Итоговый зачет в 11 классе по УМК Э. Глендиннинга, Д. Макэвана "Information Technology" c использованием видеоматериалов
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Материал для итогового зачета по УМК Э. Глендиннинга, Д. Макэвана "Information Technology" c использованием видеоматериалов
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Предварительный просмотр:
Пояснительная записка к экзаменационному
материалу по предмету «Информационные технологии»
на английском языке в 11 классе.
Итоговая аттестация в 11 классах гимназии №2 проводится в соответствии с программой по информационным технологиям на английском языке (автор Милюхина И.Г.), утвержденной СКИПКРО и материалом, изученным в 10-11х классах по УМК нового поколения Эрика Г. Глендиннинга, Джона Макэвана “Information Technology” Intermediate to Advanced level издательства “OXFORD University Press”. Целью итоговой аттестации является контроль языковых навыков учащихся на материале, включающем реальные ситуации в сфере современных информационных технологий, такие как работа со всемирной и локальными сетями, выбор программного обеспечения, защита от компьютерных вирусов, использование мультимедийных ресурсов и другие. В ходе экзамена проверяются навыки учащихся работать со схемами, таблицами, владение терминами. Экзамен по информационным технологиям на английском языке состоит из двух вопросов.
Задачей первой части экзамена является определение уровня сформированности коммуникативных знаний, умений и навыков учащихся в чтении, аудировании и лексико-грамматической компетенции при работе в секторе информационных технологий.
Задания по аудированию составлены по трем видеоклипам телекомпании ‘EURONEWS’ раздела ‘hi-tech’. Подобраны задания на проверку уровня сформированности умений извлекать необходимую фактическую информацию, определять тему высказывания, основную мысль, определять причинно-следственные связи, делать выводы, определять отношение говорящего к событиям, действующим лицам.
Задание по чтению включает 2 аутентичных текста научно-популярного жанра с заданиями:
1. Ответить на вопросы
2. Озаглавить тексты.
Подобраны задания на проверку уровня сформированности умений
понимать прочитанное посредством логической связи внутри и между предложениями; понимать логические связи внутри и между частями текста;
догадываться о значении выражения из контекста.
В лексико-грамматическом тесте подобраны задания на проверку уровня сформированности умений точно и правильно выбрать необходимые глагольные формы и времена, использовать сложные грамматические структуры, знать случаи глагольных управлений, на употребление фразовых глаголов, прилагательных в сравнительной степени, терминов и аббревиатур, в сложноподчиненных и сложносочиненных предложениях использовать средства логической связи, которые помогают передать соотношение между мыслями внутри предложения (when, while, and, but, though и др.)
Задачей второй части является проверка уровня сформированности практических умений в области информационных технологий – т.е. умения представить данные, которые необходимы при поступлении на новое место работы, либо уметь составлять инструкции и т.п. Учащиеся должны:
- Уметь составить инструкцию по снятию задней стенки монитора.
- Уметь предвидеть последствия при выполнении определенных операций компьютера.
- Уметь составить инструкцию по пользованию браузером для поиска необходимой информации.
- Уметь описать схему работы кассового аппарата с устройством считывания штрихкода, банкомата.
- Уметь описать недостатки и преимущества использования локальной сети.
- Уметь написать заполнить анкету при приеме на работу.
- Уметь составлять запросы для поиска в интернете.
- Уметь объяснить схему распространения вирусов.
- уметь дать совет по выбору приложений для разных пользователей.
Задания первой и второй частей выполняются письменно.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Watch the video and choose the right answer. (20 p)
2:36 Watch the piece of news about a virtual changing room.
Below are some notes taken by someone while watching. Complete the notes by listening twice to this piece of news.
1. Step in what may become the … in future where you can try all kinds of clothes from the comfort of your living room.
2. What you need to do is to …. then the newly invented system will make true-to-life image of yours.
3. It’s the work of the Institute of Biomechanics in …. It’s based on the multiple image system.
4. … are integrated in the device providing a full- body scan of a person. Spanish designers are pretty impressed with the software.
