Ролевая игра; итоговый урок по изученной теме 8 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Ролевая игра; итоговый урок по изученной теме 8 класс
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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8-м классе "We are Going to Britain"
Тип урока: Ролевая игра; итоговый урок по изученной теме.
Цель урока: обобщить и систематизировать материал по теме «Путешествие»; развивать умения применять материал в практических ситуациях.
Учебные задачи:
- провести практику речевого общения в следующих видах деятельности: моно логической, диалогической, аудировании, чтении, письме.
- активизиро вать лексику по теме «Путешествие»;
- учить работать со страноведческой информацией, а также давать собственную оценку услышанному;
- совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения и письма, аудирования;
- обучение написанию статьи (на предыдущих уроках, используя информацию из Activity sheets).
Развивающие задачи: развитие навыка работы в группе, развитие творческой фантазии, инициативы в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности, поз навательного интереса.
Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать уважение к культуре английского народа и своей родной культуре, познакомить учащихся со страноведческими реалиями Великобритании; расширять кругозор учащихся.
Оснащение урока: проекты учащихся, презентация о Лондоне, карта Великобритании; карточки для индивидуального контроля; карта Тульской области; фотографии достопримечательностей Тульской области; поделки учащихся «Филимоновская игрушка».
Ход урока
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.
I. Вступительное слово учителя.
Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down! How are you? Fine! The topic of our lesson is "Travelling to Britain ". Today we won’t read texts or learn dialogues. We were busy doing all that at the previous lessons. Today we’ll role-play. So, imagine that you are a group of Russian schoolchildren taking part in an exchange program. We are invited to Britain. You were divided into groups according to your interests and each group has been preparing different projects for two weeks. As a result of our today’s work you’ll be writing the article on the topic «A tour around London». But today we’ll discuss such problems as:
- What we need to take going abroad;
- Where we are going;
- Means of transport;
- Sights of London (excursion around London);
- 5.Sights of Tula region.
T: Don’t forget to give your points while listening to your friends’ answers. (Activity sheets лежат на столах с начала урока).
T: The motto of our lesson is "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page. » (Учащиеся читают и переводят девиз урока.) Let us begin our lesson !
1. Going abroad.
The first group has discussed the problem what to take going abroad. Tell us , please !
(Учащиеся представляют свой проект в виде полилога.)
S1: We have examined the problem what to take going abroad.
S2: These are our results.
S3: If we have decided to go abroad let us discuss this problem.
S1: What should we take?
S2: We must take a passport, make a visa, book a ticket in advance, check the weather.
S3: I agree. I think we need to pack many clothes.
S1: And I think that we do not have to pack too many clothes.
S2: I would like to add something. To my mind we must take the conversational book "Welcome to Britain".
S3: And what about the camera?
2. Places of interest in Britain.
The second group will tell us where we are going. (Учащиеся представляют свой проект в виде диалога.)
- We have examined the map of Britain. There are a lot of places of interest there. They are the Museum of Viking Culture, the Safary Park , 5 the Boat Museum in Liverpool and others.
- I would go to Longleat to visit Safary Park.
– Why?
– Because there are exotic animals there. We can visit the Maze and ancient castles as well.
– Look, why not to visit Edinburgh? There we can see old castles too. One of the most popular tourist places of interest is Edinburgh Castle.
– But I think why not go to London. It is the capital of Britain. There are a lot of sights there. And we can practice speaking English too.
– It is deal! Let us go to London!
– I would like to visit Garden Festival in Belfast.
– Oh, it is a very interesting event but Belfast is rather far from London. It is in Northern Ireland.
3. Means of transport.
The third group has discussed how we can get to London. (Учащиеся представляют свой проект в виде диалога.)
– People use various means of transport to get from one place to another. We can get to London by plane, by ship, by train.
– By train? Are you sure? As far as I know Great Britain is an island state. How can we get there by train?
– Do you know there is a tunnel under the channel and now people can go to London both by train and by car.
– I think it is very dangerous to travel by train under water. I am afraid. I would like to travel by ship.
– But to travel to England by ship we must get to France by train or by plane.
– To my mind it will be great to make a cruise: fresh sea air, wind, seagulls.
– I agree with you but this journey will be rather long .It seems to me that we can spend time more useful in London than on the away there. That's why I propose to travel to London by plane. It will be much quicker and not very expensive. We can fly from Moscow from Vnukovo to Heathrow. It is situated not far from London.
– You are right. Travelling by plane is more convenient for us.
4. In London. Группа №4
Imagine that we are in London at a tourist information office now.
