План-конспект открытого урока "Есть такой в России городок красивый..."
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Урок-экскурсия с фрагментом презентации группового проекта
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активизация употребления лексики по теме “Мой город”, формирование представления о достопримечательностях родного города. - Развивающая:
развитие у обучающихся интереса к изучению английского языка, коммуникативных навыков, развитие творческих возможностей учащихся. - Воспитательная:
воспитание культуры общения на иностранном языке, воспитание уважения к родному городу, чувство патриотизма. - Практическая:
развитие основных видов речевой деятельности (чтение, аудирование, говорение), формирование навыков публичного выступления.
Форма урока: урок-экскурсия с фрагментом презентации группового проекта.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска.
Teacher: Dear students and our guests, we are having an unusual lesson today. My students and I are glad to introduce you our teamwork which is called “My lovely home town - Vidnoye”.
But at the beginning I would like to see what you know about Vidnoye. Test your knowledge with the quiz.
As you know Quizzes are usually scored in points. We shall sum them up and the participant with the highest score will get a souvenir. If you are ready we’ll start. Good luck!
Now I see that you know rather much about our town. But in spite of this there is still a lot of interesting to learn. So I suggest making a virtual tour of Vidnoye.
”The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page” said St.Augustine.
What is Vidnoye like? It is a small town situated 2 km from Moscow ring road to the south of Moscow, on the hills and picturesque outskirts of Bitsa-river and it is circled with a large forest park. The town has made a long way from a workers’ settlement to a beautiful modern district centre, where about 60.000 people live.
But it’s hard sailing when there is no wind so our guides will help us learn a lot of new things.
Let me introduce them all…
Now You are tourists and your task is to appraise the work of the guides and ask questions to them if you have any.
Are you ready to start our excursion?
Guide 1. We start our tour at the commemorative stone raised in honor of the founders of the town in 1995 to the 30th anniversary of Vidnoe. That year a coat of arms, a flag and a title “the honorary citizen of Leninsky District” were also instituted.
Compere 1. Town Vidnoe was founded at the end of the 19th century, as a summer settlement. But the name Vidnoe was granted only in 1902.
In the XI century the settlements of the vyatichey tribe appeared on the territory of our district. In the first half of the XIV century one of the settlements was first mentioned in the spiritual deed of Ivan Kalita - s.Ostrov, with the XVI century residence of the grand Moscow dukes and tsars. Vasiliy the 3d and his son Ivan the Terrible often visited that place.
In the period of the XVIII - XIX centuries on the banks of the rivers and at the picturesque ponds by the projects of the best architects the farmstead bands of Valuevo were founded. Then Znamenskoe, Sadki, Gorky, Sukhanovo, Filimonki were built, and in 1902 the summer settlement "Vidnoe" was formed. It belonged to the countess E.A. Adel'berg.
In January, 1929, with the transformation of the Moscow region to the area and new district, settlement Vidnoe was included into Leninsky district, formed from five districts of Moscow and Podolsk. In 1949 settlement Vidnoe was established for workers at the newly built Moscow Coke and Gas Works factory (work on the factory started in 1937, but was interrupted during World War II). But a town status Vidnoe was granted only in 1965.
Compere 2. The coat of arms of Vidnoe designed by Smetannikov, Khrustalev and Ryzhkin was accepted on the 5th of August in 1995.
The bird Phoenix was adopted from the emblem of Moscow Coke and Gas Works factory which gave the beginning of town Vidnoe. It symbolizes the background and development of the town and the region. The timbers symbolize the building materials that were used for the construction of Vidnoe settlement. They remind the letter L – the first letter of Leninsky District. They also resemble the barrage and symbolize defensive lines of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War of 1940-1945. Green colour stands for the green belt and the green mountain was taken from the ancestral coat of arms of countess Adlerberg whose estate was situated on the territory of present Vidnoe. The ears of wheat remind that Leninsky District.is an agricultural region.
Guide 1. We are passing by the cinema “Iskra” opened in 1981. Now it is surrounded by places of rest and entertainment. In front of it you can see a beautiful fountain “Victor” introducing an epical hero that is fighting with a dragon. In winter the area around the cinema becomes a kingdom of icy sculptures.
Next to the cinema there is “the avenue of everlasting glory” with the eternal flame and flying cranes. This monument is visited by those people who are still waiting for their heroes or coming to pay the last respects to the brave men died in wars. It reminds us of people who appreciate our lives more than theirs. There are also other monuments in the avenue: to all the mothers, to the soldiers took part in the war in Afghanistan, to the youth of Leninsky District. On special days like on the 9th of May beautiful ceremonies are held here.