5. A person can choose clothes at home and even ….so that they can have their private opinion.
6. Meanwhile a new kind of software application is being invented in ….
7. A special t-shirt is to measure … while wearing it at work or at sleep.
8. Anytime we can see the results of the … and connect it to a PDA or a computer.
02:04 Watch the piece of news about Sergio Ivanier’s smart house. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNkYjC-JgGY&feature=youtu.be
Answer the following questions.
9. Why did Sergio Ivanier decide to change his house?
10. What devices can be controlled by his voice?
11. Who helped the man to transform his home?
12. In what way did the voice recognition totally change his life?
02:17 Watch the piece of news about a revolutionary smart phone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogb6eLO1GOw&feature=youtu.be
Mark the following statements as true, false or don’t know.
13. A revolutionary mobile phone was invented in Nokia shopping centre.
14. It is a flexible solar power phone with a sense of smell.
15. The Nanoscience Centre, Nokia Research Centre, Cambridge University are developing a
phone using the same principles as the spider’s web.
16. This smart phone can examine the environment, analyse air pollution, sense the biometrical
traces, bake a pie.
17. Silicone can’t be stretched.
18. It will take the scientists 50 years before the project will be launched into production.
19. The problem is that electronic element should melt on the hand, it should move like skin around the joint.
20. The phone is being exhibited in MoMA.
II. Read the text and answer the questions. (13p.)
We haven't conquered space, not yet. We have sent some 20 men on camping trips to the Moon, and the USA and the Soviet Union have sent people to spend restricted lives orbiting the Earth. During the next few weeks, for instance, the US Space Shuttle will take Spacelab into orbit, showing that ordinary (non-astronaut) scientists can live and work in space - for a few days only.
All these are marvellous technical and human achievements, but none of them involves living independently in space. The Russians need food and even oxygen sent up from Earth. And they haven't gone far into space. The residents of Sheffield are farther from London than those of the Shuttle or the Russian Progress. It is only in fiction and in space movies that people spend long periods living more or less normally deep in space.
But in a couple of decades this could have changed. There could be settlements in space that would house adventurers leading more or less normal lives.
The picture on this page shows where the settlers would live. It seems like science fiction - but it is not. It is based on plans produced by hard-headed people: engineers and scientists, headed by Gerard O'Neill of Princeton University, summoned to a conference by NASA. They are space enthusiasts, of course, but they are not dreamers.
The settlement is a gigantic wheel, a tube more than 400ft in diameter bent into a ring just over a mile across. The wheel spins gently once a minute. It is this gentle rotation that makes this settlement different from the Shuttle and Progress, and infinitely different from the Lunar modules that took man for the first time to any non-terrestrial soil, because the spin produces a force that feels like gravity. Every space trip has shown that the human body needs gravity if it isn't to deteriorate, and gravity also makes normal activities possible. Nobody would want to live for long in a space settlement where everything - people and equipment and the eggs they were trying to fry -moved weightlessly around.
With gravity, life in space can be based on our experience on Earth. We can have farming and factories and houses and meeting-places that are not designed by guesswork.
The need for gravity is one of the reasons for building a space colony, rather than sending settlers to an existing location such as the Moon or the planets. The Moon is inhospitable. Its gravity is tiny - and any one place on the Moon has 14 days of sunlight followed by 14 of night, which makes agriculture impossible and means there is no using solar energy.
In the settlement, which floats in permanent sunlight, the day-length is controlled. A gigantic mirror about a mile in diameter floats weightlessly above the ring of the settlement. It reflects sunlight on to smaller mirrors that direct it into the ring, through shutters that fix the day length.
The sunlight is constant during the 'daytime', so farming is productive to an extent which can be reached on Earth only occasionally. The aim is to provide a diet similar to that on Earth, but with less fresh meat.
The farms will be arranged in terraces with fish ponds and rice paddles in transparent tanks on the top layer; wheat below; vegetables, soya, and maize below that.
The population of the settlement is fixed at about 10,000 people: farm output can be accurately planned. Research reports suggest that about 44 square metres of vegetables will be needed for each person, and just over five square metres of pastures.