На столе лежат буклеты, сделанные ребятами. За столом сидит служащий туристического агентства, с тоят флажки России и Великобритании и выставлена небольшая экспозиция с цветными фотографиями достопримечательностей Лондона.
Situation "At a Tourist Agency" (полилог)
– Hello!
– Hello!
– How can I help you?
– Have you got a map of London, please?
– Yes, here you are.
– Thank you. Could you give us some information about London's most famous sights?
– Have you ever been to London?
– We haven't been there yet.
– Have a look at the leaflets over there and take what you like.
– Oh! I see the leaflets are very nice and the tours are very interest ing too: Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Madame Tussaud's. I'd like to begin with a London sightseeing tour on a double-decker bus.
– And I’d like to visit some museums. What museums would you suggest?
– Well, the Tower of London is a must, of course. So is the British Museum.
– I think we’d prefer the museums we 've heard so much about at home. First - the British Museum.
– And what about Dickens's House? By the way, this is the only one of Dickens's homes in London still living. This is where he wrote «Oliver Twist» and "Nicholas Nickleby". I also suggest you to see the London Museum - the place where you can get a glimpse of the history and social life of London from Roman time to the present.
– You have advised us so many interesting things. Thank you very much! But as we are for the first time in London we 'd like to have an excursion around London with a guide.
– All right, we have a group of practical students who will be happy to show you our capital.
– O.K. Fine! Thanks a lot! Good bye!
– Have a good day!
– Thank you!
III. The Excursion around London. Grammar practice .
(Группам учащихся раздаются различные грамматические задания, связанные с тематикой урока)
Fill in the correct form of the verbs:(active or passive)
Text 1. to execute, to protect, to use (2) to decide
One of London's oldest buildings is the Tower of London. 1000 years ago William the Conqueror _______ to build a strong fortress to__________the City of London. The Tower of London _________ for many purposes. It ________as a royal palace, an arsenal, a state prison. Many famous people ________within its walls. It is now a museum.
Text 2. Fill in the correct articles a/an, the where necessary.
St. Paul 's Cathedral is ___ most remarkable building in London. St. Paul is ____ protector of London City. _____ cathedral is ___ masterpiece of the architect Christopher Wren. Its height is 111meters. There are ___ tombs of Wellington, ____ victory of Waterloo, and Nelson, ___ hero of Trafalgar.
St. Paul ’s Cathedral is opened every day from 7.30 till 20.00. In ____ yard of St. Paul's Cathedral there is ___ City Tourist Board. Here you can take leaflets free of _____charge.
Text 3. Complete the text with the correct word: top home palace symbol became opened work
The _______ was built as the home for Duke Buckingham and the name was kept when it _______the royal place. Buckingham Palace is the ______ of British monarchy. It is the ______ of the English Queen, Elizabeth 11. When the flag is on the____ she is at home.
Since 1993 the Palace has been _____for the visitors. It has about 600 rooms, a cinema and a swimming pool. About 400 people_________ in the palace.
Text 4. Complete the text with the correct form of adjectives. 1 many 2 big 3 high 4 big 5 long
Big Ben is 132 years old.1_____ people believe that the tower is called Big Ben but Big Ben is the name of the 2______ of the five bells. The proper name for the tower is "St. Stephen's Tower". The clock tower is over a hundred metres3 ____ and it is a home to "Big Ben ".
The clock itself is 4 ____. It is almost 7 metres in diameter and the minute hand is over 4 meters 5 ____. You can hear the bells every quarter of an hour. Big Ben has become the national symbol of Great Britain.
Text 5. Find and correct 6 mistakes.
Trafalgar Square is the haert of London. It was named in memory of the victory of the English fleet over the French in the battle of Trafalgar under the command of Admiral Nelson. He lost his life in that battle. In the centre of the square there is a granite colum. On the top of it there is a statue of Admiral nelson. There are 4 giant bronze lion at the base of the colum. On the north side of the square there is the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. It is most popular place to celebrate the new Year.
После выполнения индивидуального грамматического задания учащимся предлагается посмотреть презентацию с видами Лондона «London sights».
IV. About Tula Region.
Группа русских туристов (№5) рассказывает о своих родных местах.
– Thank you. The excursion was very interesting. And we'd like to tell you about our Tula region and give you some presents .
– Tula region is situated in the European part of Russia. It lies to the south of Moscow. The first written mention about Tula was found in Nikon's annals in 1146. The valley of Krasivaya Mecha is called Russian Switzerland. This land is a native place of many famous people: Tolstoy, Veresajev, Rudnev, Polenov and others. I advise you to visit the Armoury Museum, the Museum of Samovars and Tula Kremlin.
