эссе на английском языке
материал по английскому языку по теме

почему люди путешествуют


Предварительный просмотр:

In my opinion there are no people who dislike traveling and different trips. But why do people travel? I am inclined to believe that people travel because they like to learn new things or they want to meet new friends.

Of course you can find the pictures of any buildings in the net or you can watch some TV programs about travelling but you will never enjoy it as much as you can enjoy the sights of real buildings or landscapes. For example, I went to Prague last year. I visited a lot of interesting places lake “Karlov Bridge” It looks beautiful on TV but seeing it for real was amazing. I was full of positive emotions. That’s why people traveled around the world in the past and that’s why they will travel in future. They are try to find something new for themselves.

As for me, I like travelling because it’s a good opportunity to meet interesting people and to make new friends. When people have a vocation they usually go somewhere: to Peru or to Egypt. During their trips they become arranged to communicate. I met a lot of nice people during my trips. Some of them had a great influence on me.  Now we can be in touch with each other using Facebook, skype or other networks. Also we spent our holidays together.

For this reasons I thing that traveling it one of the best things in our live. Traveling is definitely a learned experience during which you can find new friends. That’s why people travel.

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