The picture here shows where the people will live. It doesn't look very different from modern small towns on Earth, and this is deliberate. Science-fiction films feature vast glass tower blocks and subterranean warrens, but real-life space settlers won't want these. Throughout history, settlers have tried to put up buildings like the ones they left behind, because these are familiar: space settlers will do the same.
And where would the settlement be? 'Why', say the experts, 'at L5, of course.' This reference describes a point on the Moon's orbit around the Earth, equidistant from Moon and Earth, where the gravitational forces of the two bodies balance. (The L stands for Lagrange, a French mathematician who listed a number of 'balance' points.) Those who intend to settle in space have formed an L5 Society. The members are not all impractical eccentrics: that is, they are not all impractical.
- The article refers to the flights to the Moon in the 1970s as 'camping trips'. What does this mean?
- Sheffield is about 150 miles from London. How high above the Earth does the Shuttle orbit?
- Who produced these plans for a space settlement?
- Why would gravity be so important?
- Why is the Moon unsuitable for a settlement?
- How and why would sunlight be controlled?
- Why would the settlement look similar to 'modern' small towns on Earth?
- What is L5?
- 'There could be settlements in space that would house adventurers leading more or less normal lives.' What elements of living in space would be normal? What would be unusual?
- The article does not say what would occupy people's time in space. What do you think they could do?
- No reasons are given why there should be settlements in space. What reasons can you think of?
- Does the article make living in space sound attractive? What would appeal to you?
- Do you think the expense of such space programmes is justified?
III. Read the texts (A—F) and match them with the titles (1—7). There is one extra title. Fill in the table after the texts. (7p.)
- A New Invention Connecting People
- The Era of New Technologies
- The Age of Space Exploration
- An Alternative Source of Energy
- A New Medicine
- Computer Entertainment
- Breakthrough in Biology
(A) In the atomic age American scientists have been experimenting with solar power. A great solar power invention that came into existence in 1996 is the Solar. Two power plants that began operation in the Mojave Desert in California generated enough electricity for 10,000 homes. On a 38-hectare site, nearly 2000 huge mirrors point toward a 90-meter "power tower" that heats molten salt, which flows to a stream generator that turns a turbine. The molten salt stores heat more effectively than water, so scientists believe that this innovation can make large commercial plants economical in areas with plenty of sun.
(B) There are heated debates over human cloning. Scientists are already; talking about using for medical purpose the technique that produced the sheep called Dolly. Cloning might help patients with Parkinson's and other brain diseases by providing them with neutral tissue that is genetically identical to; their own. Burn victims could receive soft new skin, which would be grown in a laboratory and wrapped around injured areas like a bandage. The cloned cells would cause no danger of rejection, patients would be spared the need to take; powerful drugs to suppress the immune system. The benefits of this bold technique outweigh the risks, the major of which is that cloning will produce multiple copies of crazy despots.
(C) An American invention that was barely noticed in 1947 went on to introduce a new age of information sharing. In that year the Bell Laboratories drew upon highly sophisticated principles of theoretical physics to invent the transistor, a small substitute for the bulky vacuum tube. This and a device invented 10 years later, the integrated circuit, made it possible to package enormous amounts of electronic circuits in tiny containers. As a result, book-sized computers of today can outperform room-sized computers of the 1960s, and there has been a revolution in the way people live, in how they work, study, conduct business, and engage in research.
(D) A mobile phone made from paper is about to go on the market in the USA, and should be available around the world six months later. Costing only $10, it is the size of three credit cards put on top of each other. The phone allows 50 minutes of calls, and is thrown away when the calls are used up. A more expensive model will be able to accept incoming calls. The phone uses Super Thin Technology, with the electronics printed onto paper.
(E) In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite, Sputnik I, and the USA followed with Explorer I in 1958. The first manned space flight was made in the spring of 1961 by Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin. From those first steps to the 1969 moon landing to today's reusable shuttle, the program has brought forth a breathtaking display of applied sciences. Communication satellites transmit computer data, telephone calls, radio and television broadcasts. Weather satellites give the data necessary to provide early warnings of severe storms. Space technology has generated thousands of products for everyday use — from light materials in running shoes to respiratory monitors used in hospitals.