– Kulikovo Field is situated not very far from our settlement Novolvovsk . It is situated near the Don. It is a well-known historical place where in 1380 Russian people won a great victory over Mamai. Prince Dmitry who headed the battle got the name of "Donskoi" in memory of the victory. Tourists can see the monument to Dmitry Donskoi which was erected on the Red Hill. It is a column. The total height of the column is 28 meters.
– When we speak about Tula we remember the famous Tula samovars. No one knows where a samovar appeared for the first time. But it is a purely Russian invention. The Lisitsyns Brothers marked the beginning of the samovars production in Tula. In 1778 the first samovar workshop was opened in Stykovaya Street. Soon a samovar became very popular among
rich and poor people. There is a proverb: "There is no need to go to Tula with your own samovar. "
– Our settlement Novolvovsk is not very big. It is only 50 years old. But it is very beautiful. There is a forest which is called "Magpies' Bush". Not far from Novolvovsk there is Khiirovtshina with its amazing river and a beautiful landowner’s house. We like our Novolvovsk and will be glad to see you at our home place. I'd like to finish our ex cursion with the poem.
I am, I am a happy man.
You are, you are my good old friends.
He is my friend.
She is my friend.
We are good friends.
All happy friends.
V. The test "How Well Do You Know London?"
– Now, we 'II write the test "How well do you know London? "
Для выполнения этого вида работы я раздаю учащимся три вида карточек: красные, синие, зелёные. Работу по зелёным карточкам выполняют учащиеся с низким уровнем владения английским языком. Ребята должны подобрать к пяти рисункам, на которых изображены известные достопримечательности Лондона, правильные названия на английском языке, которые написаны на карточках.
На синих карточках написаны названия пяти известных достопримечательностей Лондона и даны их описания на английском язы ке. Ребята должны правильно подобрать картинку под описание.
Ребятам, работающим по красным карточкам, я диктую небольшие микротексты (3-4 предложения), а они должны написать правильное название этой достопримечательности. Материал для грамматического задания и для работы по синим карточкам был один и тот же.
- This church stands in the heart of the city. Sir Christopher Wren himself is buried under the dome. He built more then 50 churches after the Fire but this is his masterpiece .
- It was once a prison for enemies of the king. Now it is a museum. And ravens live here. They are considered to be the symbol of this tower.
- It is situated in the centre of London. There is Nelson's Column in
the middle of it. The symbols of British Empire 4 bronze lions guard it. - This clock is situated on the tower. They are very large. They have 5 bells. And one of them has this name.
- This palace is the home of the British Queen. It is very big and beautiful. Near the palace you can watch the Changing of the Guard.
VI. Подведение итогов урока.
В течение всего урока учащиеся заносят свои баллы по различным критериям по прослушанным текстам в таблицу (Activity sheet №2), подводятся итоги и выставляются оценки.
После выполнения этого вида работы я подвожу учащихся к де визу урока "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page". Учащиеся объясняют эти слова.
VII. Домашнее задание.
- Написать статью о поездке в Великобританию, придерживаясь рекомендаций из Activity sheets .
- Найти информацию о своём родном крае.
Литература, которой пользовались учащиеся при работе над проектами:
- Кузовлев В.П. и др. Английский язык. Учебник для 8 кл. М., Просвещение, 2001.
- Кузовлев В.П. и др. Книга для чтения к учебнику для 8 кл. М., Просвещение, 2001.
- Газеты "English" (приложение к газете «1 сентября»): №35, №37, 2002.
- Рогова Г.В., Рожкова Ф.М. Тексты грамзаписи к альбому с ви дами Англии и США. Просвещение, 1975.
- Денисова Л.Г., Мезенин С.М. Snowball English. 10 кл. М., Просвещение, 1993.
- Лондон. Путеводитель М, ЮНВЕСТ, 1997.
- Хилл Д., Льюис М. Добро пожаловать в Британию. Обнинск. Издательство «Титул», 1997.
- Зарубина 3.В. и др. Продолжайте совершенствовать свой анг лийский. М., Высшая школа, 1988.
- Журнал Clockwork. №6, 1991.
- Альбом «Тульский самовар». Приокское книжное издательство, 1989.
- Журнал «ИЯШ» №2, 1988.
- Клементьева Т.Е. Книга для чтения к учебнику «Счастливый английский -2». Издательство «Титул». Обнинск, 1997.
- Верещагина И.И., Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык, 5кл. М., «Просвещение», 1996.
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