And even more, if you live a cat-and-dog life you should sit on this bench near these pretty pets and everything will turn out for the best.
Guide2. Now we are approaching the Orthodox church of St. George the Victorious which was opened on the 8th of September in 2007. It is devoted to the 60th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1940-1945. The dedication of the church was done by the metropolitan of Krutets and Kolomna – Yuvenaliy. He laid the foundations of the church on the 7th of December in 2004. The church can receive more than 800 churchmen. It consists of 2 parts: the lower church where daily canonical hours are held and the upper church which intends for Sunday and holiday masses. The church is beautifully decorated with frescos inside and outside, too. It is a fantastic building with gold domes. Here, you can listen to the prayer or to pray yourself, you can put a candle for you and your nearest and dearest.
By the way, students and teachers of our lyceum took part in the church’s wall painting. We are very proud of this fact!
Guide 3. 10 minutes and we are in Sovetskaya square. Many russian towns have squares with the same name but ours is unusual. It looked different through the years. The house of culture takes the central part of the square. During some years it was decorated with a beautiful fountain now you can see a monument to Vladimir Lenin in front of it. It reminds that the region was called after this famous politician. On the both sides of the house of culture there are similar buildings. They are the seat of local administration. People who work there make decisions about our future.
Just opposite all of them there is a historical and cultural centre of Leninsky District opened in 2005. You can learn a lot of important facts about the history of Vidnoe and Leninsky District due to the permanent exhibition. Different art exhibitions, lessons of courage, handicraft classes, art lectures and other cultural events are often held here.
Compere3. At the beginning of this year on the 7th of January the President of the Russian Federation visited our town. First of all Dmitry Anatolyevich accompanied by Vasily Golubev, a former head of our district, and the governor of Moscow region Boris Gromov, laid flowers at the Eternal Flame and paid a tribute to the victims of the Great Patriotic War. Then the President in the company of pupils from the Sunday school went to the temple of Saint George the Victorious where it was his meeting with the Head of Churches of Vidnoe District archpriest Michael Yegorov. After leaving the temple Dmitry Anatolyevich had a talk with the townsmen whom he congratulated on Christmas and wished everybody to be healthy and live happily. By the way, our President was born the same year as town Vidnoe was founded. Further the President went here to the Historical and Cultural Center, where he watched an exhibition of local artists and a Christmas Show, prepared by the pupils of the Sunday school. An hour later he left for Moscow.
Guide1. Just behind the house of culture there is a children’s amusement park. Children’s park is the place where little children, their parents and the young people spend their free time when the weather is fine. There you can go on the rides or just walk, have a rest or talk with your friends. In a quiet area of the park you can relax on benches, listening to the bird’s trills. As in any fairy tale, the park has a magical place – the bridge of love, connecting the hearts. In addition, funny children's parties are often held there on the summer stage of the park. For those who become hungry after or during the entertaining a cafe overlooking the central fountain is daily opened. In winter the rides don’t work but there is a skating rink where people come by the whole families.
Guide 2. Let’s continue our tour. Now we are walking down Zavodskaya street. It is one of the first streets in the town. It is very beautiful with all these trees along the road. Special attention should be put on the three-story houses. It was a try to live as in Europe.
The parallel street is called – Gayevskaya street. It takes its name from Paul Fedorovich Gayevsky.
Compere1. Paul Fedorovich Gayevsky was born in 1905 in the Ukraine, in the little town Holodievka of Dneproretrovsky district. He began working as a mechanic in the tram depot of Dnepropetrovsk. In 1930 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk chemical engineering institute and started to work on the coke and gas plants of our country. After the Great Patriotic War P.F.Gaevsky's war appointed the director of Voroshilovsky coke and gas plant.
But in September, 1950 by the order of Ministry for Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR P.F.Gaevsky was appointed the director of the coke and gas plant located in Vidnoe. He was at the head of it till his death in 1979. The plant laid the foundations of a new settlement Vidnoe.
P.F.Gaevsky was awarded by the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Work in 1971 and by a sign "Deserved metallurgist ". In 2000 P.F.Gaevsky was appropriated (posthumously) a title " the honorary citizen of Leninsky District ".
Guide 3. There are a lot of fruit trees in this street. The idea of growing them near the houses where the plant workers lived belonged to Timothy Ignatevich Lemeshko (1889 - 1966).