(F) The Hip-Hop Sessions is an Internet-based game for those of you who are too cool for fantasy games. The game revolves around DJing Hip-Hop music. You have to practise your mixing skills, shop for records and play at Parties, with occasional breaks to sleep and build up energy for more partying. At each party your "groove meter" will rise as the crowd gets into your music, and you get respect and cash to buy more records. If you earn enough "respect Points", you can work your way up the club hierarchy. The aim of the game is & become a fantastic Hip-Hop DJ and play at the prestigious "Cheetah Hotel".
Titles | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Texts |
IV. The Global Positioning System. Link each set of sentences to make one sentence. You may omit, change or add words as required. Then form your sentences into two paragraphs to make a description of how the GPS works and its uses. (6p.)
- The GPS was developed by the US military. It was designed to pinpoint locations. The locations could be anywhere in the world.
- It consists of 24 earth-orbiting satellites. The satellites are 17,000 kms. above the earth.
- Each satellite broadcasts a coded radio signal. The signal indicates the time and the satellite's exact position
- The satellites have atomic clocks. The clocks are accurate to one second every 70,000 years.
- A GPS receiver contains a microprocessor.
The microprocessor compares signals.
The signals are from at least three satellites.
The microprocessor calculates the latitude, longitude and altitude of the receiver.
6 GPS has many uses apart from military uses. GPS can be used for orienting hikers. GPS can be used for aiding the navigation of ships. GPS can be used for tracking trucks and buses. GPS can be used for locating stolen cars.
V. Complete each gap in these sentences with the appropriate form of the correct
up-or -up verb from this list: (11p.)
back up | keep up | update |
build up | set up | upgrade |
catch up | start up | upload |
free up |
- To avoid losing data, you should……..your files regularly.
- You can………your PC by adding a new motherboard.
- Delete some files to….. space on your hard disk.
- Data is………from regional PCs to the …… company's mainframe each night.
- The operating system boots when you……. your computer.
- She's taking a course to ……..her knowledge of computing.
- The computer checks the memory when it………
- He…………a website to advertise his travel company.
- You can……with developments by reading PC magazines.
- If you miss a class, you can study the hand-outs to…….
- The image in a digital camera is…..from a red, green and blue image.
VI. Study this data about storage devices. Then complete the blanks in the following sentences comparing and contrasting the different types. (10p.)
Device | Read/Write | Speed | Media Capacity | Media Removable | Cost |
Floppy disk | Read and write | Slow | Very low | Yes | Low |
Fixed hard disk | Read and write | Fast | Very high | No | Medium |
Removable hard disk | Read and write | Medium to fast | High | Yes | Medium |
CD-ROM | Read only | Medium | High | Yes | Low |
CD-R | Recordable | Slow | High | Yes | Medium |
CD-RW | Read and write | Medium | High | Yes | Medium |
CD-MO | Read and write | Medium | High | Yes | High |
DVD-ROM | Read only | Medium | High | Yes | Medium |
DVD-RAM | Read and write | Medium | Very high | Yes | High |
Magnetic Tape | Read and write | Very slow | High | Yes | Medium |
- You can write to hard disks…… optical disks.
- Floppy disks have a…… capacity …….other devices.
- CD-ROMs and floppy disks are…….. low priced.
- DVD-RAM has a…… capacity …….other optical disks.
- CD-ROMs cannot be re-recorded…… some other optical disks can be.
6 ….. hard disks, you can read from and write to CD-MO drives.
7 ……CD-ROMs, CD-Rs are recordable.
8 Magnetic tape is much…….other devices.
9 …….DVD-RAM and fixed hard disks have very high media capacity.
10 Floppy disks are cheap……DVD-RAM is expensive.
VII. Match each item in Column A with its function in Column B. (10p.)
A Item | B Function |
RAM | controls the cursor |
processor | inputs data through keys like a typewriter |
mouse | displays the output from a computer on a screen |
clock | controls all the operations in a computer |
3.5" floppy drive | reads DVD-ROMs |
monitor | reads and writes to removable magnetic disks |
keyboard | controls the timing of signals in the computer |
DVD-ROM drive | holds instructions which are needed to start up the computer |
cache | holds data read or written to it by the processor |
ROM | provides extremely fast access for sections of a program and its data |
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