
3. CHOTECOLA (chocolate )
4. TNESERP (present )
5. LIDAYHO (holiday )
6. ORSE (rose )
7. VELO (love )
8. IFERDN (friend)
9. WAROR (arrow)
10. AETNVLNIE (valentine)
Task 3: Guess what it means? what it is?
- A person whom someone loves (sweetheart)
- A special card sent on St. Valentine’s Day, usually anonymous (a valentine)
- Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month (February)
- This colour is a symbol of love (red)
- A very strong feeling of liking someone (love)
- Something that is given as a gift on St. Valentine’s Day like a box of chocolate, flowers, etc. (a present)
- The most romantic present which we can smell that is given to girls on St. Valentine Day (rose)
- Something that is written on Valentine cards and addressed to a boy or a girl (a poem)
Task 4: “The holiday sentences”. («Праздничные предложения»)
Please fill in the right word in the gaps. And complete the sentences.
(Вставьте правильное слово и закончите предложение.)
1. St. Valentine’s day is on the 14th of … .
2. We give our … pretty Valentine-cards.
3. It’s fun to get …Valentine-cards than your friends.
4. … is symbol of … .
5. The Valentine-card should be in the form of … .
Keys: More, heart, love, February, friends, sweetheart, rose.
Task 5. It is a “Holiday crossword” («Праздничный кроссворд»)
1. It's a bird, a symbol of the holiday.
2. It's a decoration for the handmade postcard.
3. It's a word to call your sweetheart.
4. It's a synonym for "a surprise".
5. It's a kind of treat for your sweetheart.
6. It's a name for whom you fell in love with.
7. It's a child-like son of Venus.
8. It's a close person for you, but not a relative.
9. It's a month for all the lovers.
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-Fortunately, you’ve guessed what it is. I’m very glad.
-It’s St. Valentine’s Day, of course.
- Знакомство с новыми ЛЕ, новым праздником и традициями.
-Today I want to tell you about one more holiday. It’s a traditional holiday of Ireland. Look at the screen, read and translate new words.
Harp, bagpipe, clover, shamrock, leprechaun, emerald, rainbow, pot, stick, priest, church, bishop.
-Maybe you have already guessed the name of the holiday?
-It’s St. Patrick’s Day.
- Чтение с извлечением информации.
Celebration of St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s day is the traditional Irish holiday. In Ireland St. Patrick's Day is a religious holiday similar to Christmas and Easter. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in Ireland with large beautiful parades, big show, shamrocks, harps and leprechauns. A lot of tourists come every year to see the show. It’s celebrated in honor of Saint Patrick – the patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick was the national apostle of Ireland who is famous by bringing Christianity to Ireland.
There are many legends of miracles that St. Patrick did. He healed sick people. One story tells that he made snow burn. Another story tells that St. Patrick chased all snakes out from Ireland by beating on his drum. There are no snakes in Ireland today.
The city of Chicago has a special tradition of coloring the river water green. It started in 1962 when 100 pounds of green vegetable dye were added to its river to keep it green for a week. The tradition has continued till nowadays. Now, 40 pounds of a green coloring keep the river green for only a few hours.
People celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on 17th of March. It is a celebration for being Irish and enjoying Irish culture. It tells us to cook Irish food, dance to the tunes of the Irish music, try out the Irish words. And the Day lets us know the real fun of being Irish!
Finish the sentences:
1. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in: ………….
2. The largest St. Patrick's Day parade was held in: ………
Find out: TRUE or FALSE?
- St. Patrick's Day is a religious holiday like Christmas and Easter in the USA.
- St. Patrick was a Saint of Iceland.
- And it was in Moscow where the largest St. Patrick’s Day parade was held.
- In the city of Chicago the river water is pink on St. Patrick's Day.
- St. Patrick's Day is a celebration for being Irish and enjoying Irish culture.
- Tourists can take part in parades and wear shamrocks.
- This Day tell us to cook the Russian food and dance to the Russian music.
- People throw 100 pound of vegetables into the river in Chicago.
- Обобщение пройденного на уроке материала.
-It was the best work ever! Thank you very much.
-Now let’s summarize all that we’ve learnt today. So, I want you to do a little test on computers. Your tests are already opened, go to computers and do it. But at first let’s remember how to use Present Perfect in sentences. Saida, please help us.
(на iPad ученики показывают приготовленное за урок видео в программе «Show me» образование прошедшего времени, для того чтобы напомнить детям правило перед мониторингом)
- Экспресс-диагностика
-Thanks. And Now you have only a couple of minutes to do your tests.
(Ученики за компьютерами выполняют тест в программе «MyTest» за несколько минут до окончания урока, чтобы показать реальный результат урока (РРУ) для решения по технологии САУ)
- Заключительное слово. Подведение итогов.
Thank you very much for the lesson.
What have we done today?
What have you learnt?
What can you say about the lesson? Was it interesting, or boring?
Was it easy or difficult to work?
How do you feel?
Write down your homework please.
Thank you very much. Have a nice day! Good bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
Task 2: “Jumbled words” («Разбитые слова»)
The letters in these words are mixed, but all the words are connected with one special holiday. Make the words and guess the name of the holiday.
(Из данных букв составить слова)
1. THEAR _______________
2. RYBRUAFE _______________
3. CHOTECOLA _______________
4. TNESERP ________________
5. LIDAYHO ________________
6. ORSE ________________
7. VELO ________________
8. IFERDN ________________
9. WAROR _________________
10. NYCDA _________________
Task 3: Guess what it means? What it is?
- A person whom someone loves ______________
- A special card sent on St. Valentine’s Day, usually anonymous_______________________
- Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month._______________________
- This colour is a symbol of love ___________________
- A very strong feeling of liking someone _______________
- Something that is given as a gift on St. Valentine’s Day like a box of chocolate, flowers, etc. _________________
- The most romantic present which we can smell that is given to girls on St. Valentine Day __________________
- Something that is written on Valentine cards and addressed to a boy or a girl.________________________________
Task 4: “The holiday sentences”. («Праздничные предложения»)
Please fill in the right word in the gaps. And complete the sentences.
(Вставьте правильное слово и закончите предложение.)
1. St. Valentine’s day is on the 14th of … .
2. We give our … pretty Valentine-cards.
3. It’s fun to get …Valentine-cards than your friends.
4. … is symbol of … .
5. The Valentine-card should be in the form of … .
Task 1. It is a “Holiday crossword” («Праздничный кроссворд»)
1. It's a bird, a symbol of the holiday.
2. It's a decoration for the handmade valentine.
3. It's a word to call your sweetheart.
4. It's a synonym for "a surprise".
5. It's a kind of treat for your sweetheart.
6. It's a name for whom you fell in love with.
7. It's a child-like son of Venus.
8. It's a close person for you, but not a relative.
9. It's a month for St. Valentine’s Day.
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