Compere 2.He spent his childhood and youth on the banks of the Don river. Timothy Ignatevich participated in the Civil war. After the war he carried out his dream, at the age of 30 he entered the agricultural institute. It seemed that the dream - to grow bread, to plant gardens and woods was realized. But it only seemed.
In 1937 the building of Moscow coke and gas plant began and Lemeshko was directed there as a secretary of a Communist Party organization. And in 1941 the Great Patriotic War ruined all his plans... But after the war his dreams about the transformation of Vidnoe into a town-garden began to come true. On August, 17th in 1947 Timothy Ignatevich Lemeshko was appointed the manager of a forest-park economy. And since that day Timothy Ignatevich all his time, and experience gave to gardening of the settlement, to the creation of "green lungs" of the future town.
Everything which was done by T.I.Lemeshko can be seen in the streets nowadays. Timothy Ignatevich died in 1966, and in honor of this noble man grateful people recalled the former street Severnaya into street Lemeshko in 1967, and in 2001 the Council of deputies appropriated him a title " the honorary citizen of Leninsky District".
Guide 1. Due to such people as T.I.Lemeshko our town was recognized as “one of the most beautiful towns of Moscow region”.
On your left you can see a public garden “Youth”. It is a wonderful place to hide yourself from the hot summer sun in the shade of these trees or just sit and read an interesting book or a magazine. Many young people come here before passing exams as they believe that sitting on all the benches brings luck. But to my mind it is another kind of town superstitions.
Guide 2. Ten minutes up Zavodskaya street and we are in a new park which is devoted to the 45th anniversary of Vidnoe. It was opened on the 13th of September this year. It is a nice place for wedding ceremonies. This is a gorgeous throne for the newlywed in the large pavilion where young men can feel themselves a king and a queen at the beginning of their family life. There is a tree of love near the throne where the newlyweds are able to fix a padlock which symbolizes their family bands. Another attractive place is a Desire Stone. The instructions on it say that your dreams will come true if you put your hands on the stone and than go around it 3 times joining hands. But the designers of the park haven’t forgotten about the children and decorated the area with some characters from fairy-tales such as an old man, Baba Yaga and others. The name of the park is still being discussed and you can also participate in it.
Our tour is finishing here at the 2-meter stone devoted to the 45th anniversary of Vidnoe which resembles the stone near cinema Iskra. And it again reminds us about the founders of our beautiful town who did all their best to raise Vidnoe.
Teacher: We also should do everything we are able to make our town more magnificent and famous. I agree to Lee Dun a modern writer who said:
I know my town and I love my town
And I want to help it be
As great a town to everyone
As it seems to be to me.
I praise my town and cheer my town
And I try to spread its fame
And I know what a splendid thing 'twould be
If all would do the same.
I trust my town, I boost my town
And I want to do my part
To make a town that all may praise
From the depths of every heart.
As for me, Vidnoye was and will always be a part of me. It's where I grew up, where so many of my memories are from. Everything is so familiar here. Certain parts of town bring back vivid memories of when I was young. From my father teaching me how to ride a bike with no training wheels and my mom cheering me on, to my daughter’s first step in the park. My hometown holds all of these things. A person's hometown is a huge part of the life. It's where we learn so many things, starting at a young age. I feel so privileged that my hometown is such a special place. It is my own personal photo album. Anytime I want to relive a part of my life, all I have to do is go home. I am sure you, my dear students, will feel the same in some years.
But now it’s time to write down the home-task. You should write a personal letter at home.
Answer the questions:
What’s your favourite part of your hometown?
Why do you like it?
Which parts of it do you particulary like?
Write a description of your favourite part of a town. Divide paragraphs into…
-general impressions
- personal impressions
- history
- a description of some particular aspects
- a conclusion
Write a letter to Jane. Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter-writing.
Do you have any questions?
One more thing. I want to give you a peace of my childhood spent in Vidnoye right now. My brightest memory from the childhood is gathering apples in Gayevsky street and eating them with my friends under the trees. Help yourself, please.
(звучит гимн города Видное)
The lesson is over.
1. It was opened on the seventh of May last year. During the war of 1941-1945 this anti-aircraft gun participated in battles and later it was restored in a local factory. The gun reminds us of thousands young women who were called up to protect the sky over our capital instead of men gone to the front.
2. The Palace of Sport can receive more than 4000 fans. Besides the principal gym it has the training one. The seats are rather comfortable there. The most important events are held in it. We often watch basketball matches there.
Our team “Sparta&K” wins all the competitions!
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